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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. off of a website i would tell but i aint alound you could email horatio and i would get off me website and he could email it to you ............. btw way Horatio did you figure out....... Yes I did. The problem is that I have been slower than frozen molasses. and............ i like molasses cookies yumm............ Molasses cookies are wonderful!!!!!!!! I love molasses and ginger cookies!
  2. Fantastic! Good luck! Collages are so much fun!
  3. Yes. I thought I took a pic and posted it, but I guess not. I am sooooooooo sorry. *runs and hides* s'OK I have one hundred and eighty-two million doo-dads on my laptop screen and need to find it.
  4. Are you going to camp this summer? i still have to choose one...no more gs camp, teh theater camp i cant make bcause of the county fair which we always go to.....ummmmm the computer camp is really expensive, my grandpartents payed for it last time...............................so idk How about Hamster Camp? Come and stay in my cage. You can always go for a run in my wheel for activity.
  5. 9 long days! It is soooooooo long. Especially with the spiffiness of the new series. AND THE BBC WON'T STOP TAUNTING ME WITH TRAILERS! *goes off to sob quietly* *sobs with TGHL*
  6. [... Could you, by any chance, mean the shwartz?] [Or pre-haps, weinerschnitzel?] pre-haps... before the haps?
  7. I have been patient, but no more Mr. Nice Guy!!!
  8. HampsterKing is an old guy, things take time. He is finishing a few things and then will get to the avatars.
  9. off of a website i would tell but i aint alound you could email horatio and i would get off me website and he could email it to you ............. btw way Horatio did you figure out....... Yes I did. The problem is that I have been slower than frozen molasses.
  10. we love you horatio here are those pics you wanted me to post Thank you. And for your efforts, here is your Red Rose Award! Have you read my autobiography? It is a few posts back. no i will later *waits for your thoughts on my life* awwwwwwwwww............... did you continue............*waits for reply* I will.
  11. we love you horatio here are those pics you wanted me to post Thank you. And for your efforts, here is your Red Rose Award! Have you read my autobiography? It is a few posts back. no i will later *waits for your thoughts on my life*
  12. LOL You really had a bad day! i would if my "crush" was gone i am a bad person is it bad to have a boyfriend and still like someone else?!?!?!???!??!?!? It depends on what kind of "like" you have for this other guy. If you like him like a friend and not more, then this is okay. But if you would like to have a closer relationship with him, then you need to break-up with your current boyfriend. I want you to think how you would feel if the situation was reversed. It is better not to have a boyfriend then to keep someone around while you look for another guy to take his place. Please always use The Golden Rule when you think of how to deal with other people. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Always think how you would want to be treated. um ok i thought and your right me stiking to one right now This is good news. really It is good news that you came to a decision.
  13. LOL You really had a bad day! i would if my "crush" was gone i am a bad person is it bad to have a boyfriend and still like someone else?!?!?!???!??!?!? It depends on what kind of "like" you have for this other guy. If you like him like a friend and not more, then this is okay. But if you would like to have a closer relationship with him, then you need to break-up with your current boyfriend. I want you to think how you would feel if the situation was reversed. It is better not to have a boyfriend then to keep someone around while you look for another guy to take his place. Please always use The Golden Rule when you think of how to deal with other people. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Always think how you would want to be treated. um ok i thought and your right me stiking to one right now This is good news.
  14. Please go put your two attachments in a post in the Best Friend of Horatio Club topic in HampsterDance Talk. I would love to have these in my topic!!!! ok i will oh ya i wrote back in the guest book and replyed to your email Thanks!
  15. You really had a bad day! i would if my "crush" was gone i am a bad person is it bad to have a boyfriend and still like someone else?!?!?!???!??!?!? It depends on what kind of "like" you have for this other guy. If you like him like a friend and not more, then this is okay. But if you would like to have a closer relationship with him, then you need to break-up with your current boyfriend. I want you to think how you would feel if the situation was reversed. It is better not to have a boyfriend then to keep someone around while you look for another guy to take his place. Please always use The Golden Rule when you think of how to deal with other people. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Always think how you would want to be treated.
  16. we love you horatio here are those pics you wanted me to post Thank you. And for your efforts, here is your Red Rose Award! Have you read my autobiography? It is a few posts back.
  17. Here I am on the boards, no other members, but 63 guests!!!!! I am here with a record breaking day and none of my friends to share in the moment.
  18. Please go put your two attachments in a post in the Best Friend of Horatio Club topic in HampsterDance Talk. I would love to have these in my topic!!!!
  19. You don't love me? And I thought I was such a lovable hamster. i do love you just not like LOVE you Phew! Just as long as I know I am loved! YOU ARE I have a question for you... what are you doing when you quote? Somehow you are deleting the top of the quote which removes all the boxes. o erase some so i am not reply no a whole lot of stuff like on this i deleted all the part abpve what started it like i said that i loved him but i ddnt mean you then you got all sad cause you thought i hated you but said i LOVE you only as a friend that was the only important part of my reply do you get it ????? When you remove a quote, you need to remove from the ok sorry about that did you get my email No need to apologize... I figured you didn't know, so I thought I would help you. Thank you for adopting me!!! I am a happy hammie now!!!!!!
  20. You don't love me? And I thought I was such a lovable hamster. i do love you just not like LOVE you Phew! Just as long as I know I am loved! YOU ARE I have a question for you... what are you doing when you quote? Somehow you are deleting the top of the quote which removes all the boxes. o erase some so i am not reply no a whole lot of stuff like on this i deleted all the part abpve what started it like i said that i loved him but i ddnt mean you then you got all sad cause you thought i hated you but said i LOVE you only as a friend that was the only important part of my reply do you get it ????? When you remove a quote, you need to remove from the
  21. Please do not say it isn't any good... it is fantastic!!! You put personality into your pic and it shows! You will work out the minor details as time goes by. Keep up the great drawing!
  22. You don't love me? And I thought I was such a lovable hamster. i do love you just not like LOVE you Phew! Just as long as I know I am loved! YOU ARE I have a question for you... what are you doing when you quote? Somehow you are deleting the top of the quote which removes all the boxes.
  23. I would like to nominate Dog Lover, Top Banana and Hamster Luver.
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