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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Great idea. I think this will be a plus for you. Hopefully you will make lots of money with your photographs.
  2. Welcome back!!! Your return really brightened my day!!! I am thrilled that you stopped in to update us. You have been missed!!! Life sounds wonderful for you, especially since you have a boyfriend and are enjoying your classes at the university. With the different types of visual communications available, your new boyfriend will seem not so far away. I hope that everything goes well with your relationship. Perhaps you will be back in the states soon visiting him. Actually, I don't think a long distance relationship is silly. If you are patient and can communicate, the time remaining in university will go flying by and you both can be together. There are opportunities for each of you in the country of the other. So, I believe if you have found someone that you are truly interested in, it could very well happen. Please do return and take a look at Jesusfreak's photographs in the bottom forum group under her art work. She has some amazing pictures that you may or may not have seen. If you are bored, you can always take a look at my topic in the Hampsterdance Talk forum and catch up there. I won't bore you with what has been going on, but we always love hearing from you and will be most happy to read the long version of your thoughts and life. Welcome back and please do return. Pictures would be wonderful.
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That sounds like a good idea. Let me run it by my friend who is a human resources person at work. She would be honest on how that is viewed by a big company. My friend who is a teacher in Florida could also let me know what she thinks. The human resources person I would have to ask on Monday, but my friend I could ask today or tomorrow. You could review all the really great company, actor, musician, etc. fan pages and see what you like and don't like about their pages to develop your own. I also liked your idea about the Science Educator at the Liberty Science Center. Were you able to go over there and inquire about employment? Also, if you put your photographs up for sale, don't forget to have a copyright message across the photograph and block the ability for people to drag it onto their desktops and copy it. I know that you know all that, but I figured I would mention it anyway.
  4. What a family... and what a mother! I cannot believe that her mother would be okay with the older boyfriend. Perhaps she is looking to get her daughter "married-off" so she is out of the house and off her payroll. Scary and very strange. Opposites attract... there just might be something to that. Good news that you are enjoying band camp. What a fun way to meet new people.
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That is a brilliant idea!!!!!! Go for it!!!!!!!
  6. Oh my... that sounded exactly like my day, except, I imploded. There was no outside help in creating the no-win situation.
  7. I can't wait until I hear about the new adventures.
  8. Twenty-six... I agree. She could find a guy a bit younger. Perhaps she will figure it out, perhaps not. So, now you are okay to talk with because they don't have each other. This scenario happens more than you think. Nice of you to give them a free pass. Wise choice as it may happen that you do the same thing in the future. Regarding religious beliefs, morals and morays... it is really beneficial to date someone who has like thinking. A very good rule of thumb if you don't want to get hurt is to take a look at the person you are interested in, then examine yourself. Now be honest when you answer this question. Is there anywhere in your mind where you think there are a few things that you could change to make this person the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend? If you answer yes... do NOT date this person. You cannot start a relationship thinking that you are going to change a person for the better. It just doesn't work. In the same light, you cannot change a person to follow your beliefs. You get the idea. Hopefully she will find a guy with like beliefs. Having a new set of interested guys to fight off should keep your life very interesting. Enjoy band camp and school is starting already????? This summer has flown by. Soon it will be Christmas and I am never ready. So happy to see your posts today. Things around the boards were getting a little lonely.
  9. *tackle, glomps* MEGA WOLLLLLLFFFFFFFFFFFF !!!!!!!! Training is making me crazy. Today was one of those days where, no matter how hard you try, you can't do anything right. What a disastrous day. I want to go to bed and pretend it just didn't happen. My schedule comes out later, so I will know what days I am obligated for. Ahhhhh... the life of a pilot in training.
  10. Today was FTD (Flight Training Device) six... and it was stressful. This was a day that I would prefer not to repeat. Tomorrow is FTD seven, followed by our Procedures Validation on Tuesday. Then a break... perhaps four days. That would be wonderful.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Thank you. I will pass this information along. Hopefully we can get you an open door for an interview.
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The bad mood is totally understandable. As far as you being depressed around this time of the year, I would not worry yet because you have a lot of high stress problems at the moment. Not having a teaching job is probably higher on the list than Phil, plus the stress of your current job. Let's give it a bit more time and see how you feel when things change for the better. The problem is that you are looking for a teaching job in a depressed market. As far as teaching, I was asked this question... what areas are you interested in working? I know you are living in your grandmother's house, so this limits where you can go for a job. Please let me know some parameter cities so I can pass this information along. Good news about Juan, but I don't know what the policy is at Wal-mart and they may have a no re-hire policy. Too bad he just didn't tell his manager that he needed a week off for personal problems. I'm glad you all heard from him, I hope they give him his job back.
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Oh nooooooooo! What a blow. I know you were really disappointed. I am so, so sorry. As for my end, people are still looking. It would have been somewhat easier had you asked me a little earlier, but do not give up hope.
  14. I almost wanted to order it just to see, but it is really expensive, so I decided that this would not be an option.
  15. A first day off, well not totally. Showed up at the training building and thought I had reserved the Flight Training Device for 06H00... oops... that was today. Grrrrr. We sat in one of the rooms and "chair flew" the events. Good learning tool as we both reviewed things we had not totally understood. After that I had to renew my passport and then run errands that had been stacking up. Afternoon was lunch at the local Chinese restaurant, where you never see anyone but those people of Asian descent as there is no buffet bar. They have two menus, one for those who read Chinese (with small English subtitles), and then the American version of Chinese food. My choice is the Chinese menu as I have had some incredible dishes that you never find at a place with a buffet bar. Of course, the jellyfish dish I probably won't be trying. For some reason, I can't bring myself to try this. Powernap in the afternoon and then about five hours of reading.
  16. Yesterday we were in the Flight Training Device (FTD) and this was so much better than the computer flight program. Before where we needed to click the mouse to raise the gear, lower the flaps, etc., today we actually touched the knobs. This was great. Our flight went from DFW to MEM and of course we did lots of work in-between. Overall, I am much happier in this device as it makes lots more sense and we are able to work as a team. Of course, we could do that before, but it was so different. Today is a day off, so to speak, and this is just a day to catch up on everything. Reading, studying for the next group of events, and trying to be totally prepared for the upcoming events.
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I have contacted a few people and they are on the search in their area. Hopefully we will hear and it will be good news. As soon as I find out any news, I will let you know.
  18. I like it. You might not be totally happy with it, but I think it is a great poem that very many can relate to. *have some muffookies, specifically baked with you in mind* Thanks for the poem!!!
  19. Today we had a simulated aft cargo fire, an engine failure due to a loss of oil pressure, a engine tailpipe fire, and about 5 more other problems. *screammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm* I'm tired. It was a very long day and we had a very long list of things we needed to accomplish. As we were introduced to many, many new things and I must say that I forgot some of the first things as soon as they were taught and accomplished. Tomorrow should be a better day. I plan on getting my reading done, study some more and then get up at 04H00 to study some more.
  20. Saying the name of the website is fine. You just could not put a link to your photographs or write the .com part.
  21. We sort of learn the things in books first, then on the computer that acts similar to the airplane, then in a Flight Training Device that is very similar to the airplane where all the switches, lights, sounds are the same, but it does not move. Then we move into the Flight Simulator that is exactly like the airplane with motion. The big difference is that fires, windshear, hydraulic, electrical, etc. problems are "simulated" here and we follow procedures that permit us to be exposed to the problem, deal with the problem whilst there is no abuse and wear and tear on the airplane. Training is very hard on the equipment and you cannot simulate many of the systems problems that could occur in the airplane, so the Flight Simulator is outstanding as a training device.
  22. Good news that your brother is home and did not quit his job. What a relief that he will have some income while he is recuperating. I am so very happy to hear this news. Hopefully his head will totally repair itself for a normal life. No more extreme sports... that's okay, he will find other things to do that replace the thrill of the extreme activities. You did tell us about the lab job, but not the fact that you signed the contract. Congratulations!! The good news about life today is that you can send your brother and parents emails with great photographs and stay in touch almost instantaneously. You will be totally aware of his recovery. Thank you for the good news.
  23. I wish that was the case regarding proper procedures, but I am going to a new airplane, and one that is also relatively new to our company, and this is state of the art electronics, so, I have to learn the procedures appropriate for this airplane. Some things are similar, but lots of things are quite different. This airplane almost does not need humans. You are sooooo right, sleep is probably the most important thing to passing tests. I'm still tired today. In a couple months I will be able to catch up on my sleep.
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