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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    Name Your Phobias!

    LOL PMTYLOL! PTMYPTMMLOL! Noo! Don't expose me to this again! I'll have to go on rehab again ._. I guess you forgot who taught me those! Hint, Hint.
  2. *rounds up all the hammie's for Lexxscrapham to assign the work*
  3. He wanted to borrow a video game? [Yes. Sorta.] "I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all." "What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?" "I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer. LOL PTMYLOL! *loves these PTMY's*
  4. [Alrighty. Would you like to be a human or hamster? Everyone please note, Horatio is the ONLY person I will allow to be an animal.] Hamster please. Thank you!!! [Hmmm... How about you are a hamster that the staff keeps as a pet in the break room that can talk and stuff and sometimes gives them advice about things?] [sounds perfect to me! Thank you!]
  5. I would like to enter one of my shuttle launch entries, may I please? Yeah. Sure. Go ahead. But...you people that have entered more than one, you may want to save it for next week. I'll save them until next week.
  6. I would like to enter one of my shuttle launch entries, may I please?
  7. Horatio

    Name Your Phobias!

    Actually, I'm really veru claustrophobic if I can't see outside and it's a small enough space. As long as I have some room to move around, the assurance that I can get out of the space at any time I want, and can see outside, I'm fine. So in a car, I'm alright because there are windows. But if I was, say, locked in a bathroom with no way of getting out and no windows, I would be sitting in a corner and not sleeping for three days. The same goes for if I was locked in a dark room. It could be a large dard room, but if I can't see the exit and/or can't get out, I would go to peices. I also have problems sleeping if I've seen a spider in the room and didn't smash it, if I know we have somebody I don't know very well staying at our house, even if my parents know them really well, or if I know I'm home all alone. I'm not claustrophobic, but when I see these Tele pictures of people trapped underneath rubble, I can almost feel like I am trapped. If I was in that situation, I would probably become claustrophobic immediately. *gets heebie jeebie feeling as I type this*
  8. How hard are you going to work us? Remember, these are night rides only. well, that would depend on demand, but at most I'd ask is every other day, with an extra day off every ten. We could manage that. Right now there doesn't look like there will be an demand at all.
  9. Horatio

    I'm evil.

    I hope you still like them... if you remember, I sent you on tour with them for a year!
  10. Horatio

    Name Your Phobias!

    I wasn't suggesting you humans start licking yourselves. I was merely stating that I was unaware of shower cloths due to the hamster method of cleaning.
  11. Perhaps you ought to write them and suggest this. I am certain they would listen to you. Hmm. Who shall I write? Dunno. Ask NASA to suggest it to the rest of the world. Mt. Palomar is the observatory taking the credit, so you might start there.
  12. Ohhhhhhhhhh, I love your pic. May I please put it on my desktop? Yes you can. Thank you! *runs off to put the pic on my desktop*
  13. Thaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnkkkkkkk yyoooooooooouuuuuu!!!!!! I love this pic!
  14. Horatio

    Name Your Phobias!

    *was unaware they put showers in the hotel lobbies* And you don't feel the least bit uncomfortable showering in front of everyone? Bigger bathrooms. It's closed off. You've never seen them before? They make those shower cloths, and we normally don't spend too long in a hotel, so I wash my hair when I get to family's/my house. We have bigger cars, but I don't like them too much. ~.~ As for shower cloths... no hamsters are not familiar with those. We are self-cleaning.
  15. [ummm...we could...do...a jig. *does one*] [-does a cooler one- =D] [*is the Jigging Queen, so does the most bestest jig EVAR!!!11one*] [-does a cool irish jig- =D ... -trips Kat and continues jigging-] [*watches Arkcher fall on Kat's claymore, stabbing him in the leg, thinks "crime doesn't pay"* ] [That was a decoy plush claymore. =D] [A decoy plush claymore that bleeds? ]
  16. Horatio

    Name Your Phobias!

    You may be on to a new form of treatment!
  17. Horatio

    Name Your Phobias!

    *was unaware they put showers in the hotel lobbies* And you don't feel the least bit uncomfortable showering in front of everyone?
  18. How hard are you going to work us? Remember, these are night rides only.
  19. Perhaps you ought to write them and suggest this. I am certain they would listen to you.
  20. [Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! ] [i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D] [Yay for brackets.] [Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)] [brackets are good] [Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital and return in later parts) ] [Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.] [i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! ] [sooooooo goooooooooooooood.] [i can do it! I can do it nine times!] [No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!] [Do you know the times?] [i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge. A Hudge! Oh wow, Look at the Hudge! -For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!- Ew.] [And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o [No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. [What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.] [i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.] [Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.] [Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.] [i know. "Science agian!"] [Plus two. Hundred!] [swordchucks, yo!] [What? Your not Ali. Your not even.... literate...] ["We are Pancake."] [...with a plastic rectagle.] [Not to be confused with a plastic rectaNgle!!! ]
  21. [ummm...we could...do...a jig. *does one*] [-does a cooler one- =D] [*is the Jigging Queen, so does the most bestest jig EVAR!!!11one*] [-does a cool irish jig- =D ... -trips Kat and continues jigging-] [*watches Arkcher fall on Kat's claymore, stabbing him in the leg, thinks "crime doesn't pay"* ]
  22. Ohhhhhhhhhh, I love your pic. May I please put it on my desktop? I forgot... you need to enter this in the photography contest. You will definitely be one of the top picks!!!
  23. Ohhhhhhhhhh, I love your pic. May I please put it on my desktop?
  24. What color is he? I am a blonde male hamster, three and one-half years old.
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