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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I will send them, but I cannot promise when he will be able to put them up. He is working on a game now and then one other project before the avatars. Please have patience with HampsterKing.
  2. I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot? It's basically the three musketeers but it's four, and one is a girl trying to help her brother, and basically, the blades go on and defeat this "zombie" like dude. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole plot, just the religious warfare and the small romance bit. Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I don't know any elite. What evidence? Do tell, so that I might grow smarter. I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse? maybe so, but the elliptical movement of the planets is actually true. The chruch was just looking for power back then. Now, it's actually gone somewhere without seeking earthly power. WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have. God created it, didn't he? Divine proportion... Enlighten me. I forget at the moment. Oh, and notice I use correct capitalization. Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence? TGHL, you're losing what I was saying. The five century silence... The 25th of december (which, by the way was the tenth month before julius and augustus caesar. note the latin, DECember.)... Five original gospels (they took out one of them, I can't remember which.) There's plenty there, you just have to know and look. Problem with "il Pura Lingua"? did I stutter? Or did I flub on the translation? If I did, that's why I take Spanish, not that language. Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication." yes there is. Maybe not the exact word, but they never said the word, trinity either, and that's one of the Christian basics! The word Bible isn't in there either, and yet it exists. There is loads of allusions to flames and torture. There is a parable in there where Jesus tells us about how the rich man ate and did not feed the poor man, even when he begged, dying under the table, but when they died, the rich man went to Tophet, and the poor man went to heaven, and the rich man yearned for drink to cool the hot, burning of the flames, and the poor man said no, because the rich man never gave him anything, so why should he give water to the rich man? i rest my case. not really, but so there. Constantine was an idiot. Mary Magdalene wasn't a "lady of the night" if you know what I mean, and Constantine was the one who said it. How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check. Again, I take Spanish. It's tower, but Angel of Truth was directly underneath it, so I flubbed. apologies. Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before. Funny how the Bible works that way, isn't it? It was probably a loss in translation or true Divine Intervention (which it was.) Also, the keyword in there is SYMBOLIZED BY! It's called imagery. You're probably a little older than me, so I know you know about that. I'm pretty naive, too, so I can guarantee you. Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees? you know what I meant. Show me the money=Prove me wrong, why donchya? Most of the idioms here came from England. but on a lighter note, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by walking to work instead of driving! LOL, j/k I finally got my first car! but it's as old as I am... Let's focus on the Divine Proportion. Very special number. Appears everywhere in nature. This is it: 1.618 The most... beautiful number ever. You may know it as PHI? The number derived from the Fiboccani sequence. Do you know why it is considered beautiful? If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I would like to know why.
  3. I am only 3 and 1/2 so I would never get mad at you for age bias. And Sheena. *sobs* WHERE ART THOU SHEENA!?!?!?!??!? She is on an extended holiday having the time of her life!!! You aren't just saying she is on an extended holiday so we don't get upset that Sheena isn't returning? Sort of like when the pet hamster dies and the parents quickly bury it and replace it with a clone they have been cultivating for awhile/a replacment that looks alike. No, I am not. Sometimes things stretch out longer than anticipated.
  4. I don't know. The biggest I posted was 36, but it's most likely much bigger. Having fun with the camera? No! I want to post a pic and I do not know how to downsize it!!! I would help you but unfortunately you are on the Dar... Mac side, and I don't know how to use that. My pic is too big, even when I compress it.
  5. BraceFace is your friend. He said hi to you.
  6. Horatio


    Making Pirate FedEx commercials. *hears YARRrrrrrrr in the background*
  7. No problem! We like you for who you are and we are still happy to see you back! Please don't leave!
  8. *sees TGHL runs up from behind, grabs the $10 and runs for coffee*
  9. Thank you for posting that as it is very, very sad. Child abuse is such a terrible thing. I will have to help you with some of the rules as you are new and do not know. The creative forums are for only original writings from the people posting. If you could, please write the author's name and the title of his/her work as we try not to violate any copyright laws and it is important to give the author credit. Thank you for thinking about that. If you want to post song lyrics, please include the song title and composer/lyricist and please post this in any other forums than the creative ones. I know you did not know about this. Thank you for your help.
  10. I don't know. The biggest I posted was 36, but it's most likely much bigger. Having fun with the camera? No! I want to post a pic and I do not know how to downsize it!!!
  11. Does anyone remember what the biggest size of pic we can post in jpg is?
  12. I have been waiting for you!!! Welcome back! Most important... HOW ARE YOU??? Please stay around for a while. Run down to the Stories Forum and take a look at what is new there. Topazia is back and writing wonderful poetry, essays and stories for us!
  13. *hands Dog lover The Black Bat Award* Congratulations on the excellent grades and not having to take finals. What class is it that you have been so successful? When does school end?
  14. Ask Nick what's right. Sorry. I dun Know. *wonders if The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy read the post just before this, my reply to TGHL* This is something we all should pay strict attention to. ANWR is Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It is all about drilling for oil, destroying the lives of the native Alaskans and ruining the Wildlife Refuge. It wasn't up at the time I posted. *wonders who The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy is trying to snow* Where'd he get the snow from? It's summer! Snow would be nice. Gosh its hot. It's raining now where I live. I haven't been outside for a while. Nice nice A/C. My A/C isnt working. Go to your neighbor's house. I bet they do. Pretend you're a vaccuum salesman or something. That's how my parents met... Really? *wonders if you are trying to see how gullible I am*
  15. *starts getting worried* We won't be seeing bananas taking over the world will we?
  16. Star Wars Maniac... now that is a great award!!!
  17. I would like friend be. Name Hoops is. Live I do place in like do you. Also like I to would your be friend. Is name Nick. Live place I in dont a you like do. Perhaps you would like to bring our new friend a Starbucks coffee.
  18. Horatio

    I feel old

    Wooo =D Note, do they need a note? Nah, not for this 20 year old who still lives with his parents ~cough~ OK, maybe I should leave them a note too stop them worrying.. So what news with Sheena, Horatio? A note would be nice. Tell your parents you are coming to Florida. As for old... Lexxscrapham is close and EmilyE is going to be a mother! As for Sheena, she decided to go on holiday and will return when the spirit moves her.
  19. Top_banana's bananarama is HampsterDance Talk. It is called Top_Banana's Bananarama!!! *wonders if the banana population is growing*
  20. Are the old people your mother's age or REALLY, REALLY old? We love seeing new faces! Welcome!!! I would love to be your friend. My name is Horatio and I am a blonde, three and one-half year old hamster!
  21. Horatio

    I feel old

    Ad the Rat!!! How great to see you! Are you still flying Paragliders? Not really, been doing other things but I can go back to it if I want to ^-^ So when are you going to upgrade to real airplanes? When I have the money to afford upgrading to one D: D: D: D: ~sniffle~ *gets out keys to airplane* Pack your bags... I will teach you. You will need to come and stay with me, so here is a note for your parents.
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