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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Very good point about the ring... you could save the diamond until later and maybe opt for a different type ring for now. Princess Diana had a sapphire. You are totally right in your point of view and the questions people ask. I had no idea Mad Science was for such a short time. If you don't have a job, that would be a great alternative while you search. Night travel is the only way to go in my thinking... but some of that may be the fact that I have a rodentia heritage. Nocturnal in almost everything. Outstanding that Shane likes to cook!!! Grab that man immediately!!! At least you get to do the fun food stuff. Some of the pots and pans that your grandmother had might be worth some money. Don't be so anxious to throw them out. There are some collectors who really like the old stuff. As for the ones where the handles are falling off... glad to hear you received a replacement before you burnt yourself. Thank goodness for Christmas. Oh my goodness... you were fortunate! Someone there really likes you! Bake lots of cookies for that person. I had no idea the store switched to non-Christmas that fast. As for the blizzard, I am really happy you left early and are back home safe and sound. You definitely don't want to be on the roads in that weather. Please keep a blanket in your car, a large can of Fix-A-Flat and a gallon jug of water. This will help should you ever get stranded. At least you will have a blanket to help keep you warm and if you need it, some water. The large can of Fix-A-Flat will get you out of any area and off the side of the road fast, should you have a flat tyre. I never travel anywhere without the largest size of Fix-A-Flat in the trunk. Even in Memphis, we have a blanket in each car. Enough of acting like a parent... just happy that you are home. Good luck trying to get to work tomorrow. But hopefully the snow plows will have gotten the streets plowed, including yours. We had some snow flurries and I am so happy that nothing stuck. The maniac drivers here have no idea how to drive when it rains, then add the snow, slick surface, and it is like the entire city turned into a bumper car game. This is when I really don't want to leave the house. Snow and black ice are really treacherous to the drivers here. You could always get a pair of snowshoes or a dogsled to get to work.
  2. What a wonderful Christmas I had... quiet, no snow in Memphis and just a total relaxing day. For Christmas I received a fantastic book by David Petersen, part of The Mouse Guard series, called Legends Of The Guard, plus an original pen and ink drawing by the same author/illustrator that is now hanging over the fireplace. This author/illustrator is amazing and extremely talented. The story line starts in fall of 1152, with six parts, then proceeds into the winter of 1152, in another six parts. If you have not read graphic comics, this is one author you need to try. I bought the books that combined all six issues into one. Look for The Mouse Guard, Fall 1152 and The Mouse Guard, Winter 1152 to start, now those two are being followed by The Black Axe, which has just started with the first of six issues. Legends Of The Guard is a book that has a number of artists/illustrators where stories are being told. Anyway... here is the artwork I received... I took the photograph with my phone and will it is not the greatest, but I was in a hurry to get it posted here. Here is his holiday art that he put on his website... Hope everyone had a great day!!!
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The stress from money is a very big one and sometimes it is so frustrating because no matter how you do the math, you just cannot get the bills paid. Moving back to Connecticut would be even harder. Once you have been out on your own, living under your parent's roof again, no matter how fantastic your parents are, is tough. Good news about you and Shane and your relationship. If you both get more serious, you don't actually need a ring. The ring can come later, especially if you both could combine living expenses. Oh... I didn't know that Mad Science was such a short job. Will it come around again, and if so, would you be able to get back there? Traveling in the middle of the night always seemed like a great idea to me as you miss all the crazies during the day. Of course, my family did not like the thought, but my thinking was, I fly all night, how about drive all night? That line of thinking never went over very well. Plus beating the blizzard traveling home was a magnificent idea. Glad you are home safe and sound. Your father sounds so creative and very cool! The Christmas gift for your sister was amazing! What an outstanding idea and how much fun it was for the whole family. The chest must have weighed a ton. When does she plan on traveling to New Zealand? It was terrific that you were able to be home for Christmas. Glad you received your cooking supplies. What kind of cooking do you enjoy doing? Good luck with work, I think this weekend will be an insane time with shoppers spending all the money they received for Christmas. Perhaps the reason you were given Christmas off was because they new that the days after would be a worker's nightmare. Good luck. Perhaps the real reason you were off was just the luck you had when Thanksgiving and Christmas fell on your days off. If the holidays fell on Monday or Tuesday, you might have not been so lucky. Thanks so much for the update... we were wondering how you were doing.
  6. That is stressful. I'm so sorry. Hopefully you will get a teaching job very soon.
  7. I agree, focus on the job. $2000 is a ton of money, hope you find a job. Good luck!!!
  8. This next week for your jail friend will be really tough. It's probably a good thing you sent your letter at this time as he can deal with everything all at once. Hopefully he can focus on his defense. Regarding the boyfriend, a relationship based on true friendship can withstand quite a lot, so I do believe that this guy just might be good for you.
  9. "Life sure is different than I expected." Oh yes, it sure is.
  10. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!!!! Unfortunately, it feels too much like Christmas here. But I do agree that warm weather, green and red lights on palm trees, never seems like Christmas. Hope your Christmas is wonderful!!!
  11. *tackle, glomp, hug, hug, hug* TOP BANANA !!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so, so happy to see you!!!!!!!!!!!! How is life, how are you and what is going on????????
  12. I got up an looked and it was pretty amazing. For some reason, I could not take a good picture.
  13. An update here would be outstanding!!! Even a picture or two!!!
  14. Oh my goodness!!!!!!! *jumps up and gives Vixen an uber hug* What a marvelous surprise!!! I'm so glad to hear that everything is going well. Leguan is over in Australia at the moment, having a great adventure. Hope you stop back in to say hello.
  15. Hope you enjoyed yourself on your special day!!!
  16. So, let me see, the temperature must be around 65 or 70.
  17. Dear Topazia, Have a most wonderful day on your birthday! Celebrate with family and friends so the greatest day of all, your birth!!! May this day bring you lots of birthday wishes where all of them come true. Of course, you are not going to escape without the traditional song... HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR TOPAZIA, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Here comes the cake, so make a wish, blow out all the candles and let's get this party started! Horatio
  18. Memphis is really, really cold!!! I am hibernating until summer.
  19. Dear Toto, Today is that special day and I wanted to wish you the best of all birthdays! May this celebration of your birth bring you happiness and love, while surrounded by all your friends. We wanted to celebrate your birthday with you, so we will sing you the traditional song. HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR TOTO, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! Now let's get this party started! Horatio
  20. Ohhhhhh... I'm so sorry. Hopefully the next part is yours, and it is better.
  21. I'm here in the frozen Memphis weather.
  22. Glad to hear that things are going well in the relationship department and you are happy with the status quo. As for jail friend... a bit sensitive is an understatement. I wish you luck. If I was in your shoes, I don't think I could address the love problem with him for fear that he would go into a depression of some sort and not want to fight to get out. Good luck. Only you know where the limit is and how to handle him. Sounds like you were the winner at the party... the one who looks best of all. As for the prom date guy... it sounds like he has the woman he deserves most...loud, obnoxious, bossy and tone deaf. Glad you are on to newer and better things. It is great to look back and smile. Overall, I would call it a very successful night! Please take a look at Leguan's topic and my topic to get up to date with things.
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