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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I like that! You did a phenomenal job!!!
  2. We would apprieciate it if we did not have to explain that topic. Thanks. You could fill her in on everything else that has happened.
  3. Yup! And it was a British paper that reported it first!
  4. According to the Independent, a new planet has been found past Pluto. Tentatively to be called Xena. More information coming.
  5. Actually, Thank you sooo much! I was so happy I promised you. Now everyone can see them. You are so lucky to live so close to the Space Station. Even luckier there is no one blocking my view. You should set up rows of seats and have people buy tickets when there is a launch! What a great idea. I would probably get arrested for not having a city permit or something.
  6. So let me understand this, any color other than black is UNcomfortable "on fresh shaven legs"? *never knew color had anything to do with comfort... always thought it was fabric and fit*
  7. Welcome to HampsterDance Boards. Please tell us about your hammie. Just a note, we do not permit any email addresses, screen names, usernames, websites, URL links or any personal information other than your first name and date of birth. Thanks.
  8. Get a bucket and place a whole bunch of food in there. Take a piece of wood and make a ramp up to the top of the bucket. Put it in a place that is accessible to your hammies, but not readily accessible to your cats. The hammies should arrive in the bucket by this evening. Keep an eye out as they will be easy prey for your cats. I would put the cats in another room and shut the door to make sure they do not get the hammies. At the latest, by morning you should have your hammies. If not, try another spot. If it doesn't work the first night, think about where your hammies might be and put the bucket along one of the walls and keep the cats away. Please let me know when you get them.
  9. what do u mean By that ? If you would like an image beneath your name, follow these instructions. Go to the upper right corner and click on My Controls. Now look on the left side of the screen about halfway down and you will see beneath the Personal Profile section Edit Avatar Settings. Click on that. Now you can look through the gallery and select the image you like. After you select the image you like, click on Update Avatar. For a personal signature, you follow the same instructions, but click on Edit Signature. Please NO email addresses, website names or URL links are permitted. Thank you. Let me know if you need more help.
  10. Guess. Seriously, how long does it take for someone to figure it out? And no, Horatio, being blonde is not an excuse this time. *silently pauses while trying to think up another excuse*
  11. Strange... Why haven't yours been escaping? Let's check your vault. *goes down into the catacombs* *into Toto's vault* *nothing in there except a cobweb and a note from Horatio* BANK ROBBERS! HORATIO! Did you steal Toto's sanities from the vault and give them to some homeless guy? *just watches and does not say a word* *sobs* Noooooo!! Not my babies! Not poor little Brandon! He was just a tot! *cries* How could you? *emits an eerie evil laugh*
  12. Strange... Why haven't yours been escaping? Let's check your vault. *goes down into the catacombs* *into Toto's vault* *nothing in there except a cobweb and a note from Horatio* BANK ROBBERS! HORATIO! Did you steal Toto's sanities from the vault and give them to some homeless guy? *just watches and does not say a word*
  13. Mushroom_king's computer is broken. We may not see her until she gets back to her father's house.
  14. You bet me to it. Thank you sooooo much!!!
  15. That picture is great. As this is an original art forum, I need to make sure that you drew the picture as we do not want to violate any copyright laws. Please let me know. Thanks. No, those are actual boobahs. Thank you. That was quick moderating. And I am getting off now to eat dinner and study. See you later this evening.
  16. That picture is great. As this is an original art forum, I need to make sure that you drew the picture as we do not want to violate any copyright laws. Please let me know. Thanks. No, those are actual boobahs. Thank you.
  17. Yes, I am. I do know that hamsters have extremely bad eyesight, and sometimes there are things that scare them, but I have been unable to find an answer as no one is able to determine the reason for your hammie's actions. As far as your hammie not going into his house, there is nothing you can do to make him go into the spot where you want him to go. He will pick that. I have one hammie, that makes two or three houses her home and I can never figure which one she will pick. Regarding the attacking part, I would get a ball and begin by placing the ball to your hammie's door and let the hammie get used to going from his cage to the ball and then put the ball up to the cage door and let him go back into his cage without your help. It took one of my hamsters about three weeks to finally decide I was not going to hurt her. Begin by trying this and I will keep researching the problem. thanks. the only thing is, she gave birth three days ago. i have a friend with a male hammie and we left them together for an hour. is that it?? If your hamster just gave birth, LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!!!!!! She is protecting her young. Put her food in the cage and leave her alone. Put the cage in a place where it us relatively dark and very little noise and people. She needs her space to take care of her babies. On another note, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER put two hammies together (male and female) unless your intent is to have babies. You will need to make arrangements to find someone to take these hamsters when they reach three to four weeks. If you do not, you will end up with one millions hamsters and as they get older they will fight. Call the pet shops and let them know the hammies are only three days old. They might take care of the mother and her babies while you are on holiday and then keep the babies. Good luck. You cannot wait until you get back. Try to find a pet store that will take them now or agree to take them when you return. If they agree to take the hammies when you return then your brother can feed and water them while you are on holiday. But you will need to tell your brother to leave the hammies alone and not play with them for a couple of weeks.
  18. [Alrighty. Would you like to be a human or hamster? Everyone please note, Horatio is the ONLY person I will allow to be an animal.] Hamster please. Thank you!!!
  19. What's the theme? As Mushroom_king's computer is kaput, I think the theme should be mushroom related. Anyone got any ideas? What do you all think of the mushroom theme?
  20. Actually, Thank you sooo much! I was so happy I promised you. Now everyone can see them. You are so lucky to live so close to the Space Station. Even luckier there is no one blocking my view.
  21. [i have a very simple way of reminding you... ]
  22. Actually, Thank you sooo much! I was so happy I promised you. Now everyone can see them.
  23. [Please pick what you would like to do with me. I would like to be in, but in a very, very minor role. So you assign me a petite part please. Thank you.]
  24. Hehahahaah. So it's a nature theme? Here is the sunrise looking out my cage door this morning.
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