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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something. that is amusing. I can see it. the monestary of dakatis#1, a place for peace,meditaion and DDR. but deep beneath it's halls, a cavern where claymore-weilding ninjas train to fight ebbilness. I would be the leader I guess. You know, The Head Cheese. And I could not pick a better Cheese for the job.
  2. I have checked with three veterinarians and they all agree the ink on the newspaper will not harm animals or humans. So newspaper is okay. Just not the advert section with the colored inks and shiny paper please.
  3. which mutated into... a marshmellow of.... sticky, yummy explosions. Of much doom. which caused economic... skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky... of planet SR388, which has thirty-one...
  4. You are doing lots better than I am!!!
  5. which mutated into... a marshmellow of.... sticky, yummy explosions. Of much doom. which caused economic... skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky...
  6. My brother thinks that in the distant future, there will be some sort of HampsterDance cult, and all us people who had joined before it was just the hip thing to do will be saints, or something. I like that thought!!!!
  7. Because Horatio laughed at you too. and because Freebird is a strange phrase. I wasn't laughing at Lexxscrapham, but at the no-talent acrobatic groups calling themselves bands, imagining the stupid looks on their faces. ..... So? XD You were still laughing at him. No, I was not laughing at him. I am laughing at the people on the other side of the fence.
  8. Because Horatio laughed at you too. and because Freebird is a strange phrase. I wasn't laughing at Lexxscrapham, but at the no-talent acrobatic groups calling themselves bands, imagining the stupid looks on their faces.
  9. Sort of like St. Nicholas, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.
  10. *wonders where this will go, but is sure it will go somewhere* I think it should basically be; Be nice to people. Quite similar to the basis of The Golden Rule.
  11. *wonders where this will go, but is sure it will go somewhere*
  12. Misinterpretation. Hers seem more like an original cathphrase she personally came up with, rather than quotes, O Wise One. [facetious tone of voice that I reserve only for the times I'm surprised at a friend.] "Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory." Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) ^-^ -cough- Didn't you see it, Horatio? That was the third quote. But you saw it on the website, yes? Yes. I thought you wanted me to post it for you. *is confused*
  13. Misinterpretation. Hers seem more like an original cathphrase she personally came up with, rather than quotes, O Wise One. [facetious tone of voice that I reserve only for the times I'm surprised at a friend.] "Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory." Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) ^-^ -cough- Didn't you see it, Horatio? That was the third quote.
  14. Guessed what? My faorite book has to be DragonHome. It is about this world where some people have powers. Those that do are hated and feared by all the normal people. The main characters have animal speech, and the others isn't found out towards the end. Their parents are killed in a fire, and they set out to their aunts house. They are found by the talent hunters, and the main character screams for help in animal speech. She, being a vegetarian, is disgusted when two wolves appear and tear into their persuers. With their stay with the wolves, she befriends a wolf cub, who comes with them on their journey. By now they are looking for a place to stay. However, her brother is extremely opposed to having the wolf come along. This provides for some anger and harsh feeling between them. One day, they are all captured and go to this special place for talents, which is run by the gov't and everything is kept in order by the one person whose talent is to bring pain. As they flee from there, the find a country house, where they keep their secret hidden. The wolf has to stay away. She becomes great friends with a girl named Yvonne, and she finds her secret out, but doesn't care. The talent hunters get close to the house, so she and her brother must flee. Yvonne tells them of a place called dragon home, a castle not far away that is supposedly abandoned. I will not ruin the ending if you decide to read it yourself. If you can't find dragonhome, it might be dragonkeep. It has been a while since I read it. Thanks! This sounds great!!!
  15. That should make Arkcher feel good.
  16. This is poll information from Mega Wolf: I. Competition, Nominees 1. If you have read this like you were supposed to before voting nominees, do NOT vote for yourself. 2. Do NOT use multiple accounts to vote multiple times. 3. Do Not Eat Hamsters. 4. Must not leave the boards during competition with the exception of people who have a reason. 5. Never pet a burning dog. 6. No bribery is permitted 7. Do not get upset over your amount of votes. If you do I may have to pull you out of the competition. II. Competition, Voters 1. Do NOT create multiple accounts to vote multiple times 2. Do NOT tell anybody, Vote For This Person! They can vote on their own. 3. Don't randomly pick someone, think about it first. 4. No fully evil people can vote. 5. Do not put in your signature who to vote for. But you can 'advertise' this topic. 6. Must know the person you are voting for on the boards. 7. Can't vote unless you are staying. That way I know you're gonna be here for a while. 8. No pity votes. 9. I, Mega Wolf, have the right to pull people out of the competition voting. Please cooperate. I may or may not give a warning for any rule breaking, so breaking so much as one rule is dangerous.
  17. Okay. This is like. The 5th time people have forgotten that I've already won the Hampsterdance Award thingy. Can't win it again. -shakes head- I was trying to slip you in for a second win!!!
  18. I cloned it and left you one. ***wonders how u can clone a book*** If I told you I'd have to kill you. Yes, I'm kidding. good...btw, horatio, i read ur post too....dont think it was forgotten I didn't! With a mother who is a librarian, I am sure you read everything!
  19. what r u going to be? i still dont know yet....and btw, im pretty sure i have been a dog b4, so dont all u lame people suggest i should be a dog... randomly, im listening to the radio and "sister golden hair" by America is on..i saw a concert by them, but i didnt really watch it much....i mostly talked to converse all star, and two of my other friends...all of our families were there...it was an outdoor concert, and the price was $30/carload....pretty good, for a concert...it was on Sept. 1, so school was about to start in a few days... well, i dont hate school like some people, but i do enjoy vacation...now the song's over...im listening to the "john tesh radio show: music and intelligence for ur life" ... anyone listen to it? i think its on multiplee stations across the country..., ill go post somehere else now...but im still open for suggestions for a costume! ive already been a home depot person, (because my dad works there), a cookie, statue of liberty, m&m (i think...), a penguin, a clown when i was like 3 or 4, a bride around the same age...well, obviosly not both the same year...tigger when i was like 6....and i cant remember any more....bye!!! I have no ideas as what you should be, but I can offer what NOT to be. Hamsters celebrate Halloween as well and once we had this blonde girl hammie. She decided to be a Christmas tree, lights and all. We all thought this was not a good idea, but she wouldn't listen. So, we stop over another hammie's cage and she decides to plug in her lights. Well, it is a very good thing we have fur, when the lights started to get hot (which was very fast) she started ripping her costume off! Sooooooooooooo, I would not suggest you go as a Christmas tree. As for John Tesh... great show!!!!!!!
  20. Thank you so very much!!!!!!!! I was wondering if that movie would be good and now I will go see it! *passes Dog lover a plate of dog biscuit cookies as a token of appreciation*
  21. [i am so sorry your head hurts... *gives Kat a hammie huggle*]
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