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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Oh my... I did not realize that he took the two year sentence. One problem with our judicial system is that you get the law that you can afford. He will now be forever listed as a "sex offender". Oh my. Now you know how bad it is to look at the sex offender websites because you may judge someone incorrectly. He may be one of those people who are mis-judged. When did he enter prison? I thought it was some where last fall. Is his sentence being reduced for good behaviour or another reason such as that? How long will he actually serve? Regarding the matter of his perceptions... I think he is going to have a hard time changing his sights to someone else. When you think of it, if you met someone and then found out they were convicted of the charge of sex offender, would you want to date this person? You might not even give him a chance. He is going to have a very long, hard road ahead of him.
  2. You are right! My 17" Mac Book Pro is too heavy. I am planning on buying a Mac Book Air or the new iPad when it comes out late in June. The delivery date was supposed to be in April, but there has been a delay and will not be out for sale until June. If the iPad was a computer, I would love it. Of course, typing on a keyboard is easier than typing on the screen. I can type by feel and if your fingers are slightly off, you just adjust for the feel of the key. There is not of that on the screen keyboard. Only a couple more months of carrying heavy electronics. My camera weighs a ton, and I carry three lenses to use with it. I got a Coolpix for Valentine's Day, but this does not take the pictures that I look to take, so now I have one more camera to carry. I am trying to figure out what to leave home. Tough...
  3. I think they have underestimated you.
  4. The key is... can you follow your own advice? Which brings me to another topic... have you heard any updates from jail friend? Just wondering what his status is and why they are releasing him from jail before his trial. Do you think the case against him fell through?
  5. At least one month before I can get back to doing strenuous things. I guess I won't be able to work... just carrying my luggage up the stairs to the airplane is pretty strenuous. And I pack light! It is the laptop, camera equipment and all the cables, chargers, etc. that weigh a bit, and you cannot go anywhere without them! More important than clothes!!! But, I do not believe that this would be an acceptable reason to call in sick.
  6. Hmmm... what do your parents think of this job?
  7. It is. If it had not happened to me, I would be laughing as it sounds like a comedy of errors.
  8. Okay... time for an update. Kind of a disgusting one. Well, we got to Shenzhen with a fifty hour layover. I decided to have dinner in the hotel and headed down to the dinner buffett. Had a few oysters, a couple mussels and one scallop. Ate some veggies, drank some green tea and had ice cream for dessert. Headed back up to my room to settle in. The only television worth watching was a choice between BBC news and Bloomberg. I chose Bloomberg. After a shower, I relaxed a bit, read and then headed off to Sleepy Town. )(*#&*()(*&$^@*#) WHAT???????????? Oh my... food poisoning!!!!!!!! Now I was sick. I mean really, really sick. The night was spent trying to decide if dying was a better option. You cannot drink the water from the tap. I had gone through my water and there were some bottles on the counter, but I was too weak to open them. This was awful. I was sick for almost twelve hours. At one point I was so sick that I hit my chest against the toilet bowl and cracked my sternum. Now, not only was my stomach in turmoil, but my chest was in pain. As I started to feel a little better I realized that I was getting a caffeine headache. I took another shower and headed down to the restaurant. I tried to eat a couple slices of dry bread, but that didn't work and the coffee had an even worse taste, so I headed back to my room. All day was iffy. Later in the day, I managed to get dressed and went with the Bell Hop Lady, whose name was Lucy, to the local pharmacy. I opted for aspirin. When you cannot read the box and you have no idea what you are taking, Bayer Aspirin, seemed like the best choice. Well, I was not in my room for more than a couple hours and realized, the aspirin was not going to work. So, I called Lucy again and asked her to please get me something for my stomach. It was acting like a volcano about to erupt. She returned with a box of little vials and told me to drink two and about four hours later, take two more. UCK!!!! This was the nastiest stuff I have ever injested. But, I figured I had no other options. Well, within an hour, I started to feel a little better and by the four hour mark, I felt that I was good enough to skip the next dose, but Lucy told me to make sure that I took the second dose. I did. By the next morning, I felt much, much better. For breakfast I had six pieces of dry toast and some coffee. It has been a week, and I am only starting to feel better when it comes to food. At least I was feeling good enough to fly home. And that is my China story.
  9. WOW! I had no idea that you could make so much per gig. On the street... for some reason, I do not believe your parents would be too excited about that. Please check them out with the Better Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce. You pay the trainer... ten percent of each gig... for life???????? I think you need to become a trainer. This way you will continue to collect money. Sort of like a Ponzi scheme, but you are relying on labour.
  10. Okay... is there a training course for that?
  11. The truth of the matter is... there is no one else occupying your "brain space" dedicated to the romance department, so you can focus on him, because he is a known quantity, telling yourself you are not over him, until someone better comes along. My advice... forget about him. As long as you are focusing on the fact that you believe you are not over him, you are not opening yourself up to a better prospect. Admit it, if he was such a great guy, you would still be with him. There were things you did not like, so you deleted him from your list of great guys. Don't waste your time looking back. Set your sights ahead.
  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! Not the ex! By the way... flimsy excuse for not seeing someone new.
  13. If you want some thoughts, email me please.
  14. Finally you are getting sensible. *cough, cough*
  15. Greetings from Seoul, Korea. We are leaving here today for Shenzhen, China. No good pictures, the smog is horrendous!!!!!! Did find a Dunkin Donuts for a really great cup of coffee!
  16. My suggestion... time to move on from Prom Date. You don't need this particular guy. Just a feeling.
  17. These are so cool Horatio! Thank you. You take phenomenal photographs, so I appreciate your post. It would have been much better if we were side by side or if I had a view from above down on the other airplane. Perhaps another day.
  18. Dear Otter, Hope your birthday is the greatest ever! Perhaps you will stop in and say hello and fill us in on how great your birthday turned out to be! We are wishing you the best with many, many more happy birthdays to come. We are bringing out the cake, so make a wish, blow out your candles and let your party begin!!! HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR OTTER, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!! Have a spectacular birthday!!! Horatio
  19. Here I am in Newark, trying to go to sleep. We leave for Anchorage at 04H00. Ten hours from now. If I can't sleep, it is going to be one l-o-n-n-n-n-n-n-g flight. No worthwhile pictures from Newark today, perhaps tomorrow we will have some outstanding pictures from Anchorage.
  20. Hopefully you don't get what I had. Yuk!!!
  21. Dear Kep, This is a very important birthday! Hope your special day is one that brings you very special memories, happy times, lots of laughter and fun with friends, and a day where all your birthday wishes come true! We wish you all the best for a happy birthday with many, many more to come!!! HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR KEP, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!! Enjoy your special day!!! Horatio
  22. Aww! That's so awesome, mK! I have GOT to get on here more. zombiecat made me lol hehe Exactly... you have got to get on here more often!!!
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