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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *gives this one to Cheesemaster* Thanks for the exception *presents horatio with a shiny NON-EDIBLE cheesey award* *accepts award and places it in the trophy cabinet on the very top shelf under the halogen spotlight* Ooohhhhh, aaaaahhhhhhhh, shinnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Thank you! Horatio, Every award you get goes there. It is one of those where I build another shelf on the top. This one came with a halogen spotlight. *realizes The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy is paying attention* Well Here, Take a Duper Award, Oh Yeah. I'm cool. Dooood. 'ell Yeahh. I want it on the Tippety Top. *grabs award before TBFOF changes his mind, says Thank you, builds another top shelf with a laser light show to illuminate the Duper Award and places the award on the NEW top shelf*
  2. That you did. Now go to the Gossip forum and read her new topic "Here's a little gossip for you!".
  3. Probably better put would be... "I knew her when..."! She has not been back in a while.
  4. MK's parents love her very much. They just don't accept that she has limitations. Her clothes, home, and computer prove that they love her. To me, more important than the materialistic possessions... do her parents give her lots of hugs and kisses and tell her just how wonderful a person she is? In the hamster world, parents are always giving hugs to our baby hammies. That's ture, too. Hugs and kisses and kindness are also important. But basic material possetions, like a home and clothing, are things people, especially kids, need to survive. Part of showing that MK's parents love her is taking care of her physically as well as emotionally. You are absolutely correct. I hadn't thought about it that way.
  5. I thought this sig needed to be saved... The sig of Skwerlhugger Will, 02 September 2005: The new, improved, squirrly sig!!!!!!!!!! Now for my dictionary of common terms SQUIRREL: a small bushytailed rodent patriot: one in the antisquirrel colation force Ya-a: better way of saying yeah My organization: It has many names: skwerlhuggery, skwerlyphilia, bushytail envy... the list goes on. But, one thing for certain, those afflicted risk everything: self, family, friends, careers... And it can strike anyone at any time: your sister, her cuzin, the parish priest, your mechanic... YOU! In it's most benign form, the individual shows an exaggerated interest in the slavering chitterboxes, even to the point of taking hundreds of bushytail photos and posting them on the net. So very sad! But, as the victim sinks into skwerlhuggery's abyss, they'll do anything for their skwerlball masters. They turn their backs on their friends and family, rejecting their loving concern, and spend much of their time hanging around skwerl-infested parks, sitting in trees, even moving to heavily forested areas of the planet where they preach the heresy of squirrel world domination. Is it a physical affliction? A mental impairment? A moral debasement? Well, you won't find it listed in the the Merck Manual, the DSM IV, and/or the Bible. And 9 out of 10 doctors have never heard of skwerlhuggery. However, our research objectively shows that skwerlhuggers are the miserable victims of skwerlien mind control... But, friends, there is hope! Hope with Skwerlhuggers Anonymous! LET THE HEALING BEGIN... We here at scary squirrel world feel your pain!!! But you can shrug off the horror of skwerlhuggery with our simple THREE step plan. That's right! Only THREE small steps will bring you back to reality; not the 12 or more steps required by other "anonymous" programs. You don't even have to apologize to anyone (although sabotaging the skwerl baffle on your neighbors' birdfeeder was extreme. So, you probably should apologize for that). Here they are, the... THREE STEPS AWAY FROM SKWERLHUGGERY 1. ADMIT THAT YOU'RE IN THE CLUTCHES OF SQUIRREL WORLD DOMINATION 2. RESOLVE TO TURN AWAY FROM THE SKWERL-SIDE 3. FIND A NEW CRITTER TO LUV-LUV-LUV My awards that i give sticky acorn: givin for genral spiffyness za-zar: givin for doin something awsome Cheesy goodness: givin for a prosquirrel saying My awrds 3 spiffy wrighter 7 gold stars 4 platim moons 1 black bat 1 spiffy person 4 typo 1 typoish 3 all natural cheese puffs 1 cpe award Permenant membership in the Monster Raving Loony Party!
  6. *gives this one to Cheesemaster* Thanks for the exception *presents horatio with a shiny NON-EDIBLE cheesey award* *accepts award and places it in the trophy cabinet on the very top shelf under the halogen spotlight* Ooohhhhh, aaaaahhhhhhhh, shinnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Thank you! Horatio, Every award you get goes there. It is one of those where I build another shelf on the top. This one came with a halogen spotlight. *realizes The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy is paying attention*
  7. MK's parents love her very much. They just don't accept that she has limitations. Her clothes, home, and computer prove that they love her. To me, more important than the materialistic possessions... do her parents give her lots of hugs and kisses and tell her just how wonderful a person she is? In the hamster world, parents are always giving hugs to our baby hammies.
  8. *gives this one to Cheesemaster* Thanks for the exception *presents horatio with a shiny NON-EDIBLE cheesey award* *accepts award and places it in the trophy cabinet on the very top shelf under the halogen spotlight* Ooohhhhh, aaaaahhhhhhhh, shinnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Thank you!
  9. Yes, I am. I do know that hamsters have extremely bad eyesight, and sometimes there are things that scare them, but I have been unable to find an answer as no one is able to determine the reason for your hammie's actions. As far as your hammie not going into his house, there is nothing you can do to make him go into the spot where you want him to go. He will pick that. I have one hammie, that makes two or three houses her home and I can never figure which one she will pick. Regarding the attacking part, I would get a ball and begin by placing the ball to your hammie's door and let the hammie get used to going from his cage to the ball and then put the ball up to the cage door and let him go back into his cage without your help. It took one of my hamsters about three weeks to finally decide I was not going to hurt her. Begin by trying this and I will keep researching the problem. thanks. the only thing is, she gave birth three days ago. i have a friend with a male hammie and we left them together for an hour. is that it?? If your hamster just gave birth, LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!!!!!! She is protecting her young. Put her food in the cage and leave her alone. Put the cage in a place where it us relatively dark and very little noise and people. She needs her space to take care of her babies. On another note, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER put two hammies together (male and female) unless your intent is to have babies. You will need to make arrangements to find someone to take these hamsters when they reach three to four weeks. If you do not, you will end up with one millions hamsters and as they get older they will fight. Call the pet shops and let them know the hammies are only three days old. They might take care of the mother and her babies while you are on holiday and then keep the babies. Good luck. You cannot wait until you get back. Try to find a pet store that will take them now or agree to take them when you return. If they agree to take the hammies when you return then your brother can feed and water them while you are on holiday. But you will need to tell your brother to leave the hammies alone and not play with them for a couple of weeks. kk. my hammie(s) stayed at the friend's house, but i showed her this post, so she made sure they stayed far away. now i am back, the babies are about 3-4 weeks old. are they old enough to give to the pet shop now?? if not, how long do i keep them for?? she is still very protective over them, and not very friendly.we put her pack where she was before, and it is quite dark, cool and shady. we leave her alone and my little brother is surprisingly being very good. he has not disturbed them once or tried to play with they babies How many babies did the mother have? Four to six weeks is a good time depending on how many babies she has had. This is a very important question. Are the ears of the hammie's lying back against the hammie's body or standing up. If the ears have not yet come up, you should not give the hammie's up. Next, telephone the different pet stores until you find one that will take the babies. Do not take the babies out into the car and search for a pet store. This would be too hard on the mother and babies. When you find a pet store that will take the babies, once they reach another couple of weeks, then pack them up and drop them off there. If you are not sure, then tell the pet store they are the younger of the two. So say they are 3 weeks even if they are 4. Some pet stores take babies way too young. They can't tell the difference. Another thing, is to ask if the pet store sexes the babies. This will keep the babies from having babies. sahe had 5 babies. we have found a pet store. he says to bring them when they are 5 months old. is that too long ?? for many reasons?? Five months is way too old. The latest I would wait is 2 1/2 to 3 months and that is waiting quite a long time. Quite a bit depends on how big the babies get and how fast they reach their size. With only five babies, they will grow faster then a litter of eleven. Please give me the date you think they were born, to the best of your recollection. This way I will be better able to help you. Let me know when the hammie's ears pop up. I can help you with the time when it is most appropriate to bring the babies to the pet store. IMPORTANT QUESTION: Does this pet store sex their hammies? My question is, does the pet store separate the males and the females. If they do not, there will be pregnant baby females if they stay together too long. If they do not separate the males and the females, I would start looking for another pet store. My guess is that your pet store wants the hammies about five weeks, not months. Please do call back and check.
  10. The reason I left was not my choice... the power went out. It is still out at my cage, but I am at the San Francisco Bread Company using their wireless. Hopefully the power will be on later. Is this one of those places where you just stand outside and you get free internet because the huge corporations have forgotten to password protect the wireless connection? No, no, no! This is a great place to go and have coffee, etc and use the wi-fi they provide. It is not like Starbucks where you have to run over to T-mobile and purchase a card and pay for service. At San Francisco Bread Company, the wireless is free to customers. I will go here over Starbucks any day, just because they are not trying to make money on me anyway they can. Hamsters just do not have that big a bank account!
  11. ...Tommy sorry to put you down horatio but i here that insult all the time when i talk about the Who but also i was curious if you would permit me to make a direct link to dav piklys site so the rest of hd can hear when hampsters attack? That was NOT an insult. After you wrote The Who, I got out the Tommy CD and started listening to all of it! Sooooooo, I could not write one song, I had to write the name of the CD. And NO, sorry, no links. im sorry i just here that as an insult a lot. because people know the song tommy,can you hear me so its a laugh for them. Oh, I am really sorry. I would never, ever try and insult you! We are rodents in arms. I do like The Who and I do like the entire Tommy CD!
  12. ...Tommy sorry to put you down horatio but i here that insult all the time when i talk about the Who but also i was curious if you would permit me to make a direct link to dav piklys site so the rest of hd can hear when hampsters attack? That was NOT an insult. After you wrote The Who, I got out the Tommy CD and started listening to all of it! Sooooooo, I could not write one song, I had to write the name of the CD. And NO, sorry, no links.
  13. Hi Hammyluver and Hampton, welcome to HampsterDance Boards. We are happy to see you here. Let us know what you need to help you navigate your way around here.
  14. Flip and other hamsters are quite fortunate the white Carefresh Ultra does not bother them. When I corresponded with the company, they did admit the product was bleached. My veterinarian advised me against using it, so I stopped.
  15. None of my hammie friends have a sand bath. A couple do use the potty litter as a bath!
  16. The reason I left was not my choice... the power went out. It is still out at my cage, but I am at the San Francisco Bread Company using their wireless. Hopefully the power will be on later. I knew it that you did not leave us on purpose. Do you have that picture though?? Sadly... no. He would not cooperate. I will not give up until I get a good pic.
  17. Outstanding pic, but I am sorry to hear that ZombieCat is no longer with us. Yes. I am sad. Maybe when I figure out how to change the name of an account, we will have a friend among us named Flash. Then it will be fun! Err... Could you help me out here? I know MoneyLover changed his name to TBFOF (right? yeah.) so I know it's possible. Sure. You let me know what name you want changed and exactly how you want the new name to appear. For example, if you want flash, Flash, fLaSh or +F+L+A+S+H+... you have to let me know. I am a blonde hamster and have not developed the mind reading skill. Then I will let HampsterKing know. He has a couple to do, Top Banana and Vanilla Star Hamster, so get your request in now. Operators are standing by.
  18. The reason I left was not my choice... the power went out. It is still out at my cage, but I am at the San Francisco Bread Company using their wireless. Hopefully the power will be on later.
  19. Ok. *is off... you will love his adorable face* Just leaving now? I don't think I'll be on much longer I waited for someone to answer me. It will take me 15 minutes max. Good night if you head to bed. Have a great run tomorrow. Hey..You remembered, thanks. Of course! You used to get up at 07H30 to run, but now you are sleeping in to the late hour of 08H00 and then getting up to do your four miles. You have your own rodent cheering section!
  20. Ok. *is off to take a pic... * You will love his adorable face! Just leaving now? I don't think I'll be on much longer I waited for someone to answer me. It will take me 15 minutes max. Good night if you head to bed. Have a great run tomorrow.
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