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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Ok. *is off to take a pic...* You will love his adorable face!
  2. Doesn't this fall under number 7? 7. Do not get upset over your amount of votes. If you do I may have to pull you out of the competition. TBFOF !! Hey, Just playing by the rules. *hands TBFOF a Rules Police badge*
  3. Gooniegirl and TBFOF... I will be away from the computer for about 15 minutes. Hercules needs to have his eye drops and I would like to take a pic of him for everyone to see! If you are still up, then I will post his pic, otherwise, you will see his pic tomorrow!
  4. Thank you for saying such nice things. I am really sorry about Jimmy. Hopefully you will get another hammie. *runs off to take a pic of Hercules*
  5. Doesn't this fall under number 7? 7. Do not get upset over your amount of votes. If you do I may have to pull you out of the competition. TBFOF !!
  6. Outstanding pic, but I am sorry to hear that ZombieCat is no longer with us.
  7. Ruthie, I am so sorry to hear about your little hammie. All my hammies have potties and I scoop their litter every other day or at a minimum of twice a week. I do not use any Critter Trail products. The only products I use are Hagen Habitrail, Space Station, Safari or Playground. Please give me more information such as what type of litter did you use in your potty, did you put any white paper, paper towel, toilet paper, Kleenex or such products in your hammie's cage? What kind of bedding did you use? There are several NO's such as NONE of the above paper products in your hammie's cage. Also, I had a big problem with the white CareFresh Ultra Bedding. This product is bleached and not good at all for hammies. Another NO is NO cedar or pine shavings or any shavings with a scent added. Aspen is the best. I can help you fix almost any problem you might have. May I please encourage you to clean out your hammie's cage with dish detergent and bleach and let is soak in this solution in your bath tub for a day. Then rinse it thoroughly and let air dry for a minimum of two days. If you would allow me, may I suggest you go to the different pet stores and see if they have any hammies for adoption. Some hammies have lost an eye or have a broken leg that has healed the wrong way. They are in urgent need of a real loving home. Last week my veterinarian called me and I rescued a hammie who was paralyzed from the front legs down. Hercules is now coming around and just getting some feeling in his back legs. I am so excited. He is the sweetest little hammie you can ever imagine. Let me know all the things you did surrounding your hammie's passing and I hopefully can tell you what I suspect so that you can not have the problem re-occur. Your little precious hammie is waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.
  8. That is great!!! You just earned yourself The Gold Star Award!
  9. *hands Cheesemaster a pair of very strong glassses* Look again Alouette... someone voted for you!
  10. I do believe you have the title wrong... the title should say: when SKWERLS attack.
  11. Done! Thanks! Maybe Horatio should lock or delete the topic so it doesn't get confused with the poll or something. And so people don't continue nominating. Great idea!!!
  12. You DO have friends here. TBFOF is one person expressing his point of view. Please do not let TBFOF have control over how you feel. I think you are terrific and would like very much to be your friend. I like you exactly as you are. The Thing that made me sad is that Im the Only person he seems to hate. Hate is an extremely strong word and NO ONE HATES YOU. You and TBFOF may not always see eye to eye, but he does not hate you.
  13. I am sorry. The positive thought is that you will see them again at Rainbow Bridge.
  14. Yes, I am. I do know that hamsters have extremely bad eyesight, and sometimes there are things that scare them, but I have been unable to find an answer as no one is able to determine the reason for your hammie's actions. As far as your hammie not going into his house, there is nothing you can do to make him go into the spot where you want him to go. He will pick that. I have one hammie, that makes two or three houses her home and I can never figure which one she will pick. Regarding the attacking part, I would get a ball and begin by placing the ball to your hammie's door and let the hammie get used to going from his cage to the ball and then put the ball up to the cage door and let him go back into his cage without your help. It took one of my hamsters about three weeks to finally decide I was not going to hurt her. Begin by trying this and I will keep researching the problem. thanks. the only thing is, she gave birth three days ago. i have a friend with a male hammie and we left them together for an hour. is that it?? If your hamster just gave birth, LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!!!!!! She is protecting her young. Put her food in the cage and leave her alone. Put the cage in a place where it us relatively dark and very little noise and people. She needs her space to take care of her babies. On another note, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER put two hammies together (male and female) unless your intent is to have babies. You will need to make arrangements to find someone to take these hamsters when they reach three to four weeks. If you do not, you will end up with one millions hamsters and as they get older they will fight. Call the pet shops and let them know the hammies are only three days old. They might take care of the mother and her babies while you are on holiday and then keep the babies. Good luck. You cannot wait until you get back. Try to find a pet store that will take them now or agree to take them when you return. If they agree to take the hammies when you return then your brother can feed and water them while you are on holiday. But you will need to tell your brother to leave the hammies alone and not play with them for a couple of weeks. kk. my hammie(s) stayed at the friend's house, but i showed her this post, so she made sure they stayed far away. now i am back, the babies are about 3-4 weeks old. are they old enough to give to the pet shop now?? if not, how long do i keep them for?? she is still very protective over them, and not very friendly.we put her pack where she was before, and it is quite dark, cool and shady. we leave her alone and my little brother is surprisingly being very good. he has not disturbed them once or tried to play with they babies How many babies did the mother have? Four to six weeks is a good time depending on how many babies she has had. This is a very important question. Are the ears of the hammie's lying back against the hammie's body or standing up. If the ears have not yet come up, you should not give the hammie's up. Next, telephone the different pet stores until you find one that will take the babies. Do not take the babies out into the car and search for a pet store. This would be too hard on the mother and babies. When you find a pet store that will take the babies, once they reach another couple of weeks, then pack them up and drop them off there. If you are not sure, then tell the pet store they are the younger of the two. So say they are 3 weeks even if they are 4. Some pet stores take babies way too young. They can't tell the difference. Another thing, is to ask if the pet store sexes the babies. This will keep the babies from having babies.
  15. *raises paw, wildly waving it* I know, I know! May I please answer? *points at Horatio* I have no idea, Lexxy Man. x_x *gives a hint* Starts with an S. I thought he meant when... You don't mind me answering do you, Horatio? (: He created the first playable modern configurable music synthesizer called the "Moog synthesizer". You get an A triple plus! Excellent. Lexxscrapham will be so very proud of you.
  16. *raises paw, wildly waving it* I know, I know! May I please answer? *points at Horatio* I have no idea, Lexxy Man. x_x *gives a hint* Starts with an S.
  17. Thanks! I fixed the "hanging jacket" mesh textures so they actually made sense. Two more pics of my model: Awesome!!!
  18. *raises paw, wildly waving it* I know, I know! May I please answer?
  19. You DO have friends here. TBFOF is one person expressing his point of view. Please do not let TBFOF have control over how you feel. I think you are terrific and would like very much to be your friend. I like you exactly as you are.
  20. WOW! Someone already voted for Mushroom_king and she isn't on, so I know she didn't vote for herself. She is the first vote!
  21. Please add these rules into the post: I. Competition, Nominees 1. If you have read this like you were supposed to before voting nominees, do NOT vote for yourself. 2. Do NOT use multiple accounts to vote multiple times. 3. Do Not Eat Hamsters. 4. Must not leave the boards during competition with the exception of people who have a reason. 5. Never pet a burning dog. 6. No bribery is permitted 7. Do not get upset over your amount of votes. If you do I may have to pull you out of the competition. II. Competition, Voters 1. Do NOT create multiple accounts to vote multiple times 2. Do NOT tell anybody, Vote For This Person! They can vote on their own. 3. Don't randomly pick someone, think about it first. 4. No evil people can vote. 5. Do not put in your signature who to vote for. But you can 'advertise' this topic. 6. Must know the person you are voting for on the boards. 7. Can't vote unless you are staying. That way I know you're gonna be here for a while. 8. No pity votes. 9. I, Mega Wolf, have the right to pull people out of the competition voting. Please abide by these rules. I do not wish to have to pull anybody out, but I will if I have to. Also, I do not wish to have to pull out votes. Oh yeah. I can excuse minor things once or twice (like the burning dog one) if theres a good reason. Reeeeaaallly good.
  22. Great! *hugs* Oh. May I join the isnta chat later. Ill check back in around 8 or 9 and see whats going on. Great! I am here!
  23. On a serious note... long, long ago, societies were matrilineal. Women were goddesses. Archeological finds show women with snakes, a sign of a goddess. If you would like to read a really great book, please read: When God Was A Woman. I cannot remember the author, but it is historically written with archeological facts to back up the writings. let me know what you think after you read this.
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