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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. You are so right. You are held captive for 3/4 of a day. Let me dig up a couple pictures and I will show you all the differences. To start, the Boeing 777 has a Maximum Take-off Weight of almost twice the weight of the Airbus 300. So that means, lots more freight and lots more fuel.
  2. It's been ages since I posted, so I will give you an update. This month, July, is my last month in the Airbus. I will post a couple pictures of my last flight. Beginning the 5th of August, I am starting B-777 school. I am pretty excited about this. Mainly my flights will be Memphis, TN non-stop to China. I have not been to China, so I am very excited about going to the Far East. More on this later. As for other news, I'm in Las Vegas at the moment and it is hot. I am loving the temperatures, but most people are hating it. The problem is that as we cut down more trees, pave over more land, what do you expect. The climate is going to change. Trees keep you cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Developers don't care, they just want the most amount of money they can get and they want their money now, they don't care about future generations. That problem is not theirs, it belongs to someone else. Oh well. Enough of my rant. Not much else to report.
  3. Wait... you submitted your thesis? A day before the deadline? How did your last experiment work out? Did you achieve the results you expected? More days with no air conditioning... awful. 40 degrees Centigrade is really hot. Las Vegas was 42 when we arrived yesterday. As with you, the nights did not cool down except for a few degrees. Glad to hear you got on the Honda, but how awful you had a hot ride. I thought those bad drivers were only in Memphis. We have these horrible drivers, that get on the freeway, head straight for the left lane, then go 20 miles per hour below the speed limit. What are they thinking????? Don't they know that the SLOW lane is for SLOW drivers?!?!? Then we have these maniac drivers that think they are NASCAR drivers, weaving in and out of lanes, jamming on their brakes, tailgating and all while trying to exceed 100 miles an hour on a 55 mile an hour road. When the pavement gets hot, you have to get some cooling, even if it is warm air flowing by. My black leather suit gets hot, but I always ride with it for protection. It's when the jacket comes off that I am soaking wet beneath as well. I will say that BMW makes some of the best leather riding gear. Dainese is my next favorite, but their leather products are three times the cost of BMW. Australia is getting close. I can only imagine how excited you are getting. You have passed so many requirements, such as completion of your thesis, that you must feel a sense of relief, a sense of joy and a sense of adventure. I think this is going to be such an incredible experience and you will have a great time while working down there. I am excited for you. Glad you have a good camera, we get to share the adventure with you. The time is nearing for your departure and sooner than you think you will be boarding the plane.
  4. I was disappointed that Germany did not win. There were way too many fouls in the Spain/Netherlands game. I do agree with you, neither of those two teams deserved to be the champion. You are right, I do think Germany will win the World Cup in 2014.
  5. Dear EmilyE, It has been a long time, but we hope you stop by to see your birthday greetings! Today is your special day and we want to wish you a most happy birthday with many more to come. Just in case you stop by... HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR EMILYE, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Hope all is well with you and your family. I sure your baby is getting big. Please do post pictures if you can. Happy Birthday! Horatio
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Both the pre-k and 2nd grade classes sound like fun. I think I would love teaching those classes if I was in your shoes. Especially the slime... I love that one!!! Duh... let's think about this one. Shane sick with you or his mother. You definitely win hands down. No choice there. And I agree with Shane... stupid question by his mother. But, this is her boy, so... she is permitted stupid questions. I am sure you will be seeing that house in the middle of nowhere. If you are permitted, I would love to know what town it is in. I worked for a camp in Onchiota which was the greatest fun. The Adirondacks are such a beautiful area. Maybe you will see it this Thanksgiving! Wouldn't that be spectacular!!! Plus we would have great pictures taken with your new camera. Next week, this is when your new camera arrives. I'm as excited as you because I know you will post outstanding pictures! Please do me a favour and keep a copy of all the applications you make. Also, when you dig up those documents, make an extra copy and keep it in your file with the application. A one-year leave position in an awesome district would be a superb way to start your career. Let's hope you get a favourable response from the school. The one hour commute would be somewhat of a hassle, but as the job is only for one year, you could live through the commute. I missed taking a picture of a snake outside our house today. The snake has been hanging around looking for chipmunk dinner and I hope he doesn't get any of mine. They are so cute and the babies are not the smartest. The birds were making such loud noises that I went to look and saw him. He went into a hole in the side of the house and is in hiding. He will probably come out this evening when under the cover of darkness, he thinks the coast is clear. Perhaps tomorrow I will see him again.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Great news that you had a good time in first Mad Science class. What did you teach in the first class? I think I would like taking a course called Mad Science. It sounds like fun. Your second degree should have been in nursing. Glad Shane's ear infection is gone. Ears are so sensitive to many problems and can some infections can be really painful. Shane knew that the best care he would receive would be from you and so I'm sure he was glad to be with you as you nursed him back to health. No internet and really bad cell phone reception???? HORRORS!!!! I could not imagine being in a place with no connection to the outside world. Are they in the Adirondacks? I am certain you will miss him immensely!!! Is he going for the entire week? You are going to love your new camera. You take fantastic pictures, so this will give you lots more opportunity to a zillion more great pictures. The Canon Powershot SX120 is a terrific camera and I am certain you will find all the features are fun to work with. Good luck and I am excited to know we will be seeing some beautiful new pictures soon. Have you had any teaching interviews? Any news about what may be opening in a school district that you would like to work in? Hopefully you will hear about a job opening that pleases you and you can rest knowing that you will be starting as a teacher soon. Please keep us posted.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Nice to hear you are surviving Wally World. Oh, I am so sorry to hear about Mad Science. You must have been disappointed. Great way to celebrate graduation with a fantastic party. Tell Shane I said Congratulations! Love... it's those starry eyed looks. No hiding them! You both will have a great time at the Faire, glad to hear that you both could work the same days off. Camping should be really nice at that time of year. Enjoy yourselves. I'm surprised that you drove to Connecticut for jury duty. At least the lawyers had some sense about themselves and let you out of your responsibility. Now that you have organized your items from old home, this will make New Jersey a little more like your new home. Sparklers... illegal?!?!? There is no accounting for governmental stupidity. No idea what the thinking is behind that law. I guess you will just have to have your kids in Connecticut.
  9. Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself.
  11. If the last part of your thesis is a small entry, then you will not be under too much pressure. Excellent news!!! I know you will be ready for a big party after you turn the thesis in. The bacteria not being harmed is what I assumed, but I thought I should ask anyway. I have found when I make assumptions, I can often go off on a tangent, so now I clarify. When I lived in Berlin, we did not have air conditioning, and for me, heat was imperative. The building also turned the heat off at 22H00 (10 PM) and it was not turned back on until 06H00. The cleaning service that took care of our rooms would come in and open the windows during the day and when I got home, almost at midnight, I nearly froze to death. There was no chance of getting the room warm because there was no heat. So, I agree, heat is very, very important. Spring and fall are beautiful in Germany, I also like the summer because I don't think it gets too hot for me. You will have to keep us posted with the details of your trip and your return home.
  12. The pressure is on. I am amazed that you will get the results on Monday and be able to add these to your thesis for submission Tuesday. You must be getting really happy to have most of this behind you and the trip getting so near. Good luck on your thesis, although I am really sure you don't need it and will submit the best paper they have ever seen. Living in Florida, I don't mind riding in hot weather. It feels great when you are moving and a very hot when you are stopped, but, hopefully those stops are short. As for the lab being without air conditioning, that is brutal. We are so accustomed to having cool, comfortable working conditions that when the air conditioning or heat breaks down, it seems so much worse. At least you can head over to one of the other rooms when things get way too hot. Will this harm your bacteria in any way? The endless summer... how nice that is. You could just follow the summer from Europe to Australia to Europe, work six months in each place and never see winter. I would never get tired of summer. Although I do admit, that I like the flowers of spring, and the colours of fall, but other than that I wouldn't care of I ever saw winter again. Shoveling the snow, scraping the ice off your windshield... uck. Once back home, you will get used to the winter fast. LOL.
  13. OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!! I look forward to your first post!!!!!!!!
  14. I thought I had hit the reply button, but when I looked, my reply didn't show up. So... here goes. Germany really did a played a great game. They deserved the win. In four years, I think they will win again!!! The upcoming quarter final will be a great game... Go Germany!!!!! The party was one big country party. How outstanding is that?!?!?!? I'm not so sure I would want to be on the bouncing train... that would make me nervous. Good news about the birthmarks. I know you are relieved to know that everything is fine. The situation with the work permit giving you so much latitude is perfect. As you say, this time is great for personal development, and I hope you enjoy yourself and take advantage of what the situation has to offer. High fuel cost is a problem, as you can't go far without gas. You need to be saving for your trip and the bike will be here when you return. So, although you are missing some good riding weather, focus on Australia. Perhaps you should have started stocking up on Australian currency, the Euro looks a little shaky, as does the global financial situation. I'm certain you will be okay, but I do think that you will have to make some choices on what and where you spend your money. You are smart and I am certain you will make the right choices. The news from work is that we will have a base in Koln a year from now. The B-757 is already over in Europe flying and the hub opens in September, so I won't be there for quite some time. My B-777 school starts the 5th of August, so I am trying to focus on getting prepared early. Nothing else to report from here.
  15. What a great surprise!!!!! How are you? What college are you attending? How was graduation? Hope you are excited about going to college. I think you will really have a great time. Please stop in again and fill us in on what has been happening. It is always great seeing you!!! Graduation was... long. But fun, I suppose. I hope I will have fun in college! I mean, I know I will, but it's hard to imagine because I really have no idea what things will be like. If you feel comfortable saying, you are permitted to tell us what college you will be attending. And if you choose not to, can you at least tell us what state the school is located? What area of subjects do you think you might focus your studies? Have you already selected a major to pursue? Don't worry if you change your major a few times. The best thing is to get the required subjects out of the way first, this will give you more time to think about what you want to do with the rest of your life. Also, because you turned 18 on the 18th of March, you are permitted to post pictures of yourself. So, we would love for you to post some pictures!!!!
  16. A "public-viewing"... sounds like a fun time. I don't know if we do that here, I have never seen it, but after all, I live in a cage. The Germany - England game... go Germany!!! Those birthmarks can be annoying, and I am certain that you are unhappy to have to remove more of them. Good news that they are not dangerous, and perhaps the same will be said of these. That particular Neutrogena is expensive, but you only use a little and it does last a lot longer than you think. For the money, it is a good product as it does not go away when you swim or sweat. Passenger trains are government sponsored here in the USA, but the companies, such as tour buses and taxi-cabs, are privately owned. It is the tour bus and taxi-cab businesses that put pressure on the politicians not to endorse putting trains into place. This is so crazy as far as transportation options are concerned. For example, the company that provides bus transportation between Orlando Airport and the Port of Canaveral, (for cruises), is making so much money, that they are very, very powerful to stop any idea of trains being put into place on that route. So, you leave Germany just when I have the opportunity to come. Isn't that always the way things happen. We also will be flying to Australia, so I will track you down there. This is a perfect time for you to see the world. When you finally get the job you desire, things change and taking off for a year or two is not always possible. Take advantage of this opportunity now! You will find the location where you want to complete your PhD., so have fun while you are working hard. Australia might just be the place where this happens. Lots of German heritage. In fact I have a cousin in Baltrium, far up in the North. One of my friends has a Honda motorcycle touring club. I thought of you when she was telling me about one of her rides. Are you riding your bike?
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Great news from you!!! Glad to hear that you and Shane are spending a lot of time together. Nausea... no, I don't think so. It is always great to hear about how awesome another person is, even if you are partial. Wal-Mart: I would hate working in the fridge. Having worked the all-night schedule, here are some options I recommend. First, you will have to try things out to see what works best for you. For me, I go to sleep around 18H00 to 19H00 for a few hours sleep before having to get up for work. Then I come home and sleep a few more hours. Some of my colleagues stay up all day, after working all night, and go to bed around 16H00. That never works for me, but see how it works for you. If I go to bed in the morning, my body always wakes me up in about four hours to let me know it is time to get up. That is why I sleep in two shifts. Probably not the best for deep sleep, but the only thing that works for me. Mad Science: Now, this sounds like terrific fun!!! I would love this. Good luck. Praxis Test: Pretty sure that you did well on your Praxis. You always do well on these tests. Please keep us posted. Derek's Graduation Party: Not you, but the changing of friends happens to most people as they are growing up. You grow and change and this happens for your friends as well. You will make some friends now that last a lifetime and some that are gone in a few years, but I think you will find friends that are more on the same level as you are, and these will be friends who last. Derek's graduation party sounded like a great time. Glad you could work it in after your Praxis. Christie's Wedding: It is nice to hear that your first impression of Christie's husband is a good one. The drive, even though it was with your parents, sounded way too long for me. How far away is your camp from your grandmother's house? Shane: Spending lots of time together is the best way to get to know someone. When Shane finds a job, you two will still find time to work together, although it won't be as much as you like. That is usually how it goes, when you have money, you don't have time, and when you have time, you don't have money. The tie-dye sounds like a terrific way to spend time together. As for your parents, I am excited that they like Shane, but feel sorry for your sister's boyfriend. Your parents must see something that they are uncomfortable about. That's a tough one for your sister. Family: Thank you for updating us on your family and to hear that they are all doing well. Hope Jenny enjoys the new camp. Sounds like a good choice on her part. Your mother has been hanging out with grade-school friends? WOW! That's amazing. Hope she is really having a good time. Your father gets to do nothing but act like a father... after all, he could be out doing death defying stunts in some type of aeroplane. Good news for everyone that your grandmother is happy with her new assisted living place. That takes an enormous load of stress from your parents. Upcoming Stuff: We look forward to your update.
  18. Interesting. Do you know why they are leaving Frankfurt? I'm wondering because Cologne airport is much smaller. At the end of September, I'm already leaving Germany. Not from Cologne airport, but Frankfurt. There are no regular overseas passenger flights from Cologne at the moment. There are some flights from Düsseldorf which is very close, but I decided to take a flight from Frankfurt with a Rail&Fly ticket included. There's a quite new ICE train high speed connection. From Cologne Central to Frankfurt Airport it takes just 48 minutes for the 180km (113 miles). Top speed is 320 km/h (200 mp/h). Please look for Neutrogena sun screen with an SPF of 100. It is an excellent product. I use this myself and am really pleased with it. Although it may not actually have the ability for an SPF of 100, I will say that it has kept me from getting sunburnt and I have been out all day. It does not wash off with water or sweat, so this would be great for you while in Australia. It is expensive, but you don't need a whole lot, so it will last a long time. I love the high-speed trains. What a great way to travel. We should have high speed trains here, but there would be some businessman who did not have foresight and would pay lots of contribution money to some politician to block the idea. This has happened in Florida. From Orlando airport to Port Canaveral, this would have been a perfect solution to get the zillion or so buses off the roads, but Mears, the transportation company has blocked the idea because they have an exclusive contract with Disney to provide bus service to and from the airport and the port. If they open a crew base (or domicile) I will be moving to your town. Germany is such a wonderful country. Of course, it does not hurt that all my heritage is from Germany. It would be fantastic to spend a bunch of years in Europe, working from there. Let's see if that becomes a reality.
  19. Congratulations on completing the department seminar. The Master's thesis will be easy for you now that you have the first version submitted. I am glad that your contract was extended. Another experiment, you will enjoy that. Australia is getting close. You must be so excited! If I was in your place, I would have a hard time focusing on work. Eagle Creek makes good backpacks. Great idea buying last year's model. I couldn't tell you what year my backpack was featured. The main point is if it does what I want it to do. You got a great discount! Why the skin cancer screening? Is that required or a precautionary test? I have been so busy that I have not been following the World Cup. Good luck to Germany. I'm in Louisville, Kentucky this evening and tomorrow. Then back to Memphis. FedEx is opening a hub at the airport in your town. We are leaving Frankfurt in September or October. Probably I won't get over there until after the first of the year, but I will definitely let you know when I plan to be there.
  20. Enjoy this summer because it will be one of the best!
  21. I'm glad you have come to those conclusions. You sound like you have a good grasp of the entire situation. You are headed for college and I am excited to hear your new experiences.
  22. Unfortunately, when people are insecure about themselves, they find a way to make their unhappiness because of someone else, such as the way you were dancing. That's a bunch of nonsense. Ultimately, the only person she is going to hurt is herself as she will never realize the root of the problem. She probably doesn't like you because you are smart, pretty and have a great personality.
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