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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Thank you!!! My next test is the Procedures Validation. This is where you show that you can do the procedures EXACTLY as the book dictates. I'm up by 04H00 every morning and in bed by midnight. I spend all day at the school house studying. Not really funny, but somewhat hilarious... I leave the coffee pot set to go and leave a note: Good Morning, coffee pot is ready for brewing, just push button. Well, I forgot to put in the coffee filter. So... as the coffee grounds filled up and the water filled up, the basket overflowed one full pot of coffee onto the counter. I was THAT tired. Ooops.
  2. Thanks, but it is less than three hours before the test and I am in a panic!!!!!!! You were right. Took my test and passed! Yeah!!!
  3. Waterproof cases are great. I am a little reluctant to put my Nikon in one of those for fear that the time I used it, it would leak. But I love the idea as you have access to an entire other world. You would probably do great.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I have spoken with three people in your area and they all said they would let me know if there was something they could find by early next week. Cross your fingers. There is one more person that I can try.
  5. Interesting point! I signed up for a photo course at the local university and they teach you only to take pictures with film-loaded cameras, dark room procedures and things that probably won't be around. Perhaps I should change that to the digital photography course. You made a perfect choice in your camera. Now... let's get posting some of your awesome photographs. I do want to know how you captured that perfect photograph of the frog and fish.
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Actually you will be doing things totally on your own. The only thing that I may be able to provide is a contact to call or a place for you to look. The old adage, it's not what you know, but who you know, is pretty true. I encourage you to think of everyone you know to help you with leads. Some pan out, others don't, but all this is doing is helping you widen your base. You still have to pass the interview. Have you ever thought about trying to get a foot in the door as a substitute teacher? I don't know anything about this, but I would think that if you could get to know people in the school this might be an asset to obtaining a full time position. Once they met you, they would really like you, and perhaps this would open some doors. But as I said, I have no knowledge of how you go about becoming a substitute teacher or what is involved.
  7. Fantastic!!! It is always great hearing terrific updates!!!
  8. Great imitation!!! I remember that exact scene! The technology is getting so incredible. Your zoom takes fantastic pictures with great quality.
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Actually I have one very big contact in the New Jersey area. Let me get in contact this him and see what he can do. I will call this evening. Oh, awesome! Thanks! I called and left a message, he should call back today. Also, I have a couple friends who are teachers in New Jersey, I am going to see if I can track them down. My brain did not compute. My apologies for not thinking of them before.
  10. Thanks, but it is less than three hours before the test and I am in a panic!!!!!!!
  11. For the auto-scaling to screen size feature, this would be too easy. I often forget to re-size the pictures. The pictures are amazing. I must admit that your flowers and the lighting are amazing, but I really, really love the fish and frog picture. That is the most incredible photograph ever. I really love that one!!! The stars came out incredible and you both look fantastic. My question is the picture of you both when you looked surprised? You must say what when along with that picture. The last picture of you is one of the best, you are so, so pretty and this picture is perfect! Thanks for the great photographs. You definitely made my day!!!!! *presents Jesusfreak with the Platinum Moon Award for photograph excellence*
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Actually I have one very big contact in the New Jersey area. Let me get in contact this him and see what he can do. I will call this evening.
  13. Unfortunately, you are most definitely correct. Just wash your hands thoroughly, often and keep them away from your face. Stay away from those germ killers as they get rid of the good germs and end up protecting you less than just washing your hands. Tomorrow is my oral exam, replaced by a computer generated exam. I really hate these. As I was reviewing the material again this afternoon, I felt like I had not seen any of the material. My mind drew a total blank and I felt like I was seeing things for the first time. *cries* I just need an 80 to pass and and 80 in each of the systems. Divine intervention would also be nice.
  14. Oh, Leguan, I am so, so sorry. Your brother will be in my thoughts, heart and prayers for a speedy recovery. I know you must be so upset. Not only regarding the fact that he is in the hospital, but also because you will be so far away from him. How are your parents doing? Hopefully you will get some good news soon.
  15. The fires in Russia are causing such problems with smoke. I had never thought of the possibility of raising radioactive dust, that would be horrible! As long as we keep allowing developers to cut down large trees, we will continue to make this situation worse. Your journey is almost here and you are getting things accomplished. Three weeks will fly by and then your journey will be more of a reality. Glad to know that your palm has a new home. Hopefully it isn't BP as they will try and cut corners and not give it water. Oh... I would be so sad if I was in your situation with your fish and rats. The fish will probably be here when you return, but the rats, I would be so sad to leave them. At least you know that your parents will take good care of them. As for the rat with a tumour, I am sorry to hear this. Yes, say your good-byes before you go so that at least you feel better if and when they pass away. I am such a sentimentalist. The Panasonic Lumix, you are going to love. I bought that exact camera for a friend of mine and he loves all the options and the fantastic pictures it takes. This is a great camera for your trip. The Acer is Linux based, isn't it? I think that you will be able to adapt this to whatever system you prefer. Good way to stay in touch with us and download your pictures. *cough, cough, hint, hint* Memphis has had temperatures in the 100's. Very unusually high for this time of year and for Memphis. Thank goodness we don't have fires to contend with. Glad to see that you posted, I was getting lonely. Tomorrow is the first classroom day of B-777 school, so I will keep you posted on what is happening there. I have just finished five days of serious on-line airplane systems learning. Now an intense flood of information, then the test of 100 questions on Thursday, then on to the next phase of training.
  16. Dear TGHL and Vanilla Star Hamster, Today is a great day... the celebration of your birth. Although you have not been here for quite some time, we want you to know that we wish you a most happy birthday. May this special day be one where all your birthday wishes come true. Of course, here is the traditional song... HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR VANILLA STAR HAMSTER AND TGHL, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! Hope this day is spectacular. Enjoy your birthday! Horatio
  17. Okay... the first rule is: Read The Instructions!!! Last night, I went to bed early, still feeling sick, and set my alarm for o'dark thirty. Wake up time came too early and I got up, hopped into the shower, collected my things and headed off to the schoolhouse. Wandering around aimlessly for about thirty minutes, I finally found someone who directed me to my flight training scheduler. Seems that today, tomorrow and the following day are... Stay and Study at Home Days! WHAT?!?!?!?!? I have been studying at home and on the road for the last five days. Ohhhhhhhhhh well. So, I packed up the bike and rode back home. The good news is that I don't have to get up early tomorrow. I should finish the last of my computer based training today, so the next few days I plan to go through all the lessons a second time. So, the butter rum coffee is brewing and I am getting ready to start my studies.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *wonders where the pictures taken by the new camera are*
  19. Tomorrow is the first day of B-777 school. I have already been studying, but yesterday I came down with something... fever, sore throat, headache... this is NOT good. Today I still feel the same. Things are not looking good. The chances are that I cannot get better in one day and I cannot start school sick. *cries*
  20. Hooray for the poem book!!! I am so happy to see that you have joined us today. We are so happy to see you have posted and look forward to your future poems! This poem was fantastic! Please post more poems!!!!
  21. As you say, he has no interest in her, yet she is still infatuated with him. Thus the obsessions with whatever it is he likes. Of course, she will not remember him in a few years, and if she does, she will not remember her infatuation. She may be one year older chronologically, but it sounds like you are far more mature than she. What she needs is to find someone who is interested in her so that she may move on from this infatuation. In the meantime, you don't need anything bringing you down. You have far too much to accomplish this summer. When does school start? Are you required to arrive early for orientation or anything such as that?
  22. Sanity... it's great when you personally have it, but it seems that life is insane. So, might as well join the masses. Love... another of those insane topics. It sounds like the summer heat has gotten to everyone down there. At least you are open to new interests entering your life. That is good. As for the other guys, well, it is their loss. That girl with your prom date, she will lose her 'most amazing girl' status when someone better comes along, so I am glad that you are not letting this bother you too much. Glad you have decided not to try and contact your ex, you don't need that. As for Ashley, she probably disagrees with your being friends with the 26 year old and doesn't want to say as much. Around her, I would not talk about this friend. So, don't give up on her yet, just work around the situation. If she tries to talk about this guy, just say you don't want to talk about it. Perhaps she will take this as a sign that you are not on good terms with him. I can't wait until you meet the real guy of your dreams.
  23. School starts soon, and I think I will be quite happy flying the new plane. Let me know what you think of your flight on the B-777, even though you will be a passenger.
  24. The weather all over the world is getting really crazy. I think weather patterns will only get worse. Everyone needs to join in and save the planet. Of course, everyone thinks it is the job of the other guy, not them. But we all need to take part. WOW! Your weather sounds awful. Germany is not known for tornadoes, so I am certain these took people by surprise. How sad to hear that people lost their lives. When you do you hear about how your thesis was received? I believe you will be very happy with the results as you have worked so very hard on this experiment. Some of our leather suits are better than others. Price is usually a good way to tell if the quality is good. The Dainese are around $600 for just the jacket and $400 to $500 for the pants. Too expensive for me. The more expensive the jacket, the better quality the leather, there will be better quality pads in the elbows, shoulders, back, whereas some leather jackets don't have any padding at all. I think your decision to get a laptop over a netbook is a very good idea. The netbooks are okay, but I think for you, the laptop has much better capability and better battery as you noticed. As you also mentioned, I don't like the scrolling on a netbook. I am very excited for you as your trip will happen in a flash. Get that camera so we can travel along with you.
  25. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Wonderful news!!! I am glad you both will be in contact and the news about looking at engagement rings is fantastic!!! You started my day on the best note ever! I can understand why you are so excited! When did Shane bring up the subject? This is so great!!!! Glad to hear you like your camera. Since you ordered the camera, you would think that they would send it with the larger memory card at ship time. We want to see pictures, so I am also excited your camera arrived early. As for the Praxis, I knew you would do well. Congratulations!!! Have to run to work, so I will add more later.
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