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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *EATS glowsticks* *pwns Mk with lightsaber* *gets a bowl of sunflower seeds and sits down to watch the light show*
  2. Time for me to run and take my online test. See you all in a bit or tomorrow... whichever is first.
  3. I do hope your hair is on ends. It would look very strange to see your hair on it's side. Isn't that an expression, or did I mix it up? You got the expression correct... I was just trying to make a hamster joke*
  4. I do hope your hair is on ends. It would look very strange to see your hair on it's side.
  5. You sit and think of Arkcher's awesome-tude. o_o 'Kay. Now what? Don't I have to give him the award, or something? x_x Yes. You need to do that, too. Doesn't - Kat - need some kind of presentation speech! ...? I have to do a speech? And I'm pretty sure nobody presented the award to me... *the crowd starts clapping and shouting* SPEECH !!! SPEECH !!! SPEECH !!!
  6. x_X Blarg! Good luck! *gets brilliant thought* Heyyyyyy... it is all computer based. Would you do it for me? Sure! And believe me, the "F" stands for "Fantastic". *rethinks this strategy* Oh, maybe I will just struggle through it. Thank you so much anyway. ^^ I'm sure you'll do great! *thinks of all the smart people on the board... wanders off to find another candidate*
  7. x_X Blarg! Good luck! *gets brilliant thought* Heyyyyyy... it is all computer based. Would you do it for me? Sure! And believe me, the "F" stands for "Fantastic". *rethinks this strategy* Oh, maybe I will just struggle through it. Thank you so much anyway. Or, You can put it in The Meat Grinder and NOT Do it. LOL... I wish NOT doing it was an option.
  8. You sit and think of Arkcher's awesome-tude. o_o 'Kay. Now what? Don't I have to give him the award, or something? x_x Yes. You need to do that, too. Doesn't - Kat - need some kind of presentation speech!
  9. x_X Blarg! Good luck! *gets brilliant thought* Heyyyyyy... it is all computer based. Would you do it for me? Sure! And believe me, the "F" stands for "Fantastic". *rethinks this strategy* Oh, maybe I will just struggle through it. Thank you so much anyway.
  10. I want to nominate Skwerlhugger Will!
  11. See we like this topic! And pickles. i dont like pickles.... hi everyone! i havent been here at all over the winter break...ive missed u guys! *mouth waters at the thought of bread and butter pickles* We missed you!!!!!!!
  12. I believe you have spelt ominous correctly. no, i meant dissapeared... disappeared? that looks right-er......lol hi every1! i havent been here at all over winter vacation...hi!!!!!! Disappeared, your second time was correct. We missed you. Things were very quiet over the holidays. About the only excitement was TGHL starting up his Evil Classes.
  13. at least all 4 of my chats are still here! Of course!
  14. 4 words!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!??!?!! There is a certain Phoenix who has trouble with numbers, but has a way with words.
  15. x_X Blarg! Good luck! *gets brilliant thought* Heyyyyyy... it is all computer based. Would you do it for me?
  16. Mr. Moosey368, Time for me to start studying. I have 16 chapters and associated tests to take and I have to have it accomplished in one week. Must run. Start picking that fruit for me. Your pal... Horatio
  17. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here* ! *preforms one* It's been a while since my last jig. XD *throws multi-colored jello on the floor to make the jigging more exciting* XD This brings back memories... *creates more memories by handing both Cheesemaster and - Kat - two cans each of Real Whipped Cream... one for each hand* *sprays Horatio and Cheesey with the whipped cream* > whopped... good one! I have no idea what you're talking about. >_> Right! *slips Horatio a large bag on sunflowerseeds under the table* I don't see a typo, do you? >_> *mouth stuffed with seeds* What typo?
  18. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here* ! *preforms one* It's been a while since my last jig. XD *throws multi-colored jello on the floor to make the jigging more exciting* XD This brings back memories... *creates more memories by handing both Cheesemaster and - Kat - two cans each of Real Whipped Cream... one for each hand* *sprays Horatio and Cheesey with the whipped cream* > whopped... good one! I have no idea what you're talking about. >_> Right!
  19. One Horatio over God, invisible with micicles and deletion for all? Interesting. I pledge alleigence(I cant spell) To the Hampster of the United Boards of Invision. and to the randomness, for which it jigs *sees a jigging trend starting here* ! *preforms one* It's been a while since my last jig. XD *throws multi-colored jello on the floor to make the jigging more exciting* XD This brings back memories... *creates more memories by handing both Cheesemaster and - Kat - two cans each of Real Whipped Cream... one for each hand* *sprays Horatio and Cheesey with the whopped cream* > whopped... good one!
  20. Woops. I'm used to not closing the tags for html. A catchy, professional name.... lol I want it to be creative, be catchy, but at the same time not be too loose. It is a stores name so it needs to be professional but you want people to like the name of your store so you make it catchy. Understand what I mean? I am confusing myself again.... I need to stop it, honestly. The things I put myself through.... This is why I think HORATIO'S is such a great name! FUZZY'S MEATBALL SANDWICH! LOL
  21. Actually she is not currently posting. She stopped back and then left again. This is really unfair to the people who are currently posting. What happens is people lose interest when the poll is made up of people who are not around. Of course, if your goal is to end this competition...
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