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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Are any rolls of toilet paper missing? ??? oh, like someones stealing paper goods...got it...i think Exactly!
  2. Good memory! My Mac is ollllllllldddddddddd. It is the G3 laptop. Just perfect for my cage. Any good new toys in the Apple Store? *sends Dog Lover my Christmas Wish List*
  3. i thought u said u didnt have paint at all... I don't have YOUR paint. I have Corel Painter and I am unable to get any pics from my computer to HampsterDance. I also have Appleworks, and I cannot get any pics this program either. Corel is spiffy. Lots of clipart. Do you think your mother would allow you to come and visit my cage so you could show me how to use this program????? If I could magically get done there without her having to pay anything, sure. No problem. We will ship you in a FedEx box! Claustrophobia. I will die on the way there. No help for you. How about if I fly my jet up and pick you up? I know you can ride in airplanes.
  4. *devours Candy Cane in about two seconds* Hmmmmmmmm, delicious! *says hello to Garfield* Garfeild- Move it. Where's The lasagna? The lasagna is in the oven with the pizza.
  5. *devours Candy Cane in about two seconds* Hmmmmmmmm, delicious! *says hello to Garfield*
  6. that is a cool lichen/shroomy thing! Thanks! I kind of liked it myself! understandable. Did you click on it to make it BIG??? It really looks cool then! I took about 20 pics of this lichen. of course i did, why wouldn't I? but 20 pictures? can anybody say overkill? As you know, hamsters do not have the best eyesight. Soooooooo, now that I have joined the digital age, I can take a zillion pics, put them on the computer and pick the two or three or five, I like best and discard the rest. I want to take some and play with the color, sort of Andy Warhol like. oh, playing with color is fun. so is playing with fire. I will let you play with the fire. My tender little paws don't want to get burnt! By the way... wait until the Jill in your sig sees the million pics I took of moldy Jack! *Iamgines Melted cheesemaster after playing with the fire* And Horatio- Why Didn't I know this Topic Exsisited?! I was looking for "Poll what click are you in" Topic and found this....You deserve an award! have a Jellyfish Jam award and a Wall. ( Wall Is my newest award. It's for Uber Spiffiness. I named ita after the Greatest CD ever made. ;D) Thank you so much for my Jellyfish Jam Award and a Wall. I really appreciate the thought. Your topic was made back some time (look at the first post) and you had had some computer problems an weren't here. Now that you know it is here, I am very pleased you like it. Do you like the pic I put in the first post? *Imagins Horatio with a giant Wall Award, How He'll get it in his Trophy Cabinet, How he's Going to deal with with Evil Teachers, Mothers, Judges, Wives, and worms living inside it,(You haf to get the CD to know what I mean.) and How He's Going to get by Toto without being Arrested for Arcitecturee withoutr a license?* The Giant Wall Award is already in my cabinet. We just built a new cabinet around it. As for Toto, we put her in charge of watching Hilary Duff for a week and this distracted her. And I have the CD.
  7. i thought u said u didnt have paint at all... I don't have YOUR paint. I have Corel Painter and I am unable to get any pics from my computer to HampsterDance. I also have Appleworks, and I cannot get any pics this program either. Corel is spiffy. Lots of clipart. Do you think your mother would allow you to come and visit my cage so you could show me how to use this program????? If I could magically get done there without her having to pay anything, sure. No problem. We will ship you in a FedEx box!
  8. My hamster is watching me on the computer right now! LOL! Welcome to HampsterDance efg97. Please wander around and post your thoughts to all those posts that interest you. Or, start your own topic and post all about yourself.
  9. Please add them as an attachment. I would love to see your pics!
  10. It is a good thing you DON'T live near a gig venue!!!!!!! why? Fall Out Boy - Pretty in Punk -Lee Why? How much studying do you believe you would accomplish?
  11. i thought u said u didnt have paint at all... I don't have YOUR paint. I have Corel Painter and I am unable to get any pics from my computer to HampsterDance. I also have Appleworks, and I cannot get any pics this program either. Corel is spiffy. Lots of clipart. Do you think your mother would allow you to come and visit my cage so you could show me how to use this program?????
  12. It is a good thing you DON'T live near a gig venue!!!!!!!
  13. *is beginning to believe Lee has in need of a long holiday* What do you mean by this? Your pic is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Panic! Is coming 4 minutes down the road from me for a concert. Exactly 4 minutes? Is that a walking or driving 4 minutes?
  15. hey how bout me? ive been here for a couple of years and most ppl who have been here for awhile know me, im tryin to come more regulary now Hamster Luver!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to see you!!!!!!!
  16. i know! my friend wore ripped jeans that were like 200 something dollars and im like "buy normal ones and rip them yourself!" i seriously do not get the ripped jean fad. DIY ripped jeans are so much fun to make. And they look cool when you wear fish nets under them. I like the clothes I wear, my sister doesn't. I don't like her pink, low cut, midriff tops and jeans that show half of her downstairs bits... I don't get that... might as well not wear clothes at all! We are sooo different. I'll see if I have a pic that i can take the faces out of She looks Indian... I don't... This pic was taken early this year. -Lee I like your clothes!
  17. I love your artwork!!! The dog's version of catnip!
  18. "Bubonic Plague" by CDC Oh. The disease songs. Wait. That's not a song...is it? The CDC is like. A plague place. "Miracle of Christmas"- Funeral For A Friend. Toto, you are way to sharp!!!
  19. I will read this! Thank you!!! It sounds really terrific.
  20. You should! *crowns Dog lover Queen for a day!* *places robe over shoulders and hands a bouquet of roses* yay!!! (my parents did always call me queen elizabeth!) What a great nickname!!!
  21. May I make a suggestion? Please do not be angry with my saying something. But I'm asking your permission so that you don't get upset with my comment, as some may view it as somewhat rudely and brutally honest. i promise i wont get mad...it doenst really matter to me, i was just bored and wanted to post something... Okay... I was thinking that maybe you repeat your posts in multiple topics too much. Perhaps things would work out better if you said stuff once and in only one topic. okkkkkkkk...... this is something i didnt say anywhere else: 2 Teach is +2 care 4 You! that was on a tissue box in our meeting room where we have religion, spanish, and art, and some classes have music, and it has a lot of uses. yeah. I have seen that before. actually, it was not on the tissue box, but on a knit cover for the tissue box. but in religion today, i needed a tissue and the box was gone!!!!!!!!!! You can never trust those knitted-tissue-box-cover stealers. yeah. then another day it was there again! wierd. Maybe it was taken home to be cleaned. and today a tissuebox was there, but not the knit cover. i do not know if it was the same tissuebox that had the cover on it. its a mystery. Are any rolls of toilet paper missing?
  22. has anyone found it? i guess not... I started looking, became side-tracked and then could not remember what I was looking for! hee hee hee...i think i said it was in a jokes riddles and funny stories topic, but if i didnt, now u know... *ties string around paw to remember*
  23. *realizes this is the second post where Cheesemaster has been silent* So did I. Do you have a sibling or friend to blame it on, Cheeseman? No, technical difficulties! That's good too. Technical difficulties are always to blame! +3chnic@l d!ff!cul+!3$ @r3 @nn0y!ng L0L c@n y0u r3ad +h!$ ? !+ !$ h@rd, !$n'+ !+ ? *eyes spinning in a variety of directions* hee hee hee ha ha ha LOL i am bored *hands Dog lover a copy of War and Peace* This should keep you busy for a bit! wow! a book i have actually never read! *hides *
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