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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Interesting... do you personally know Topazia?
  2. They aren't all red. How about yellow tomatoes?
  3. *sees this mental picture on an Omnimax screen: King Kong sized tongue coming at Flip, with drool trains hanging off both sides and mountain sized teeth surrounding the tongue* Horatio, remember this picture I showed? It's of Miles and my old hamster Teddy. Absolutely, I remember this picture! I moved it over to my desktop. I really love the look on Miles' face.
  4. Horatio

    I'm evil.

    Where did you come up with that idea?
  5. *sees this mental picture on an Omnimax screen: King Kong sized tongue coming at Flip, with drool trains hanging off both sides and mountain sized teeth surrounding the tongue*
  6. Habitrail... the ONLY house for your hammie. I have two Space Station cages, a Habitrail Playground cage, a revolving restaurant, an outpost, Space Capsule for sleeping, and a bunch of other Habitrail things from the Jungle Safari model plus about a mile of tubes.
  7. I think female dwarf hamsters are all collective-minded, run by the same evil overlord hamster that rules them all... Either Horatio or TGHL causes this evilness. Hmmm.... Or maybe... its.... YOU! ZOmfg. MW makes them all do it! =o Gasp. *hears hamster running in her Habitrail Space Station right now* Hamsters run 3 to 4 miles a night gathering food. As this is an instinct, they will pick up some seeds, food, etc. get into their wheel and run, just as if they were in the wild.
  8. Mushroom_king... come quick. Register your army. Did I mention that the three founders of the original armies must verify the new army, and unless there is 1 majority of 1/2 in favour of it, the army does not get formed and has to give me a big bribe in order to get recognised. Too late. You snooze, you lose! The Mushroom Army is in! She hasn't registered yet, and when she tries, she will come into my trap..... *registers Mushroom Army for Mushroom_king and avoids the trap. So you take responsibility for the Mushroom army? The one who is going to lead the army must register it. However, you can register your Sanity Protection agency as an army of course, and I will gladly accept it as an army. No, that is not true. You didn't state that in the initial rules and you can't add rules as you go along. The Mushroom_army is in and I am the agent for the Mushroom_army so I can register it. Now that the Mushroom_army is in, I am going to hire it to protect my sanities! Ah, but he didn't say he could not add rules! Nor did he say whether the rules were complete. Another thing is that nobody filled out an approved form! TGHL, mind if I create a standard form? *awaits replies* Hmmm.... A loophole. Thank you MW. *slips the access card to the biggest micicle store in the universe to MW* enjoy. NOW THEN HORATIO! CAN YOU FIND ANY WAY OF GETTING OUT OF THAT ONE? Of course!
  9. Pugs are so cute. Do you have a pic?
  10. I guess you have never heard of this institution called a Library. They have lots and lots of books and they will loan them to you for a period of time so you may read them. If you do not finish the book in the first allotment of time, you can telephone them and renew the book for a second allotment of time. You might want to investigate and see if there is a Library near you!
  11. Have you ever read Patricia Cornwell? How about Tony Hillerman or Dick Francis? Patricia Cornwell writes from a medical examiner's point of view. Tony Hillerman's books are written from the Four Corners area with a Native American flair. Dick Francis writes with a theme from the English race tracks. Have you ever touched upon True Crime? Ann Rule writes some phenomenally scary books in this area.
  12. Horatio

    I'm evil.

    No, I don't believe "She MADE you do it". You could have ignored her.
  13. YES ?!?!? It is about time you resurfaced! What is your response to my post, Horatio? I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer. We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition. exactly my point. not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence. I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point. Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement. my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky. for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes. Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within. HORATIO! It was a fake url! boguswebsite is a fake url! I was being sarcastic! Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns* Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him. you can't do what you can't spell. You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen. Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion. I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well. Calm down. Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him. AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic! Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us. I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on. Thanks. Ah, yes, but you are leaving loopholes even in the same posts. I can say that I am a female, but I am a male, just as you could say you were a young teenage boy in England if you were really a 48-yr-old N. Korean girl with a husband and fourteen kids. But you're really not, and I know it. Ah, but how do you know I'm not an amazing liar, which I've already admitted to? I have faked being a devout Christian for my whole life, why not? Well, only until last summer on a mission trip. That thing was the bomb! TGHL... I can't slip anything by you, can I. Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions. j/k, tghl. The quote boxes have disappeared again. Max number of quote boxes is ten. After that the boxes disappear.
  14. methinks da mafia isn't a very good army, perhaps it helps finance Pheonixian operations. Would you be thinking vending machines?
  15. Today is another chain saw day in my cage. I will try and take a pic for all to see!
  16. An insignificant army with 2 members, no war machines or weapons? Yes I am trying to get rid of it, because we can't let there be 1001 pointless little armies fighting petty little wars can we? And since you posted, its into the trap with you. *MK falls down the trapdoor into the room of.... Cuocos from LOTZ!* *MK is savaged by the irate cuocos* *rescues Mushroom_king* You cannot dictate whether an army is pointless or not. This will be proven on the battlefield. Besides the member roster is secret information and you do not have any idea of who are members are. *prepares intelligence, calls in the Signal Corps*
  17. I would like to have you outfit the Mushroom_army's calvary. Please send me all the equipment you have in sets of 50. *hands over Infinity Card* Here is your payment in advance.
  18. Mushroom_king... come quick. Register your army. Did I mention that the three founders of the original armies must verify the new army, and unless there is 1 majority of 1/2 in favour of it, the army does not get formed and has to give me a big bribe in order to get recognised. Too late. You snooze, you lose! The Mushroom Army is in! She hasn't registered yet, and when she tries, she will come into my trap..... *registers Mushroom Army for Mushroom_king and avoids the trap. So you take responsibility for the Mushroom army? The one who is going to lead the army must register it. However, you can register your Sanity Protection agency as an army of course, and I will gladly accept it as an army. No, that is not true. You didn't state that in the initial rules and you can't add rules as you go along. The Mushroom_army is in and I am the agent for the Mushroom_army so I can register it. Now that the Mushroom_army is in, I am going to hire it to protect my sanities!
  19. I never said they were the safest in the world, just the safest in America. That's according to a survey done by the US government too. If you consider the amount of miles driven and the number of injuries and fatalities, you will now arrive at the safety numbers. Consider air travel, it is an extremely safe method of travel. When an airliner crashes and the number of fatalities is in the hundreds, this sounds horrible. But you must consider the total number of flights, miles flown and number of injuries/fatalities and overall it is a very safe method of travel. It is more dangerous to drive your car.
  20. Topazia....... Yes, it was a wise idea to stop there, otherwise she would have witnessed what few... er.. maybe not few, but some people have seen before. Also, that's verging on racism. I was kidding! Oh, my Gosh, I'd never really do that! It's just EVIL! I wish typed words could show tone of voice, because I was kidding! Wow, I am racist against racism! It would actually be verging on creed-prejudice. I could care less about what prejudices of all kinds are against. It doesn't matter. It's the personality, not the beliefs, that count. Wait, what would I have seen? I've seen everything, TGHL. I wouldn't have been worried even if I had been writing maliciously. It was a JOKE! My word, that's like hating someone because they have blue eyes. (I have brown.) Jeez... My brother has blue eyes, actually both of them, and so does my Mom... I was kidding. Racism is terrible. I'm so sorry if I gave that impression, TGHL! Wow! :o It all depends on what you were going to say next. If you were going to say Anglo, then you get torn apart at the hands of a thousand anti-racist mobs. If you were going to say something else, then it still depends... Perhaps the word was... Artist. Now, this changes everything.
  21. Mushroom_king... come quick. Register your army. Did I mention that the three founders of the original armies must verify the new army, and unless there is 1 majority of 1/2 in favour of it, the army does not get formed and has to give me a big bribe in order to get recognised. Too late. You snooze, you lose! The Mushroom Army is in! She hasn't registered yet, and when she tries, she will come into my trap..... *registers Mushroom Army for Mushroom_king and avoids the trap.
  22. to ride his unicyle to the... Big Evil Supermart. [Horatio, You could just select which one would be most hilarious. Or the first one, whichever you feel like. But that does explain my posts not appearing here. xD] [i have always picked the first in the queue. This time you were first, - Kat - was second and Topazia was third.]
  23. Your animation is fantastic!!!!!!
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