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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Are they hammie approved cookies? Do they contain hammies? May I have the first cookie LE? *wide eyed puppy look* Of course they do not contain hammies... they have been given the hammie seal of approval! These cookies... ARE hammies! Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
  2. *wonders if our HampsterDance Greeters are hanging out at Walmart*
  3. Horatio


    *watches as Lexxscrapham starts knocking coconuts out of the trees*
  4. Of course!!! I love your user name!!!!!
  5. that was poinoned. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube, out of danger. hidden underneath a... steaming heap of... roasted sunflower seeds... that someone farted... into outer space, by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed.... That killed everyone.. Then the aliens... Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished... an entire bowl... of cow poo. I then materialised into our digestive systems. And he exploded. Beware the were-rabbit who just might... be your next... small chicken pie, with mashed potatoes and purple gravy. So do not consider eating the cinesra with toast and pickled marzipan.
  6. You actually have just as much patience. You direct your patience in a different direction... your studies. Not that CheetaSpot does not do well in her studies, but you two are on different planes. (Not different airplanes either! ) The only thing I have patience for is my trumpet, and as for my studies, let's just say I only just keep them up. Would you care to tell me your grades? Sure, why not? Social Studies=A Concert Band=A P.E.=B Language Arts/Reading(english)[counts for 2 grades]=A Honors Algebra=A Science=C+ Okay, so I need to learn to keep up with my science notebook. How terrific!!! You are doing great! If all you need to do is "keep up" with your science notebook to get an A, then I will keep a couple of hammie eyes on you!!!!!!!
  7. *after landing, starts pushing the sunflower seeds out of my pouches* OooH!! *picks up horatio and jumps back through the hole, then uses him like a machine gun* sey 'ello to my Liittle friend. *ducks behind some idiots on steroids* *gets out hamster from rucksack* *feeds it some chillis from the Louissiana bayou* *jumps up and flamethrowers the gym* Do you like being well done or extra crispy? *pwns fire with teh Claymore* Excuse me, Kat, but your magical Claymore has just melted. O_O Haha! Nothing can stop teh Claymore! *pwns ninja-hammies, but carefully so that they are not harmed, then gives 'em all to Horatio* *takes all the ninja-hammies, loads them in the helicopter, hands - Kat - a bag of pin tac and departs* *detonates the fake robo-hammies in Horatio's helicopter blowing it up* *shocked, TGHL sees the real ninja-hammies and Horatio parachuting to safety* *sends eagle squadron to rip up Horatio's paracute(s) and collect the Hammies* *Horatio plummets down into the sea and is promptly circled by Great White Sharks doing the tango* *the pelican airforce arrives, scoops Horatio out of the water and away from the sharks and collects the bobbing buoys containing the real ninja-hammies in their pouches, departing into the sunset* (this really takes me back to the olden days) *Falcon and Hawk squad arrive and execute a double manouvre rescuing the hammies from drowning in the pelican beaks and dropping Horatio into Portuguese man o' war infested waters* *A man o' war drifts towards Horatio, stingers outstreched ready to welcome the hammie into its jellified depths* *watches Horatio autoinflate life raft with titanium bottom to keep fish from biting it*
  8. Are they hammie approved cookies? Do they contain hammies? May I have the first cookie LE? *wide eyed puppy look* Of course they do not contain hammies... they have been given the hammie seal of approval!
  9. Horatio


    Maybe because this topic is ten months old? I was thinking more along the lines of wondering why these topics aren't convered in snow yet. Because they are on holiday in Florida! *coconuts roll across screen*
  10. [Moreover, Why are these lyrics in this topic? O_o [The reason WHY these lyrics were posted, is because Mushroom_king's story theme. TBFOPF was helping Mushroom_king and perhaps due to the fact that they go with the story, HampsterKing wouldn't mind so much.] I'M THE BIGGEST FAN OF PINK FLOYD, YOU LAZY HAMSTER! [i was just trying to be helpful and explain why I permitted the copyrighted lyrics to appear in the forum dedicated to only original works by the people here.] [Not to be Mean or anything but does it really that diffucult to find out what someone's talking about? I'm Upset because It was TBFOPF not TBFOF. It's only common sense that TBFOF never visits my topics anyway.] [i am sorry you are upset. It was not my intention to upset you.]
  11. it's rather simple, as a way to compare the level of knowlege among members of a group, an individual decided to assign a numerical values to certain points of data, and rate each individual on their abilty to recall said data at a designated time. the total numerical equivialnt of the the data they sucessfully remembered is then used to represent their level of knowlege. for some reason, the nuber 100 has become common to represent the ideal level of knowlege. To give you an example, me being an old hamster with almost no recall would be rated a 2. Mega Wolf, on the other hand, I would rate a 99! *forgets which pouch the sunflower seeds are stored in, realizes they are in the left pouch and starts pushing them out with my paw* You just said MW was below the ideal level. And no, i did not bribe the teacher, nor was it based on a 500 pint system. It was a gen-you-ine 108.4% I love extra credit. I thought 100 was the top number, so I was saying Mega Wolf was almost perfect. If you noticed, I made myself a 2.
  12. it's rather simple, as a way to compare the level of knowlege among members of a group, an individual decided to assign a numerical values to certain points of data, and rate each individual on their abilty to recall said data at a designated time. the total numerical equivialnt of the the data they sucessfully remembered is then used to represent their level of knowlege. for some reason, the nuber 100 has become common to represent the ideal level of knowlege. To give you an example, me being an old hamster with almost no recall would be rated a 2. Mega Wolf, on the other hand, I would rate a 99! *forgets which pouch the sunflower seeds are stored in, realizes they are in the left pouch and starts pushing them out with my paw*
  13. - Kat - my apologies for not mentioning this earlier. OUTSTANDING MILESTONE !!! 6000 POSTS !!! ..... ..... ..... .....
  14. *after landing, starts pushing the sunflower seeds out of my pouches* OooH!! *picks up horatio and jumps back through the hole, then uses him like a machine gun* sey 'ello to my Liittle friend. *ducks behind some idiots on steroids* *gets out hamster from rucksack* *feeds it some chillis from the Louissiana bayou* *jumps up and flamethrowers the gym* Do you like being well done or extra crispy? *pwns fire with teh Claymore* Excuse me, Kat, but your magical Claymore has just melted. O_O Haha! Nothing can stop teh Claymore! *pwns ninja-hammies, but carefully so that they are not harmed, then gives 'em all to Horatio* *takes all the ninja-hammies, loads them in the helicopter, hands - Kat - a bag of pin tac and departs* *detonates the fake robo-hammies in Horatio's helicopter blowing it up* *shocked, TGHL sees the real ninja-hammies and Horatio parachuting to safety* *sends eagle squadron to rip up Horatio's paracute(s) and collect the Hammies* *Horatio plummets down into the sea and is promptly circled by Great White Sharks doing the tango* *the pelican airforce arrives, scoops Horatio out of the water and away from the sharks and collects the bobbing buoys containing the real ninja-hammies in their pouches, departing into the sunset*
  15. Bye! *hug* ^^ *returns the huggle and slips - Kat - some cherry flavored pin tac*
  16. May I make a suggestion? Please do not be angry with my saying something. But I'm asking your permission so that you don't get upset with my comment, as some may view it as somewhat rudely and brutally honest. i promise i wont get mad...it doenst really matter to me, i was just bored and wanted to post something... Okay... I was thinking that maybe you repeat your posts in multiple topics too much. Perhaps things would work out better if you said stuff once and in only one topic. okkkkkkkk...... this is something i didnt say anywhere else: 2 Teach is +2 care 4 You! that was on a tissue box in our meeting room where we have religion, spanish, and art, and some classes have music, and it has a lot of uses. yeah. I have seen that before. actually, it was not on the tissue box, but on a knit cover for the tissue box. but in religion today, i needed a tissue and the box was gone!!!!!!!!!! You can never trust those knitted-tissue-box-cover stealers. Random comment. ROFOCL I'm trying to figure out what ROFOCL means... Rolling On Floor On Comet Laughing? Hmm... What does it mean, Horatio? Ohhhh... you were sooooooo close. Rolls On Floor Of Cage Laughing
  17. - Kat -, must run. Time for me to study!!! See you later.
  18. Unfortunately, I'll think you'll find that I'm oh-so superior. I can barely remember by old HD identity. I know that everybody loved and knew me at one point but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Oh, well. I'm busy writing my own novel nowadays so I don't really have time for general forum waffling. How about if I make your special topic and pin it so you do not have to search and search and you can keep us updated. You always know how to find me... you had better stay in touch or the hammies of the world will move all your aeries to other locations!!! I'd appreciate that, but sure;y it's favouratism and not fair to everyone else...? I think I live at such a high altitude that the poor hammies will need their own oxygen cylinders. You could join Mushroom_king and Top Banana. Erm... sorry, Horatio, you've lost me. Or I've lost my brain. Or both. Quite often I lose myself. In HampsterDance Talk, I have pinned a topic for Top Banana called Top Banana's Bananarama and one for Mushroom_king called The Pickled Portabello. We could call yours The Lost Aerie or something else I have had time to create. I would like to have a forum of pinned topics for all our members so they could stop in and visit. Maybe you could talk HK into making another section in like, The General Comments section so we could devote the entire topic to each person's topic, so that one forum thingy isn't filled with all those topics. I had asked that, but I will ask again. HampsterKing didn't want too many forums.
  19. May I make a suggestion? Please do not be angry with my saying something. But I'm asking your permission so that you don't get upset with my comment, as some may view it as somewhat rudely and brutally honest. i promise i wont get mad...it doenst really matter to me, i was just bored and wanted to post something... Okay... I was thinking that maybe you repeat your posts in multiple topics too much. Perhaps things would work out better if you said stuff once and in only one topic. okkkkkkkk...... this is something i didnt say anywhere else: 2 Teach is +2 care 4 You! that was on a tissue box in our meeting room where we have religion, spanish, and art, and some classes have music, and it has a lot of uses. yeah. I have seen that before. actually, it was not on the tissue box, but on a knit cover for the tissue box. but in religion today, i needed a tissue and the box was gone!!!!!!!!!! You can never trust those knitted-tissue-box-cover stealers. Random comment. ROFOCL
  20. Unfortunately, I'll think you'll find that I'm oh-so superior. I can barely remember by old HD identity. I know that everybody loved and knew me at one point but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Oh, well. I'm busy writing my own novel nowadays so I don't really have time for general forum waffling. How about if I make your special topic and pin it so you do not have to search and search and you can keep us updated. You always know how to find me... you had better stay in touch or the hammies of the world will move all your aeries to other locations!!! I'd appreciate that, but sure;y it's favouratism and not fair to everyone else...? I think I live at such a high altitude that the poor hammies will need their own oxygen cylinders. You could join Mushroom_king and Top Banana. Erm... sorry, Horatio, you've lost me. Or I've lost my brain. Or both. Quite often I lose myself. In HampsterDance Talk, I have pinned a topic for Top Banana called Top Banana's Bananarama and one for Mushroom_king called The Pickled Portabello. We could call yours The Lost Aerie or something else I have had time to create. I would like to have a forum of pinned topics for all our members so they could stop in and visit.
  21. Where'd your cookie topic go? I'd like a cookie about now. Are you sure I had a cookie topic...? I can't even remember it. If you find it I'll give you a cookie myself. Greetings to everyone else that I've missed! You most definitely had a cookie topic. I have been looking for it myself! Are you sure...? Me not believing anyone until I have pure solid proof of my own insanity. It's in... Hmm. That one above Warm Wishes. I found it for you. You're right! Thank you very much. I don't even remember making that topic. Thanks a grape bunch! I must be mad. Seriously. No, just overworked in your studies!
  22. didnt bruce coville go to ur school? i think rachel said that (still no response) (guess TBFOF doesnt check here anymore) *fills the post with lots and lots of money* This should attract him! yeah, he used to be moneylover, right? Right you are!!!
  23. Unfortunately, I'll think you'll find that I'm oh-so superior. I can barely remember by old HD identity. I know that everybody loved and knew me at one point but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Oh, well. I'm busy writing my own novel nowadays so I don't really have time for general forum waffling. How about if I make your special topic and pin it so you do not have to search and search and you can keep us updated. You always know how to find me... you had better stay in touch or the hammies of the world will move all your aeries to other locations!!! I'd appreciate that, but sure;y it's favouratism and not fair to everyone else...? I think I live at such a high altitude that the poor hammies will need their own oxygen cylinders. You could join Mushroom_king and Top Banana.
  24. *after landing, starts pushing the sunflower seeds out of my pouches* OooH!! *picks up horatio and jumps back through the hole, then uses him like a machine gun* sey 'ello to my Liittle friend. *ducks behind some idiots on steroids* *gets out hamster from rucksack* *feeds it some chillis from the Louissiana bayou* *jumps up and flamethrowers the gym* Do you like being well done or extra crispy? *pwns fire with teh Claymore* Excuse me, Kat, but your magical Claymore has just melted. O_O Haha! Nothing can stop teh Claymore! *pwns ninja-hammies, but carefully so that they are not harmed, then gives 'em all to Horatio* *takes all the ninja-hammies, loads them in the helicopter, hands - Kat - a bag of pin tac and departs* *detonates the fake robo-hammies in Horatio's helicopter blowing it up* *shocked, TGHL sees the real ninja-hammies and Horatio parachuting to safety*
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