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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. now he's puke. MW stepped in, some cow poo. So she barfed. And TBFOF lived... no more, ever. The poor kid, needs a bath.
  2. how do you get the gold skulltulla up in the wall at zoras lake when you are an adult in lozooc? Have you no Bow 'n Arrow? Shoot it! then how do you get the token down to you? longshot wont reach, nothing invisible, no useful scarcrow. FedEx the token to him.
  3. "I'm not sure..." said Setsuna, concerned, but a bit distracted by the shiney, incredibly new car that had just pulled into the parking lot. She thought of her own clunky Gremlin and smiled. She could definetly have afforded a better car, but she had always wanted a Gremlin, just to say she had one. To make things even better, she had made sure it was an ugly, dark ornage-brown color. Sometimes a screwdriver had to be used in place of keys and you had to preform the right pattern of kicks and punches before entering it to make sure it started. She loved it. [i felt like including that because that is seriously what I want my first car to be like. Refocusing her attention onto Naoyo, Setsuna hopped back down from the counter and walked back behind her grill. "Maybe it's just a coincidence." J.Jj pushed open the doors. Naoyo was at the counter,Setsuna was walking over to the grill, and the rest of the crew was bunched around the doors. "hey, whats goin on, everybody?" she said with a smile and a flip of her hair. she checked her watch. "im not late, am i?" noone said anything. "yeah...hey, has anyone checked on Horatio?" still nothing. J.J shifted her weight to one foot, and put her hand on her hip. "whats going on, here?" she demanded. Hearing my name, I ran down from my sleeping quarters to the main cage to see if anyone was coming to see me.
  4. *gives - Kat - the blonde test* Okay, one question, do you listen to it on the radio or on a CD?
  5. Horatio


    Whoa... this punishment is kind of harsh, don't you think? Not for pirates, yarr. *is glad I am a hamster*
  6. Well, I found Leguan again today and the other day I found Sammy the Hammy! They make me very happy to see them!!!
  7. There were many other people on the list, but I only included the current posters. My apologies. No, no, it's okay! Why do you frequently apologize about stuff that's not your fault? I was just mentioning the fact that I was going to include them. I apologized because I deleted them from my list. Oh. And what about that Jess_Kat peson, it had like 6,000 posts. I think. Really? And Horatio, I don't mind that you deleted them from the list. Phew! Glad to hear you don't mind.
  8. Speak! *gets blender, ice cream, milk and vanilla flavoring*
  9. Horatio


    Whoa... this punishment is kind of harsh, don't you think?
  10. *assigns* Will this be a group trail ride?
  11. Don't look in Central and South Florida... no basements there!
  12. Horatio


    Hey, it helped me make mushicles, wanna try one? Please, I would love to try one! *remembers Horatio's love for frozen grapes* I'll give you a grape mushicle. Wonderful!! Thank you so much. *returns the favor and gives Jesse a large box full of cherry micicles*
  13. I like the first one as well.
  14. ALL????? I think not. I never yelled at you. I guess it's hard for hamsters to project their voice Squeaking works... but only if you are another hamster. A mating hamster? O_O Where did that come from? We were talking about yelling and hamsters projecting their voice.
  15. A question. Oh-so-subtlely directed at you, HORATIO. No. But you will be very proud of me... I have joined the technological age and bought a digital camera!!! Now there is NO excuse!!! Hay, Horatio. That's what we need. Assuming I still have the picture. (leaves to rummage around in her computer; returns five minutes later) Wow, I do! Find me the hay! HORATIO!!! I'm looking for hay to take a picture of. Do you know how much hay is in Florida????????? Not much near Cape Canaveral!!! WHAT ABOUT ALFALFA? YOU DO GIVE YOUR HAMSTERS ALFALFA, DON'T YOU? OR HAY?! THAT IS WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR! Alfalfa... yes! I can take a picture of the alfalfa in their cages! Brilliant!!! Oh-kaayy *backs away slowly* But it was in my initial post, y'know. Click here! That was before I had my digital camera. Those cows were in Tennessee.
  16. ALL????? I think not. I never yelled at you. I guess it's hard for hamsters to project their voice Squeaking works... but only if you are another hamster.
  17. Horatio


    Hey, it helped me make mushicles, wanna try one? Please, I would love to try one!
  18. Yes. I would like to learn how to make pancakes. Can you teach me that? take a box of pancake mix. make the batter according to the instructions on back of said box. turn the stove onto medium high. Then pour the batter into little circles, (about 5 inches across, or whatever you want really.) When the edges start to bubble, flip the pancake with a spatula. Let it sit for 20- 30 seconds, then check to see if it is done by lifting the edge up. if it sticks, let it sit for a little more. if it is done, repeat the process if you want more. keep them warm in the oven set on its lowest setting, on a plate. now you got (a) pancake(s!) I took your advice and had the best pancakes ever this morning! Of course, the stove made my cage a little warm and I did not make the pancakes 5 inches across ( I am only four inches long!), but I really liked the trick about keeping the pancakes in the oven. You deserve the Black Bat Award for your help. And, by the way - Kat -, you can never have too much syrup!!! In the oven? You put the pancakes in the oven? On a very low heat setting, just to keep them warm. It worked great!!!! Wow, I never heard of doing that until Cheeseman said it. The best part is all your pancakes are hot at the same time!!!
  19. There were many other people on the list, but I only included the current posters. My apologies. No, no, it's okay! Why do you frequently apologize about stuff that's not your fault? I was just mentioning the fact that I was going to include them. I apologized because I deleted them from my list.
  20. Yes. I would like to learn how to make pancakes. Can you teach me that? take a box of pancake mix. make the batter according to the instructions on back of said box. turn the stove onto medium high. Then pour the batter into little circles, (about 5 inches across, or whatever you want really.) When the edges start to bubble, flip the pancake with a spatula. Let it sit for 20- 30 seconds, then check to see if it is done by lifting the edge up. if it sticks, let it sit for a little more. if it is done, repeat the process if you want more. keep them warm in the oven set on its lowest setting, on a plate. now you got (a) pancake(s!) I took your advice and had the best pancakes ever this morning! Of course, the stove made my cage a little warm and I did not make the pancakes 5 inches across ( I am only four inches long!), but I really liked the trick about keeping the pancakes in the oven. You deserve the Black Bat Award for your help. And, by the way - Kat -, you can never have too much syrup!!! In the oven? You put the pancakes in the oven? On a very low heat setting, just to keep them warm. It worked great!!!!
  21. There were many other people on the list, but I only included the current posters. My apologies.
  22. ALL????? I think not. I never yelled at you.
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