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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I didn't know that information about county and state prison systems and time served. That is interesting. As for the rest of his life, I truly feel sorry for him. I am hoping that something may have been incorrect in his arrest, but if that is the case, he needs to talk to his lawyer about what will happen. It is my understanding that they re-arrest him doing the procedure exactly by the book. Perhaps this will give him a little time out to straighten out his affairs. Glad you are 18 as this will remove any problems if you get together if he gets out for a bit. Please do keep me posted. People do not realize how saying a phrase or using a word, can be twisted and turned into something totally the opposite of what someone really meant. For example, when you are talking to a friend and you might say, "I'm going to kill you!" Laughing as whatever happened caused you some embarrassment, you really don't mean that you are going to take their life, but it was just a phrase. Well, if that person ended up dead and you were heard saying this, all of a sudden you are under suspicion. Scary. It is almost like you cannot say anything in jest for fear it might be twisted into something sinister. Lawyers are very adept at making people see the side of something that may or may not be the truth. It is all about winning. Unfortunately, when your friend's life hangs in the balance, these word games become the battleground of the lawyers. I am hoping that something good comes out of this as I am pretty worried for him. By the way, there is a statute of limitations on filing another lawsuit and if some greedy attorney sees big dollars, the mother might be convinced to go for the money before the time limit expires.
  2. so I just saw this post and i'm confused about liking your brothers' quotes. also bumping again for Katman who always does things on time. [ Absolutely, positively on time. ]
  3. [ * cough, cough* Get to work!!! We can wait until you rest up. Have you ever heard of the Graphic Comics Mouse Guard? If not, take a look. The author is David Petersen. ]
  4. We miss you!!! Glad you have stopped back in!!! Relationships are very hard. The fact that two people are together as long as you both are is a testament to how hard you are working at keeping this relationship going. Please do not worry too much about next year. Things will have a way of working themselves out, although you may or may not like the outcome. How far away is her college? The time away will give you time to focus on your studies and get finished with school. Then you can select a college that interests you and focus on your studies and enjoy the time when you both are together. This is the time to complete your education so that you can prepare for your life after college. You really need that education to be competitive in the job world and make a decent living. Jobs are hard enough to find, with good credentials, and without college, you are truly limiting yourself. Remember that your education comes first and the relationship second. Once you have graduated, you can then find jobs near each other and plan on a future together. We hope to see more of you. Please post pictures, we love seeing them.
  5. Whoa... this is so bad. Unfortunately, his life is ruined. As she is a minor, he will also be listed as a sexual predator. That is going to be a stigma he carries for life. I am so sorry that that time he is currently spending in prison is not counted towards his sentence. You need to tell his sister to tell that public defender to ask to have this included. Time served could be worked into the deal. One problem with lawyers is that, you the client, need to direct how your legal representation is being conducted. He needs to be more directive, not put his life in the hands of someone else. As far as that girl not recognizing what she is doing to his life, what bothers me is the fact that she wrote that post that all this is not true. I am at a loss to understand what really happened. There seem to be some details missing and some lying going on, on her part. How old is he? I think you told me 26, is this correct? How old is she? Another girl came forward? Oh my. I am afraid that the court will not be able to look at this any other way but bad. As a teacher, all contact with students outside of the school system is off limits. Any outside contact is viewed in a bad light, even if it is innocent. Another problem is the use of the "cuddle" word. This word, no matter what the context, is not a word a teacher uses with a student, especially in a personal message such as a text. The bottom line as the court will view it is, he is a teacher, an adult, and he is trying to make contact with a minor. They do not see anything past this. Here is my big fear... there will be one of these parents who considers a lawsuit against him and the school system looking for a big payout. Money can influence people to do things you never imagined. His horror may not be over with just the fact that he is sentenced to prison. I truly feel for him. Good luck writing the letters. I truly admire you for the friendship you are extending to him. I do not know that I could be as good a friend as you.
  6. I had no idea about the process. You mean, you can spend hours getting there and waiting and still not get to see him? Is this because there are only so many places in the room to meet? How does this work? Once you get there you get on a list? Is there some sort of time limit when you do get in to see him or can you visit as long as you like until the visiting hours are over? You spend an enormous amount of traveling to and from, only to be denied a visit. You are so amazing, as I would be really frustrated and discouraged. Hopefully next time you will get in to see him. Do you leave a voicemail in the prison phone system? I'm glad he was able to hear your voice. He has no idea of what lies ahead. It is going to be a really, really long road. If he is in jail, he has no money for bail and this makes me worry that he has no money for a good lawyer. Does he have any idea of how far away his court date is scheduled? Does he say anything about his lawyer? Any word on how his lawyer plans on fighting this? I would think the post on the social networking site by the girl would be very important. It's a good thing you printed this out. I am really, really worried about him and the way things are going. It is good that you and his sister get along, as you both need each other to help support him.
  7. How unfortunate that you missed his call. Hopefully you will get to see him on Tuesday. I always hate when I miss an important call like that. The ten-page letter will probably be quite emotional, I'm sure he poured his heart out. That might be very difficult to read. You are a very, very good friend.
  8. *round of applause* CONGRATULATIONS on getting your book ready for the next step, the outside editor, and then the publisher. This is such wonderful news!!! May I purchase an autographed copy as soon as it has been published? I'm surprised that I didn't appear as I was on this morning, but I didn't post. Absolutely! I'll give you one. no charge. You were somewhat of an inspiration in my formative years in writing. A close friend, i'd say, i can give you one. Whoo Hoo!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! More than that, I am glad that I could have helped inspire you. To hear you say that really makes me feel good!!! Sadly, I think most young people have a creative side, intelligent side, adventurous side, and adults seem to want to stifle these sides of expression. Fortunately I had a great mother and have a great father, who always believed that you should try as many things as possible to see where your interests and talents lie. My mother was an artist with a love of all sorts of music and cultural talents, my father is an engineer with a love of mathematics, science and history; and between the two, I had a very charmed childhood. My dream for you would be that you become a personal success in the field you love. If you do what you love, you will be a success! thank you, horatio! My mom always did like us to find what we liked and hone our dreams. Sounds like you had AWESOME parents as a kid. Not a problem. All my HD friends have helped me along, particularly you, taynio, myxownxmind, and tghl. You guys are awesome. I've been given insight on multiple subjects I'd never be able to write about on my own, and I made great friends. HD boards rulez! You are the greatest and you are most welcome! My most exciting thrill will be when I read your first published book!!! My parents were awesome. I was very, very lucky! HampsterDance has given us the opportunity to get to know some amazing people who have become terrific friends. This is one website that has added to my life.
  9. Time to update everyone on the training flight... Flew from Memphis, Tennessee to Anchorage, Alaska. Very interesting first time in the B-777. This is such an incredible airplane and what a great flight we had. We arrived in Anchorage for a 26 hour layover. The weather was on the cool side, but nice and clear. We went out for dinner and then a good night's sleep before our next leg. The next day we flew from Anchorage to Incheon, (Seoul), Korea. Our route of flight took us over Russia. We did not get much of a view as there was lots of cloud cover. After about seven hours, we arrived in a very smoggy Incheon. The ride to the hotel took over an hour, for another 26 hour layover. One of the First Officer's and I wandered around through the local market and it was totally amazing. Pictures to follow. After the layover, we headed out for a short, three and one-half hour, flight to Hong Kong. We are here for 72 hours and what a terrific layover. This is quite exciting as I have been wandering around taking in the sights! Totally incredible. At 20H00 (8 p.m.) the city has a laser light show to music. All the buildings are lit up, synchronized to the different songs. How amazing. I took a short video and wish that I could show it. Tonight I plan on taking some still pictures to post tomorrow. Tomorrow is our last day before heading home. We are alerted about one hour before we are to show in the lobby, and this will be approximately 18H00 for the call. My checkride will be on the fifteen plus ride home. That will be a very, very long flight. There are two crews, due to the length of the flight, and we each get some sleep time in the crew rest area on the airplane. The flight is scheduled to operate from Hong Kong to Memphis. Pictures will be posted later or tomorrow.
  10. You're figure is very, very good. It is hard to draw figures well, especially a self-portrait, and I do believe you have captured the human body in perfect form. Glad you liked the cookiefins!
  11. WHAT A FANTASTIC SURPRISE!!!!!!! Whoo Hoo! I am so sorry I was not on when you arrived. No worries! I shall make efforts to be here much more! Outstanding!!!!!
  12. You are such a fantastic artist!!!!! I love your work. If the last picture has clothes on and does not show any personal body parts, nude parts, I cannot see why it would not meet the guidelines. Some bikinis have very, very little material. In honour of your wonderful art, I have baked you a basket of cookiefins! Thank you for posting your outstanding artwork. Hope you continue to post more.
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Bullying is such a horrible act. Everyone needs to be involved to stop bullying. Thank you for posting that topic. As for your haircut, my apologies for not getting back faster. I have been at work and continuing with my training. My line check is from Hong Kong to Memphis, so I am here in Hong Kong for the next few days. I'll be waiting for pictures.
  14. Such sad news. It is understandable why he is so worried. Having a relationship as a teacher with a student is disastrous. I am really worried for him. As a good friend please make sure he has good counsel. He needs to have a really, really good lawyer. Hopefully he has some money for his defense, but I doubt it as he is a young teacher. Please be there for him, but as I said before, say nothing that can be misconstrued. Remember that all jails have places where the prisoners are and your conversation is open to be recorded and monitored.
  15. My apologies for not getting back to you. I went from Memphis to Anchorage, then off to Korea, and now I am in Hong Kong. Hope your hair turned out fantastically. Ed, the guy who cuts my hair said, was to search for someone who understood curly hair. I wish you were in Memphis as he would have cut your hair and you would have loved it. Please post a picture of your new haircut.
  16. WHAT A FANTASTIC SURPRISE!!!!!!! Whoo Hoo! I am so sorry I was not on when you arrived.
  17. *round of applause* CONGRATULATIONS on getting your book ready for the next step, the outside editor, and then the publisher. This is such wonderful news!!! May I purchase an autographed copy as soon as it has been published? I'm surprised that I didn't appear as I was on this morning, but I didn't post. Absolutely! I'll give you one. no charge. You were somewhat of an inspiration in my formative years in writing. A close friend, i'd say, i can give you one. Whoo Hoo!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! More than that, I am glad that I could have helped inspire you. To hear you say that really makes me feel good!!! Sadly, I think most young people have a creative side, intelligent side, adventurous side, and adults seem to want to stifle these sides of expression. Fortunately I had a great mother and have a great father, who always believed that you should try as many things as possible to see where your interests and talents lie. My mother was an artist with a love of all sorts of music and cultural talents, my father is an engineer with a love of mathematics, science and history; and between the two, I had a very charmed childhood. My dream for you would be that you become a personal success in the field you love. If you do what you love, you will be a success!
  18. o.o Might help if I attach it... Phenomenal!!!!!! That is such a beautiful piece of artwork!! He must have loved the gift. Gifts that are handmade are the best gifts ever!!!!! ^^ thank you! You are most welcome! *cough, cough* My birthday is... *cough, cough*
  19. You are truly a good friend. That is quite a bit of effort only to have to return. I am certainly hoping that things turn out okay for him. He must be beside himself.
  20. You definitely should. There are no words to describe just how much fun I have on my bike. When you look back on your life, you think of things you should have done, things you shouldn't, and riding a bike is one of those things that I most definitely would have regretted had I not chosen to ride. I am getting ready to ride my bike from Memphis to Los Angeles and back, just to visit a friend. More than anything, I want to experience the journey.
  21. [ This story is terrific!!! Thank you for continuing!!! *hands Mushroom_king a big bouquet of flowers* ]
  22. Please let us know what happened at court. The stress must be incredible. We always knew you were a brilliant trumpet player!!!
  23. Ask her to take you to the pound, just to look... perhaps she will agree that there is at least one kitty that needs to come home with you.
  24. You can never have too many boosts to your ego. Actually, what is really great is that you will make so many more friends with a myriad of interests. It is really a great way to have transportation as well as a zillion new friends. I have traveled places that I never would have, seen things that you wouldn't in a car, and oddly enough, enjoyed the "smells" of the area. When you finally get riding, I look forward to hearing all about it.
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