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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Glad to hear you have no intention of buying make-up! Unfortunately, people are influenced by the media, adverts and what they think will help them get ahead, be beautiful and be successful. The methods by which young girls are going about this is all wrong. Very few girls have the body to show so much skin, and the magazines make it appear that everyone wants to see this display. Revealing so much skin is not attractive. They still try to though. The sad thing is, their parents buy the clothes a lot of the time. Parents influence is something that not all parents think about. Unfortunately, the young person is only trying to please the parent and will withstand any ridicule that comes from their peers.
  2. Oh No!! Not the ondustrial custard!!! *gets hungry* Oh yes, the ondustrial custard. Orange, instead of yellow. Anyway, The Empty Child. Told you it was good. Come people speak! I can't wait until next week!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I take it you liked it then? Liked it? NOOOOOOOOOO! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Oh yes, eating computers is a favourite pastime of mine. ♥ Lee So, how do they taste? Do some brands taste better than others????? Does more memory make it more crunchy? Oh they taste like plastic and metal. Custom made ones taste the best because you can order exactly what you want to eat. And yes, more memory does make it more crunchy. Mmm crunchy. ♥ Lee How does the airport card taste? Like an airport card. *offers you one* ♥ Lee *refuses the airport card offer* My apologies, but I cannot accept. It is making my computer very nervous. I understand completely, but you ARE missing out. ♥ Lee *feels computer starting to shudder at the thought of Lee's taste for airport cards*
  4. Your pic is probably too big. Try it in jpg and make it one of the smallest sizes when exporting it. Try it in the other photography topic.
  5. Oh No!! Not the ondustrial custard!!! *gets hungry* Oh yes, the ondustrial custard. Orange, instead of yellow. Anyway, The Empty Child. Told you it was good. Come people speak! I can't wait until next week!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. *cough, cough* *nudge, nudge* gee, I wonder what that's for, horatio! LOL
  7. Yeah! I am thrilled to hear you are working out everyday! Fantastic!!! Remember this... if it is white, you do not want to eat it. So NO sugar, white bread, white pasta, etc.
  8. Your gravestones are wonderful! It is the thought that counts. What matters most is what is in your heart, the fact that you remember. Emma and Billy can feel the love in your heart all the way in heaven. They miss you too!
  9. Just curious... where are you going to keep your piggy? Is your area zoned agricultural????? What are you going to do when your piggy weighs 1000 pounds?!?!?
  10. You spelled everything right. thats how u spell that? lol awesome. :] i love how i spelled "####" rite too! LOL You don't miss a thing! well when i tpyed it was a word when i read it was was a bunch of number signs... how do you miss that?! haha anyway, no one told me how much they hated the poemmm... That is because no one hates it. There is not much traffic in Fuzzy. I love all your written works!!!!!!
  11. My angsty vibes tell me no. Heh. I wouldn't mind, but since you live in Australia, that wouldn't be possible. xD Thats quite true, but I could always try... *kisses computer screen* ♥ Lee -points- Lee's making out with her computer!! Which makes Lee a NERD! =o (j/k) Anyways, Tater Toto, shweet story. Computer isn't a good kisser. I don't recommend kissing him. He doesn't taste good either. ♥ Lee Now you are trying to eat him as well ????????????? *wonders if Lee's nickname is Black Widow* Oh yes, eating computers is a favourite pastime of mine. ♥ Lee So, how do they taste? Do some brands taste better than others????? Does more memory make it more crunchy? Oh they taste like plastic and metal. Custom made ones taste the best because you can order exactly what you want to eat. And yes, more memory does make it more crunchy. Mmm crunchy. ♥ Lee How does the airport card taste? Like an airport card. *offers you one* ♥ Lee *refuses the airport card offer* My apologies, but I cannot accept. It is making my computer very nervous.
  12. You, Topazia, speechless? This is a first! I think Lauren, xMyOwnMindx, has quite a bit of talent and I am thrilled you and others notice! gracias. to you both. im just a big crying emo mess. i guess that makes for good poems? :] You deserve lots of credit! You are really talented and hopefully will keep working on your writing. Perhaps you will be able to write and not be a crying emo mess. Keep focusing on this. You can do it.
  13. Glad to hear you have no intention of buying make-up! Unfortunately, people are influenced by the media, adverts and what they think will help them get ahead, be beautiful and be successful. The methods by which young girls are going about this is all wrong. Very few girls have the body to show so much skin, and the magazines make it appear that everyone wants to see this display. Revealing so much skin is not attractive.
  14. We also have Deal or No Deal, but I have never watched it. I love that show! It's awesome, and my dad loves it! If you all recommend it, I will have to take a look! It's dramatic, but seemingly pointless! But its drama makes it cool! It was Melbourne-made Y'know Melbourne is rated the most livable city in the world. I love it, the city is so much fun! The little cafes, the delicious foods on Lygon street, the incredible shopping on Chapel street! The galleries, clubs and fed square... Its quite awesome. Luna park, Flinder's station and Queen Victoia Market! So many places to go, see and do! You cannot do it all in one day. Once I was at the video shop with my dad (who is a natural comedian) and he asked the lady if they had any special deals that day. While she was checking he looks at her and goes "Well, Deal or no deal?". It was funny at the time. ♥ Lee It sounds funny to me. The key is... did she think it was funny? Yeah she almost laughed ♥ Lee That makes it great! When you make a joke and the other person looks at you like your crazy, then you have to wait until you get outside to laugh.
  15. Oh No!! Not the ondustrial custard!!! *gets hungry*
  16. Wow, petting kitties. Reminds me of someone. Who is weird in a negative way. Luckily, you are a good weird. Yay! =D Petting kitties is like... what keeps everyone stable. If kitties werent around to be petted, the fabric of the universe as we know it would implode. like... time-space continuum disruptions and all. Simplified, we wouldnt be able to fry our eggs in the morning for breakfast if it werent for the kitties. Yeah, kitties are cute. I like kitties but I'm allergic. Please do not become the bad weird: future crazy cat man. Crazy cat people can be cool. Unless they throw cats at you. ♥ Lee ... *lowers arms and hides cat behind her back* If you throw it I'll catch it, but don't throw it. ♥ Lee If you are going to catch a cat, you will need these. *hands Lee a catcher's mask, padding and TWO mitts*
  17. As a matter of fact, that is exactly where I watched the previous shows.
  18. Welcome Clea! We have quite a few people who like Green Day. We even have crowned Vixen (Lee) the Green Day Queen!!!!!!!
  19. *is curious about the "man-bear-pig" thing*
  20. You, Topazia, speechless? This is a first! I think Lauren, xMyOwnMindx, has quite a bit of talent and I am thrilled you and others notice!
  21. My angsty vibes tell me no. Heh. I wouldn't mind, but since you live in Australia, that wouldn't be possible. xD Thats quite true, but I could always try... *kisses computer screen* ♥ Lee -points- Lee's making out with her computer!! Which makes Lee a NERD! =o (j/k) Anyways, Tater Toto, shweet story. Computer isn't a good kisser. I don't recommend kissing him. He doesn't taste good either. ♥ Lee Now you are trying to eat him as well ????????????? *wonders if Lee's nickname is Black Widow* Oh yes, eating computers is a favourite pastime of mine. ♥ Lee So, how do they taste? Do some brands taste better than others????? Does more memory make it more crunchy? Oh they taste like plastic and metal. Custom made ones taste the best because you can order exactly what you want to eat. And yes, more memory does make it more crunchy. Mmm crunchy. ♥ Lee How does the airport card taste?
  22. We also have Deal or No Deal, but I have never watched it. I love that show! It's awesome, and my dad loves it! If you all recommend it, I will have to take a look! It's dramatic, but seemingly pointless! But its drama makes it cool! It was Melbourne-made Y'know Melbourne is rated the most livable city in the world. I love it, the city is so much fun! The little cafes, the delicious foods on Lygon street, the incredible shopping on Chapel street! The galleries, clubs and fed square... Its quite awesome. Luna park, Flinder's station and Queen Victoia Market! So many places to go, see and do! You cannot do it all in one day. Once I was at the video shop with my dad (who is a natural comedian) and he asked the lady if they had any special deals that day. While she was checking he looks at her and goes "Well, Deal or no deal?". It was funny at the time. ♥ Lee It sounds funny to me. The key is... did she think it was funny?
  23. If you decide not to wear make-up this is terrific! The make-up companies always want to make you think you need all this stuff on your face just to go out in public. In fact, most people are quite beautiful without make-up. I suggest you do what makes you feel most comfortable and be very happy with your decision. Going without make-up is a great thing. If only people knew what their eyeliner, mascara, and nail polish were made of. (: In addition to that, the germs. mold and mildew that grow in that make-up. It is also very, very important to NEVER share make-up with anyone else. Your make-up should also be thrown out after a certain period (can't remember what that period is... something like three months) so you do not get any infections.
  24. Wow, petting kitties. Reminds me of someone. Who is weird in a negative way. Luckily, you are a good weird. Yay! =D Petting kitties is like... what keeps everyone stable. If kitties werent around to be petted, the fabric of the universe as we know it would implode. like... time-space continuum disruptions and all. Simplified, we wouldnt be able to fry our eggs in the morning for breakfast if it werent for the kitties. Yeah, kitties are cute. I like kitties but I'm allergic. Please do not become the bad weird: future crazy cat man. Crazy cat people can be cool. Unless they throw cats at you. ♥ Lee ... *lowers arms and hides cat behind her back* *waves some nip tac around and watches the cat trying to get free*
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