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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Taynio... I think you will enjoy learning about the Celts and becoming a Celtic Druid. Let me know how it works out for you.
  2. Would you please white it out or block it. You are still recognizable, and very, very pretty!!!!!!!!!!
  3. or perhaps, the parents just stop caring that their daughters want to go around looking like cheap I'll delete this for you H. LOL Great edit! You're hired! Your statement is probably closer to the truth.
  4. Hmmm... Nah, rare. Have some points of an unassigned value. Yay! *eats points with a chopstick* Yes, thats right, ONE chopstick. I'm talented. ♥ Lee *sees a tablespoon in the other paw* You just want to let us think you are talented... I see the tablespoon! I don't have a tablespoon... >.> ♥ Lee yeah H, There Is No Spoon. *cleans a few pieces of fried rice off my glasses* Now I am able to see much better!
  5. I am sorry to hear that people you trusted to protect your work, had no regard for you or your creative talents. You did the right thing by your actions with the message boards and IM. You showed excellent judgment when it came to making a decision and following through. I know the situation has hurt your feelings, but hopefully you will learn from this experience and protect yourself in the future. You are a wonderful friend and a great addition to these boards! I enjoy reading your posts and hope I have the pleasure for a long, long time.
  6. Your pic is probably too big. Try it in jpg and make it one of the smallest sizes when exporting it. Try it in the other photography topic. Test Test works great!!!!!!!! Can I come up and stay with you? It looks beautiful there!!!!! Of Course. In eight years, almost nine. I really never went down to the Hudson, except for once. But where I went, which is like, 7 minutes from me, is beautiful. It was so hard to get a good picture because I was shooting towards the sun. I would have never guessed it was hard for you! The picture is absolutely perfect!!!!!!!!!
  7. Thank you! I will try reading these.
  8. Your gravestones are wonderful! It is the thought that counts. What matters most is what is in your heart, the fact that you remember. Emma and Billy can feel the love in your heart all the way in heaven. They miss you too! heaven is fake. first of all. not to be a XXXXX. (cant wait for those #'s) and yea... they have everything i want actually, im quite jealous at the moment. very much so.. i was a horrible mother anyway. Did you like the XXX's? I aim to please! And no... you were NOT a horrible mother. yea, theyre wonderful. can i put pix on here? i think i figured that out.. I love those pics! Emma is a blonde like me! No wonder I like her! Billy was a most beautiful hamster. I love his coloring!!! WOW!!! billy was a girl. cuz i wanted it to be that way. ( theyre my little angels. Oh good! Both your angels are magnificent!!!!!! i think theyre one of the few things i still have any feelings about. of course my babyangel kittens are too. i honestly in my heart think id cut so bad if one of my cats died. they are my everythings. theyve saved me from so much. just by being there cuz i wouldnt dare bleed or leave here while my cats were there... I am glad to hear this. It is wonderful when you have pets like you do.
  9. LOL I couldn't imagine you wanting a real piggie! that woudl be so cute. and so smelly... I could imagine the piggy when it reached around 1000 pounds!!!
  10. Yeah! I am thrilled to hear you are working out everyday! Fantastic!!! Remember this... if it is white, you do not want to eat it. So NO sugar, white bread, white pasta, etc. make that everyday cept for the days where i physically CANT. and friday. (i could physically... but mentally i couldnt) white bread is gross. sugar free? thats hard, i get sugar-free engery drinks... ive completely failed myself on so many levels in the past 3 days. tomorrow im gonan try to get back on track if i dont go INSANE before that. im so stressed i could die. :closedeyes: I fail quite often. But the next day, the sun rises and I try to start all over again. your too possitive. :[ i feel like dying... You are having a bad day today... force yourself to get out. Force yourself to do some kind of work out. Life will get better. I promise you this. i cant force me to do anything. today was pretty good tho. my mom signed me out early and i got my braces off(FINALLY!) and then later i got tips. i gave me allowence to pay for 1/3 of it tho.. :[ tonite i dont plan on sleeping... i need to clean.. but im SO tired cuz ive bearly slept in 2 days. Did your dentist give you a retainer? You really need to wear this for as long as your dentist tells you or else your teeth will shift and the braces were a waste of money!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No sleep? Hamsters need to sleep or else we cannot function. How do the tips look? Great I imagine. yea, its the clear kind. they make me gums bleed and feel like im wearing detures i have to wear them 24/7 for a month. :[ hopefully i can get to sleep before 12 tonite. theyre dark purple and they have a cute design on the ring fingers' nails. Good luck with sleep... hope it comes fast! If I had any kind of nails, they would be gone once I started digging in the garden or playing with my chain saw.
  11. This is fantastic! Please do continue!!!
  12. I have been trying to add your pics here, but every time I do, it keeps saying "This document contains no data.". I will not give up. Perhaps if I add those pics to my picture project, then I can put them here. Wish me luck.
  13. Your pic is probably too big. Try it in jpg and make it one of the smallest sizes when exporting it. Try it in the other photography topic. Test Test works great!!!!!!!! Can I come up and stay with you? It looks beautiful there!!!!!
  14. Your gravestones are wonderful! It is the thought that counts. What matters most is what is in your heart, the fact that you remember. Emma and Billy can feel the love in your heart all the way in heaven. They miss you too! heaven is fake. first of all. not to be a XXXXX. (cant wait for those #'s) and yea... they have everything i want actually, im quite jealous at the moment. very much so.. i was a horrible mother anyway. Did you like the XXX's? I aim to please! And no... you were NOT a horrible mother. yea, theyre wonderful. can i put pix on here? i think i figured that out.. I love those pics! Emma is a blonde like me! No wonder I like her! Billy was a most beautiful hamster. I love his coloring!!! WOW!!! billy was a girl. cuz i wanted it to be that way. ( theyre my little angels. Oh good! Both your angels are magnificent!!!!!!
  15. LOL I couldn't imagine you wanting a real piggie!
  16. Yeah! I am thrilled to hear you are working out everyday! Fantastic!!! Remember this... if it is white, you do not want to eat it. So NO sugar, white bread, white pasta, etc. make that everyday cept for the days where i physically CANT. and friday. (i could physically... but mentally i couldnt) white bread is gross. sugar free? thats hard, i get sugar-free engery drinks... ive completely failed myself on so many levels in the past 3 days. tomorrow im gonan try to get back on track if i dont go INSANE before that. im so stressed i could die. :closedeyes: I fail quite often. But the next day, the sun rises and I try to start all over again. your too possitive. :[ i feel like dying... You are having a bad day today... force yourself to get out. Force yourself to do some kind of work out. Life will get better. I promise you this. i cant force me to do anything. today was pretty good tho. my mom signed me out early and i got my braces off(FINALLY!) and then later i got tips. i gave me allowence to pay for 1/3 of it tho.. :[ tonite i dont plan on sleeping... i need to clean.. but im SO tired cuz ive bearly slept in 2 days. Did your dentist give you a retainer? You really need to wear this for as long as your dentist tells you or else your teeth will shift and the braces were a waste of money!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No sleep? Hamsters need to sleep or else we cannot function. How do the tips look? Great I imagine.
  17. Your gravestones are wonderful! It is the thought that counts. What matters most is what is in your heart, the fact that you remember. Emma and Billy can feel the love in your heart all the way in heaven. They miss you too! heaven is fake. first of all. not to be a XXXXX. (cant wait for those #'s) and yea... they have everything i want actually, im quite jealous at the moment. very much so.. i was a horrible mother anyway. Did you like the XXX's? I aim to please! And no... you were NOT a horrible mother. yea, theyre wonderful. can i put pix on here? i think i figured that out.. I love those pics! Emma is a blonde like me! No wonder I like her! Billy was a most beautiful hamster. I love his coloring!!! WOW!!! Thank you for adding those pics... it makes this topic even more special.
  18. Yeah! I am thrilled to hear you are working out everyday! Fantastic!!! Remember this... if it is white, you do not want to eat it. So NO sugar, white bread, white pasta, etc. make that everyday cept for the days where i physically CANT. and friday. (i could physically... but mentally i couldnt) white bread is gross. sugar free? thats hard, i get sugar-free engery drinks... ive completely failed myself on so many levels in the past 3 days. tomorrow im gonan try to get back on track if i dont go INSANE before that. im so stressed i could die. :closedeyes: I fail quite often. But the next day, the sun rises and I try to start all over again. your too possitive. :[ i feel like dying... You are having a bad day today... force yourself to get out. Force yourself to do some kind of work out. Life will get better. I promise you this.
  19. You spent time on yours, Kep, Dog Lover and a few other people. I will try and get HampsterKing moving on the avatars. thanx. sorry im so #####y. No need to apologize. I know how you feel. You work really hard on an avatar, would like to have HampsterKing approve it and place it in the gallery and he is so slow. This is frustrating. I will keep trying to make him move faster.
  20. Hmmm... Nah, rare. Have some points of an unassigned value. Yay! *eats points with a chopstick* Yes, thats right, ONE chopstick. I'm talented. ♥ Lee *sees a tablespoon in the other paw* You just want to let us think you are talented... I see the tablespoon!
  21. Oh No!! Not the ondustrial custard!!! *gets hungry* Oh yes, the ondustrial custard. Orange, instead of yellow. Anyway, The Empty Child. Told you it was good. Come people speak! I can't wait until next week!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I take it you liked it then? Liked it? NOOOOOOOOOO! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Possibly the best Doctor Who story... ever? The other contender would have to be Genesis of the Daleks.... CYBERMEN ARE BACK ON SATURDAY! LOOK AT PICTURE! THE EVIL! THE EVIL!!!!!! OUTSTANDING!!!! I am so looking forward to watching!
  22. Your gravestones are wonderful! It is the thought that counts. What matters most is what is in your heart, the fact that you remember. Emma and Billy can feel the love in your heart all the way in heaven. They miss you too! heaven is fake. first of all. not to be a XXXXX. (cant wait for those #'s) and yea... they have everything i want actually, im quite jealous at the moment. very much so.. i was a horrible mother anyway. Did you like the XXX's? I aim to please! And no... you were NOT a horrible mother.
  23. Ooohhhhhhhhh... That is what the Gpiggy was. I thought it was a typo.
  24. You spent time on yours, Kep, Dog Lover and a few other people. I will try and get HampsterKing moving on the avatars.
  25. Yeah! I am thrilled to hear you are working out everyday! Fantastic!!! Remember this... if it is white, you do not want to eat it. So NO sugar, white bread, white pasta, etc. make that everyday cept for the days where i physically CANT. and friday. (i could physically... but mentally i couldnt) white bread is gross. sugar free? thats hard, i get sugar-free engery drinks... ive completely failed myself on so many levels in the past 3 days. tomorrow im gonan try to get back on track if i dont go INSANE before that. im so stressed i could die. :closedeyes: I fail quite often. But the next day, the sun rises and I try to start all over again.
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