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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I do believe that there is a translation that follows. I will check, if not, I will translate it.
  2. Oh no! Poor thing. My turtle Toratio died yesterday. Oh No!!! I am so sorry to hear this. What happened?
  3. Mushroom_king... come quick. Register your army. Did I mention that the three founders of the original armies must verify the new army, and unless there is 1 majority of 1/2 in favour of it, the army does not get formed and has to give me a big bribe in order to get recognised. Too late. You snooze, you lose! The Mushroom Army is in!
  4. Mushroom_king... come quick. Register your army.
  5. Awwwww. So cute. She looks soft. Huette is very soft. She also does something very few hammies do. She squeaks and cries.
  6. I take it you haven't reached Memphis yet? Although I may have got my months mixed up. Was it June or July you said you were going? July. Excellent. Is this to do your job for CERN? My lips are sealed.
  7. Here is my friend Huette. The first pic is in her cage and the second pic is on the laptop.
  8. I take it you haven't reached Memphis yet? Although I may have got my months mixed up. Was it June or July you said you were going? July.
  9. Special words given to me and treasured here: By IC (Topazia) Horatio is cool Of course, he is a hamster. Really nice is he And a moderator to boot The hamster in question Is my friend here. Only, tho, if he thinks so too. RRRRRRRR QQQQQQQQ PPPPPPP By Mindlesschicka 5 January 2005, 22H07 i sleep in the day yet i love to eat. my long blonde hair is nice and neat. my cage is luxurious, and there's a laptop nearby so if someone im's me i can always type, "hi"! i'm well taken care of, and people love me, but the saddest thing is, a human i'll never be... By Top_Banana 09 Jan 2005, 21H46 a smart little hamster who can type and mod gets on with everyone like 2 peas in a pod he is chatty and cool and very smart but a big softie at heart a hamster he is and he's blonde the type of person who saves flys from a pond he is only roughly 3 and he is a nice friend to me! By Hammylover334 Feb 24 2005, 10:06 PM Horatio is nice, Cool and smart, Horatio is a work of art. He is so caring, He is so sweet, Horatio has 4 feet! A nice blond hamster is he, When Horatio gets an award he yells, WHEE!" By AnnaBananaGal 10 June 2005 12H56 Horatio's clever and kind, 'bout the fur, never u mind, he loves to eat, but he's complete, inside, a good heart you will find! Horatio biked very badly, and ruined his friends boots,so then he sobbed and he sighed and he bitterly cried so his friend bought him new ones quite gladly! By Hoops Jun 12 2005, 03:12 PM Horatio, a hammie so kind, A nicer being you will never find. Very supportive and always true, With open arms he will welcome you. He flies his plane over land and sea, I wish only half as cool I could be. Perfect in my eyes forever, This hamster so sweet, this hamster so clever.
  10. ......Yes?...... When I typed my post, I predicted almost exactly (wrong colour) how your post would look! Exactly like yours!
  11. ......Yes?...... Have you decided yet? ......no......
  12. Would you rather they be purple? Nope. Green. I'd prefer them to be red. Like they are. Cool...buses are red where you live? England.
  13. -steals Kats claymore and hides it in Horatio's Hamstarunning-wheel- Muhaha. -runs-
  14. Parlez-vous Francais? Parles-tu Francais? Both are: do you speak French. The first is formal and the second is familiar.
  15. I am sorry, but HampsterKing will not permit me to approve copy and paste posts. As all of your posts were the same as the two that were approved, I was not permitted to post the rest. I thought you knew that. My apologies for not leaving you a note.
  16. Errr... ... ... ... ... ???!!!!!!!??? *envisions little armies of pumpernickle, rye, whole wheat and white toast soldiers marching around the table* What is pumpernickel? (or pumpernickle) I have never heard of it before, as as far as I am concerned bread comes in two catogries; Tasty and stale. Tasty dark rye bread.
  17. Wow, you speak the most difficult language to learn, English! I was just reviving the topic... And don't be so sure I speak English! Very few actually seem to speak it perfect, except dusty old professors who made a study of grammer. grammer???
  18. Please vote in this poll by Mushroom_king. If you do not see the answer you can vote for, please post why here. Thank you for voting!
  19. *is patiently waiting for the rest of the story to appear*
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