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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Fantasia is Cheetaspspot's pen name, you can't very well expect an artist to have much sucess with a name like Cheetaspot, can you? at least, a name change probably helped Norma Jeane Mortenson's acting career a bit. marilyn monroe? (cant remember) (elton john song "candle in the wind") DON'T type that name into Google images. -Lee So what is the first thing everyone is going to do? Type failure into Google, hit "I'm feeling Lucky" and discover themselves on the biggest piece of propoganda since the Commandant of Belsen said "We do not exterminate Jews at Belsen" I did. And it took you the propoganda? It came up with this thingy about Bush. That reminds me, I did a very political drawing today -Lee *waits patiently for the political drawing to appear*
  2. HI HI !!! Welcome to HampsterDance Boards.
  3. New list. Animal Kidd Arkcher Cheesemaster Cheetaspot ConverseAllStar (Rachel) Dog Lover EmilyE Erendayu (Kai, Kaei, Suirue) Funky Monkey2011 Guard101 Hamsterfireball Hamster Luver Hogwarts Hamster Honey Hoops Jesse - Kat - Kep Krisluvsdogs Lexxscrapham LifesEagle Lovely Laura Mastermind Mega Wolf Moosey368 Mullaypop Mushroom_king xMyOwnMindx Neodudette Otter PoisonIvy Sammy The Hamster Schimmislick Skwerlhugger Will Spot Taynio The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy The Biggest Fan Of Hado The Grim Hamster Lord The Hamster Tigerpaw Topazia Top Banana Toto Vanilla Star Hamster Vixen (Lee)
  4. New list: Animal Kidd Arkcher Cheesemaster Cheetaspot Dog Lover EmilyE Erendayu (Kai, Kaei, Suirue) Funky Monkey2011 Guard101 Hamsterfireball Hamster Luver Hogwarts Hamster Honey Hoops Jesse - Kat - Kep Krisluvsdogs Lexxscrapham LifesEagle Lovely Laura Mastermind Mega Wolf Moosey368 Mullaypop Mushroom_king xMyOwnMindx Neodudette Otter PoisonIvy Sammy The Hamster Schimmislick Skwerlhugger Will Spot Taynio The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy The Biggest Fan Of Hado The Grim Hamster Lord The Hamster Tigerpaw Topazia Top Banana Toto Vanilla Star Hamster Vixen (Lee)
  5. Did you see your topic in HampsterDance Talk? It is called the Pickled Portabello.
  6. Yes, I would care to. Does that answer your question? Please stop encouraging Horatio. Why?????? I'll rephrase that, please stop encouraging Horatio to not answer my questions properly! *hands Horatio a Answer Annyoance award for his efforts* Thank you for the award! I will have you note, I am answering your questions properly. You are just not asking the proper questions! Someone please tell me what the Alt code for the infinity sign is, please. Try getting out of that one without moderating it to change what it says! The alt code for the infinity sign is a code you put into the computer so that it will make a symbol where you are typing that isn't on the keyboard. That symbol being the infinity symbol. I'm getting the cheesewire out.... WOW cheese!! how fabulous!! It isn't so fabulous when I have some cheesewire and you are made out of cheese.... Incidentally LLaura, would you like to submit a screenshot of yourself into this topic, I can guarentee that you will be awarded 100,000 points for it. Post it!!! Lovely Laura will love a screenshot of herself. Did you get Krisluvsdogs? She made a guest appearance today. Alas, you forget I am 5 hours ahead of you and I am rarely on at the same time as Kat and Kris in Kansas. Quite true.
  7. I have been trying to find you!!!!!!!!!!!! Forest... remember him? I can have HampsterKing change your name to The Biggest Fan of Hado so the few posts you write will show up in your total. Please email me as I have something to tell you. You have just made my birthday complete!!!!!!!
  8. Nooooooooo problem. We will wait patiently for whenever it appears. We are just very happy you have decided to reinstate WWPS! Thank you.
  9. *slaps forehead* Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post.
  10. that was poinoned. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube, out of danger. hidden underneath a... steaming heap of... [oh no you don't....... Toto's on... must answer quick] roasted sunflower seeds... that someone farted... into outer space, by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed.... That killed everyone.. [how do you do that?] Then the aliens... Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and
  11. How could their mother's allow this?
  12. *notes TGHL's name has been added to The Enemy of the State List* You mean I am now part of the Axis of Evil? Rather ironic really since that was what I was heckling her about for most of it. You know the old saying... keep your enemies close. *reads on the government website what TGHL had for breakfast* MI5 and MI6 have websites, you can apply through them.... Although techinically MI6 is called SIS. I am not the enemy... our Secretary of State has you in her sights. Didn't know if you read an Scottish newspapers, but there is a good article on your friend George Galloway. She doesn't scare me! much... Don't really get many of them down here in Yorkshire, you get everything else including some Socalist and Communist newspapers but beyond the Tabloids, Broadsheets and locals we don't get other regionals. So she does scare you! We don't get the physical papers here, we go online for them. Only because she has a nuclear arsenal Really? So the nuclear arsenal worries you? You try having over 1,000 ICBMs pointing at you and see how you feel. You didn't answer my question Horatio. Incidentally, has anyone been keeping tabs on the Iranian situation recently? Seems as if they are about to be invaded what with that idiot of a President's comments about Israel and his habit of alienating the only people who will be against invasion, Europe. Russia is edging away from backing Tehran as well, even though they started off that way, the Kremlin is edging ever further from Iran as it comes up against the firing line. I can't understand everyone's obsessions with having Nuclear weapons. Oh yes, we can use them to stop wars against us, but of course we can use them in wars against everyone else. You can easily destroy cities, countries and armies without damaging the environment the way a nuclear bomb does. Take the sun for example, somewhere like Iran recieves a lot of sunlight, so why not focus the light and use it in the same way kids do we magnifying glasses? Solves the problem with almost no environmental effects and you can write on the WHite House's front garden; "I'm watching you..." What an excellent comment! *chuckles* The ICMBs are not pointing at Florida, so no worries there. (Just kidding,) Iran is a very scary situation. Your method of using the sun is a great idea. After you manage to write the message, I will come and bail you out of jail. I will return after moderating all the posts.
  13. Yes, I would care to. Does that answer your question? Please stop encouraging Horatio. Why?????? I'll rephrase that, please stop encouraging Horatio to not answer my questions properly! *hands Horatio a Answer Annyoance award for his efforts* Thank you for the award! I will have you note, I am answering your questions properly. You are just not asking the proper questions! Someone please tell me what the Alt code for the infinity sign is, please. Try getting out of that one without moderating it to change what it says! The alt code for the infinity sign is a code you put into the computer so that it will make a symbol where you are typing that isn't on the keyboard. That symbol being the infinity symbol. I'm getting the cheesewire out.... WOW cheese!! how fabulous!! It isn't so fabulous when I have some cheesewire and you are made out of cheese.... Incidentally LLaura, would you like to submit a screenshot of yourself into this topic, I can guarentee that you will be awarded 100,000 points for it. Post it!!! Lovely Laura will love a screenshot of herself. Did you get Krisluvsdogs? She made a guest appearance today.
  14. Hammy Halloween to you too!!! *grabs some more Bat Corn to take back to my cage*
  15. Fantasia is Cheetaspspot's pen name, you can't very well expect an artist to have much sucess with a name like Cheetaspot, can you? at least, a name change probably helped Norma Jeane Mortenson's acting career a bit. marilyn monroe? (cant remember) (elton john song "candle in the wind") DON'T type that name into Google images. -Lee So what is the first thing everyone is going to do?
  16. Outstanding! *hands Lee The Platinum Moon Award* *hints that a 5 min Paint hamster thingy might make someone very happy* Yay! I will draw a little hammie next time -Lee *is soooooooooooo happy!* YES! YES! YES! THANK YOU LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Here you are horatio! -Lee I llllllllooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee it! What a great way to start the day! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! *hands Lee The Double Platinum Moon With A Red Heart In The Center Award* *is very happy*
  17. Good one! Which name shall we use? Erendayu?, Kaei?, Kai? I cannot remember the others.
  18. Absolutely! Just in case. Thank you. And to answer your first question... soon.
  19. *notes TGHL's name has been added to The Enemy of the State List* You mean I am now part of the Axis of Evil? Rather ironic really since that was what I was heckling her about for most of it. You know the old saying... keep your enemies close. *reads on the government website what TGHL had for breakfast* MI5 and MI6 have websites, you can apply through them.... Although techinically MI6 is called SIS. I am not the enemy... our Secretary of State has you in her sights. Didn't know if you read an Scottish newspapers, but there is a good article on your friend George Galloway. She doesn't scare me! much... Don't really get many of them down here in Yorkshire, you get everything else including some Socalist and Communist newspapers but beyond the Tabloids, Broadsheets and locals we don't get other regionals. So she does scare you! We don't get the physical papers here, we go online for them. Only because she has a nuclear arsenal Really? So the nuclear arsenal worries you?
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