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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I think you should post everything. If you wanted, I could combine some of the posts that belong together and place them at the beginning. This way your six chapters could be together. I can also delete any posts you want to make things flow smoother.
  2. Now we are watching the Season Premiere, a two hour show called "The End Of The World" !!!!!
  3. LOL And that would be not to mention my name! No, that might be the second, though. The first is that when Horatio says "Give me a few seconds, minutes, etc,", it takes generally a week to a month, if it's answered at all. *caught* Whoa!!!!!!! Look at all the clickable smilies, now you don't have to go searching! HampsterKing has been working overtime! Anyway, I was writing... *caught* !!! I am having a hard time trying to decide which is better. Usually I do not like to interfere with anyone's creative genius. I will have an answer by this evening! Then think of it as my creative idiocy. Or my uncreative genius... or my uncreative idiocy. Whatever helps you decide. LOL Once I get all the posts moderated, I will return.
  4. A hamster's life is rather exciting... sleeping, moderating, sleeping, eating, sleeping, running in wheel... you get the picture. *avoids admitting that moderating IS my life* My daily scedule: 1.Try to not wake up 2.Go to school and die of Boredom 3.Come back to life at the end of day bell 4.Yell at Trent and accuse him of being Canadien 5.Go home and play Video Games 6. Sleep My life 1. Wake down 2. Go to school and hang with friends, but die of boredom in some classes. 3. sit waiting for end of day bell 4. revive myself at end of day bell 5. Go home and play video games/talk to friends on IM/play football(american)/do other random things 6. Fall asleep 7. Lather, rinse, repeat for better results. Why is it I don't see studying on the list!?!
  5. My Brother was putting stearos in his car once and forgot to give me the house keys to get in the house, so I was in our dirty back yard and I was bored, so I attached this gardening tool to a wooden chair, and I put all this stuff in the grill that doesn't work (and you can't fix it) and took this old lawn mower wire and stung it through the stuff in the grill and the garden tool and I made it a superntrel Machine (that doesn't work) called Last Battery that powers up heroes when the bad guys steal there powers. O_____O Now if you team up with Cheesemaster you might be able to make it robotic!
  6. Too late. "On An Island" is now "In The Meat Grinder"
  7. ATTENTION TGHL !!! Tonight on the tele is one of the new Dr. Who! This is show is called "Rose"! PHENOMENAL !!!!!!!
  8. I always love seeing you Schimmislick!!!!!!!!! i read the remnants series, but it was a while ago, i dont remember that part...i read the 1st 3 everworld, but my mom sorta hinted that she didnt like them , so i stopped I respect your mother's opinion and was wondering why she did not like those books. Did she tell you the reason? she thought they were like scary and satanic or somethin...usually shes cool tho Your mother must have had a good reason for this.
  9. You had better!!! *waits* here i am! i finally have some time... RANDOM: we are redoing our kitchen (sort of) we're getting a new floor, (its almost finished) a new fridge (we still need to pick one out) and a stove (i think) its so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW !!! the floor is done! its so pretty...it looks like hardwood but its actually laminate...its like a cherry color...its really cool! we now have our new fridge! its in the front hall rite now, and we're not positive if we can fit it thru the door from the hall to the kitchen but my dad will figure out somethin. the only bad part about the fridge is that magnets dont stick to it! but its really nice otherwise, its has the french door opening for the fridge part, but when u open them both, its not divided inside, and it had an icemaker in the fridge part, and the freezer's on the bottom, and its really big, and it has a thing in one of the fridge doors that can hold two gallons of milk and keeps them at a specail temperature and theres a place where u can put a whole platter in the fridge, and its SO COOL!!!!!!!! i cant wait 4 it to be all hooked up!!! Oh my goodness! That is such a phenomenal refrigerator. I saw the advert for it on the tele. How outstanding! I have been looking for some new appliances for my cage, and this was the most spectacular. I did not know that magnets would not stick. How could they make a refrigerator where you could not put your magnets all over it!!!! We have one like that, some magnets don't work, on it, but others do. It this spreads to more refrigerators, the magnet manufacturers will be shaking in their boots. They will have to resort to clothes washers and dryers, or maybe ovens. yeah. but magnets do stick on the sides, tho.... That would really work for important messages!
  10. That is a brilliant idea, if you could make the batteries rechargable (sort of like a normal car battery then) then no waste is produced. You would have to create more power stations though in order to supply the new energy demand, but if these idiots would just sort out their act with the renewable energy resources then it wouldn't be a problem. The Thame Barrier could be used as a tidal energy producer when not in use for protecting London from flooding. America could use all the dustbowl areas for energy production as well. Is it not sad, Horatio, that some of these ideas are here, ready to be used, but people are not taking them and taking responsibilty for the future of the human race? (sounds dramatic, but true) We are already too late. We should have been developing these alternate form of energies long ago. It will take young people to influence adults and shame them into protecting the environment for their children.
  11. I love wind power!!!! As do I, but the problem in this country is that many of the best sites for wind power are in national parks and so people complain that they spoil the natural beauty of the area. I disagree, in some areas like the Lake District I can agree with that they woul detract from the natural beauty, but is anyone really going to miss gazing out across barren moorland? Unfortunately, most people cannot see beyond what the thought "what will this do for me, now". We have about 60 years of the oil supplies remaining. In one hundred years we have used over half the recoverable oil that it took over one million years to create. Please look for the book: Over a Barrel, A Simple Guide to the Oil Shortage. It is written by Tom R. Mast. Still stuck in 20th Century Conservative mode I fear. I mean, look at Britain. We have several sites across the country which could be used for Tidal Power, the River Severn (with the second biggest tidal bore in the world) could generate 10% of our energy, that's as much as Nuclear is generating for us at the minute. And think about all the other sites we could use, we could easily hit the 20% renewable energy target set by the EU 10 years before its deadline. And all the places where wind power could be put, I mean who can say that Kent is beautiful? It is a landscape of cabbages, nothing more! Oh well. A criticism of Bush is pending, so here it comes. Think about the places he could stick wind turbines. All those old oil derricks for a start in the desert. Throw them out and replace them with gleaming white turbines, how about adding wind turbines in places which are barren, and useless and only grow cacti? North Dakota could be used. Stick a wind turbine next to each Nuclear Silo and you'd have enough to power New York, Los Angeles and Detroit (ahem, no comment about his unwillingness to surrender ICBMs). Oh well. Again. I shall keep a look out for the book Horatio, I may have to resort to looking on Amazon though, ooh.... Here is another thought. Copenhagen recycles 94 to 96 percent of the garbage collected to power the city. The great news about this program is only a maximum of 6 percent of the collected garbage heads for the landfill and the use of recoverable oil used as an energy source is minimal. Why can't New York City start a process like this????????? I think I can guess Bush's reply "New York is not like Copperhandgrenades." And in fact, I can't see why it isn't as yet even an EU directive to implement this sort of scheme. Apart from perhaps Stockholm and places in FInland, nowhere else in the EU has this sort of scheme so while we may be busying away on the Kyoto protocall, we are not doing anything to tackle the rubbish which emits about 35% of the methane from rubbish tips. Iceland is working it's way towards being oil free! They are able to use geothermal energy. Iceland is even getting read of petrol needingness, with Hydrogen powered cars, all that comes out the exhaust is water! WATER! Ok, so it may rain a bit more, but that is not a bad thing! Everything would be so much better, but so far only Toyota is offering anything near a clean car and that is a hybrid car with a mix of electricity and petrol.... *sigh* Why not say that any car which would not suffer a dip in performance from a conversion to hydrogen power from petrol, goes to hyrdogen. Small hatchbacks for example could be converted and it wouldn't make any difference! Less war, more green! Part of the problem is that hydrogen is not in a readily useable form and it takes about 1.7 times the amount of energy to produce 1.0 units of hydrogen energy. You need to use fossil fuels to make hydrogen fuels. I believe Honda has a hybrid car. The idea car is a combination of diesel and battery. A battery can take a car about 60 miles and if you combine the two you get an even better hybrid. The shame is that the problem is occuring now, but some of the technology is beyond us. *sigh* Really? I had not heard of that yet. But I think you are right, as a here and now solution to drastically reduce emissions is to go with Hybrid synergy (I think that is the correct spelling) drives as Toyota call them. That way we can reduce emissions from cars, perhaps delaying Armageddon a couple of years giving us time to develop better technology, start eliminating old fossil fuel power stations and adapt to a cleaner, greener living. Getting rid of standby buttons would be a good start.... This book has some great ideas. Such as make all car batteries a standard size, shape, etc. This way you could drive more than 60 miles by using a service station as a battery swap station instead of for fuel. You would drive in, for a small fee they would remove your battery and replace it with a fully charged battery and you would continue on. That would be great, but it would require the cooperation of all car manufacturers. It would also require an enormous stock of batteries and battery chargers.
  12. LOL And that would be not to mention my name! No, that might be the second, though. The first is that when Horatio says "Give me a few seconds, minutes, etc,", it takes generally a week to a month, if it's answered at all. *caught* Whoa!!!!!!! Look at all the clickable smilies, now you don't have to go searching! HampsterKing has been working overtime! Anyway, I was writing... *caught* !!! I am having a hard time trying to decide which is better. Usually I do not like to interfere with anyone's creative genius. I will have an answer by this evening!
  13. Seriously... who buys lives from Walmart anymore? Kmart's much better. Target has some good lives. I prefer Wawa. What's that? I would guess Cheesie is referring to the store that offers inferior goods at a high price for junk, but a lower price for a lower quality product, as compared to their competitors; the store that puts mom and pop individually owned stores out of business and orders manufacturers to move their factories to China, destroying the middle class, just so they can boost their bottom line; the store that invades small towns to destroy the landscape, roads and life of people who do not want them there. I could go on and on, but I would guess Cheesie is referring to Wal-Mart.
  14. Battery is about ready to go Kaput! Must leave immediately. Be back.
  15. Hello again, THE Mega Wolf! Yay! Came to visit! Missed it somehow... Hello, Mega Wolf! Wal-Mart doesn't have very good lives, though... Kmart is better. And Horatio likes Target's lives. I should check them out... (I think Target's are on sale!!!) Target lives are good, but beware of the birthmark design by Gary Larson (The Far Side).
  16. I figured Mushroom_king was out buying up all the new David Gilmour CDs. It's takin' her pretty long. ._. It takes a while to buy them all. It also takes a while to Put people in the meat grinder. *hands Mushroom_king all the David Gilmour CDs from Florida*
  17. I love wind power!!!! As do I, but the problem in this country is that many of the best sites for wind power are in national parks and so people complain that they spoil the natural beauty of the area. I disagree, in some areas like the Lake District I can agree with that they woul detract from the natural beauty, but is anyone really going to miss gazing out across barren moorland? Unfortunately, most people cannot see beyond what the thought "what will this do for me, now". We have about 60 years of the oil supplies remaining. In one hundred years we have used over half the recoverable oil that it took over one million years to create. Please look for the book: Over a Barrel, A Simple Guide to the Oil Shortage. It is written by Tom R. Mast. Still stuck in 20th Century Conservative mode I fear. I mean, look at Britain. We have several sites across the country which could be used for Tidal Power, the River Severn (with the second biggest tidal bore in the world) could generate 10% of our energy, that's as much as Nuclear is generating for us at the minute. And think about all the other sites we could use, we could easily hit the 20% renewable energy target set by the EU 10 years before its deadline. And all the places where wind power could be put, I mean who can say that Kent is beautiful? It is a landscape of cabbages, nothing more! Oh well. A criticism of Bush is pending, so here it comes. Think about the places he could stick wind turbines. All those old oil derricks for a start in the desert. Throw them out and replace them with gleaming white turbines, how about adding wind turbines in places which are barren, and useless and only grow cacti? North Dakota could be used. Stick a wind turbine next to each Nuclear Silo and you'd have enough to power New York, Los Angeles and Detroit (ahem, no comment about his unwillingness to surrender ICBMs). Oh well. Again. I shall keep a look out for the book Horatio, I may have to resort to looking on Amazon though, ooh.... Here is another thought. Copenhagen recycles 94 to 96 percent of the garbage collected to power the city. The great news about this program is only a maximum of 6 percent of the collected garbage heads for the landfill and the use of recoverable oil used as an energy source is minimal. Why can't New York City start a process like this????????? I think I can guess Bush's reply "New York is not like Copperhandgrenades." And in fact, I can't see why it isn't as yet even an EU directive to implement this sort of scheme. Apart from perhaps Stockholm and places in FInland, nowhere else in the EU has this sort of scheme so while we may be busying away on the Kyoto protocall, we are not doing anything to tackle the rubbish which emits about 35% of the methane from rubbish tips. Iceland is working it's way towards being oil free! They are able to use geothermal energy. Iceland is even getting read of petrol needingness, with Hydrogen powered cars, all that comes out the exhaust is water! WATER! Ok, so it may rain a bit more, but that is not a bad thing! Everything would be so much better, but so far only Toyota is offering anything near a clean car and that is a hybrid car with a mix of electricity and petrol.... *sigh* Why not say that any car which would not suffer a dip in performance from a conversion to hydrogen power from petrol, goes to hyrdogen. Small hatchbacks for example could be converted and it wouldn't make any difference! Less war, more green! Part of the problem is that hydrogen is not in a readily useable form and it takes about 1.7 times the amount of energy to produce 1.0 units of hydrogen energy. You need to use fossil fuels to make hydrogen fuels. I believe Honda has a hybrid car. The idea car is a combination of diesel and battery. A battery can take a car about 60 miles and if you combine the two you get an even better hybrid. The shame is that the problem is occuring now, but some of the technology is beyond us. *sigh* Really? I had not heard of that yet. But I think you are right, as a here and now solution to drastically reduce emissions is to go with Hybrid synergy (I think that is the correct spelling) drives as Toyota call them. That way we can reduce emissions from cars, perhaps delaying Armageddon a couple of years giving us time to develop better technology, start eliminating old fossil fuel power stations and adapt to a cleaner, greener living. Getting rid of standby buttons would be a good start.... This book has some great ideas. Such as make all car batteries a standard size, shape, etc. This way you could drive more than 60 miles by using a service station as a battery swap station instead of for fuel. You would drive in, for a small fee they would remove your battery and replace it with a fully charged battery and you would continue on.
  18. Not overworking me at all. I really love reading your writings!!!!!! Let me think a couple minutes.
  19. You let me know what you prefer and I will do what ever you want. I can't ask you for advice, can I? You absolutely can ask. But you must remember, I am a blonde hamster, so weigh my answer very carefully. Just kidding. I was trying to think about what would be the best way to go, but have not come to a conclusion.
  20. Four refrigerators ????????? Whoa! Is the guest house for me? *starts packing bags* Yes. Not that they're all full. Two of them are full, the grill one is small, and the guest house one is empty and only on when guests are there. And maybe it is for you! Outstanding! I have very few things that need refrigeration. Just some of my peppers, lettuce, etc. The sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, nuts, etc. are in my backpack.
  21. You let me know what you prefer and I will do what ever you want.
  22. Thank you muchly. Scanners can be fun to use. You should try and get one. Maybe later I can draw some more Hampster pictures. I haven't drawn much of those lately. Yay! That would be cool! Especially hamsters flying jets! I'm currently woring on a drawing where Horatio is wearing this spiffy Pilot outfit. n_n Aaahhhhh, so that is where you have been hiding. And I thought you were buying up all the new David Gilmour CDs.
  23. Seriously... who buys lives from Walmart anymore? Kmart's much better. Target has some good lives.
  24. Here is my life... and no, it is not one of those inferior quality lives from Wal-Mart. I sleep all day, eat, sip water, run in my wheel, eat, sip water, nap, hop on the computer, eat, run in the wheel... You get the picture.
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