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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Does that mean you want it deleted? I have left your post in the queue until you tell me what you want me to do.
  2. I have never seen you without words.
  3. No I am still chainsawing the tree in my back yard. Need fire wood?
  4. Absolutely!!! Iceland is the first country to become almost 100% oil free!
  5. TGHL.... you are the number one poster! I am heading outside! Talk to you later.
  6. Not today! Hamster motorcycle riding! Or perhaps a bit of Hamster Chainsawing! Anything to get outside!
  7. The sun is shining. It is beautiful out! Warm breezes, great day... I am going out to play!!!
  8. Interesting. I will try and find the word. But not until tomorrow.
  9. I don't know. I tried looking it up, but cannot find it. What does it mean? Clarinet has the same root.
  10. My point was... just because every other lemming jumps off the cliff, are you going to do the same thing? Decapitate means to behead. Neither the arm, nor the leg.
  11. That is where I work. Hamsters have to hold jobs. Sunflower seeds are getting quite expensive.
  12. I guess you do not have our saying over there... "Eat cow manure, 10,000 flies can't be wrong." Note: words in green changed to protect the innocent.
  13. *gives TGHL a thinking cap* When would you have 10,000 eating flies around something to do with a cow?
  14. I wouldn't say the music capital. Nashville is the Country Music Capital. Memphis is R & B and Elvis.
  15. In Kentucky, cow chips are cow manure. I sure hope you have not tried them! *wonders if TGHL is part fly*
  16. I am still in Florida. I need to go to Memphis. It will be added.
  17. Please respond to this when you have calmed down. Thank you.
  18. Katdacatis#1, where are you? You are my Ninja Hamster teacher. See I am already in training!
  19. That news should please them!
  20. I will give you a different example. In the U.S. someone started using the word "issues" incorrectly. The trend caught on and businesses started using it on their computer generated telephone machines. For example... If you have an email issue, press 3. First of all it is NOT an email "issue" it is an email problem. Another example... The weatherman was doing his 05H00 forecast and told the viewing public "You may have fog issues today". SCREAM!!!!!!! You either have fog or you do not have fog, but you do not have a fog issue. It was then I decided that if the station on the tele had newscaster/weather people talking like ignoramuses than I would never tune in their station again. So to get back to lots of people using the word decapitate incorrectly. Here is what I have to say: Eat cow chips, 10,000 flies can't be wrong!
  21. Disregard. I finally looked in the only place that made sense... Warm Wishes! Duh!!! Found and deleted!
  22. I will but I can't find it. Please post there so I know where it is. TGHL has me running around like a one pawed hammie paper hanger.
  23. Hold on a minute. I need to get some training first! *calls Katdacatis#1 AND Arkcher* Au secours! Au secours! Help! Help!
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