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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Finally getting better. I am up, out of bed and back on the computer trying to make up a week and one-half of school. Tomorrow, I start an eight day trip: Newark, Anchorage, Narita, Seoul, Hong Kong and finally back to Memphis. Hope this cold does not try and make a resurgence. I'm bringing my camera, so hopefully great pictures to follow!!!
  2. Rabbit... welcome back!!! Your post should appear shortly, for some reason my magic moderating powers have temporarily lost all their magic. HampsterKing is going to fix that problem. One day you will find the strength to talk to this other smart kid. For all you know, you might be as smart or smarter than that other kid, you just don't realize it. Just think, if everyone would not talk to him because they don't believe they are as smart as he is, then he would not have any friends. Perhaps if you could find it in yourself to strike up a conversation, you might have a new friend. Wouldn't that be amazing!!! By the way... if you have not read them... the hottest new books are The Mouse Guard, Fall 1152; The Mouse Guard, Winter 1152; Legends of The Guard; and the newest one is The Black Axe... all by David Petersen. Actually Legends of The Guard has a few authors and illustrators contributing. These are listed in the graphic books section, near the comics. Legends of The Guard has been on the New York Times Best Seller list for quite some time now. I love these books!!! The last one, The Black Axe, is just starting. The first book came out in December and the second is due out now. When all six have been published, then the hardbound book will be published which is a compilation of all six books. Let me know who you like these. The story incredible and the illustrations phenomenal!!! Hope you stop back in Rabbit!!!
  3. Still sick in bed. This is one awful cold. Still have not heard from Jesusfreak... This is really bad.
  4. Didn't go anywhere. Home sick in bed with the worst cold ever. Being sick makes me so unhappy.
  5. What a refief that jailfriend called. The thought of what to write was hard. You can't write a two sentence letter. I hope that his lawyer has not gotten his hopes up for something that is not going to happen. My thinking is, when he walks through those doors and is outside the facility, then he is truly out. He has been on an emotional rollercoaster with this event. I feel so sorry for him. Did he give you any clue as to why the change of plans? Is he out on bail? What is happening with his trial? You could try and change perfume to avert the onslaught of guys, but I don't believe that will work, unless you switched to skunk oil. Wearing a mask might help, but then you would not be able to walk into any banks. So, I guess you will have to consider another strategy. Being as pretty as you are only attracts them even more. Guys always want to flirt with a very pretty girl. Another problem is that you have a very full schedule which makes you the object of their desire as you are not readily available. Somehow they can smell when a girl becomes single. Good luck.
  6. Tonight I head for Osaka. Let's hope I can get a few good pictures.
  7. Thank you. Glad you like them. I didn't have my long lens with me, but if I did, the pictures would have been even better, and lots closer. The problem is that you can only carry so much stuff and the camera equipment tends to add up in weight.
  8. The letter will come, when it is supposed to. It would be hard to write when he might twist anything you say to indicate your interest in him. Even though he knows better. As for the new flirtatious candidates... you could use a break.
  9. No news.... o: Hope all is okay up there.
  10. Dear xMyOwnMindx, Today is a special day, the celebration of your birth, and we wanted to wish you wishes for the best birthday ever! You have not been on for a long time, so we hope that you will stop in and fill us in. Enjoy your day and may this birthday be one that you remember as one of the best!!! HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR xMYOWNMINDx, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!! Hope you are not swamped under lots of feet of snow!!! Horatio
  11. *hands Mega Wolf a four lear clover for good luck* Hope you find the job you like.
  12. You are right. People do not make any sense... whatsoever!!! Your letter sounds good to me. I do not think I would ever get anything written to send, so I admire you!!!
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    JESUSFREAK?!?!?!?!? Where are you??? Snowed in with no electricity??????? Please check-in so we know you are okay!!!!!!!
  14. WOW... that is really interesting. Probably a good idea not taking that job. Good thing you followed your intuition.
  15. You are so right... he should have told you. Oh well. As for jailfriend, I've been in that situation before, not knowing what to write. It is really tough, but I am sure that you will find the words.
  16. We departed Shanghai, China yesterday and met up with another of our flights. The airplane you see in the photographs, departed Hong Kong, and we flew with a couple miles of each other, for almost ten hours. In these photographs, they were 1000 feet above us.
  17. This photograph was taken from the airplane of downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota... Here is a photograph of the view from my hotel room in Narita, Japan... In Shanghai, China, it rained all day, but I took some photographs...
  18. No news from Jesusfreak... ! Here I am, back in Memphis!!! Whoo Hoo!!!
  19. How rude of the university not to consider your desires! I guess you will have to start a day or two late.
  20. Oh, it has been too long since I have updated my topic. Well, here I sit in Shanghai, after eating a delicious breakfast of too many of the wrong things. There was a myriad of scrumptous baked goods, little chocolate muffins that melted in your mouth, croissants, breads, pastries... not necessarily the most nutritious, but certainly the most tasty. I really indulging in these treats. In a couple hours, I intend on paying dearly for this indulgence with a good workout on the treadmill, octane machine and bike. If I had my swimsuit with me, I would most certainly do a number of laps in the pool. It's been raining here. When we arrived last night, it was rainy, windy and the agent who met us, told us they were predicting snow today. Hopefully not. I am not up for leaving a couple hours early to sit in traffic for three hours, just to get to the airport. So, perhaps we will be lucky. And, no, if it snows, we don't get to stay an extra day... we go anyway. Just as soon as they plow the runway. Will post some pictures from my hotel room when I get back home. For got to bring my cable that hooks the camera to the laptop.
  21. Good for you!!! Nobody should treat you that way. They should either do what they say, or call if they are not coming, I am pleased that you respect yourself enough not to put up with nonsense like that! *hands Mega Wolf a big bouquet of flowers* As for jail friend... get that letter finished. Especially if today is a lazy day.
  22. Just returned from breakfast... totally delicious. On another note... I wonder if Jesusfreak is okay. Her area was hit pretty hard and there are lots of people without electricity. *waits for her to check in* What a way to spend your birthday.
  23. Dear Jesusfreak, Hope I am not too late for your birthday wishes... I am sending you my best wishes from Shanghai, China. Wishing you all the best for a most wonderful birthday with many, many more to come. We will have the party table all set for you, so while we are singing the traditional birthday song, make your wish, blow out the candles and let the party begin! I do notice that you get to shovel out your car in the snowstorm on your birthday... hope Shane and you can get together on your special day. HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR JESUSFREAK, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! Have a spectacular birthday!!! Horatio
  24. Mutual break up from... I'm assuming your boyfriend and not your jail friend. Is this correct?
  25. It's about time! Greetings from Shanghai, China... room 1716, a room I don't have to clean.
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