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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. That's amazing!!! I think you will be great at this!!! Pictures, we want pictures.
  2. The learning point of your jail friend's life, is that we are all just one step away from being where they are. Very scary when you think about it.
  3. Amazing, isn't it????? You are the winner!!!!!!! *prize to follow* Close up to follow... Look at those eyes!!!!!!!!!
  4. Amazing, isn't it????? Close up to follow... Look at those eyes!!!!!!!!!
  5. Wildcat... we do read the new posts, although not everyone posts. We have some habitual lurkers and I wish they would say something. You make time for what is important to you. As life goes on, it is a matter of priorities and where things fit into this list. We hope this remains somewhere high on your priority list. The drifting happens to all of us, we just run out of time every now and then. We hope that you want to return. Please email me your blog url. Here is an address for you: darker52843@mypacks.net If you allow facebook access to your address book, please list me only as Horatio. As for the political viewpoints, this is wonderful. I appreciate when people express what they are thinking. Check out my Horatio topic in this forum and let me know if you can find what the photograph is all about. And no... not leaves and tree branches. Mega Wolf stops into her two topics, The Relationship Topic in the HampsterDance.com Website forum and Days In the Life of Mega Wolf in the Hado forum. Hope to see you soon and often.
  6. Dear Top Banana, Today is your birthday and we would like to wish you the best birthday ever! May you have a terrific day, filled with every thing that makes this day the best! HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR TOP BANANA, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! Make a wish, blow out all the candles and let the party begin!! Horatio
  7. There will be an award if someone can tell me what they see... and no, you cannot answer tree branches and leaves. There is something more and you have to tell me exactly what you see and where it is located. I almost goofed and had the name of what it was, so I had to go back in and edit the name.
  8. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!! *round of applause*
  9. LOL... I too was thinking of the move to another country, but I would imagine that you cannot lose the past life baggage, so that will not work. As for the other guy who spent a year in jail for not paying fees to the DMV... oh my. I'm glad I keep my licenses up to date, vehicles registered and insured... I would never want that to happen. Perhaps he got into an accident and did not have insurance or he got a ticket for not having a license and they issued a bench warrant for him. There are many possibilities when you do not follow up on your responsibilities. When I lived in Miami, there were many, many people who were in the country, not paying taxes, not in the system, and I wish some of these people would have ended up in jail. A friend of mine was in a car accident, where an illegal person, who really did not 'exist' in this country, hit her by running a red light. They tried to leave the scene, but they car would not drive more than about twenty feet. The fled the scene on foot, but the car belonged to a friend and they tracked the guys down through the other person. She was totally out of luck. No driver's licenses, no current registration, no insurance... what a mess. I make sure that I have the uninusred motorist, sort-of insured motorist and wish-I-was-insured motorist coverage. I make sure I am totally covered for just that event. I think that I ventured way off topic. Ooooops. Thank you for being so nice.
  10. TBFOF!!! Welcome back!!! Outstanding photograph!!!!! How tough a first semester you had. I know that must have been very difficult for you. If you ever do look to transfer, there is a small college on Staten Island where you would definitely fit in and it offers everything you want. Wagner College. Good school with lots and lots of artsy, theatre minded, well-dressed people with great backgrounds and a good business department. Plus, New York City is only a ferry ride away. The good news is that you do like your school now. This is terrific! Northeastern is an incredibly terrific school and I'm certain you have found your niche. Getting back to your post, I will respond to that, but first, having your wisdom teeth out is so painful. How many teeth did you have removed? Were any impacted? The removal of wisdom teeth is really, really painful. Get well soon!!! I had mine taken out. Two at a time so I understand your pain. In your post, the one sentence that bothers me is that you are spending absurd amounts of money to try and keep up with the material levels of other people. Life is about much more than spending money on 'stuff'. I hope that you can change this trend. High end stuff is okay, but it does not make you who you are. The friends you have do not care if you wear a Hermes or a no name, they like you for what is inside. Your personality, your character, defines who you are, the TBFOF that they like. Not the 'stuff'. As a little hamster, my mother had a saying... "There will always be someone richer, thinner, prettier, handsomer, faster, smarter, etc. so just try and be who you are, and be happy with who you are. What's inside makes all the difference." I know you will be successful, and will have the ability to purchase high end things, but I hope that you can move a step past this, and not waste your money on stuff. If this continues, you could very well find yourself with enormous credit card debt and in a serious financial situation. Okay, enough of the lecture. Your friends sound very nice. The apartment in Manhattan sounds spectacular!!! WOW!!! Which restaurants did you dine at? I am always looking for a terrific restaurant in the city. Hopefully you have gotten over the eating disorder. Although I do not know for sure, I would guess that you are definitely NOT fat. So, I hope that you are able to like your self enough not to starve your body. There are lots of healthy foods, vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, that will not make you fat. So, enjoy life and enjoy a good meal. Everyone here knows you and likes you and we hope that you stop back in and post more often. Keep up the phenomenal photography!!! Your photographs are superb and we love seeing them. Please check out my last post in my Horatio topic. Let me know what you see please.
  11. I certainly wish he had tried some other options. As you mention, that title is with him for life. As people become more internet savvy, it is only going to get worse. No matter where he lives, he will have to register with the police and his name will be listed on those sites. This scenario has made me realize how making a very small mistake can ruin your life beyond what one could ever imagine. What everyone needs to keep in the back of their minds is that we are all just one small mistake away from being in a similar position. Of course, most of us are smart enough to not do something dumb, but he has opened my eyes to what can happen. Well, jail friend or ex, I'm glad that both are close to the "not a chance" category. Thank you for putting up with my being overprotective. I appreciate your kindness.
  12. *round of applause* Good luck!!! You are going to do an outstanding job in the interview!!!
  13. What bothers me is the fact that he omits some of the details about what is happening with him. For example, the part about the deal he accepted. He could have tried his luck with a different public defender. Not all of them are bad. Oh well. I don't think you will catch up to me in the cycnicism category. I'm glad to hear that your ex is definitely going to remain your ex. What bothers about the balloon thing is the length of time that you pay the commission for the training. Do they give you leads to jobs? For the percentage, they should. If they ask you to sign a contract, do not sign it immediately, ask your parents to look at the contract before you sign anything. The balloon company should have no problem with this. If they do not let you take the contract home, then there is something wrong and this is a good indication that there is something in the contract that needs your immediate attention and it is mandatory that you don't sign it without first consulting your parents. Okay... I know I am acting like an overprotective parent.
  14. That will be two pictures please... the blonde... and the redhead! You are sooooooo bold. I would never have the guts to color my hair. Blonde is all I ever have been. A toe head at birth through about college, then a little bit darker.
  15. W H A T T T T T T ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Now you have to post a picture of the "new" you!!!!! As for not receiving an email, you will. Employers are not in the same rush as the applicant. It will come. Go buy a composition book. Write down the date, time, questions asked, the interviewer and keep a record of the interview. I am certain you will be hired, then write down the date you started, the very first day you completed the paperwork, the training, the training leader, your supervisor, and pay data. This is very important for the future when you have to account for your time and actions. It sounds like quite a bit of work, but trust me, it will pay off in the long run.
  16. Networking in the prison system... well that certainly gives a new twist on this aspect of things. I hope it is really more than talk. Somehow, I am a bit cycnical and doubtful. But, if it pans out... bravo!!! I am certainly happy that I am not in your shoes, as I do not believe he is going to understand that the romantic relationship is over. He may verbalize what you have told him, but I do not believe he will truly know this is the case. He will probably hope and think that he can change your mind and rekindle the romance. As for the suitors... it is truly nice to be desired, but it can also be a burden. The ex was certainly out of his league. You are pretty, smart, terrific personality, talented, and the list goes on and on. You are going to meet a truly incredible guy who is all you are and more. I am anxiously awaiting the day you meet this particular person. It is going to be the greatest day of your life!!! On another note... I was reading the newspaper about the Cocoa Mardi Gras and they were talking about the "balloon artist". I thought of you!!! I could not believe my eyes when I read the article. You may just have a great option for making money or at least being famous.
  17. What I would do is to put a digital recorder in your handbag. Record your interview. When you get home, listen to your recording as if you were the interviewer. This is important as you want to learn from this interview for further interviews. You want to be the perfect interview candidate when the ultimate job interview comes along.
  18. You are so right, I don't think he is totally accepting of what is in store for him in the future. I can give you a very, very long list of writers, actors, musicians, screen writers, lyricists, etc., who have been waiting for their careers to take off. Except they all have back up plans... such as a minimum wage job to pay the bills, until their career takes off. You can have spectacular music, but if you don't have luck, you may never get off the ground. By luck I mean, the right door opening at the right time, the music being sung or played by someone who is well known, etc.. Talent is important, but so is having your music heard by the right people. I'm glad to hear that he has other people outside his family to support him. The problem that I see is that you are his 'romantic' interest. Again, I do believe you are right, he will not be fair about the time you spend or don't spend with him. I wish you luck in this department... this will be trying. I must say that I do admire you for the loyalty you have shown him. He needs to appreciate just how great a friend you are.
  19. You stated what I was thinking. He has no idea whatsoever just how brutal life can be and when he gets out, he has to account for his time. Saying you were in prison closes a number of doors. I have no idea if he has to explain why he was serving time, and it is a no-win situation. No matter what you say, it is going to sound bad. Due to the fact that you have been explaining things, I understand the situation, whereas if he has fifteen minutes to explain himself, it is going to be very tough. The experience will ruin his life, but he will have to act like the Phoenix and rise from the ashes. He just needs someone to give him a chance. That will be the harsh reality. What is worse, he is going to be looking to you for friendship plus. He will want someone to socialize with and have something more, and you cannot allow yourself to rearrange your schedule to accommodate him. This will also be hard for him.
  20. It was. I'm happy now!!! The cable guy was here, replaced the corroded thingys that were limiting my cable, I found my password for the airport and I am wandering around the internet sitting on my bed. Life is good!!! The launch was spectacular!!! This was the last flight of the Discovery Shuttle. As soon as I sort through the zillion plus photographs I took, I will post some.
  21. So... I am back home. My chest hurts like crazy. Kind of a dull pain. This is annoying because I am limited as to what I can do. No working out, no running, no, no, no, no, noooooooooooooo. *cries* Well, here is the scenario from my ride home to Florida. Got out of the house and by the time I collected all my stuff, my bag weighed about one hundred and eighty million pounds. Then I had to take a couple plants that were growing like crazy, and were too big for the window, and wrap them up. They needed to be protected in such a way that they could go through security, the baggage screener, in the airplane, out the baggage screener, and into the car, kind of wrapping. Took care of that and the plants looked very strange. Now I get to the airport, meet the crew, ask for a ride and am seated in the airplane, bags stowed, ready for the trip home. Totally uneventful. Arrive in Orlando and head out to the car. When I get there, I have a dead battery. Dave, the mechanic, jumps the battery and drives off. As soon as I turn on my lights, the car is dead. Flagging down another employee, I try again to jump the battery, but this time, nothing is going to work. I head back inside, locate Dave and we decide that I need to purchase a new battery. Taking the mechanic's truck, I head for AutoZone, which, fortunately, is not too far away. There is a big sign in the window... Free Tool Lending Program. Wonderful!!! The guy offers me three choices of batteries... 69.99, 89.99 or 99.99... 3, 5 or 7 year free replacement guarantee. No use skimping... I go for the big dog!!! Then I ask about the Free Tool Lending Program. The guy says "Not now... we are going to close in an hour. But I can sell you the tools you need." No thanks. I am not spending 200 dollars on tools for a 100 dollar battery. Then there is a core charge that means that I need to return the battery to him. Blah, blah, blah. Not in too much of a mood for this. Head back to the ramp, return the truck and beg for assistance to change my battery. The mechanics were phenomenal. Need to bring them a big bag of cookies and treats when I head back out. Anyway, they had it changed in no time, put the old battery in my trunk and off I go. Of course, the SunPass has a dead battery, so now I have to battle long lines at the toll booths. Aaaaaarggghhhh. Of course, the traffic is way, way more than I feel like dealing with, don't forget, we have all these people coming in for the shuttle launch today. Anyway, finally I pull into my driveway. Well, the plants are overgrown and it makes navigating up my driveway more like a course for stunt car drivers. But I am home. I collect my mail, get into the house and what a mess. The guys are still removing paint from the ceiling. I thought this job was finished. All the lights that are on timers, the light bulbs are burnt out. The house is totally dark. The contractor assured me that he replaced all the light bulbs. Oh well. The place is a mess. I turn on the hot water heater and prepare to go through about six months of mail. Finally after a shower, I plan on watching a little of the tele, then head to bed. But no, I have to call these people to reset the box. Grrrrrr. Nothing is easy. I get the service reset and my favorite channel, Bloomberg, is unavailable. *cries* this means that I have to deal with this tomorrow. Ouch, my head hurts. I needed to get on the internet, so I will just get those things accomplished. But, this is not to happen... I need a WPA password. WHAT?????? I have no clue what this password is because I always had it saved. Now I call the company back and I am on hold for forty-five minutes before I hang up from frustration. I guess I won't be getting on the internet. My decision is just to read until I am sleepy. At least with a book, it cannot die from lack of electricity or be unavailable due to a lack of connection. Mouse Guard... I read this book again. David Petersen is a genius!!! I have read this book a zillion times and it does not matter how many times I read it or how many times I look at the art, it just gets better every time I open it. Today I wake up, throw on some summer clothes, and head out for breakfast and a good internet connection. The launch is at 16H50 and I plan on being home. The traffic is going to be a nightmare and I really don't feel like dealing with it. My list for today is long and I need to get as much done as possible before the cable guy comes at 15H00. I was planning on heading to Memphis tomorrow morning, but I plan on staying down here to get everything done. Lowe's will be my first stop, then the car wash. Today, hopefully I will have some fantastic pictures of the launch to show you. If I am able, I will take a movie and some stills. That about covers it.
  22. *clicks on the save this post for future use button* Excellent!!!!!
  23. We know him through you, but for the little we do know, I feel so sorry for him, as I believe he is immature and clueless. He will grow up considerably in prison, and then the real world will hit him with a sledge hammer when he gets out. In his case, I hope that they let him out early to accommodate the overcrowding. He is one of those people who really should not be locked up.
  24. We want pictures!!!!!!!!!! I really want to see how you do with this!!!!!
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