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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Mushroom_king's computer is broken and she can only get on every other weekend. I hope to see her this weekend when she goes to her father's house. Honey is taking a picture of hay for you. Her birthday was two days ago and there is a birthday topic for her in Warm Wishes. I believe she will post the hay pic there and I will transfer it down here.
  2. You can get a purebred dog at the pound and you can also go to a Poodle rescue or other purebred rescue if you want a certain breed.
  3. Speak! *gets blender, ice cream, milk and vanilla flavoring* Okay, okay. Uh. I usually eyeball it, so I guess I'll have to guess the measurements, okay? I've never made vanilla milkshakes before, but I can guess here. I don't think you need the vanilla flavoring with vanilla ice cream unless you want a little more flavor. I believe that vanilla flavoring is strong, is it not? So only put a little for extra flavor. Like. Little. Anyways, we're talking full blender here. If you want strawberry milkshake, you'll need about 8 of them the size of the CostCo frozen strawberries. Or the equivalent. Chopped. I think that's about 2 cups... For the milk, you need about... 2 cups. Ice cream you will need around 4-6 scoops. Lower end with added fruits and higher end for already flavored ice cream or vanilla shakes. First you should put in the added fruit. Then the ice cream. Then the milk. If there's too much fruit, add more ice cream and/or milk. If the drink is too thick, add more milk. Too this is when it won't pour smoothly or blend smoothly enough after completely blended. If it is too runny for you, add ice cream. Not enough fruit? Feel free to add more. I talk too much. Okay, who here has messed up their blender attempting this? Are the measurements off? If so, I'm glad I don't have a blender to mess up... I've never attempted measuring the ingredients. I always eyeball it and put in the amount I think is right. It always works for me. So I guessed the measurements. They could be off. Okay... you are in major big trouble!!!!!!!!!! It works, and IT WORKS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The problem is, it works so great that I have eaten about two gallons of ice cream in the last two days. Ice cream with blueberries, ice cream with strawberries, ice cream with Georgia peaches, ice cream with maple syrup and walnuts... should I continue????? *is off on a sugar and fat binge*
  4. Yeah, the avatar didn't list with the thumbnails Do you want me to try and add a pic in for you? No, it's fine, the avatar's still there. It just got put out of order. Would you like the order changed? No thanks, but if you could edit my post so my avatar is last on the list, that would be great. Okay... will do.
  5. Yeah, the avatar didn't list with the thumbnails Do you want me to try and add a pic in for you? No, it's fine, the avatar's still there. It just got put out of order. Would you like the order changed?
  6. Yeah, the avatar didn't list with the thumbnails Do you want me to try and add a pic in for you?
  7. I am sorry to hear you are so tired. There are so many pressures on you all these days. We are here for you. Please do what you need to and if there is anything we can do to help you, please let me know and I will do what ever I can to ease your pressures. I will be thinking of you. *gives Erendayu a very, very, mega, hyper hammie bear huggle* Thank you, Horatio. You are wonderful too. :closedeyes: :closedeyes: *smiles and feels good inside* You are welcome, I only wish I could do something to help.
  8. Said the lady as she kissed the cow. huh? i don't get it... The saying goes... to each their own, said the lady as she kissed the cow. Meaning, she was doing was she wanted and you should do what you like, not criticize her.
  9. Those are outstanding!!! Thank you for making your art topic!!!
  10. i would if i had a hammy pic! There are a couple for starters... Who's that?! He/She is soooo cute! ^-^ Can we draw the picture? Hubert. His favorite place is standing on top of his potty. Awwww. He's adorable. I'll tell him!
  11. How about "Snow Queen" I name my cat! That is a great name!!! I see you are from South Carolina. Many times I have visited your state. Great place. Charleston is a wonderful city. Welcome to HampsterDance Boards. We are happy to have you posting here. Should you need any assistance, everyone here will be more than happy to be of service. Just ask.
  12. That's awesome. I can't wait until I see the spikes, studs and chains.
  13. i would if i had a hammy pic! There are a couple for starters... Who's that?! He/She is soooo cute! ^-^ Can we draw the picture? Hubert. His favorite place is standing on top of his potty.
  14. weird how? you mean you like it as a siggy, even tho it isnt technically one? Yeah. ooooookay.....to each their own Said the lady as she kissed the cow.
  15. i would if i had a hammy pic! There are a couple for starters...
  16. That's why I'm taking a shower. in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola
  17. I am sorry to hear you are so tired. There are so many pressures on you all these days. We are here for you. Please do what you need to and if there is anything we can do to help you, please let me know and I will do what ever I can to ease your pressures. I will be thinking of you. *gives Erendayu a very, very, mega, hyper hammie bear huggle*
  18. Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down. "What's wrong, Horatio?" asked Setsuna. "I am happy to see you! Especially with my favorite food!!!" "Oh!" Said Setsuna, smiling. "But what about Naoyo's question? It is kinda wierd..." "I was wondering why no one had arrived, but I am not sure what to think"
  19. Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down. "What's wrong, Horatio?" asked Setsuna. "I am happy to see you! Especially with my favorite food!!!"
  20. Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down.
  21. What beautiful eyes... (assuming you do have two eyes and the other eye is similar to the eye in the picture)
  22. (Too late... I had replied to your first post, before I read the second one.)
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