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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. The Emplyment rules! Rule #1. Horatio gets to do whatever he pleases and has an Infinite card.
  2. *notes TGHL's name has been added to The Enemy of the State List* You mean I am now part of the Axis of Evil? Rather ironic really since that was what I was heckling her about for most of it. You know the old saying... keep your enemies close. *reads on the government website what TGHL had for breakfast* MI5 and MI6 have websites, you can apply through them.... Although techinically MI6 is called SIS. I am not the enemy... our Secretary of State has you in her sights. Didn't know if you read an Scottish newspapers, but there is a good article on your friend George Galloway.
  3. Wait, are we slaughtering something, or being slaughtered? Because I'm firmly oppose things slaughtering me. You are being slaughtered by the Zimbabwian killer cheese. * grabs Teh claymore and jumps on top of Kat.* "By the power of greyskull..." Oh my!!! *grabs claymore before it slaughters the cheese*
  4. Please do not leave us hanging like this! WRITE MORE NOW!!! [Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ] [i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.] [Car engines? You know what an injection engine is, the differece between 6-cylnder and 8-cylinder is or what an engine uses to ignite gasoline to propel it?] [Just asking. [i did though just think of an idea for the next chapter. -wanders off to go write it else Horatio shall die of suspense-] [Yep, 'cept for the injection engine one. But I know what an injection molder is from plastics.] [injection ones have little tubes things that inject the gasoline into the engine where its exploded and all and makes the engine go. Alternately, a Carburetor engine kind of sprays the gasoline into a mist, an air-gas mixture, where it solidifies inside the engine, and then asploded. Injection engines have the air and gas mixed inside the engine, Carburetors mix the two beforehand.] [What does this have to do with the topic, anyway? O_o] [it is interesting. Now tell me about radial engines. Such as an R-2800.] [o_o....... Whyyyyyyyyyyy?] [The real question is: Why not? Radial engines are real engines! ]
  5. Please do not leave us hanging like this! WRITE MORE NOW!!! [Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ] [i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.] [Car engines? You know what an injection engine is, the differece between 6-cylnder and 8-cylinder is or what an engine uses to ignite gasoline to propel it?] [Just asking. [i did though just think of an idea for the next chapter. -wanders off to go write it else Horatio shall die of suspense-] [Yep, 'cept for the injection engine one. But I know what an injection molder is from plastics.] [injection ones have little tubes things that inject the gasoline into the engine where its exploded and all and makes the engine go. Alternately, a Carburetor engine kind of sprays the gasoline into a mist, an air-gas mixture, where it solidifies inside the engine, and then asploded. Injection engines have the air and gas mixed inside the engine, Carburetors mix the two beforehand.] [What does this have to do with the topic, anyway? O_o] [it is interesting. Now tell me about radial engines. Such as an R-2800.]
  6. *figures we just missed some of the good Dr. Wolfie's counseling*
  7. If you can, get her some Lava Bites. They come three to a package. Ot the twigs that are packaged in six or eight big ones or about 10 little ones. These are great. Please do not pick any twigs from outside as these have bugs.
  8. *notes TGHL's name has been added to The Enemy of the State List* You mean I am now part of the Axis of Evil? Rather ironic really since that was what I was heckling her about for most of it. You know the old saying... keep your enemies close. *reads on the government website what TGHL had for breakfast*
  9. *notes TGHL's name has been added to The Enemy of the State List*
  10. Please do not leave us hanging like this! WRITE MORE NOW!!!
  11. Outstanding! *hands Lee The Platinum Moon Award* *hints that a 5 min Paint hamster thingy might make someone very happy* Yay! I will draw a little hammie next time -Lee *is soooooooooooo happy!* YES! YES! YES! THANK YOU LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
  12. Yes, I would care to. Does that answer your question? Please stop encouraging Horatio. Why?????? I'll rephrase that, please stop encouraging Horatio to not answer my questions properly! *hands Horatio a Answer Annyoance award for his efforts* Thank you for the award! I will have you note, I am answering your questions properly. You are just not asking the proper questions! Someone please tell me what the Alt code for the infinity sign is, please. Try getting out of that one without moderating it to change what it says! Is very quiet, knowing "someone" will reply to TGHL. Someone is not a name, Horatio, someone is a term used to refer to a person as yet unknown or a mysterious stranger! Phew! So you are waiting for a person as yet unknown or a mysterious stranger to let you know what the alt code it. And of course a person as yet unknown means that it could be someone I know on this board that is going to tell me. Excellent!
  13. Forget that guy... you are far too good for him! *runs off to try and win the bone award*
  14. and we have to read a science fiction book for english class....weird coincedence Let me know which one you decide to read.
  15. No, they are just providing entertainment for the American public.
  16. Yes, I would care to. Does that answer your question? Please stop encouraging Horatio. Why?????? I'll rephrase that, please stop encouraging Horatio to not answer my questions properly! *hands Horatio a Answer Annyoance award for his efforts* Thank you for the award! I will have you note, I am answering your questions properly. You are just not asking the proper questions! Someone please tell me what the Alt code for the infinity sign is, please. Try getting out of that one without moderating it to change what it says! Is very quiet, knowing "someone" will reply to TGHL. Someone is not a name, Horatio, someone is a term used to refer to a person as yet unknown or a mysterious stranger! Phew! So you are waiting for a person as yet unknown or a mysterious stranger to let you know what the alt code it.
  17. Yeah. We all, Meaning you, me, Taynio, uh..the rest of them should start back up our.."stores" but in a new topic, with new rules. We will put you, Cheesemaster and TGHL in charge of writing the rules. Me because I am a scheming megalomaniac with a tedency to manipulate situations to my own benefit.... Exactly the reason Cheesemaster and TBFOF are there. To keep two sets of eyes on you.
  18. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube, out of danger. hidden underneath a... steaming heap of... [oh no you don't....... Toto's on... must answer quick] roasted sunflower seeds... that someone farted... into outer space.
  19. remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. True. I respect my elder, Cheesemaster. You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. You're older than me. That makes you old. Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience. Horatio has almost 7 times as much experience as me. :crazytypesmiliething: You keep talking like this and your cheesie life will be whizzing by you. *wonders if he will get the subtle hint* It wasn't very subtle. I saw it before i even read the entirety of the post. It was subtle for a hamster! Well you should take lessons in subtlety. as i would like lessons in modding. Like that was subtle. You are so good, you do not need lessons in modding! Whereas, I need lots and lots and lots of lessons in subtlety! *checks to make sure there is not a sledgehammer nearby* sledgehammer...? wha? Just in case you were going to hammer some lessons into my little brain. That would just crush your skull, and that wouldn't teach you much, now would it? (insert random smiley here) How about... That's a pretty one. How about... (what would happen after a sledgehammer hit your head) no, that would be This has been a record night for Gold Star Awards! *hands Cheesemaster The Gold Star Award* Your pic of my face is perfect!!!
  20. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube, out of danger. hidden underneath a... steaming heap of... [oh no you don't....... Toto's on... must answer quick] roasted sunflower seeds...
  21. The Gatorade advert where the guys were hugging each other. Oh, well, I have never seen it. Neither had I.
  22. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube, out of danger. hidden underneath a...
  23. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube,
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