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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I'm so sorry that he is in this situation. Jail is very, very hard place to exist. Keep in mind that all letters into and out of the jail system are read, so before you send anything, please reread it a few times.
  2. He says thank you. Our car broke the other night so yesterday wasn't the greatest but it was okay. But the car braking down on his birthday, makes it memorable.
  3. Phenomenal!!!!! And I am certain you will be a success!!! You can always wander into any motorcycle store and take a look at the different types of bikes. What I recommend is the F650GS by BMW. The terrific features with this bike are things such as the fact that it is not a sport bike, but it is a fun bike. It is an on-off road bike. So, you can ride from California all the way to Alaska and back, through all sorts of terrain, gravel roads, dirt, sand, etc., and carry an enormous amount of stuff. The sport bikes are great, but it makes it tough carrying things.
  4. It is really hard when you care about a friend and there is no contact. With all that he is going through, he may be getting depressed, which would be totally understandable. If this happens, he could be avoiding contact with everyone, including all friends. I hope you can get to spend some time talking to him. He really needs a friend at this time.
  5. You are going to find there are a zillion guys out there for you to meet. I am excited for you. Just riding motorcycles, if you do this, will introduce you to a zillion more terrific people. People you didn't expect ride motorcycles. The doctor who took care of my ankle rides motorcycles and loves the experience. You will be amazed at the people you meet. Jay Leno has motorcycles in his garage.
  6. OUTSTANDING !!!!!!! A definite must is taking the motorcycle safety course given in your area. I don't know the rules in California, but in Florida it is required. This course teaches you to ride and at the end, you take the motorcycle test and the endorsement is added onto your license. It also gives you a discount on your insurance. If they state does not require it, I urge you to take it. The best thing you can do. There are a couple other things I will ask you to do, to ride safely, but I am so excited, this would be phenomenal and you would absolutely love it.
  7. Dear Wannabeflmkr, Today is your special day and we wanted to wish you the best birthday ever! May this birthday bring you all the greatest that life has to offer, with many, many more to come! HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR WANNABEFLMKR, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!! Enjoy this day and know we hope all your birthday wishes come true! Horatio
  8. You are right, when it is a birthday gift, there is not much you can say. Yes, I also miss those crowded days when there was so much going on. Oh yes, it's certainly nice enough. I do like it. I've just been exposed to the higher end models so I know what i'm missing. YAY!!! I can't WAIT for tomorrow! It's wannabeflmkr's birthday! I did my first cross-stich for him. I made a happy birthday card with a cake on it. I got him a weight lifting set he's been wanting, Monopoly, and chips (because he really likes them). I also got a surprise bag from the dollar store. we like getting those. I hope he likes it all. Always great to see you!!! Birthdays are always terrific, especially when you have fun searching for all those great gifts that people enjoy. I am sure he will love his birthday presents. Take a picture of the cross-stitch and post it please. It would be fantastic to see this gift! Have a great celebration!!!
  9. Yeah!!! The checkride is over and we passed. Great news!!! Now we are on to the actual airplane. I am pretty happy with the fact that simulator training is over as it was pretty stressful. The airplane training is not as stressful as the simulator. You are still training, but this is actual flying, actual line operations and this segment of training is much more enjoyable. After my flight, I take another couple checkrides and then I am free to fly as captain with a real crew. I am really looking forward to this!!! Keep you posted.
  10. So... yesterday was what is called an ETOPS Spot. This is where they teach you about extended range flying where there is not a really close airport. That went okay. Today was something called our DLOFT. It is a domestic flight that is similar to our checkride tomorrow night. Anyway, our checkride has a showtime of 19H00 local time tomorrow evening and should be over about midnight, followed by a debrief and a course called differences training. Phew! I cannot wait until it is all over. This training has been too long. My first airplane trip is scheduled for the 5th of October. I am pretty excited. We fly from Memphis to Anchorage, layover for 24 hours. The next leg leaves from Anchorage to Incheon (Seoul), Korea, with another 24 hour layover. The we fly from Incheon (Seoul) to Hong Kong... layover again, but this time we have 76 hours in Hong Kong. Sweet!!!! Of course, I will be taking my camera, so hopefully pictures for all when I return. But first... please wish me luck on the checkride tomorrow. It is pretty stressful and I just want to pass and move on to the next phase.
  11. [ Arkcher appears in the most unlikely of places. ]
  12. You do deserve the truth. Especially as his friend. Hopefully he will be honest with you, but I sincerely doubt it. He is not going to tell anyone what really happened for fear of what could happen. If you are his friend, at least he has someone on his side when things get tough.
  13. Oh my!!! That was too fast! I am thrilled for you, as we get to share your adventure. You should be excited!!!!! Have a phenomenal journey and please keep us updated!!!
  14. boy how long it's been... I'm not crew head for set crew on the plays. Haha.so, i have power. i havn't decided if that's good or bad.. my friend works in fast food, still. she's looking for a new job though. both of my parents and i get along fine and dandy now. me and my mom are like sisters and me and my dad are crazy my senior homecoming was on saturday. it was fantastic. (: Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!! *glomp, tackle, hug* How outstanding to see you again! You sure put a smile on my face!!!!! I'm thrilled to see you again and hear that things are getting on great with your parents. Stellar news! Having a great homecoming is always good, terrific memories. Please do stop back in and see us again. You have been missed!!!
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I don't have access to a fax machine, but I might be interested, depending on a few things. FedEx Office (Kinko's) has fax machines for a small fee, a dollar or two. Regarding the position, I'll try and get more information and get back to you.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Just heard about a teaching job for a junior high science teacher. Let me know if you are interested. I have a fax number for you.
  17. Dear Hamster Luver, Today is your 18th birthday and we hope it is the best. May this day be the greatest with many, many more to come. We want to sing you the traditional song to help celebrate your special day. HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR HAMSTER LUVER, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! We wish you a magnificent birthday and hope you stop in and say hi! Horatio
  18. I believe you are seeing a more accurate view. Sorry to hear the news.
  19. Jesusfreak is absolutely right. This is just your first week. Look for some clubs that interest you and then join. There must be a photography club for example. You would make lots of friends and have a great time. You are outstanding as a photographer and there would be people with like interests. Please think positively, this is just the first week and I do think that things will get better. Remember Jesse went through some tough times at school and things got better. Think about what you enjoy and then find people where you feel comfortable. I know this is harder than it sounds, but I promise things will get better.
  20. That sounds like a good plan. If you take things slowly, they might last a lot longer.
  21. Update... Last night was my Maneuvers Validation. Passed it. Glad that is over. My next checkride is in a week. We have a couple simulator events, this will introduce us to what is called ETOPS flying, which is long range flights, and then we have what is called a LOFT and then our final checkride. This is followed by our IOE. This is called Initial Operating Experience. The flights will be between Memphis and somewhere in China, Japan or other destinations far off. Now for a couple days off. Yeah!!!
  22. Thank you and thank you. I feel so bad for him. People can be very cruel. Now, not only has he got legal problems, but with the loss of his job, has no income. What an extremely stressful situation.
  23. Focus... focus! I don't think you will allow this to happen if the guy is that great. Only if you discover he is not what you thought he was, will the relationship fizzle out.
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