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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Here you go: 1. Cheesemaster 2. EmilyE 3. Hoops 4. Kep 5. Lexxscrapham 6. Mushroom_king 7. Schimmislick 8. Skwerlhugger Will 9. Social_outcast 10. Vixen
  2. Thank you for adding the two chapters. I really like this! Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic! Please continue!!!
  3. For the same reason your topic is pinned.
  4. Hope you computer decides to cooperate soon.
  5. There's no way you're getting Japan. Absoloutely no chance what so ever. Wolfie has that as per the treaty of... something or other. So that means you are giving Cheesemaster the Bahamas and Montana? Nooo... It means Wolfie has Japan and the Americas and some other bits and I get the super continent of Eurasia. I think we need to be more specific in terms of who gets what MW, cos we need to get the black marker pen out and say everything left of this is yours, everything right of this is mine or whatever way round we do it. No one has claimed the Bahamas except for Cheesemaster. Comes packaged with the UK and environs. Means I have the Falklands and the Faroe islands too. Oh no it doesn't... the Bahamas dumped the UK for independence a number of years ago.
  6. It's going well. Did I ever say we finished moving? Because we kind of did a month ago I've gotten all A's on my midterms at my new school! It's kind of weird to actually live somewhere else, it feels like I may never fully get over that. But I enjoy it here all the same. I even like being a "new kid" at the school because I get to have a fresh start. I was sort of sick of my old town after fourteen years of living there. This is great news! I am so happy to hear things are going well. You had not mentioned that you had finished moving, but I am glad the move is over and you can put that behind you. Good luck in your new school. I am positive things will be getting better and better for you.
  7. You are most welcome! Now, no more Mr. Nice Guy... get that next chapter up NOW ! Heh. I won't be posting the next one until I get some feedback. Plus, the next one is really quite boring. I might take out all the boring stuff and put chapter three in. Then again, maybe I wont. Noooooooooooooo! Post it now! PLEASE!!! And, keep the boring chapter in. You wrote it for a reason and I would like to read it. Alright. Give me a day though. I have to edit it. =D *is a very happy hammy now* Thank you. I will wait. Oh wait. If you want chapter two, you're going to have to tell me who the picture was of in your topic, "I have to share something with you..." Mmkay? Wonder Woman. Didn't you recognize the costume? Alright. You told me. But was there a reason why you deleted your post? =P The reason I deleted the post was because a couple of the posters wrote that they felt the picture was not appropriate and their parents would not like it. So, I thought the best thing to do was delete it. I could have left it there as it was not a bad picture and was taken on the main street of a town, but I am acting on the side of caution. On my behalf, I was just kidding. I'll post chapter two later tonight. ^^ I knew you were, but someone else sounded pretty serious and I thought it was better off deleted. Too bad because I thought that person had a lot of attitude.
  8. LOL *wishes I could have been a fly on the wall when that happened* Sooooooooo, I have been waiting to hear what happened with your sweetie, Matt. i got a valentine yestaday woppe this guy named dillon asked and i said yes but i am so going to say "good bye" to him Hello / Good bye ? So fast?? Why?? *wonders if her life is a Beatles song*
  9. You are most welcome! Now, no more Mr. Nice Guy... get that next chapter up NOW ! Heh. I won't be posting the next one until I get some feedback. Plus, the next one is really quite boring. I might take out all the boring stuff and put chapter three in. Then again, maybe I wont. Noooooooooooooo! Post it now! PLEASE!!! And, keep the boring chapter in. You wrote it for a reason and I would like to read it. Alright. Give me a day though. I have to edit it. =D *is a very happy hammy now* Thank you. I will wait. Oh wait. If you want chapter two, you're going to have to tell me who the picture was of in your topic, "I have to share something with you..." Mmkay? Wonder Woman. Didn't you recognize the costume? Alright. You told me. But was there a reason why you deleted your post? =P The reason I deleted the post was because a couple of the posters wrote that they felt the picture was not appropriate and their parents would not like it. So, I thought the best thing to do was delete it. I could have left it there as it was not a bad picture and was taken on the main street of a town, but I am acting on the side of caution.
  10. I was handing out black paper hearts that said 'don't be my valentine'. Then someone gave me a pink rose and I didn't know what to do. ♥ Lee LOL *wishes I could have been a fly on the wall when that happened* Sooooooooo, I have been waiting to hear what happened with your sweetie, Matt. So have I.... I can't contact him! I've been messaging him and I tried emailing him but no reply! It could be that he has no credit on his phone or he's somewhere thats not around a computer. I'm a bit worried... and paranoid... ♥ Lee No need to allow yourself to worry and be paranoid... there is a very logical reason for not hearing from him. You are permitting your mind to run wild with crazy thoughts. HeHe. I get paranoid quite often. I'll pretend I don't care but then I'll stay up all night thinking about it. Yeah its another bad habit of mine. ♥ Lee Not a bad habit. When it comes to matters of the heart, there is no explanation for our actions.
  11. You never did tell us... how is your new school and move going?
  12. You are most welcome! Now, no more Mr. Nice Guy... get that next chapter up NOW ! Heh. I won't be posting the next one until I get some feedback. Plus, the next one is really quite boring. I might take out all the boring stuff and put chapter three in. Then again, maybe I wont. Noooooooooooooo! Post it now! PLEASE!!! And, keep the boring chapter in. You wrote it for a reason and I would like to read it. Alright. Give me a day though. I have to edit it. =D *is a very happy hammy now* Thank you. I will wait. Oh wait. If you want chapter two, you're going to have to tell me who the picture was of in your topic, "I have to share something with you..." Mmkay? Wonder Woman. Didn't you recognize the costume?
  13. My factory manufactures micicles... would you like to purchase your micicles from me? My (Sheena's) Sanity Mafiya destroys Decoy Horatio sanities and all those connected with the sale and manufacture of afore mentioned product. So would like to blow all stock connected with the aforementioned illegal product or do you have to have some roll up in an Aston Martin DB9 and blow up yourself, the stock and the entire market for good mesure? Also, Chryslers are rubbish. Please do not export American cars to Europe. They cannot cope with the corners and are often more flawed than Britney Spears' music after its been remixed twice by some drunken rappers, sat on by a sumo and used by a dirt-festooned hobo/tramp/vagabond who hasn't washed since the first Wall Street Crash and even before then he was a bit grubby behind the ears. Whatever happened to my mafia? I should start that up again. Outstanding idea!!!
  14. I was handing out black paper hearts that said 'don't be my valentine'. Then someone gave me a pink rose and I didn't know what to do. ♥ Lee LOL *wishes I could have been a fly on the wall when that happened* Sooooooooo, I have been waiting to hear what happened with your sweetie, Matt. i got a valentine yestaday woppe this guy named dillon asked and i said yes but i am so going to say "good bye" to him Hello / Good bye ? So fast?? Why?? *wonders if her life is a Beatles song* I was handing out black paper hearts that said 'don't be my valentine'. Then someone gave me a pink rose and I didn't know what to do. ♥ Lee LOL *wishes I could have been a fly on the wall when that happened* Sooooooooo, I have been waiting to hear what happened with your sweetie, Matt. So have I.... I can't contact him! I've been messaging him and I tried emailing him but no reply! It could be that he has no credit on his phone or he's somewhere thats not around a computer. I'm a bit worried... and paranoid... ♥ Lee No need to allow yourself to worry and be paranoid... there is a very logical reason for not hearing from him. You are permitting your mind to run wild with crazy thoughts.
  15. There's no way you're getting Japan. Absoloutely no chance what so ever. Wolfie has that as per the treaty of... something or other. So that means you are giving Cheesemaster the Bahamas and Montana? Nooo... It means Wolfie has Japan and the Americas and some other bits and I get the super continent of Eurasia. I think we need to be more specific in terms of who gets what MW, cos we need to get the black marker pen out and say everything left of this is yours, everything right of this is mine or whatever way round we do it. No one has claimed the Bahamas except for Cheesemaster.
  16. You are most welcome! Now, no more Mr. Nice Guy... get that next chapter up NOW ! Heh. I won't be posting the next one until I get some feedback. Plus, the next one is really quite boring. I might take out all the boring stuff and put chapter three in. Then again, maybe I wont. Noooooooooooooo! Post it now! PLEASE!!! And, keep the boring chapter in. You wrote it for a reason and I would like to read it. Alright. Give me a day though. I have to edit it. =D *is a very happy hammy now* Thank you. I will wait.
  17. I love your pics! Poor teddy!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you like this topic pinned? That would be really great! Thank you Horatio! ♥ Lee Done!
  18. I love your pics! Poor teddy!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you like this topic pinned?
  19. You are most welcome! Now, no more Mr. Nice Guy... get that next chapter up NOW ! Heh. I won't be posting the next one until I get some feedback. Plus, the next one is really quite boring. I might take out all the boring stuff and put chapter three in. Then again, maybe I wont. Noooooooooooooo! Post it now! PLEASE!!! And, keep the boring chapter in. You wrote it for a reason and I would like to read it.
  20. I was handing out black paper hearts that said 'don't be my valentine'. Then someone gave me a pink rose and I didn't know what to do. ♥ Lee LOL *wishes I could have been a fly on the wall when that happened* Sooooooooo, I have been waiting to hear what happened with your sweetie, Matt.
  21. Sammy!!!!!!!!! It is a fantastic day! You, Schimmislick, Kyotoisangry, Hoops... everyone is returning. Yes, EmilyE did stop back in and she is the mother of a beautiful little girl. EmilyE posted a picture. I believe her topic is in the Creative Forums, under the Stories topic.
  22. Horatio


    *screams at the top of my hammie lungs* S c h i m m i s l i c k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooo happy to see you! How are you? How is life treating you? We have missed you!!!!!!!!!!! Hammy Hearts Day to you!!!!!!!!! Please come back here and talk to us!
  23. You are most welcome! Now, no more Mr. Nice Guy... get that next chapter up NOW !
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