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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Not one, not two, but THREE times. The great part is read it as dessert and it is really quite funny! You deserve The Triple Gold Star Award for this!
  2. ZombieCat has arisen from a long nap... welcome back! Have you been at swim practice?
  3. Give me the subject you have to write about and I will give you some ideas if I can. I would not be able to write it as you would receive an F (English was my worst subject), but ideas I can help with.
  4. Sorry, I couldn't pass this one up. I was wondering, just where the big glass jar of dessert would be hidden? *wonders if there is birthday cake in the jar.
  5. 19 AWARDS Beautiful owner of a Cloudy Aisha Award 2 Red Rose Awards a cheesey award a Weirdo Ward 3 blue awards an arty farty award a sticky acorn 2 very cool Platinum Moon Award a super shyin award and 2 Gold Star Awards a H.U.G. award a chocolate award Funeral of Dude award AND!!! a Black Bat Award !! whee! ------------------------------------------------------ Awards I give out Hamster Personality award Perfect Poster award Sly Hamster Award I have no idea what you are talking about award Prohamster writer award ProHamsterPictureAward Prohamster avatar award ProHamster Poster award AND the most praised LoL awArd favorite quote of the year by Arkcher!! I love your siggie!!!
  6. Hoops... I have a zillion errancs to run, so I will not be back on until late this evening. Talk to you tomorrow and perhaps we can do an Insta Talk on friday evening. How does that sound?
  7. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    Hey Hoops!!! hey y'all! *realizes the melted mozzarella is oozing all over the place* Cheesie, you really must get yourself together! *licks melted mozzarella off paws* Tasty!
  8. I would be there for you if I knew how I could. *gives Mushroom_king the biggest hammie bear huggle to help her feel secure*
  9. Yup! I can watch the space launches from my front yard! u've been to my school? why didnt u say hi to me? ??????why????!?!?!?!?!?! I've been to florida three time to go to Disneyword. i love disney world! florida is the best! Sooooooo, are you coming to see me in my cage when you come back?
  10. I really like this movie, but I had no idea it was based on a Stephen King story.
  11. Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!" "Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?" Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna. Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu." "Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed. "I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo. White Was wondering what the Flyer was all about. She nstopped and waited for Setsuna to read aloud the Flyer. =She already read it= =Both posts were in the queue at the same time, so she was unaware the flyer had been read=
  12. Get your pic for the next competition!!! *wants to see the mushroom*
  13. Here is Skwerlhugger Will's nomination of Mushroom_king. Hmm. Nominees: Cheesemaster - Kat - Arkcher lexxscrapham Honey The Biggest Fan of Hado The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy Sheena Mushroom_King Skwerlhugger Will(to be announced) Hoops(to be announced) So who proposes who should be kicked off of the list? Somebody should, as that would be bending the rules if I allowed 11. Arkcher had a good idea. Remove either Sheena or TBFOH until the next competition. They would never know.
  14. Yee for Toto. The only one who followed directions. Soooo, what kind of award does she get?
  15. The one benefit of a Pug over a Saint Bernard, the Pug never hogs the bed or the sofa.
  16. Pop Quiz. Lets see who can guess what time I took this picture. And the winner gets...........
  17. Oh! You were talking to me? *has innocent look pasted all over my face*
  18. i would if i had a hammy pic! There are a couple for starters... Who's that?! He/She is soooo cute! ^-^ Can we draw the picture? Hubert. His favorite place is standing on top of his potty. Aw. That is sooo cute. I could just steal him from you if I knew where you lived. He's Adorable!!!!!!!! Now, I have a question about a potty. Do they sell them or do you have to make them. My Guinea Pig just goes everywhere so I have to clean the whole cage every 2 days, and its really a huge cage. Guinea Pigs I know nothing about. I will ask my friend who owns a pet shop about them, she is an expert in Piggies.
  19. Here is Skwerlhugger Will's nomination of Mushroom_king.
  20. MW, I say one of these could be removed so Horatios nominees can stay in. These peoples have been inactive for longer than I care to keep track of. But then Horatio nominated 3, and only 2 people are allowed to be nominated. Actually Skwerlhugger Will had nominated Mushroom_king before you made your list and I only nominated two people, just seconded Mushroom_king to make sure you saw her name on the list.
  21. danced like pickles in the rain. wearing cowboy boots
  22. -giggles- I really didn't think that as a bad word, since it was a comic book. Ah well... I know, but my paws are tied.
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