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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Woops. I'm used to not closing the tags for html. A catchy, professional name.... lol I want it to be creative, be catchy, but at the same time not be too loose. It is a stores name so it needs to be professional but you want people to like the name of your store so you make it catchy. Understand what I mean? I am confusing myself again.... I need to stop it, honestly. The things I put myself through.... This is why I think HORATIO'S is such a great name!
  2. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here* ! *preforms one* It's been a while since my last jig. XD *throws multi-colored jello on the floor to make the jigging more exciting* XD This brings back memories... *creates more memories by handing both Cheesemaster and - Kat - two cans each of Real Whipped Cream... one for each hand*
  3. Do you have some raw carrots in the house? If so, cut off a little slice about the size I showed you yesterday. She will love it. A very small piece of raw pepper. Not the hot ones, the green, red, orange or yellow ones.
  4. *easily picks up the Claymore Horatio is trying to carry away and put it back into the Vault* *blows door off vault and takes Claymore out, places in helicopter and flies away* *watches Horatio's helicoptor fly away with decoy Claymores made of packaging peanuts* *drops the load of decoy Claymores on the top of - Kat's - house* *hides the real Claymores* The real Claymores are already hidden! Silly hamster... *slaps forehead with paw, hands - Kat - a ton of pin tac* No! It's a distraction! I must...resist...! You just did it! Another Gold Star Award for you!!!!!!! LOL Huzzah! For the record, I didn't make that avvie. I just thought it was funny and we were talking about cat nip. It was a purrfect avvie.
  5. I believe it was established that we were only going to nominate people who were currently posting. We did? I thought that was just for the overload nomination days when we have to eliminate people. It was my understanding that you established it was not fair to the people who currently are posting. You are the boss, so let me know what you decide.
  6. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here* ! *preforms one* It's been a while since my last jig. XD *throws multi-colored jello on the floor to make the jigging more exciting*
  7. The problem is that your cat has already "tasted" rodentia and would love to do the same thing to your hammy as she did to your mouse. The hamster sees the cat as a predator. Sometimes hammies die of terror when the cat puts the nose and paws up to the cage unless they know they have a safe place to hide in their cage. If you could give the hamster some time in her ball without the cat, this might help her. Do not reach in, but put the ball up to the open door of the cage and sort of scratch on the ball with your fingernail. She should eventually hop into the ball. I would then put a piece of tape on the ball door to insure it never opens. Before you do this, have your bedroom door closed, then let your hammie run around in your room for about one-half hour then put her back into her cage by putting the open ball back to the open door of her cage. She should hop back into her cage. If you can get some raw peanuts (NO salt... raw), hammies love these. You can buy a bag for about 2 to 3 US dollars. You could give her one or two peanuts every other day, depending on if she eats them or not. Also, I can give you a variety of foods that you can add to your hammie's bowl to make life a bit more interesting.
  8. He's about the cutest thing I have ever seen. He is a hammie ham! As in you eat him? LOL Of course not... he is a "ham" as in, a funny guy!!!
  9. Happy Breakfast! Thank you! I have prepared a variety of nuts, some raisins, a piece of carrot and some seeds! Tasty!!!
  10. *easily picks up the Claymore Horatio is trying to carry away and put it back into the Vault* *blows door off vault and takes Claymore out, places in helicopter and flies away* *watches Horatio's helicoptor fly away with decoy Claymores made of packaging peanuts* *drops the load of decoy Claymores on the top of - Kat's - house* *hides the real Claymores* The real Claymores are already hidden! Silly hamster... *slaps forehead with paw, hands - Kat - a ton of pin tac* No! It's a distraction! I must...resist...! You just did it! Another Gold Star Award for you!!!!!!!
  11. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here*
  12. I have been trying to write it up and have been having some trouble. Please give me until Sunday. Thanks. Yes sir. IT BE SHUNDAY. Do you still need some more time? A teeny bit. Hopefully by this evening. Wait, it's not something bad, is it? You don't have cancer or anything? How can a List of out names say that he has Cancer? Oh. And you Forgot Mondrobi. He could have been collecting a list of names of people to say goodbye to. I can be rather morbid when I worry. But it doesn't show. You are not morbid... just concerned. So what were you planning before the technical difficulties? Something for you all, nothing to do with me. I am still trying to work things out. Cross your paws please. I don't have paws Cross Fuzzy's paws for me. How's this? Ok. Phew! Good. Glad to hear this. Oh really. Really.
  13. I have been trying to write it up and have been having some trouble. Please give me until Sunday. Thanks. Yes sir. IT BE SHUNDAY. Do you still need some more time? A teeny bit. Hopefully by this evening. Wait, it's not something bad, is it? You don't have cancer or anything? How can a List of out names say that he has Cancer? Oh. And you Forgot Mondrobi. He could have been collecting a list of names of people to say goodbye to. I can be rather morbid when I worry. But it doesn't show. You are not morbid... just concerned. So what were you planning before the technical difficulties? Something for you all, nothing to do with me. I am still trying to work things out. Cross your paws please. I don't have paws Cross Fuzzy's paws for me. How's this? Ok. Phew! Good. Glad to hear this.
  14. Never turn on the sports channels as I have much better things to do with my time! My mom and sister are watching it for some reason. Oh my!!! On another note... I thought of you today. We hammies splurged on roses for our cage and I thought of you and your father. Perhaps these roses are from his company! Haha. My dad is sitting there like he doesn't care. He probably has a good book in his lap.
  15. *puts on party hat and brings some home-made root beer to the party* This is going to be great!!!! *waits for sequel to first poem* *makes a great tip jar for Tigerpaw* Horatio, you like parties, don't you? I bet Horatio is going to buy cake as soon as he realizes that it's there. Is this the truth, Horatio? Are you not going to buy a yummy cake? I'd like to know if smiley faces count for anything. Buying Mystery Prize #2. I loooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee parties! The yummy cake is going to be my first purchase. I was figuring out just how many posts I have to do to buy cakes for all of us. I can buy a few yummy cakes on this post.
  16. Great names! I have a really great name for the store... HORATIO'S MEATBALL SANDWICH Heyyyyy... you just exercised a little bit of your creative genius!
  17. I have been trying to write it up and have been having some trouble. Please give me until Sunday. Thanks. Yes sir. IT BE SHUNDAY. Do you still need some more time? A teeny bit. Hopefully by this evening. Wait, it's not something bad, is it? You don't have cancer or anything? How can a List of out names say that he has Cancer? Oh. And you Forgot Mondrobi. He could have been collecting a list of names of people to say goodbye to. I can be rather morbid when I worry. But it doesn't show. You are not morbid... just concerned. So what were you planning before the technical difficulties? Something for you all, nothing to do with me. I am still trying to work things out. Cross your paws please. I don't have paws Cross Fuzzy's paws for me. How's this?
  18. Never turn on the sports channels as I have much better things to do with my time! My mom and sister are watching it for some reason. Oh my!!! On another note... I thought of you today. We hammies splurged on roses for our cage and I thought of you and your father. Perhaps these roses are from his company!
  19. I have been trying to write it up and have been having some trouble. Please give me until Sunday. Thanks. Yes sir. IT BE SHUNDAY. Do you still need some more time? A teeny bit. Hopefully by this evening. Wait, it's not something bad, is it? You don't have cancer or anything? How can a List of out names say that he has Cancer? Oh. And you Forgot Mondrobi. He could have been collecting a list of names of people to say goodbye to. I can be rather morbid when I worry. But it doesn't show. You are not morbid... just concerned. So what were you planning before the technical difficulties? Something for you all, nothing to do with me. I am still trying to work things out. Cross your paws please.
  20. *puts on party hat and brings some home-made root beer to the party* This is going to be great!!!! *waits for sequel to first poem* *makes a great tip jar for Tigerpaw*
  21. Never turn on the sports channels as I have much better things to do with my time!
  22. Don't give up. Perhaps you will get the perfect math teacher next year or the year after. Let me think on this?
  23. *easily picks up the Claymore Horatio is trying to carry away and put it back into the Vault* *blows door off vault and takes Claymore out, places in helicopter and flies away* *watches Horatio's helicoptor fly away with decoy Claymores made of packaging peanuts* *drops the load of decoy Claymores on the top of - Kat's - house* *hides the real Claymores* The real Claymores are already hidden! Silly hamster... *slaps forehead with paw, hands - Kat - a ton of pin tac*
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