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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. thanks guys sor doglover why ( i wrote this. it made me cry. it is for my best friend/crush but he has a major crush on my other friend) i know she doesnt want to break your heart or tear it in two but i dont understand why she wont go out with you you're a really nice guy and a really great friend and i would be heart broken if our friendship were to ever end I need to give you The Platinum Moon Award for all your poetry. You write some beautiful poetry. thankyou man i love that guy.....not you you as a friend i'm talking about the guy i wrote the poem for.......that all came out wrong You don't love me? And I thought I was such a lovable hamster. i do love you just not like LOVE you Phew! Just as long as I know I am loved!
  2. I think you're right, over here the BBC took great care in placing its time slot, positioning it just right at Saturday, 7:00PM. And it worked wonderfully, 10 Million for the first episode! And by the end of the series it had entriely destroyed ITV, Channel Four and Five's programmes for that slot. ITV just ended up showing re-runs of C-List movies after their two light entertainment shows (Two Geordie midgets with a very light entertainment chat-show/games show/slapstick comedy and of course, there was the reality TV flop "Celebrity Wrestling") Looking at the Sci-Fi Channel's placement of it, it looks as if they've just slapped it down randomly... Quite true. I emailed the Sci-Fi Channel and asked for a change in time slot to an earlier slot. I probably will never have a return email. :glare: I fear that the Sci-Fi Channel needs to adjust its attitude to Doctor Who timing. It saw huge success in everywhere else, but it was mainly because (apart from being a brilliantly made program) that the other broadcasters carefully placed it to make it accessible to both children and adults. Look at S.Korea, they now are Doctor Who lovers. In fact, looking at ratings, the US ratings are the lowest. But, nevermind, because I suspect the BBC will get rather angry at the Sci-Fi and refuse to give them broadcasting rights to the second series. What about publicity? Has there been much in the way of publicity? About zero percent publicity. But good news... it is now on 21H00 on Friday nights. (10 pm local) Not much of an improvement, but some. Now you see, how are people meant to watch Doctor Who if they don't know about it? What would have been the chances of you finding out about Horatio, for example, if I hadn't told you about it? I don't think you watch the Sci-Fi Channel reguarly and the only other way would have been word of mouth. At least it is more friendly for children, which as the Executive Producer says; "Doctor Who is like Harry Potter, designed for kids, but the adults aren't ashamed when they get hooked." He also said it had to scare you while not being horrifying, a sort of good, laugh afterwards scare. But anyway, Series Two is on its way and the BBC is obviously gearing up the propoganda machine as the website has been updated after several weeks of non-change. If you are interested there is some footage of 2006, and since I don't think you have DOctor Who Confidential, there is also the highlights from 2005 and Confidential. Also, a warning, you may want to view trailers of the episodes, but beware of spoilers like the 2005 highlights. Actually, I have been watching Dr. Who off and on since 1988. I really like the SciFi channel. Thank you for all the other information! Have a freshly baked cake for your efforts! I saw "Dr. Who off" and the first time I saw it I though it said "Dr. Wolf" and I was liike "MW has a TV show? x_x" You might be on to something... the Dr. Wolf show! What a fantastic idea!!!
  3. thanks guys sor doglover why ( i wrote this. it made me cry. it is for my best friend/crush but he has a major crush on my other friend) i know she doesnt want to break your heart or tear it in two but i dont understand why she wont go out with you you're a really nice guy and a really great friend and i would be heart broken if our friendship were to ever end I need to give you The Platinum Moon Award for all your poetry. You write some beautiful poetry. thankyou man i love that guy.....not you you as a friend i'm talking about the guy i wrote the poem for.......that all came out wrong You don't love me? And I thought I was such a lovable hamster.
  4. And what an outstanding pic it is!!!!!!!!
  5. Honey... please read this and let me know what you think?
  6. thanks guys sor doglover why ( i wrote this. it made me cry. it is for my best friend/crush but he has a major crush on my other friend) i know she doesnt want to break your heart or tear it in two but i dont understand why she wont go out with you you're a really nice guy and a really great friend and i would be heart broken if our friendship were to ever end I need to give you The Platinum Moon Award for all your poetry. You write some beautiful poetry.
  7. So talk to me. Things are kind of slow and I have plenty of time to talk.
  8. Yes. I thought I took a pic and posted it, but I guess not. I am sooooooooo sorry. *runs and hides*
  9. Only if you are jigging in jello and whipped cream!
  10. I think you're right, over here the BBC took great care in placing its time slot, positioning it just right at Saturday, 7:00PM. And it worked wonderfully, 10 Million for the first episode! And by the end of the series it had entriely destroyed ITV, Channel Four and Five's programmes for that slot. ITV just ended up showing re-runs of C-List movies after their two light entertainment shows (Two Geordie midgets with a very light entertainment chat-show/games show/slapstick comedy and of course, there was the reality TV flop "Celebrity Wrestling") Looking at the Sci-Fi Channel's placement of it, it looks as if they've just slapped it down randomly... Quite true. I emailed the Sci-Fi Channel and asked for a change in time slot to an earlier slot. I probably will never have a return email. :glare: I fear that the Sci-Fi Channel needs to adjust its attitude to Doctor Who timing. It saw huge success in everywhere else, but it was mainly because (apart from being a brilliantly made program) that the other broadcasters carefully placed it to make it accessible to both children and adults. Look at S.Korea, they now are Doctor Who lovers. In fact, looking at ratings, the US ratings are the lowest. But, nevermind, because I suspect the BBC will get rather angry at the Sci-Fi and refuse to give them broadcasting rights to the second series. What about publicity? Has there been much in the way of publicity? About zero percent publicity. But good news... it is now on 21H00 on Friday nights. (10 pm local) Not much of an improvement, but some. Now you see, how are people meant to watch Doctor Who if they don't know about it? What would have been the chances of you finding out about Horatio, for example, if I hadn't told you about it? I don't think you watch the Sci-Fi Channel reguarly and the only other way would have been word of mouth. At least it is more friendly for children, which as the Executive Producer says; "Doctor Who is like Harry Potter, designed for kids, but the adults aren't ashamed when they get hooked." He also said it had to scare you while not being horrifying, a sort of good, laugh afterwards scare. But anyway, Series Two is on its way and the BBC is obviously gearing up the propoganda machine as the website has been updated after several weeks of non-change. If you are interested there is some footage of 2006, and since I don't think you have DOctor Who Confidential, there is also the highlights from 2005 and Confidential. Also, a warning, you may want to view trailers of the episodes, but beware of spoilers like the 2005 highlights. Actually, I have been watching Dr. Who off and on since 1988. I really like the SciFi channel. Thank you for all the other information! Have a freshly baked cake for your efforts! Was that re-runs or did you actually watch Selvester McCoy? Glad to help as always Horatio, the Beeb is remaining as obtusive as ever in regards to actually telling us when it is arriving. I am fairly certain those were re-runs. Can't wait until tomorrow night!!!
  11. YEAH wow i do need to add some more poems Yes you do!!!
  12. Boss! Da Arkcher man is purloining da stock! Oh, Snap! I've been found out! You'll never take me alive! -jumps out a window- *pushes a trampoline beneath the window* *screams to - Kat -* Arkcher will be on his way back up in a minute... be prepared to grab him.
  13. All of a sudden I am snatched from my cage, placed in a plastic grocery bag, no bedding, no paper, nothing to keep me warm, no food, water or toys. What is happening? Everything is strange and somewhat scary. As I am being carried from the house outside and then into the car, I encounter a blast of icy cold air. After about 2 or 3 minutes of extreme cold, the car begins to warm. We are on our way to points unknown. My last trip in the car was when we went to the veterinarian's office. My family had carried me securely in my cage for that trip. Suddenly, the bag, containing me, is picked up, another blast of icy cold air and now I feel myself being bumped against cold metal. Is the bag being tied to a door? What is happening? Where is my home? Where is my comfortable cage that I have know for the last two years? Where is the family that I thought loved me? It is so very cold. I am shivering. All my strength is channeled into staying warm, and this is not working. Getting sleepy, I decide that I am going to die of hypothermia. Strange noises, odd smells, chewing my way out of this bag is something I decide would be a bad plan. I am not ready for new adventure and today was more than I bargained for. It is morning, the time I should be snuggling in my bed, nice and warm, for a great day's sleep; yet here I am, in a plastic bag, tied to a cold metal door, somewhere I have never been and colder than I knew was possible. My mind keeps trying to make sense of what is happening and why it all happened. Tommy and Jenny were such nice family. I thought they loved me. Of course, ever since the newest member of the family arrived, they didn't have much time for me. King, that's what Tommy wanted him to be named, was a Golden Retriever puppy, with lots of energy, a non-stop wagging tail and the loudest bark a puppy could muster. With King taking up all of Tommy and Jenny's attention, they often forgot about me. Fortunately for me, I stored lots of food and I had a water bottle, so even if they didn't come to my cage, I wouldn't starve. Their mother was tired of cleaning my cage, when it really was Tommy's job, and she thought I was getting old and would be dying soon. Unable to keep my eyes open and being so cold that all my energy is being used to shiver, I fall asleep. Am I dreaming? Is the bag moving? Do I hear noises? I can't move. My eyes want to open, but cannot. Something is happening, but I am unable to respond. This must be the end. Opening my eyes, I am no longer in the bag. A new home? Where am I? Smelling food, I decide to venture out of my secure bed. Someone has taken the time to add some fluffy snuggle cotton and make a bed all around me. An overflowing bowl of food, fresh water, the cage new, with sweet smelling aspen bedding, but best of all, I am warm again. After investigating all areas of my new home, and not finding a wheel, I decide it is time to settle in for a long day's sleep. Tommy and Jenny were out of my life, I wondered how they were. Did they miss me? I thought I meant something to them. We were family. From the time I was two months old, I had lived with them. It never occurred to me that I could be discarded like an old rag. I had been placed in a plastic bag with no protection, did they mean for me to die? My heart was so sad. What would happen to me now? Where was I? Occasionally someone would stop by my cage, pick me up, but it was never for long and sometimes they were rough. Needing exercise, I longed for my wheel. My nights were lonely and very boring. My life had been turned upside-down. It came to me one day, I had been dropped off on the door of a pet store. The smells became recognizable. Soon a wheel was placed in my cage. It was not a silent wheel, but one of those wire wheels. Using the wheel made my feet bloody and sore. I wanted my old life, but that was gone. My life would end alone and sad, but at least I had food, water and a clean cage. The employees of the pet store were nice enough, but when someone asked about hamsters, they always showed them the young hamsters. No one wanted to see me. I was so sad. Then one day my life turned around. A lady walked into the pet store, she was looking for hamsters. As she wandered around the store, she spotted my cage. This might be my lucky day. The employees tried talking her into the baby hamsters, but for some reason, the girl showed this lady my cage. The pet store had placed my cage on the bottom shelf away from the eyes of anyone looking for a pet. They did not want me near the other hammies. The lady picked me up. Her holding me felt so good. Would she want me? Would I have a new home? Sadly, the lady put me back in my cage and departed, I was not going anywhere. For the next three days, she returned. Each time, picking me up, holding me, talking to me, the feelings were wonderful. Then after each visit, leaving without me. On the fourth day, she returned, this time with a man. They both held me and again, returned me to my cage. I don't know why, but I felt a twinge of hope. Two days passed and no one visited. No one came by my cage. Perhaps they didn't want me. Perhaps no one wanted me. Then, the lady returned. Immediately she came to my cage. She wanted me. I was going to my new home. This is outstanding. Life is wonderful. The people at the pet store tried to talk her out of taking me. They said I was old and would probably die soon, but she was emphatic. She wanted me. Me and only me! Today was the most fantastic day. When I arrived in my new home, everything seemed magnificent. My new home is a Habitrail Safari cage, new large water bottle and two dishes of food. The wheel was solid and wonderful to run in. Nuts, seeds, a variety of chew pieces and a mixture of every kind of tasty food you could fit into two bowls. I felt like I had died and gone to Hammie Heaven. I was here and life was better than I had ever known. Every night I was taken out of my cage, played with, loved and given a run in my ball. Then upon returning to my cage I would find a delectable array of dinner foods. Each night was a surprise, something different. The couple was so very happy to have me in their life. I was loved. How great this love felt. My new family decided I needed a name. The pet store had informed the couple how I came to be at the pet store, so they decided I should have a magnificent name. Horatio, my new name is Horatio! I like it! As time passed, the couple added more structures to my cage. I was now occupying the entire twelve foot dining room table. My home now consisted of three cages, an outpost, revolving restaurant, space capsule for sleeping, five or six other rooms for napping, storing food or whatever pleased me and lots and lots of tubes. Life was magnificent and this house was more than any hammie could ever envision. No dream ever looked this good. There were wheels inside the cages and a separate wheel on the outside of the cage. Water bottles were everywhere. Every treat, food and chew block on the market made it's way to my cage. Organic lettuce, peppers and carrots, cheese, I am elated at my choice of food. Then one night I realize my door is open. Out I go. Yeeeehaaaaaa! I am on the outside looking in. Exploring is such fun. Ooops! I am off the dining room table and on the floor. That was such a drop. After a minute to catch my breath, good thing for carpeting, I am off. From the dining room I make my way to the kitchen. Finding a crumb here and there, this is not the delicious food I have in my cage. Still, I am having fun with the adventure. Into the hall I go. I make my way down the hall into the bedroom. I can hear them sleeping. Wandering around their bedroom, I find nothing to eat, but I traverse the carpeting and wind-up in the bathroom. Oh, the tile is so cold. I have to take a bathroom break, and the bathroom seems like the appropriate place. Just like my potty in my cage, except no potty litter. Feeling better, I head out of the bathroom, back through the bedroom and down the hall. When I get back to the kitchen, I search for some crumbs. None of the five star dinners I have in my cage, but this is like camping out. Getting ready for a nap, I need a place to sleep, I find a hole underneath the kitchen cabinets, This is cool! Off to sleepytown. To be continued...
  14. I think you're right, over here the BBC took great care in placing its time slot, positioning it just right at Saturday, 7:00PM. And it worked wonderfully, 10 Million for the first episode! And by the end of the series it had entriely destroyed ITV, Channel Four and Five's programmes for that slot. ITV just ended up showing re-runs of C-List movies after their two light entertainment shows (Two Geordie midgets with a very light entertainment chat-show/games show/slapstick comedy and of course, there was the reality TV flop "Celebrity Wrestling") Looking at the Sci-Fi Channel's placement of it, it looks as if they've just slapped it down randomly... Quite true. I emailed the Sci-Fi Channel and asked for a change in time slot to an earlier slot. I probably will never have a return email. :glare: I fear that the Sci-Fi Channel needs to adjust its attitude to Doctor Who timing. It saw huge success in everywhere else, but it was mainly because (apart from being a brilliantly made program) that the other broadcasters carefully placed it to make it accessible to both children and adults. Look at S.Korea, they now are Doctor Who lovers. In fact, looking at ratings, the US ratings are the lowest. But, nevermind, because I suspect the BBC will get rather angry at the Sci-Fi and refuse to give them broadcasting rights to the second series. What about publicity? Has there been much in the way of publicity? About zero percent publicity. But good news... it is now on 21H00 on Friday nights. (10 pm local) Not much of an improvement, but some. Now you see, how are people meant to watch Doctor Who if they don't know about it? What would have been the chances of you finding out about Horatio, for example, if I hadn't told you about it? I don't think you watch the Sci-Fi Channel reguarly and the only other way would have been word of mouth. At least it is more friendly for children, which as the Executive Producer says; "Doctor Who is like Harry Potter, designed for kids, but the adults aren't ashamed when they get hooked." He also said it had to scare you while not being horrifying, a sort of good, laugh afterwards scare. But anyway, Series Two is on its way and the BBC is obviously gearing up the propoganda machine as the website has been updated after several weeks of non-change. If you are interested there is some footage of 2006, and since I don't think you have DOctor Who Confidential, there is also the highlights from 2005 and Confidential. Also, a warning, you may want to view trailers of the episodes, but beware of spoilers like the 2005 highlights. Actually, I have been watching Dr. Who off and on since 1988. I really like the SciFi channel. Thank you for all the other information! Have a freshly baked cake for your efforts!
  15. All of a sudden I am snatched from my cage, placed in a plastic grocery bag, no bedding, no paper, nothing to keep me warm, no food, water or toys. What is happening? Everything is strange and somewhat scary. As I am being carried from the house outside and then into the car, I encounter a blast of icy cold air. After about 2 or 3 minutes of extreme cold, the car begins to warm. We are on our way to points unknown. My last trip in the car was when we went to the veterinarian's office. My family had carried me securely in my cage for that trip. Suddenly, the bag, containing me, is picked up, another blast of icy cold air and now I feel myself being bumped against cold metal. Is the bag being tied to a door? What is happening? Where is my home? Where is my comfortable cage that I have know for the last two years? Where is the family that I thought loved me? It is so very cold. I am shivering. All my strength is channeled into staying warm, and this is not working. Getting sleepy, I decide that I am going to die of hypothermia. Strange noises, odd smells, chewing my way out of this bag is something I decide would be a bad plan. I am not ready for new adventure and today was more than I bargained for. It is morning, the time I should be snuggling in my bed, nice and warm, for a great day's sleep; yet here I am, in a plastic bag, tied to a cold metal door, somewhere I have never been and colder than I knew was possible. My mind keeps trying to make sense of what is happening and why it all happened. Tommy and Jenny were such nice family. I thought they loved me. Of course, ever since the newest member of the family arrived, they didn't have much time for me. King, that's what Tommy wanted him to be named, was a Golden Retriever puppy, with lots of energy, a non-stop wagging tail and the loudest bark a puppy could muster. With King taking up all of Tommy and Jenny's attention, they often forgot about me. Fortunately for me, I stored lots of food and I had a water bottle, so even if they didn't come to my cage, I wouldn't starve. Their mother was tired of cleaning my cage, when it really was Tommy's job, and she thought I was getting old and would be dying soon. Unable to keep my eyes open and being so cold that all my energy is being used to shiver, I fall asleep. Am I dreaming? Is the bag moving? Do I hear noises? I can't move. My eyes want to open, but cannot. Something is happening, but I am unable to respond. This must be the end. Opening my eyes, I am no longer in the bag. A new home? Where am I? Smelling food, I decide to venture out of my secure bed. Someone has taken the time to add some fluffy snuggle cotton and make a bed all around me. An overflowing bowl of food, fresh water, the cage new, with sweet smelling aspen bedding, but best of all, I am warm again. After investigating all areas of my new home, and not finding a wheel, I decide it is time to settle in for a long day's sleep. Tommy and Jenny were out of my life, I wondered how they were. Did they miss me? I thought I meant something to them. We were family. From the time I was two months old, I had lived with them. It never occurred to me that I could be discarded like an old rag. I had been placed in a plastic bag with no protection, did they mean for me to die? My heart was so sad. What would happen to me now? Where was I? Occasionally someone would stop by my cage, pick me up, but it was never for long and sometimes they were rough. Needing exercise, I longed for my wheel. My nights were lonely and very boring. My life had been turned upside-down. It came to me one day, I had been dropped off on the door of a pet store. The smells became recognizable. Soon a wheel was placed in my cage. It was not a silent wheel, but one of those wire wheels. Using the wheel made my feet bloody and sore. I wanted my old life, but that was gone. My life would end alone and sad, but at least I had food, water and a clean cage. The employees of the pet store were nice enough, but when someone asked about hamsters, they always showed them the young hamsters. No one wanted to see me. I was so sad. Then one day my life turned around. A lady walked into the pet store, she was looking for hamsters. As she wandered around the store, she spotted my cage. This might be my lucky day. The employees tried talking her into the baby hamsters, but for some reason, the girl showed this lady my cage. The pet store had placed my cage on the bottom shelf away from the eyes of anyone looking for a pet. They did not want me near the other hammies. The lady picked me up. Her holding me felt so good. Would she want me? Would I have a new home? Sadly, the lady put me back in my cage and departed, I was not going anywhere. For the next three days, she returned. Each time, picking me up, holding me, talking to me, the feelings were wonderful. Then after each visit, leaving without me. On the fourth day, she returned, this time with a man. They both held me and again, returned me to my cage. I don't know why, but I felt a twinge of hope. Two days passed and no one visited. No one came by my cage. Perhaps they didn't want me. Perhaps no one wanted me. Then, the lady returned. Immediately she came to my cage. She wanted me. I was going to my new home. This is outstanding. Life is wonderful. The people at the pet store tried to talk her out of taking me. They said I was old and would probably die soon, but she was emphatic. She wanted me. Me and only me! Today was the most fantastic day. When I arrived in my new home, everything seemed magnificent. My new home is a Habitrail Safari cage, new large water bottle and two dishes of food. The wheel was solid and wonderful to run in. Nuts, seeds, a variety of chew pieces and a mixture of every kind of tasty food you could fit into two bowls. I felt like I had died and gone to Hammie Heaven. I was here and life was better than I had ever known. Every night I was taken out of my cage, played with, loved and given a run in my ball. Then upon returning to my cage I would find a delectable array of dinner foods. Each night was a surprise, something different. The couple was so very happy to have me in their life. I was loved. How great this love felt. My new family decided I needed a name. The pet store had informed the couple how I came to be at the pet store, so they decided I should have a magnificent name. Horatio, my new name is Horatio! I like it! As time passed, the couple added more structures to my cage. I was now occupying the entire twelve foot dining room table. My home now consisted of three cages, an outpost, revolving restaurant, space capsule for sleeping, five or six other rooms for napping, storing food or whatever pleased me and lots and lots of tubes. Life was magnificent and this house was more than any hammie could ever envision. No dream ever looked this good. There were wheels inside the cages and a separate wheel on the outside of the cage. Water bottles were everywhere. Every treat, food and chew block on the market made it's way to my cage. Organic lettuce, peppers and carrots, cheese, I am elated at my choice of food. Then one night I realize my door is open. Out I go. Yeeeehaaaaaa! I am on the outside looking in. Exploring is such fun. Ooops! I am off the dining room table and on the floor. That was such a drop. After a minute to catch my breath, good thing for carpeting, I am off. From the dining room I make my way to the kitchen. Finding a crumb here and there, this is not the delicious food I have in my cage. Still, I am having fun with the adventure. Into the hall I go. I make my way down the hall into the bedroom. I can hear them sleeping. Wandering around their bedroom, I find nothing to eat, but I traverse the carpeting and wind-up in the bathroom. Oh, the tile is so cold. I have to take a bathroom break, and the bathroom seems like the appropriate place. Just like my potty in my cage, except no potty litter. Feeling better, I head out of the bathroom, back through the bedroom and down the hall. When I get back to the kitchen, I search for some crumbs. None of the five star dinners I have in my cage, but this is like camping out. Getting ready for a nap, I need a place to sleep, I find a hole underneath the kitchen cabinets, This is cool! Off to sleepytown. To be continued...
  16. I think you're right, over here the BBC took great care in placing its time slot, positioning it just right at Saturday, 7:00PM. And it worked wonderfully, 10 Million for the first episode! And by the end of the series it had entriely destroyed ITV, Channel Four and Five's programmes for that slot. ITV just ended up showing re-runs of C-List movies after their two light entertainment shows (Two Geordie midgets with a very light entertainment chat-show/games show/slapstick comedy and of course, there was the reality TV flop "Celebrity Wrestling") Looking at the Sci-Fi Channel's placement of it, it looks as if they've just slapped it down randomly... Quite true. I emailed the Sci-Fi Channel and asked for a change in time slot to an earlier slot. I probably will never have a return email. :glare: I fear that the Sci-Fi Channel needs to adjust its attitude to Doctor Who timing. It saw huge success in everywhere else, but it was mainly because (apart from being a brilliantly made program) that the other broadcasters carefully placed it to make it accessible to both children and adults. Look at S.Korea, they now are Doctor Who lovers. In fact, looking at ratings, the US ratings are the lowest. But, nevermind, because I suspect the BBC will get rather angry at the Sci-Fi and refuse to give them broadcasting rights to the second series. What about publicity? Has there been much in the way of publicity? About zero percent publicity. But good news... it is now on 21H00 on Friday nights. (10 pm local) Not much of an improvement, but some.
  17. You is the watched. She is the stalked. Which is the bad. Interesting. Horatio's opinions on being stalked depend on who is doing the stalking. Yours do not? Which means that must be the difference between predatory creatures and prey creatures... one barely notices and the other is unaccustomed thereto. I guess it does depend on who is stalking. *watches to see where this is going* What have I started? Stalk, stalker, stalkee, this is the question. who stalks the stalker...? ...the cheese of the week.
  18. *starts collecting pin tac and dynamite to help motivate - Kat - * [The pin-tac is just destracting me. And pondering the many possible uses of the dynamite doesn't help, either.] *adds a shiny gold Claymore to the pile*
  19. I think you're right, over here the BBC took great care in placing its time slot, positioning it just right at Saturday, 7:00PM. And it worked wonderfully, 10 Million for the first episode! And by the end of the series it had entriely destroyed ITV, Channel Four and Five's programmes for that slot. ITV just ended up showing re-runs of C-List movies after their two light entertainment shows (Two Geordie midgets with a very light entertainment chat-show/games show/slapstick comedy and of course, there was the reality TV flop "Celebrity Wrestling") Looking at the Sci-Fi Channel's placement of it, it looks as if they've just slapped it down randomly... Quite true. I emailed the Sci-Fi Channel and asked for a change in time slot to an earlier slot. I probably will never have a return email. :glare:
  20. *starts collecting pin tac and dynamite to help motivate - Kat - *
  21. You is the watched. She is the stalked. Which is the bad. Interesting. Horatio's opinions on being stalked depend on who is doing the stalking. Yours do not? Which means that must be the difference between predatory creatures and prey creatures... one barely notices and the other is unaccustomed thereto. I guess it does depend on who is stalking. *watches to see where this is going* What have I started? Stalk, stalker, stalkee, this is the question.
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