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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. LOL I just passed 26,000, I can't wait to see what you write when I pass 30,000!
  2. If you decide not to wear make-up this is terrific! The make-up companies always want to make you think you need all this stuff on your face just to go out in public. In fact, most people are quite beautiful without make-up. I suggest you do what makes you feel most comfortable and be very happy with your decision. Going without make-up is a great thing.
  3. We also have Deal or No Deal, but I have never watched it. I love that show! It's awesome, and my dad loves it! If you all recommend it, I will have to take a look!
  4. The world would be a much happier place if they all thought the way you do! Money does not buy happiness. If you decide not to wear make-up this is terrific! The make-up companies always want to make you think you need all this stuff on your face just to go out in public. In fact, most people are quite beautiful without make-up. I suggest you do what makes you feel most comfortable and be very happy with your decision. Going without make-up is a great thing.
  5. Actually, I haven't seen HK in ages and no one else has posted so... take as many points as you want. He was one last night when you were sleeping. It read CheetaSpot and HampsterKing.
  6. I would love to start... welcome to HampsterDance Boards! Shortly our HampsterDance Greeters (Cheesemaster and The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy (TBFOF)) will be by to say HI. I am Horatio a blonde, three and one-half year old male hamster who wanders around here. We have one other UK person, The Grim Hamster Lord (TGHL), and he is a regular around here. Neodudette and Top Banana are from Scotland and Vixen (Lee) is from Australia. Hope to see you return soon.
  7. Hham. I wonder how she is doing. Go to her birthday topic and give her some birthday wishes please.
  8. Well, i have nothing to say on the matter, considering I havn't seen it AND I don't even have the channel. Do you have cable? Dump the sports channels and get SciFi! I have nothing. My mom got rid of cable 2 years ago. I am sorry to hear this. You are missing some great programs, Nova, Discovery, The History Channel and The SciFi Channel.
  9. -giggles- Panic! At the Disco is getting sued by the author of the Fight Club because they stole several phrases from the book to use as their titles. And the title of their album. Boo-yah, Manic! At the Crisco. Boo-yah??? You have been watching too much Mad Money! ...Maybe... If I knew what that was... -points- Pie! -runs to eat it- A money and investment show on CNBC. The favorite word is Boo-yah. Thats like a money show we have down here called Deal or no deal. Boo-yah is the favorite word. How odd. ♥ Lee We also have Deal or No Deal, but I have never watched it.
  10. My angsty vibes tell me no. Heh. I wouldn't mind, but since you live in Australia, that wouldn't be possible. xD Thats quite true, but I could always try... *kisses computer screen* ♥ Lee -points- Lee's making out with her computer!! Which makes Lee a NERD! =o (j/k) Anyways, Tater Toto, shweet story. Computer isn't a good kisser. I don't recommend kissing him. He doesn't taste good either. ♥ Lee Now you are trying to eat him as well ????????????? *wonders if Lee's nickname is Black Widow* Oh yes, eating computers is a favourite pastime of mine. ♥ Lee So, how do they taste? Do some brands taste better than others????? Does more memory make it more crunchy?
  11. That happens. Yeah I miss her. ♥ Lee When Huette passes, I will be heartbroken for a long time. She is the most phenomenal precious hammy and is always happy to see me.
  12. Phone sharing... not fun! Anyway, no one noticed!
  13. Well, i have nothing to say on the matter, considering I havn't seen it AND I don't even have the channel. Do you have cable? Dump the sports channels and get SciFi!
  14. I will give you something to talk about. Get your screenshot finger ready!
  15. What is happening????????????? All these member names showing and no one is posting except Toto? *sends a pot of coffee to all those names listed below*
  16. Wow, petting kitties. Reminds me of someone. Who is weird in a negative way. Luckily, you are a good weird. Yay! =D Petting kitties is like... what keeps everyone stable. If kitties werent around to be petted, the fabric of the universe as we know it would implode. like... time-space continuum disruptions and all. Simplified, we wouldnt be able to fry our eggs in the morning for breakfast if it werent for the kitties. I wrote a paper in 7th grade about how all existance would end if it weren't for kitties. We're waiting...
  17. Lexxscrapham or TGHL will be much better at explaining the TARDIS then me, so I will let them reply. You will need to watch a couple more episodes to get a better idea. Please do watch. Yeah, I saw something about attacking and such like, but I'm not sure. Trust me on this one... I do not like violence, blood, guts and the like, so if it contained horrible scenes, I would be the first not to watch. There is no blood or guts in Doctor Who... ever... It is more, suggested violence. Like it cuts away just before you see a particuarly violent death. In regards to the episode coming up in what, 1 day's time for you? I am actually getting excited for you, because it is such a phenomenal two parter. Imagine the best show you've ever seen (It'd better not be Friends.....) and then think twice as good and scarier than any Japanese horror film or stupid Jigsaw/Saw/crazy mad pyscho film. Not scary in a bad way, scary in a good way. A good, healthy fright. Not one which causes nightmares for a week and imagining gruesome details. One which makes you jump and then laugh about it afterwards, or a sort of shiver when the tension builds up. I emphasise; good fright. Today is Wednesday... Thursday, then Friday!!!!!!!!!!
  18. -giggles- Panic! At the Disco is getting sued by the author of the Fight Club because they stole several phrases from the book to use as their titles. And the title of their album. Boo-yah, Manic! At the Crisco. Boo-yah??? You have been watching too much Mad Money! ...Maybe... If I knew what that was... -points- Pie! -runs to eat it- A money and investment show on CNBC. The favorite word is Boo-yah.
  19. My angsty vibes tell me no. Heh. I wouldn't mind, but since you live in Australia, that wouldn't be possible. xD Thats quite true, but I could always try... *kisses computer screen* ♥ Lee -points- Lee's making out with her computer!! Which makes Lee a NERD! =o (j/k) Anyways, Tater Toto, shweet story. Computer isn't a good kisser. I don't recommend kissing him. He doesn't taste good either. ♥ Lee Now you are trying to eat him as well ????????????? *wonders if Lee's nickname is Black Widow*
  20. *cough, cough* You could always let me see. OH YEAH! Duhr. It's sooo sad. Very sad!
  21. Lexxscrapham or TGHL will be much better at explaining the TARDIS then me, so I will let them reply. You will need to watch a couple more episodes to get a better idea. Please do watch. Yeah, I saw something about attacking and such like, but I'm not sure. Trust me on this one... I do not like violence, blood, guts and the like, so if it contained horrible scenes, I would be the first not to watch.
  22. So, what's taking you so long??????? Where are some pics????????
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