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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Great names! I have a really great name for the store... HORATIO'S
  2. How old is your hammie? What type hammie do you have? I would suggest keeping your cat away from your hammie, because if she is trying to bite the cat, she is acting defensively. Is your hammie storing any food? Do you have any raw carrots? If so, take a piece about the size as follows: ............. ............. ............. About this size as a cube. She should like this. It will give her moisture as well as something tasty. If you do not have any carrots, give her a raisins, and a small piece of lettuce. Let me know what makes you think your hammie is sick. What is she doing? If you can put up something between your hammie's cage and the curtains, to protect the curtains, could you put your cage back up there? It seems like she got upset after you moved the cage. I think the problem just might be your cat. Your cat might be terrorizing your hammie. Can you keep your cat out of your room? Answer my questions, and I will let you know what to do next.
  3. He's about the cutest thing I have ever seen. He is a hammie ham!
  4. *easily picks up the Claymore Horatio is trying to carry away and put it back into the Vault* *blows door off vault and takes Claymore out, places in helicopter and flies away* *watches Horatio's helicoptor fly away with decoy Claymores made of packaging peanuts* *drops the load of decoy Claymores on the top of - Kat's - house* *hides the real Claymores*
  5. I have been trying to write it up and have been having some trouble. Please give me until Sunday. Thanks. Yes sir. IT BE SHUNDAY. Do you still need some more time? A teeny bit. Hopefully by this evening. Wait, it's not something bad, is it? You don't have cancer or anything? How can a List of out names say that he has Cancer? Oh. And you Forgot Mondrobi. He could have been collecting a list of names of people to say goodbye to. I can be rather morbid when I worry. But it doesn't show. You are not morbid... just concerned.
  6. A few questions to see whether you are evil enough; 1) If faced with a choice between a giant laser and a electromagnetic pulse emmitting satellite which would you choose? 2) In close combat would you prefer to have a sword, a gun or a haddock? 3) What is your favourite way of disposing of secret agents? 4) What trap would you pick to guard your inner sanctum; Pirhana pit, poison gas chamber, knockout gas chamber or an automatic sentry disguised as a tiki torch? 5) What describes you best? A Megalomaniac, ex-spy or reclusive billionaire? 6) Do you like my hat? I can't resist. I have to answer the questions. 1. Yes. 2. Sword. It states for use in close combat, where a gun would not be as effective. And if you're really good with the sword, you can parry to bullets anyway. Fish and smelly and I dun wanna touch them. 3. Any way that is direct and doesn't leave them time to make a cunning plan and escape. I would also not tell them my evil plan, no matter how sure I am that they are trapped, not leave the room, and not carry on without being ABSOLUTELY sure that they're really dead. 4. Must it be a Tiki torch? What about something else, like a rock? Please note that this would also be a decoy, because if they take out the sentry, I will be on the other side of the hidden door. Waiting. 5. Yes. 6. That depends. How much plumage does it have? 'Cause if it doesn't have enough plumage, then what's the point? Hmmm... I think everyone is going to need some evil basics classes from what I can see. Ok, the tests are now disbanded. All those who wish to continue their evil education return on... the... when did I say... 2nd of January! Anyone who turns up drunk will be banned from all evil related classes, even lowly minion ones and be dispelled to the goody-too-shoes sidekick school across teh street! *goes to window and peeks from behind the curtains to see Horatio leering out of the window with a pair of binoculars* Oh! Oh! Can I be your evil Teacher's Aide? Of course my good lady! YOu can assist me in my practical demonstrations using this creature I caught in my flat in Hong Kong. *rolls Horatio out* I hope that teaches you not to raid my flat and plant anthropods in it! *sees Horatio roll into a ball, spring up and scurry into his waiting jet* Bye-bye! You saw yourself? Do you have like, RPG-vision or something? XD You never let me get away with anything! Especially not Claymore theft... *sees Horatio get pwned by Kat wielding the gold plated (not solid gold, wouldn't cut) claymore* Who stole teh Claymore?! Or rather, one of the claymores. {i]The[/i] Claymore never leaves my side. I didn't do it. Honest. The Meat Grinder is NOT On. I'm Telling the truth. I DID NOT put it in the meat grinder! I swear! That Grinding sound? Oh! It looks like...Uh... Hoops fell into The Meat grinder! Yes! It is NOT Your Claymore in my Meat grinder! Honest! *looks at Teh Claymore, which she is holding in her hand* Poor Hoops... Yes, poor Hoops. Wait. How did I get in a meat grinder? *rescues Hoops from the meat grinder and gives her protective armour*
  7. *easily picks up the Claymore Horatio is trying to carry away and put it back into the Vault* *blows door off vault and takes Claymore out, places in helicopter and flies away*
  8. A few questions to see whether you are evil enough; 1) If faced with a choice between a giant laser and a electromagnetic pulse emmitting satellite which would you choose? 2) In close combat would you prefer to have a sword, a gun or a haddock? 3) What is your favourite way of disposing of secret agents? 4) What trap would you pick to guard your inner sanctum; Pirhana pit, poison gas chamber, knockout gas chamber or an automatic sentry disguised as a tiki torch? 5) What describes you best? A Megalomaniac, ex-spy or reclusive billionaire? 6) Do you like my hat? I can't resist. I have to answer the questions. 1. Yes. 2. Sword. It states for use in close combat, where a gun would not be as effective. And if you're really good with the sword, you can parry to bullets anyway. Fish and smelly and I dun wanna touch them. 3. Any way that is direct and doesn't leave them time to make a cunning plan and escape. I would also not tell them my evil plan, no matter how sure I am that they are trapped, not leave the room, and not carry on without being ABSOLUTELY sure that they're really dead. 4. Must it be a Tiki torch? What about something else, like a rock? Please note that this would also be a decoy, because if they take out the sentry, I will be on the other side of the hidden door. Waiting. 5. Yes. 6. That depends. How much plumage does it have? 'Cause if it doesn't have enough plumage, then what's the point? Hmmm... I think everyone is going to need some evil basics classes from what I can see. Ok, the tests are now disbanded. All those who wish to continue their evil education return on... the... when did I say... 2nd of January! Anyone who turns up drunk will be banned from all evil related classes, even lowly minion ones and be dispelled to the goody-too-shoes sidekick school across teh street! *goes to window and peeks from behind the curtains to see Horatio leering out of the window with a pair of binoculars* Oh! Oh! Can I be your evil Teacher's Aide? Of course my good lady! YOu can assist me in my practical demonstrations using this creature I caught in my flat in Hong Kong. *rolls Horatio out* I hope that teaches you not to raid my flat and plant anthropods in it! *sees Horatio roll into a ball, spring up and scurry into his waiting jet* Bye-bye! You saw yourself? Do you have like, RPG-vision or something? XD You never let me get away with anything! Especially not Claymore theft... *sees Horatio get pwned by Kat wielding the gold plated (not solid gold, wouldn't cut) claymore* *brandishes hammie knife with a Damascus blade* *wonders why TGHL never responded to this post*
  9. *wonders why you both would like seeing me sad* *Takes Smilys from Horaio's post* *Thinks I should be more resourcful with them besides the Meat Grinder* *Throws them at Horatio* *ducks*
  10. Pancakes? Pancakes and Maple Syrup... real Maple Syrup. *starts making pancakes for everyone who wants some* Any particular requests?
  11. You have come up with two more great names!!!
  12. Pancakes? Pancakes and Maple Syrup... real Maple Syrup.
  13. Nice response I guess I have a way with words.
  14. I thought Arkcher won. I, nominate Cheesemaster and - Kat - . Thanka, Horatio, but I've already won. ^^ Ooops... you presented the award to Arkcher. *slaps forehead*
  15. I believe it was established that we were only going to nominate people who were currently posting. Vixen is good and if you want one other person who is currently posting.
  16. You present the award to the next winner! You can also nominate Mushroom_king for the next poll.
  17. I really like HIPS (Mega Wolf) and Animals Unlimited.
  18. I can help. It will take some time, but I can help you with your hammie. Do you have a hammie ball? Let me know as this will help. What you will have to do, is both of us get on HampsterDance at the same time and we can "talk". Let me know where your hamster is located, if she is in a window, you need to move her out of the window. Do you have a place in your bedroom or somewhere else where there is not a lot of traffic? No windows, no places where there will be air blowing on her. The floor is not the best place for her. Do you have a desk or dresser? Talk to me and we will work this out. If you do what I tell you, this will all work out. Until the next time we talk, observe her and tell me what she is doing in her cage. Also tell me what kind of food, chew things and toys she has in her cage. Think positively, we can work this out.
  19. I thought Arkcher won. I, nominate Cheesemaster and - Kat - .
  20. "No Ghosts need apply" -Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Suffock Vampire *hands out garlic to everyone* There wasn't an actual vampire Horatio, as you should know. Never trust a Phoenix. When you least expect it, another twist and turn will appear. Again, your analogy would have been much better if I was a snake, not a Phoenix. Is this better: Never trust a Phoenix. With a flap of his wings, another vampire appears. How about; Read the complete chronicles of Sherlock Holmes first before commenting on a story with a misleading title. No need to read the complete chronicles, all you need to review are your posts here. And why do I need to review them?
  21. What..... no picture???????? I don't have a picture yet. XD What weak excuse might you be using? I need to get a good picture. She's really shy... Did you see the pics of Heron? He is also really shy, but I added some pics to - Kat's - topic on her kitty. Take a look, he's beautiful.
  22. *easily picks up the Claymore Horatio is trying to carry away and put it back into the Vault* Grrrr! *thinks about the execution of Plan B*
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