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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Only if you...umm..give me...a...hug...? You want to be Arkcher hug'd so badly that you'd award 50 points? Le gasp. =o Actually, I dun really care what he does, he just has to do something. I can't go handing out points willy-nilly! You have to earn them! Even if all you do to earn them is, like, inhale oxygen and expell is as carbon dioxide. >_>;;; That is exactly the reason I responded to his question with a "No" answer.
  2. Why don't we say today you wins because of the Autumnal Equinox? May I be the first to congratulate the new winner!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS KAT !!!
  3. There are a couple of suggestions I can make. First, if they show the weight, then you can call FedEx GROUND and ask what the cost of shipping ___ pounds would cost the slowest way. You can also ask the price of the USPS Parcel Post. Delivery confirmation, I believe, costs 35 cents, so you can ask for delivery confirmation and delete the insurance. This would save you 95 cents. Most often FedEx GROUND is 35% or more below everyone else. You can ask the seller if they would go to a Kinko's or FedEx office and save you money. Hope this helps. Thanks for the help, but I think it's coming from some company in China anyways. Eh, I'll just check Hot Topic. I heard that they bought the rights to selling Naruto stuffs! My friends and I are going this weekend. Oh, I thought you were buying it off ebay, someone in the USA was shipping it.
  4. Becaaaaaauuuuuuuse. why won't my poison ivy go away? For the same reasons you told me... it takes 10 (or was it 14) days to go away; you keep scratching it and it is poison ivy!!!!!!! *lends Cheesemaster my boxing gloves* Wear these and you will be unable to scratch your poison ivy!!!!!!!!!
  5. Of course we did! We were just waiting for you to have the party! and does anyone know why my attachment wont attach? whenever i try, it brings me back to the discussion board, with the list of forums...what is happening? hold on, illl try again...yes, it did it again, but luckily i had copied my post so i just pasted it here...IT WONT WORK!!!!! It is probably too big. Here are a couple of options. You can shrink it yourself or you can send it to me and I will shrink it and add it to your post. If you want to send it to me, let me know and I will give you my email address. umm. how will u give me ur email safely? Here is my email address: pmajr@earthlink.net I must warn you, I have spam blocker, but do not worry, I WILL receive your message. It sends some sort of auto-response that I have not received it and you have to ask permission, but do not worry about that. I will get it. *starts watching*
  6. Whoa!!!!!! That is impressive!!!!!!! *waits for more*
  7. How precious!!! Maggie is wonderful. I wish I had doggie picks to post, but as hamsters are quite a bit smaller than dogs, we can't have them as pets.
  8. Of course we did! We were just waiting for you to have the party! and does anyone know why my attachment wont attach? whenever i try, it brings me back to the discussion board, with the list of forums...what is happening? hold on, illl try again...yes, it did it again, but luckily i had copied my post so i just pasted it here...IT WONT WORK!!!!! It is probably too big. Here are a couple of options. You can shrink it yourself or you can send it to me and I will shrink it and add it to your post. If you want to send it to me, let me know and I will give you my email address.
  9. Of course we did! We were just waiting for you to have the party!
  10. There are a couple of suggestions I can make. First, if they show the weight, then you can call FedEx GROUND and ask what the cost of shipping ___ pounds would cost the slowest way. You can also ask the price of the USPS Parcel Post. Delivery confirmation, I believe, costs 35 cents, so you can ask for delivery confirmation and delete the insurance. This would save you 95 cents. Most often FedEx GROUND is 35% or more below everyone else. You can ask the seller if they would go to a Kinko's or FedEx office and save you money. Hope this helps.
  11. Yes, I am. I do know that hamsters have extremely bad eyesight, and sometimes there are things that scare them, but I have been unable to find an answer as no one is able to determine the reason for your hammie's actions. As far as your hammie not going into his house, there is nothing you can do to make him go into the spot where you want him to go. He will pick that. I have one hammie, that makes two or three houses her home and I can never figure which one she will pick. Regarding the attacking part, I would get a ball and begin by placing the ball to your hammie's door and let the hammie get used to going from his cage to the ball and then put the ball up to the cage door and let him go back into his cage without your help. It took one of my hamsters about three weeks to finally decide I was not going to hurt her. Begin by trying this and I will keep researching the problem. thanks. the only thing is, she gave birth three days ago. i have a friend with a male hammie and we left them together for an hour. is that it?? If your hamster just gave birth, LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!!!!!! She is protecting her young. Put her food in the cage and leave her alone. Put the cage in a place where it us relatively dark and very little noise and people. She needs her space to take care of her babies. On another note, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER put two hammies together (male and female) unless your intent is to have babies. You will need to make arrangements to find someone to take these hamsters when they reach three to four weeks. If you do not, you will end up with one millions hamsters and as they get older they will fight. Call the pet shops and let them know the hammies are only three days old. They might take care of the mother and her babies while you are on holiday and then keep the babies. Good luck. You cannot wait until you get back. Try to find a pet store that will take them now or agree to take them when you return. If they agree to take the hammies when you return then your brother can feed and water them while you are on holiday. But you will need to tell your brother to leave the hammies alone and not play with them for a couple of weeks. kk. my hammie(s) stayed at the friend's house, but i showed her this post, so she made sure they stayed far away. now i am back, the babies are about 3-4 weeks old. are they old enough to give to the pet shop now?? if not, how long do i keep them for?? she is still very protective over them, and not very friendly.we put her pack where she was before, and it is quite dark, cool and shady. we leave her alone and my little brother is surprisingly being very good. he has not disturbed them once or tried to play with they babies How many babies did the mother have? Four to six weeks is a good time depending on how many babies she has had. This is a very important question. Are the ears of the hammie's lying back against the hammie's body or standing up. If the ears have not yet come up, you should not give the hammie's up. Next, telephone the different pet stores until you find one that will take the babies. Do not take the babies out into the car and search for a pet store. This would be too hard on the mother and babies. When you find a pet store that will take the babies, once they reach another couple of weeks, then pack them up and drop them off there. If you are not sure, then tell the pet store they are the younger of the two. So say they are 3 weeks even if they are 4. Some pet stores take babies way too young. They can't tell the difference. Another thing, is to ask if the pet store sexes the babies. This will keep the babies from having babies. sahe had 5 babies. we have found a pet store. he says to bring them when they are 5 months old. is that too long ?? for many reasons?? Five months is way too old. The latest I would wait is 2 1/2 to 3 months and that is waiting quite a long time. Quite a bit depends on how big the babies get and how fast they reach their size. With only five babies, they will grow faster then a litter of eleven. Please give me the date you think they were born, to the best of your recollection. This way I will be better able to help you. Let me know when the hammie's ears pop up. I can help you with the time when it is most appropriate to bring the babies to the pet store. IMPORTANT QUESTION: Does this pet store sex their hammies? My question is, does the pet store separate the males and the females. If they do not, there will be pregnant baby females if they stay together too long. If they do not separate the males and the females, I would start looking for another pet store. My guess is that your pet store wants the hammies about five weeks, not months. Please do call back and check. THEY MUST HAVE BEEN born around the 24th or 25th of july. their ears have not popped up yet they meant five months but we did find one that stored them in seperate places, and take in babies as young as 1 and a half months The pet store that separates the sexes is the place to go. Two months is a good age and not older than three months. Please let me know when the ears pop up. Usually the ears pop up by three to four weeks, so perhaps your hammies were born a bit later in July, could that be? they were born near the ver end, and their ears have poped up now Excellent!!! so can i give them to the pet shop now?? The 25th of September would be the earliest. Please take a pic for me first. i am getting them up and onto the computer. did you get the email with all the pics of my cousin and that?? you never replied. only with a chain letter I thought I sent you a reply saying how beautiful your cousin was?!?!? alas, i never got it. please send it again (alas is my word for today) Only if you post a pic of your baby hammies! (j/k... will do!)
  12. Horatio


    Topazia... I have been trying to open you attachment, but it won't open. Can you send the pic in the post?
  13. *out-ninjas kat* seriously, i am, like, a cat. i was sitting on a 3 foot wall outside the school, talking to "Jane," when my friend decided to be stupid and come over and push me off. I landed on my hands and feet. so then i pulled my friend off the wall. he wasn't as graceful. XD You see, i our school, after you eat lunch, there is a place outside where you can go to chat with your friends. You can't out-ninja Kat's mad ninja skillz. They're just too mad. So if she fell off of a 10 foot wall she'd land on her feet. True dat. that is easier, you have more time to react. Yeah, but also, my feet aren't already only a few inches from the ground, anyway. no you misunderstood. time for a piccy! But...if you fell that way, then the only conceiveable way for you to land on your hands and feet is for you to do like I drew in the high-tech diagram down here. Landing with all of you body weight on your hands after a three-foot fall isn't all that bad, especially if you're tall enough to reach the ground behind you without actually having to fall off the wall. On a ten-foot wall, however, inobody is tall enough to reach the ground behind them while still seated on the wall, thus all of your weigt would be put into your arms and hands. A-like-a this-a? ;D Stick figure animations are fun. Absolutely phenomenal!!!!!!!
  14. I see you are preparing for the day when you are in practice on your own! *hands Mega Wolf a stack of business letters to be written*
  15. Absolutely I will share! At the moment I suggest you depart the area. Cheesemaster has just handed Arkcher a hand grenade with the pin pulled. *lightbulb comes on in brain* Hey, please grab Arkcher's cupcakes as you depart the area!!! okay. *grabs all cupcakes* Muahahaha they are all mine. >:^D -stuffed the grenade in one of the cupcakes- >D Now nobody shall have some! *chucks cupcake mush at Arkcher* Meanie! ;_; *uses mad ninja skillz to help MW make more that are GRENADE/EXPLOSIVE/ANYTING BUT BEING EATEN PROOF* XP *jumps, opens mouth really, really wide, intercepts cupcake mush complete with icing, and lands back on my feet with pouches bulging, happy* Itching yourself all the while, right? But of course! The itching is non-stop!!!!!!! By the way... aloe didn't work. And yes, some people do eat and drink it. The next time you are in a health food store... ask. And yes, it is really, really vile. I tried it and washing my mouth out with soap would have been a better alternative. I'm gonna try drinking aloe for my excema(I'm no doctor, so if I spelt that wrong. I smacks you.). I heard that it's really good for it. Good luck. I will be standing by with a few boxes of Altoids for you... Licorice, Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Ginger, Peppermint... and any others I might have missed.
  16. Great pic! LOL I think my arm are a little short though! Artistic liberties! LOL
  17. *out-ninjas kat* seriously, i am, like, a cat. i was sitting on a 3 foot wall outside the school, talking to "Jane," when my friend decided to be stupid and come over and push me off. I landed on my hands and feet. so then i pulled my friend off the wall. he wasn't as graceful. XD You see, i our school, after you eat lunch, there is a place outside where you can go to chat with your friends. You can't out-ninja Kat's mad ninja skillz. They're just too mad. So if she fell off of a 10 foot wall she'd land on her feet. True dat. that is easier, you have more time to react. Yeah, but also, my feet aren't already only a few inches from the ground, anyway. no you misunderstood. time for a piccy! Great pic! LOL
  18. You are only one post away from 500! GO! GO! GO!
  19. [Feeling fear running through his body and his heart racing, Horatio changed the channel on the tele to a much milder show... Law and Order. Phew.]
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