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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. It's the holidays... craziness is expected!!! Glad to see you are still alive.
  2. My little "Herky" passed away this morning. He went into the veterinarian's office for surgery and when they had sedated him, the Doctor realized that there were additional tumors and more specifically, a tumor on his liver. We decided not to let him suffer, so while he was sedated, we had him put to sleep. I am so, so sad. *cries* R.I.P. Herky, You will be missed!
  3. Getting ready to take Hercule to the vet for his surgery. I hope it works out where the tumor is removed and it does not return. Leaving for the veterinarian's office in about ten minutes.
  4. You better be careful or your colleagues will start thinking you brought the rains with you and ship you back home. Seriously, I am sorry to hear about all the problems the rain has caused. This is the strangest weather I have seen. The good news is, at least Florida escaped this hurricane season without being hit by some harsh hurricanes. Phew! The weather here is cold and we had snow flurries the other day. Not the weather that is usually here in Tennessee. As long as we keep allowing developers to cut down trees, this is what is going to happen. The weather in Florida is hotter than usual. By now the temperatures have usually dropped and there are some light rains, but the weather is exactly the opposite. Very strange. I'm going to look for the link and will post some of your writings and photos here.
  5. Well, I have not reported much, so here are some updates. Hercule has a tumor and tomorrow he is scheduled for surgery. I have mixed feelings about surgery, but it is getting really big and located on the forward part of his chest. My little friend really must have surgery and I am worried about him. The veterinarian is really good, and last week he removed a large tumor from a rat, and the rat pulled though okay, so I am hoping for the best. A couple of years ago I was given a book called The Mouse Guard, Fall 1152, by David Petersen. I'm not sure if anyone is into graphic comics, other than manga, but this is a very talented writer and artist with an amazing story. There is a role playing game that goes along with the story line and that also is fun. The best part about the Mouse Guard RPG is that you play it at home with the family and friends and play in a span of two to four hours, with about six to eight people. We have played with four people and had a fantastic time. The story line in the Mouse Guard, has now expanded from Fall 1152, into Winter 1152 and The Black Axe is the next step of the storyline. There is a Legends of the Guard adn this is also really amazing. If you have not read it, I encourage you to pick up the book or all six of the graphic comics in each series.
  6. Enjoy the rain while you have it, the dry spell is coming. Then you will be wishing for a little rain. The problem is riding the bike for work and arriving like you just stepped out of the shower. Not good. Here is my email address that I use for social networking sites: darker52843@mypacks.net. Horatio Hadley is the name on those sites. Christmas in summer is a very strange concept for everyone who is used to snowy holidays. I still can't get accustomed to Christmas in Florida. Somehow coloured holiday lights on palm trees just don't get me into the spirit. Or perhaps there is the yard with an inflatable Santa alongside a bunch of plastic flamingos... enough said. After all, it is only another day, the holiday is in your heart and that can be celebrated on any day, even in January or when you are back home with everyone together. How is your brother feeling? If he is traveling, I am sure that he is doing well. Hopefully, he continues to have good health! It's far too cold here for me, it dipped below freezing last night. I have a tomato plant that I had to wrap up with a blanket, but I think it either comes inside, and it's too big for that, or it will die on one of the subsequent dips into freezing territory. It has all these little tomatoes that are trying to grow up, so I am not ready for it to die quite yet. That's about it.
  7. Leguan!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting to hear from you. Send me your link and I will get it translated into English and post as much as I can here. I'm really happy to hear that your brother was able to travel with you. Outstanding!!! I'm sorry that you lost so much money and experienced some bad times. But you are in Australia now and your brother is traveling in New Zealand, so this is superb news. The New Year's fireworks display will be outstanding, so enjoy them. Will your brother return to be with you for Christmas or New Year's Day? We are thrilled that you checked in as we have been wondering what you have been up to and what has been happening!
  8. Then what excitement would you have? We had a good birthday celebration for you in the warm wishes forum.
  9. Dear Glowurm, We want to wish you a most wonderful birthday! We are thinking of you on this special day and hope that you are having the best celebration ever! Hope you stop in and fill us in on what has been happening. HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR GLOWURM, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Enjoy this special day!!!!! Horatio
  10. Oh yeah... now that you mention it, I remember hearing that the courts virtually shut down from Thanksgiving until New Year's Day. Nothing much gets accomplished. This is going to be such a hard time for your friend. Spending the holidays in jail is going to be awful. My heart goes out to him.
  11. Grrrrr.. I don't like cold rooms.
  13. Thank you so much for the good wishes! I appreciate your post. No, you didn't break any rules. Of course I have a page, but as a lazy hamster, I don't do much to keep it updated. I have the picture of myself on my motorcycle. Horatio Hadley is my name. I use an anonymous email, so don't be confused by the strange address. Email me and I will send you a friend request.
  14. Dear Lexxy... Hope this day is a very good celebration for your special day. We all want to wish you the best birthday ever, with many, many more to come. Of course, no one escapes without the traditional song... HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR LEXXSCRAPHAM, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! May all your birthday wishes come true! Horatio
  15. Dear Schimmislick, We would like to wish you a really fantastic birthday and hope that this special day is the first of many more to come. Go out, celebrate, enjoy your birthday and have the time of your life!!! HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR SCHIMMISLICK, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! May all your birthday wishes come true! Horatio
  16. What a great tribute to your grandfather. I don't think I would have been so brave.
  17. What kind, where, what does it look like, did it hurt?
  18. Hopefully they will get the money. Unfortunately when this goes to trial, he will be paying his lawyer for years to come. It is very, very expensive to go to trial. Most often the lawyer will work out a payment plan. The initial payment must be paid in full, but he may be able to work out something for the expenses that come later. As for the outcome, I am with you. I don't have a really good feeling about this either. But... you are so right, let him keep his positive thoughts. If the positive thinking keeps him working towards his trial, then this is a good thing. If he starts getting negative, then he might give up. You are right by allowing him the positive track even though you are much more realistic about this entire matter. I agree totally with you.
  19. Congratulations on a fantastic recital! Glad the cough stayed away while you were performing. Wish it would go away now. I still have my sore throat. Weird.
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    What state do you both think you might like to live? There are lots of great places where you both could get jobs, that are not in New Jersey. Sixty relatives... I think I would elope! You're right, your wedding is going to be expensive!!! It was terribly painful, hanging by my ring. I still remember that day. Like you I have a necklace that I always wear, never take it off. I have a pair of earrings that I also never take off, they are little posts. No dangly earrings for me as the motorcycle helmet and airplane headset are not good for dangly earrings, so I stick to simple posts. Great idea of the engagement iPod... , how creative! There are lots of great ideas for alternative engagment rings, I had just never thought of them until now. Let's see what you both come up with! Oh, by the way, don't forget to add your HampsterDance family to the number attending the wedding.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah for Mad Science and Thursday and Fridays off!!! You could not have worked that out any better! You have to love those computers!!! You are so smart when it comes to priorities and the expense of a wedding. I have a friend who just had a very close family wedding and saved the money towards a down payment on a house. Great idea and smart. You would be much better off to try and work something out to try and buy your grandmother's house with the money that would have been paid for the wedding to go to the down payment. You are brilliant!!! As for the ring, I am with you, not as important. After I was hanging by my ring on the stairs of the airplane and thought I was going to lose my finger, I stopped wearing rings altogether. That really scared me. All the weight of my body was hanging by my ring and finger and I thought I was going to lose my finger. Luckily I pulled myself up and no serious damage was done. One of my friends was surprised with a necklace as her engagement 'ring'. Her boyfriend found a beautiful heart. He's a pretty cool guy and this was a terrific idea. Say hello to Shane for us! You both are going to have a great night. Get well soon!!!
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Busy is good. Great anniversary weekend, 6 Flags is always fun. We had no trick-or-treaters. I stopped buying candy a couple years ago. A few years ago we had maybe three and I gave them more candy than they probably wanted. At least I purchased the candy I liked so when there was lots left over, we ate was left. Your colleagues must have been so happy when you brought the candy. Shane's cabin sounds pretty nice. What a nice way to spend to time away from New Jersey. I love upstate New York. How lucky that you will have Thanksgiving and Black Friday off. I always work on holidays, so I have no idea what it is like to be off on those special days. It is terrific that your mother has some idea of what your plans are. I cannot wait until you spread the phenomenal news on here! How soon do you think this event will happen? Your parents should be really pleased. Hope you get over your cold soon. Colds are no fun. I have had a sore throat for about one week and I am really tired of it. Good idea calling in sick, you don't need to run yourself down.
  23. Must be contagious... I have a sore throat for about one week now, Jesusfreak, hope you are feeling well soon.
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