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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Shoot him with an instantaneous reacting tranquilizer dart!
  2. *gasp* Oh my... I am so sorry! How are you doing?
  3. I thought you would all like to know that Heron has joined the hammie neighborhood. He is a very handsome white long haired male with dark brown eyes! He moved in next door to Hubert and across the street from Huette, Houdini and Hamlet. Pictures tomorrow!!!
  4. *wonders why Lee hasn't worn out her Green Day CD's today*
  5. Did you allow your arms to go outside without you? Yes, they are free to roam the property. -Lee Do they always return? Of course they do, they love me too much. -Lee Phew! That's good to hear!!! Do they always reattach themselves correctly? About now, I think your arms would team up with your voice and ears and leave until the Green Day Concert is over. You might wear them out!
  6. Did you allow your arms to go outside without you? Yes, they are free to roam the property. -Lee Do they always return?
  7. gun control=use both hands. the whole reason for the second amendment is so, when necessary the People can defend their freedom with force, if that happens to involve removing the current administration from office, so be it. that is why the US, overall, is one of the more stable ones politically. Illegal activites cannot be reguated. where prostitution is legal, it is in their own best intrest to stay clean, where it is illegal, they can usually count on people forgetting the details of how they contracted the disease. I think that it backs up my idea of extreme rights. You have the right to shoot anyone provided you can come up with a legitimate reason for it. You do not have the right to say religon should play no part in politics on the radio, TV or anything else for that matter. good point but their is never a legidament reason to take away a life. Sorry, the board doesn't really convey sarcasam very well. The point is that you can say that you can come up with any reason you want and there is no way of proving or disproving it without CCTV, even Forensics can't go that far. Incidentally, up until 5 seconds ago I would have been against an invasion of Iran by a Western coalition. Now, I am not so sure after the Iranian president said that the holocaust did not exist and was just a myth created by those Western pig-dogs to force a Jewish homeland on the Middle East. I think he just blew his chance of not having his country invaded, because a comment like that just makes everyone who tried to resume nuclear talks (EU and Canada) exceptionally angry and gets out their pitchforks and flaming torches (in this case, SCUD Missile launches and SAM mobile platfroms). I don't really want to see a Western invasion of Iran, but if I had the unfortuante mispleasure of meeting the Iranian dictator, I would possibly punch him in his nose, sneak in a quick kick and then dodge a few bullets that would be coming my way from the Iranian Secret Service. Seriously, I am that annoyed with him. *sends TGHL some bullet proof armour* Are you advocating the assault on an Iranian dictator, Horatio? Or is this like Switzerland again? Totally a non-violent hamster. I am just protecting my Phoenix friend from a certain death if you do anything without armour.
  8. I do think this qualification will put you on the top of the list!!!
  9. Reeeeeeeeeeal Helpful. 1. My brother, who yells at my Mom just about every night now. 2. My Dad, Who lost his job and may lose his house. 3. The fact that Nearly everyone at school has something bad to say about me. 4. It breaks my heart to hear you both are sad. I hope both father's work things out. As for the fact that people at your school are not nice, please try this, believe me it will work. When someone asks you how things are going... never let them see you sweat. By this I mean, say "Great, thanks for asking" with a smile on your face. Please never let those mean people control how you feel. Do not give them the power to make you depressed.
  10. [REALLY REALLY IMPATIENT!!!!!!!!!!!] [fell asleep in wheel waiting]
  11. [Well, like I said, she died last night. But all the arrangements are made.] How are you doing?
  12. [i'd also like to point out some vital typos you've made there.] How did I miss such a superb typo!!!!!!!!!! *hands Arkcher The Gold Star Award*
  13. gun control=use both hands. the whole reason for the second amendment is so, when necessary the People can defend their freedom with force, if that happens to involve removing the current administration from office, so be it. that is why the US, overall, is one of the more stable ones politically. Illegal activites cannot be reguated. where prostitution is legal, it is in their own best intrest to stay clean, where it is illegal, they can usually count on people forgetting the details of how they contracted the disease. I think that it backs up my idea of extreme rights. You have the right to shoot anyone provided you can come up with a legitimate reason for it. You do not have the right to say religon should play no part in politics on the radio, TV or anything else for that matter. good point but their is never a legidament reason to take away a life. Sorry, the board doesn't really convey sarcasam very well. The point is that you can say that you can come up with any reason you want and there is no way of proving or disproving it without CCTV, even Forensics can't go that far. Incidentally, up until 5 seconds ago I would have been against an invasion of Iran by a Western coalition. Now, I am not so sure after the Iranian president said that the holocaust did not exist and was just a myth created by those Western pig-dogs to force a Jewish homeland on the Middle East. I think he just blew his chance of not having his country invaded, because a comment like that just makes everyone who tried to resume nuclear talks (EU and Canada) exceptionally angry and gets out their pitchforks and flaming torches (in this case, SCUD Missile launches and SAM mobile platfroms). I don't really want to see a Western invasion of Iran, but if I had the unfortuante mispleasure of meeting the Iranian dictator, I would possibly punch him in his nose, sneak in a quick kick and then dodge a few bullets that would be coming my way from the Iranian Secret Service. Seriously, I am that annoyed with him. *sends TGHL some bullet proof armour*
  14. What happened to the telling us of the suprise? I am having distribution technicalities. der, whats that meen There is a list of all the people who post on HampsterDance with some regularity. Of course you are on there. I was trying to accomplish something and could not because of a distribution problem. I am still trying to work it out. Believe me I will not give up. cool Glad you think so! yeah im probably about number 170 No you are tied for number 1! !!!!! your kidding No, I am very serious!!! For just today or over all Over all!
  15. What happened to the telling us of the suprise? I am having distribution technicalities. der, whats that meen There is a list of all the people who post on HampsterDance with some regularity. Of course you are on there. I was trying to accomplish something and could not because of a distribution problem. I am still trying to work it out. Believe me I will not give up. cool Glad you think so! yeah im probably about number 170 No you are tied for number 1! !!!!! your kidding No, I am very serious!!!
  16. What happened to the telling us of the suprise? I am having distribution technicalities. der, whats that meen There is a list of all the people who post on HampsterDance with some regularity. Of course you are on there. I was trying to accomplish something and could not because of a distribution problem. I am still trying to work it out. Believe me I will not give up. cool Glad you think so! yeah im probably about number 170 No you are tied for number 1!
  17. What happened to the telling us of the suprise? I am having distribution technicalities. der, whats that meen There is a list of all the people who post on HampsterDance with some regularity. Of course you are on there. I was trying to accomplish something and could not because of a distribution problem. I am still trying to work it out. Believe me I will not give up. cool Glad you think so!
  18. What happened to the telling us of the suprise? I am having distribution technicalities. der, whats that meen There is a list of all the people who post on HampsterDance with some regularity. Of course you are on there. I was trying to accomplish something and could not because of a distribution problem. I am still trying to work it out. Believe me I will not give up.
  19. What happened to the telling us of the suprise? I am having distribution technicalities.
  20. I am off to sleepytime! See you all tomorrow!!!!!!! 24,000 and Skwerlhugger Will and I did it together!
  21. I listened to Green Day on MTV recently. The lyrics made no sense... So Dr. Wolf... does this make it okay for Mushroom_king to be depressed?
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