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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I am soooo sorry to hear Roxy's hammie died. Cedar (red wood chips) are the worst thing you could ever do for any pet. It breaks my heart to hear this. She would have been much better off tearing the daily newspaper into shreds for her hammie. I hope that she gets another one. Please tell her to come here and I will try and give her some pointers. NO cedar, or scented pine, NO tissue, kleenex, toilet paper or paper towels. NO Carefresh Ultra (the white one) as there are chemicals in the processing to make it white. YES to aspen, grey Carefresh or newspaper ripped up in strips or through a paper shredder. Please look in the pinned topic Poem for Passed Away Pets at the very first post. It is really beautiful.
  2. HampsterKing is really busy and he is doing the best he can. *is glad we have the Geneva Convention Rules*
  3. *drags giant foam pillow to save Phoenix from a hard landing* *bandages head and gives him a feather bed to rest in*
  4. *gives TGHL glasses* No traps, just fresh baked cakies for keeping this topic alive!
  5. *brings out a plate of freshly baked cakies* Here birdy, birdy. Here birdy, birdy. Fresh baked cakies for you.
  6. You got me on that one! I read up to the attachment and viewed the attachement, THEN read the rest of your post. That was great!!!
  7. It was very scary. They would fly in large groups and drain all the blood out of you if they caught you. I hid underneath all my bedding. That was the only way to avoid the blood thirsty critters!
  8. That was Lexxscrapham who wrote the post that half the island was out. And yes, he does live on an island.
  9. Yup! I can watch the space launches from my front yard!
  10. I posted all about it as it was happening. There was one post saying that I was down to the generator and the phone line, then a blah, blah, blah long post.
  11. Great roof and I didn't get the generator for my cage until after Frances!!!!!!! I am ready for this year!
  12. When you get to Disneyworld... come and visit!
  13. Sure! Charlie, Frances and Jeanne, were, as you know, three big hurricanes that hit Florida this past year. With each hurricane, we lost power. With all the rain, the mosquitos were in heaven. There were zillions and zillions of mosquitos. Without electricity, you had to keep your windows open. When your windows were open, it was an invitation for all the mosquitos to come inside your home and eat you for dinner. You couldn't hide under the covers, because then you were too hot. So, unless you had mosquito netting, which my cage does not have... the mosquitos had better dinners than they could ever have dreamed of.
  14. Just this once... for the special occasion. She asked me first and I said okay. *thinks... Hammylover334 must not know that birthday cake is my favorite food*
  15. How long are you going to make us wait until you post a pic?!?!?
  16. Thank you very much! I love banana splits.
  17. Excellent!!!!! Thank you. *hands over another ten bucks to post the new writings*
  18. *hands over Ten Bucks* OK, now get back to writing.
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