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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. eew, sounds nasty, where is it? Everywhere... and I do mean everywhere!!!!!!!!! nasty. Worse than nasty!
  2. Dear Climber4145, Two questions please... .....1. Why do you think I am dumb? .....2. Why do you hate me? Thank you for your reply. Horatio
  3. but if you don't express yourself, who will? From now on, it's Dr. Wolf, when her shingle is out. when her shingle is out? huh? Dr. Wolf Psychiatry $1000/hour OPEN
  4. eew, sounds nasty, where is it? Everywhere... and I do mean everywhere!!!!!!!!!
  5. Time to run... the poison ivy that has invaded my fur is making me crazy. Time to get some more calamine lotion on this wicked itch.
  6. but if you don't express yourself, who will? From now on, it's Dr. Wolf, when her shingle is out.
  7. 3? Seriously... sixth grade. And not an intelligent, reading advanced sixth grade. that disgusts me. It gets worse...... how? Every U.S. citizen 18 years and older has the right to vote.
  8. 3? Seriously... sixth grade. And not an intelligent, reading advanced sixth grade. that disgusts me. It gets worse......
  9. Fantastic! I am so happy to hear people can read at high levels.
  10. 3? Seriously... sixth grade. And not an intelligent, reading advanced sixth grade.
  11. I dunno, but last time they tried to test mine, it was off the scale. are you getting excused from finding new words in english class texts yet MW? that was kind of fun, so was sitting back in the hall at the end of lunch reading Moby Dick. of course, a teacher had to come and wreck my fun by telling the jocks "white whale" wasn't a euphemism. Teachers can spoil all the fun sometimes.
  12. *looks around for the cage spycam* We must be listening to the same CD! *checks under chair for hamsters* ok, then it's your turn to post what song is playing. Very creative, Horatio, bravo. actually, I found and unplugged the spy microphone he had hidden in my desk. Hummph! *creates an undetectable bugging device for Lexxscrapham's house, dresses in stealth clothing, installs three totally hidden spy cams* Sorta like the ones I have in your house! ...I said nothing. >_> [/color] WHAT ?!? *calls in the H.B.I. and the H.I.A. to debug my cage*
  13. *looks around for the cage spycam* We must be listening to the same CD! *checks under chair for hamsters* ok, then it's your turn to post what song is playing. Very creative, Horatio, bravo. actually, I found and unplugged the spy microphone he had hidden in my desk. Hummph! *creates an undetectable bugging device for Lexxscrapham's house, dresses in stealth clothing, installs three totally hidden spy cams*
  14. then why were you running? To see her name in lights!!!
  15. very many what? hellooooo? *points to title* I'm betting that's what she's talking about. oooooooohhhhhhh...... Why exactly am I laughing, I wonder... heeheehee... hahaha... hohoho... i gotta get off the compy. G'night. Sleep tight! Have fun in math tomorrow!
  16. i have read that, it is a good book. Yep. Note to DL: Okay! okey dokey...mailing address please ((JUST KIDDING...)) *slips in my cage address* *plans on going to Horatio's cage while he's asleep to get book* *takes book to bank vault and places it in a safe deposit box for safe keeping* *wonders what the bank people think of a hamster storing a book in the bank* *wonders how Hoops can think so clearly so early in the morning* *hey, i still have the book, by the way...* *wonders if anyone had heard me* *sees Dog lover is totally distracted, grabs book and heads for bank* *sees hammy trying to pick up a human-sized book and falls over laughing* all i see is a hampster sitting on a book, looking frustrated and tired. funny. *while Cheesemaster is watching Horatio, all his hammie pals are stealing all Arkcher's cupcakes* LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ......... Yo, Kat... where you at?
  17. Absolutely I will share! At the moment I suggest you depart the area. Cheesemaster has just handed Arkcher a hand grenade with the pin pulled. *lightbulb comes on in brain* Hey, please grab Arkcher's cupcakes as you depart the area!!!
  18. *borrows a couple of Claymore's from - Kat - and some hand grenades from Cheesemaster* REALLY?!?!? Might you want to rethink that statement? *calls in the B-52's to be on standby* What kind, the music artists or the planes? LOL You get The Gold Star Award for that question! Bomber Planes! Of course, we could use a little music by the B-52's to accompany the fanfare.
  19. *borrows a couple of Claymore's from - Kat - and some hand grenades from Cheesemaster* REALLY?!?!? Might you want to rethink that statement? *calls in the B-52's to be on standby* -distracts Horatio with some Hamsta-treat stuff and sunflower seeds whilst I escape =[ - *doesn't work because I ran away at top speed* *Cheesemaster passes Arkcher the hand grenade with the pulled pin*
  20. *borrows a couple of Claymore's from - Kat - and some hand grenades from Cheesemaster* REALLY?!?!? Might you want to rethink that statement? *calls in the B-52's to be on standby* nuuu! ;.; my grenades! *pets grenades* let's play pass the grenade! i pull and pass first! *runs away at top speed and squeaks* Hand it to Arkcher!!!
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