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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Mega Wolf will have to make this decision. I have decided to.... CUT THE BABY IN HALF! Not really. There can't be two winners. Cuz then they'd only get half a trophy each. And that doesn't look good for the future holders of the award. Seeing as there is an evolution of the trophy test with the molds. Different dents and such as there is a new winner resulted from dropping the newest trophy and then using it as the mold still... *cough* Apologies. If November 25th comes with no results, there will be a tie breaking poll with the TOP DECIDED # OF PEOPLE. Not just the tied 2. I just need until the 25th to decide in the case of a longer-term tie. The baby gets to stay whole. We had a deciding vote! *waits for Mega Wolf to return*
  2. I love it when all the posts are in one topic. It is really easy! Please, no apologies. Besides, I love looking at your phenomenal drawings! Can't wait to see the last group in color!
  3. Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something! why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in? (see? i said something) and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying. If you can see the entire picture on the screen at once, perhaps you should try using the printscreen(PrtScrn) button? Or does your Mac not have that capability? =p I hadn't thought of that. On two pics I can do exactly what you suggest. On the third pic, it would take me four screens to show the entire pic. Thank you for that idea!!!!
  4. Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something! why are u making so many excuses not to put the pic in? (see? i said something) and something that started with me (wondering about the pic) ended up with cheese attacks and plastic bits of wax on someone's fur...i think i missed something... I have been trying to get the pic in. If you sent the pic in either jpg or gif, this would be easy like Mr. Moosey368's pic. Unfortunately you sent it in bmp and I have been unable to move it into any of my picture programs. I have tried to take a photo of your drawing so that I would then be able to ad it to your post, but I am unable to stop the glare. I have not given up though. I am still trying.
  5. [No problem. I posted my pic from when I was taking a break from the everyday run in my wheel. It is always better to wander around the property. Unfortunately, I have a rather high fence that prohibits my escaping to other parts of the house, but being able to wander in and out of my cage when the feeling strikes me is great. (Do NOT try this at home.) ]
  6. Jocks read? well, it was well-illustrated. Looking at the pictures would be much like seeing the plays on the blackboard!
  7. Always great to have a pet update. Here things are quiet... hammy world, where hamster reign supreme!
  8. Oh the boards would exist... and probably be a lot wilder!
  9. Actually, this is my topic alone and no conspiracy. The idea was given to me by someone else who posts here and I thought it was a fantastic idea. If I say any more than this I would be giving it away. Ah. I think I see what it is. Don't have to post this either, if I'm right. Is it the HD reunion? If it is, I would like half of the profits made. Thank you and good night. Okay, as long as I get the remaining two halves. As long as you get the remaining WHOLE? Deftly avoiding the question about what it is I see Horatio. Yes, Horatio, Why must it reamain so secret, and what is the "it?" Hmmm... Is it a nice suprise or an evil suprise I wonder. Will it be a pie fight with real custard-cream pies or will it be a pie fight with.... rhubarb pie! *hates to see good pies go to waste... eats all the pies before a fight can begin*
  10. Aaahhhhh come on... give in and say something!
  11. *slaps forehead* Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post. ummmmmmmm....no Ummmmmmmm... would you believe....... *voice trails off* Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?! That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!! I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it... (she doesnt) I seeeeeeeeeeeee. *resorts to Plan B* *whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?* *whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.* *whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.* The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting. You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz! What if I already am? Uuuuummmmmm... *calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore* Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell* I have strong teeth... *whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know. Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah. anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth* That's okay. I have another set. *pulls open invisible door to get teeth* *chews Horatio out without hurting him* Saved!!! Thank you!!!! *brushes plastic bits off fur*
  12. I think you have been watching too much of Kramer's Mad Money!!!
  13. Mega Wolf will have to make this decision.
  14. Ohhhhhhhhh! I am so happy to see you. Please do me one big favor. Go to Hado and look for the Ms./Mr./Mrs. HampsterDancer Poll and place your vote. We need your vote as soon as possible. Thanks for that. Now... we need to hear from you every now and then so we know you are doing well and life is good for you.
  15. *slaps forehead* Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post. ummmmmmmm....no Ummmmmmmm... would you believe....... *voice trails off* Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?! That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!! I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it... (she doesnt) I seeeeeeeeeeeee. *resorts to Plan B* *whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?* *whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.* *whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.* The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting. You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz! What if I already am? Uuuuummmmmm... *calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore* Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell* I have strong teeth... *whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know. Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah. anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth* *stops running and takes a nap to get up energy to start chewing my way out*
  16. *realizes this is the second post where Cheesemaster has been silent*
  17. that was poinoned. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube, out of danger. hidden underneath a... steaming heap of... [oh no you don't....... Toto's on... must answer quick] roasted sunflower seeds... that someone farted... into outer space, by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed.... That killed everyone.. [how do you do that?] Then the aliens... Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished... an entire bowl...
  18. Does that make you hungry? No, it is pretty annoying. But she is a good cook. It turned out to be chicken with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese on top. Odin owns ye all- Einherjer that just ended. Now it is fallen angels -Edguy Please tell your mother I am coming over for dinner! She sounds like not a good cook, but a phenomenally great cook!!!!!!!! We even have some little plates you could use! Tonight, my dad cooked country style bbq ribs and oven fries. Quite good. How outstanding! Both parents are chefs!!! I may need to move in. Good, I can cook you some really tasty eggs in the morning! Far, Far, North -Einherjer. That's all my dad can cook. Eggs. And, he can burn stuff on his large propane grill. ~.~ I looovvvvvveee eggs! Egg beaters or eggs. Doesn't matter. I love them all! Eggs and pick one... sausage, ham, bacon, steak (sorry Toto), omelettes, hard boiled eggs, egg salad, steak tartare (don't ask Toto... you don't want to know). hows abouts bacon and ham omelettes? Thems good. But why doesn't anybody like egg salad besides us? Almost everybody i know hates it. Valley of the Danged [not really the word]- Dragon force Bacon and ham.. sounds great! I have not had the pleasure yet, but plan to! Thanks!!!
  19. The sadness is the kid was taking all those pills in the first place. It makes me think of the school that gives the kids mountain dew and sugar cookies on the break and then tells the parents the kids need drugs to suppress the hyperactivity.
  20. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! now i translate that into noob. R U SREUS? Schimmislick........... Dog lover............... Krisluvsdogs............. anyone who has not voted in the Ms./Mr./Mrs. HampsterDancer Poll in Hado... please vote immediately! We need your vote!
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