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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. You're awesome. New Art Time! I made up a kitty character. her name's Lily. I love her so muchly. I've seen that one! On another website that Horatio won't let me mention... Its very very cute ♥ Lee Bad Horatio... no website names get past him. Haha. You rock ♥ Lee Why thank you!
  2. Please post it again. For some reason, my mind is drawing a blank. he he, it is funny that you used that word in that context. Every now and then I come up with a good one! And they are definitely not intentional!
  3. That combination looks great!
  4. Just wanted to point out that there are many, many odd Jelly bean flavors. The company "Jelly Belly" does many of these. You don't want to know what they do for some of the flavors. Here's a hint for one though: It comes out your nose YUCK!!!!!!! How disgusting!!!!!!!!! *wonders, taste-wise, what horrible flavor that would be*
  5. Friday nights, the SciFi channel and lucky you, Sunday nights as well. If you look at the programming for tonight's SciFi channel, you will see the latest show of Dr. Who. Which is absolutely the best show on the Tele! Tune in for Dalek MW and you'll see some of the best... I can't wait!!! You really can't, or you will explode! I will explode!
  6. I love that pic. I can also guess who they are!
  7. You're awesome. New Art Time! I made up a kitty character. her name's Lily. I love her so muchly. I've seen that one! On another website that Horatio won't let me mention... Its very very cute ♥ Lee Bad Horatio... no website names get past him.
  8. I love red hair!!! i love him! and his red hair ....my mom had red hair when she was a kid but now its mostly brown...i could have gotten the gene, but i like my blonde-ish hair...everyone says its 2 long but i like it Ignore what those other people say. If you like the length of your hair, then I believe it must be beautiful!!!
  9. Fantastic! Good luck! Collages are so much fun! it turned out good...i was the only one who remembered to bring in pics, but 2 of the girls had photobucket websites they could take pics off...people will bring in more 4 the slideshow at the graduation reception......speaking of graduation-type-things, i have confirmation on sunday...my confirmation name is joan, like joan of arc......... My hammie sister's name is : Theodora Joan
  10. Yes. I thought I took a pic and posted it, but I guess not. I am sooooooooo sorry. *runs and hides* s'OK I have one hundred and eighty-two million doo-dads on my laptop screen and need to find it. ***wonders how 82,000,000 doodads fit on his screen*** Piled on top of each other!
  11. Are you going to camp this summer? i still have to choose one...no more gs camp, teh theater camp i cant make bcause of the county fair which we always go to.....ummmmm the computer camp is really expensive, my grandpartents payed for it last time...............................so idk How about Hamster Camp? Come and stay in my cage. You can always go for a run in my wheel for activity. id love 2! that is, if u paid for my plane ticket to florida..(that is where u live, rite?) Here is your plane ticket! Come on down to Florida!!! You have received your parent's permission, right?
  12. laugh away.......JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!! *sniff* jk. k i did. now im over it. so hows ur meaningless life on this fine dandy... nite? I have just overdosed on black jelly beans and feel like I am going to die! haha!! out of all the things to OD on.... hahaha JK! only on weekends childen!! Thats a strange thing to do Hortaio! *gives Horatio some blue jelly beans to OD on* ♥ Lee No blue jelly beans. Black and only black! Okay okay! *slips Horatio a few black jelly beans* ♥ Lee T H A A A N N N K K K K..........Y O U !!!!!!!!!! *puts the black jelly beans into my pouches*
  13. Dang I think I missed it. You better mark your calendar for this weekend. Either Friday or Sunday evening on the SciFi channel. I am guessing it might be around 18H00 Friday and 20H00 Sunday. (Translation: 6 PM Friday and 8 PM Sunday.) Please do check your guide for accuracy of show times.
  14. Please post it again. For some reason, my mind is drawing a blank.
  15. Dr. Who is on and my battery is about to die, so I must run. See you all tomorrow! Mega Wolf... Dr. Who 20H00 Pacific time, Sunday nights... hope you are watching it. You will like this one.
  16. Cheesie... you need to pick someone else. HampsterKing does not post. Remember, Mega Wolf's rules show that you must post regularly to be in this poll. Ah, silly me. Where is the list of past winners? I don't know. Mushroom_king, Cupcakelvr101, Paws are eligible. Erendayu if she shows back up. Did SO (social_Outcast) win last time? Or is she not posting no more? Social Outcast has not been here for quite some time.
  17. Friday nights, the SciFi channel and lucky you, Sunday nights as well. If you look at the programming for tonight's SciFi channel, you will see the latest show of Dr. Who. Which is absolutely the best show on the Tele! Tune in for Dalek MW and you'll see some of the best... I can't wait!!!
  18. You are torturing me more than if you pulled out my fingernails, one by one! You need not worry Horatio for, as always, I have a cunning plan for summer to relive you of the terrible burden of waiting for the 2nd series. I hope it works. But first I need to locate a video to DVD/CD recorder that I can rent, a good international mailer and several miles of duct tape... I have your list. Tomorrow I will be heading to the store, pick-up all your supplies and then off to FedEx for overnight delivery to you!!! See how easy this is!
  19. The nominations so far... 1. Dog lover 2. Top Banana 3. Hamster Luver 4. Kep 5. Vixen 6. Lexxscrapham 7. The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy (TBFOF) 8. Honey 9. 10. Cheesie... you need to pick someone else. HampsterKing does not post. Remember, Mega Wolf's rules show that you must post regularly to be in this poll. Ah, silly me. Where is the list of past winners? I don't know. Mushroom_king, Cupcakelvr101, Paws are eligible. Erendayu if she shows back up.
  20. Friday nights, the SciFi channel and lucky you, Sunday nights as well. If you look at the programming for tonight's SciFi channel, you will see the latest show of Dr. Who. Which is absolutely the best show on the Tele!
  21. *innocent kitten eyes* I've got no idea what he's talking about... *wonders how long - Kat - had to practice those innocent kitten eyes*
  22. From you, I couldn't have guessed!
  23. Really?? Awesome! I would prefer it on gamecube since it's in my bedroom and all. So since the poll doesn't seem to be getting anywhere, then blue is the winner, yay! Thanks for your help everyone. It is Easter holiday... things are a bit slow.
  24. You are torturing me more than if you pulled out my fingernails, one by one!
  25. I am not listening to any music. I am watching Dr. Who, the Dalek episode! G R E A T ! ! ! ! !
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