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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I like the green / brown combo and the changes! Spectacular!!!
  2. Phew! Occasionally I am really tired and might miss something!
  3. You can make it about Florida. Except add fires to that statement. Yeah, before we got the sudden week of rain there were lots of brush fires up here too. Currently it's not raining, but it's still wet and cloudy outside. And our lawn is like 2 feet tall. I wish we would get rain. If you aren't using reclaimed water to water your lawn, then your lawn in dead, dead, dead. lol around here the only dead lawns are the ones that use weed killers (because most of the green stuff in our lawn is crabgrass and dandelions). My two favorite plants! There are lots of those here. Except the people with the dead lawns would love to have crab grass right about now.
  4. Would you please white it out or block it. You are still recognizable, and very, very pretty!!!!!!!!!! Hmm okay. And thanks You are the only on here who kinda knows what I look like ♥ Lee That's such a cool picture. I can't really manage looking cool in pictures. I can only imagine how pretty you are Dr. Wolf. Looking cool would never be a problem for you!!!
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Congratulations on passing your tests. I am positive you passed your Calculus. Glad to hear you have a new laptop. Are you looking forward to college? My how the time passes. Which college will you be attending? Do you have any plans on what you will be majoring in? Hopefully we will see you this summer before you head off. By the way... you and Kenny Boy must have some psychic connection. He showed up and asked about you and then you appeared! I like that. I'm positive i didn't pass that one. You have to get at least half the questions right to pass, and i didn't even answer half of them. I'm kinda looking forward to college and not looking forward to it at the same time. It will be a new experience with new people and all that, but I'm not looking forward to leaving my friends, doing my own laundry (I have it good here), sharing a bathroom with 80 other girls, and the increased work load. And the bills. But hey, it beats working at Mc Donalds until I die of heart failure. I'm going to University, and I'll be doing a doubble major in Secondary Education and Physics. As for the summer, if I'm lucky, you might even see me during the summer. I sense many trips to restaurants with free wireless internet in my future. I'm going to be really busy though. I've heard that I'm going to be made youth activities director this year! lol I didn't know he was looking for me. Weird. You know what would be cool? To have a hampsterdance old school board. Like you have to have been around for at least a certain amount of time to get in, so maybe all the old members would come back. i miss all my crazy friends here. And wow you have a lot of posts. I remember when it was a huge deal when Sheena reaches 10,000. *kicks the emoticon limit* Great school!!! Fantastic! Education and Physics! I am so very impressed!!!!! As for only answering 1/2 the questions... I believe you might be right on the outcome of that Calculus test. Lots of bookstores, coffee shops and restaurants have free internet. Now that you have a laptop... you are free to foam. Make sure you get a really padded carrying case. This is so important. We are trying to make a HampsterDance Reunion, thanks to the great idea by TBFOF. As for lots of posts, people say hamsters have no life... they just might be right. LOL Sharp cookie you are! lol Yup, so far I know that panera bread, some mcdonalds, and (says my friend) the radio shack in the mall all have wireless internet. And I already have the case. I'm so clumsy with stuff like that, you should see the dents in my camera. It still works though. I plan on being borderline paranoid with the laptop though, because I'm going to need it for college. Maybe camp will get cable internet... *kicks the emoticon limit again* I also recommend getting a way to mark your cables so you don't lose them. I always worry I will leave something somewhere.
  6. We are, unless you put a translation. *wonders how I missed something*
  7. You can make it about Florida. Except add fires to that statement. Yeah, before we got the sudden week of rain there were lots of brush fires up here too. Currently it's not raining, but it's still wet and cloudy outside. And our lawn is like 2 feet tall. I wish we would get rain. If you aren't using reclaimed water to water your lawn, then your lawn in dead, dead, dead.
  8. Yeah! I am thrilled to hear you are working out everyday! Fantastic!!! Remember this... if it is white, you do not want to eat it. So NO sugar, white bread, white pasta, etc. make that everyday cept for the days where i physically CANT. and friday. (i could physically... but mentally i couldnt) white bread is gross. sugar free? thats hard, i get sugar-free engery drinks... ive completely failed myself on so many levels in the past 3 days. tomorrow im gonan try to get back on track if i dont go INSANE before that. im so stressed i could die. :closedeyes: I fail quite often. But the next day, the sun rises and I try to start all over again. your too possitive. :[ i feel like dying... You are having a bad day today... force yourself to get out. Force yourself to do some kind of work out. Life will get better. I promise you this. i cant force me to do anything. today was pretty good tho. my mom signed me out early and i got my braces off(FINALLY!) and then later i got tips. i gave me allowence to pay for 1/3 of it tho.. :[ tonite i dont plan on sleeping... i need to clean.. but im SO tired cuz ive bearly slept in 2 days. Did your dentist give you a retainer? You really need to wear this for as long as your dentist tells you or else your teeth will shift and the braces were a waste of money!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No sleep? Hamsters need to sleep or else we cannot function. How do the tips look? Great I imagine. yea, its the clear kind. they make me gums bleed and feel like im wearing detures i have to wear them 24/7 for a month. :[ hopefully i can get to sleep before 12 tonite. theyre dark purple and they have a cute design on the ring fingers' nails. Good luck with sleep... hope it comes fast! If I had any kind of nails, they would be gone once I started digging in the garden or playing with my chain saw. i doubt im getting any sleep tonite. im waiting till everyones asleep so i can do my thing then tomorrow i running to guidence first thing so i can confess my scars before my parents can find them. i know its kind of a stupid plan... you wouldnt understand. today was absolutely horrible... and i cant stop crying. This will help in many ways. When you are able to talk to someone else, they are now in a position to assist you out of depression and aid you in stopping behavior that hurts. You will have to be honest with this person. Their ultimate goal is to help you. And I do understand. You would be surprised just how much I am aware of and do understand. well together was better. but, like everything, its fake and temperary. i still feel much better. im glad i lost my "box" god knows wheretf i'd be rite now... therpy is dumb. expensive, stupid and annyoing. i could never be HONEST with a shrink! they legally would have to send me somewhere. that isnt my goal.. and least not todays. :] There are things you can tell this person that are confidential and you do not go anywhere. Ask them where the line is and then you can talk about everything up to the line. The goal is to understand and get rid of the causes for your depression. Yeah! I am thrilled to hear you are working out everyday! Fantastic!!! Remember this... if it is white, you do not want to eat it. So NO sugar, white bread, white pasta, etc. make that everyday cept for the days where i physically CANT. and friday. (i could physically... but mentally i couldnt) white bread is gross. sugar free? thats hard, i get sugar-free engery drinks... ive completely failed myself on so many levels in the past 3 days. tomorrow im gonan try to get back on track if i dont go INSANE before that. im so stressed i could die. :closedeyes: I fail quite often. But the next day, the sun rises and I try to start all over again. your too possitive. :[ i feel like dying... You are having a bad day today... force yourself to get out. Force yourself to do some kind of work out. Life will get better. I promise you this. i cant force me to do anything. today was pretty good tho. my mom signed me out early and i got my braces off(FINALLY!) and then later i got tips. i gave me allowence to pay for 1/3 of it tho.. :[ tonite i dont plan on sleeping... i need to clean.. but im SO tired cuz ive bearly slept in 2 days. Did your dentist give you a retainer? You really need to wear this for as long as your dentist tells you or else your teeth will shift and the braces were a waste of money!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No sleep? Hamsters need to sleep or else we cannot function. How do the tips look? Great I imagine. yea, its the clear kind. they make me gums bleed and feel like im wearing detures i have to wear them 24/7 for a month. :[ hopefully i can get to sleep before 12 tonite. theyre dark purple and they have a cute design on the ring fingers' nails. Good luck with sleep... hope it comes fast! If I had any kind of nails, they would be gone once I started digging in the garden or playing with my chain saw. i doubt im getting any sleep tonite. im waiting till everyones asleep so i can do my thing then tomorrow i running to guidence first thing so i can confess my scars before my parents can find them. i know its kind of a stupid plan... you wouldnt understand. today was absolutely horrible... and i cant stop crying. This will help in many ways. When you are able to talk to someone else, they are now in a position to assist you out of depression and aid you in stopping behavior that hurts. You will have to be honest with this person. Their ultimate goal is to help you. And I do understand. You would be surprised just how much I am aware of and do understand. well together was better. but, like everything, its fake and temperary. i still feel much better. im glad i lost my "box" god knows wheretf i'd be rite now... therpy is dumb. expensive, stupid and annyoing. i could never be HONEST with a shrink! they legally would have to send me somewhere. that isnt my goal.. and least not todays. :] There are things you can tell this person that are confidential and you do not go anywhere. Ask them where the line is and then you can talk about everything up to the line. The goal is to understand and get rid of the causes for your depression.
  9. Ooops! How did I make a mistake like that. *tries to bribe Lee* Remember your Green Day Queen Anniversary is rapidly approaching.
  10. You can make it about Florida. Except add fires to that statement.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Congratulations on passing your tests. I am positive you passed your Calculus. Glad to hear you have a new laptop. Are you looking forward to college? My how the time passes. Which college will you be attending? Do you have any plans on what you will be majoring in? Hopefully we will see you this summer before you head off. By the way... you and Kenny Boy must have some psychic connection. He showed up and asked about you and then you appeared! I like that. I'm positive i didn't pass that one. You have to get at least half the questions right to pass, and i didn't even answer half of them. I'm kinda looking forward to college and not looking forward to it at the same time. It will be a new experience with new people and all that, but I'm not looking forward to leaving my friends, doing my own laundry (I have it good here ), sharing a bathroom with 80 other girls, and the increased work load. And the bills. But hey, it beats working at Mc Donalds until I die of heart failure. I'm going to University, and I'll be doing a doubble major in Secondary Education and Physics. As for the summer, if I'm lucky, you might even see me during the summer. I sense many trips to restaurants with free wireless internet in my future. I'm going to be really busy though. I've heard that I'm going to be made youth activities director this year! lol I didn't know he was looking for me. Weird. You know what would be cool? To have a hampsterdance old school board. Like you have to have been around for at least a certain amount of time to get in, so maybe all the old members would come back. i miss all my crazy friends here. And wow you have a lot of posts. I remember when it was a huge deal when Sheena reaches 10,000. : *kicks the emoticon limit* Great school!!! Fantastic! Education and Physics! I am so very impressed!!!!! As for only answering 1/2 the questions... I believe you might be right on the outcome of that Calculus test. Lots of bookstores, coffee shops and restaurants have free internet. Now that you have a laptop... you are free to foam. Make sure you get a really padded carrying case. This is so important. We are trying to make a HampsterDance Reunion, thanks to the great idea by TBFOF. As for lots of posts, people say hamsters have no life... they just might be right. LOL Sharp cookie you are!
  12. Unless I have my GMT-EST wrong (which I probably do) it is getting up to the time! Or not, it is 23:33 here, so minus 5 hours... it is 18:33 at Eastern Standard Time. SO not near it then. Well, enjoy the last 3 hours of waiting, I need sleep. I expect a full report, and Horatio dead from the genius of the episode by Sunday at the latest. A full report will be on your desk in the morning, sir.
  13. Hey Topazia and Jesusfreak... so happy to see you, but I am off to dinner. Talk to you later!
  14. You were not alone. There were two others. *cough, cough*
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Congratulations on passing your tests. I am positive you passed your Calculus. Glad to hear you have a new laptop. Are you looking forward to college? My how the time passes. Which college will you be attending? Do you have any plans on what you will be majoring in? Hopefully we will see you this summer before you head off. By the way... you and Kenny Boy must have some psychic connection. He showed up and asked about you and then you appeared! I like that.
  16. Of course! And if anyone thinks I will be moderating during that hour... :ninja:
  17. Yeah! I am thrilled to hear you are working out everyday! Fantastic!!! Remember this... if it is white, you do not want to eat it. So NO sugar, white bread, white pasta, etc. make that everyday cept for the days where i physically CANT. and friday. (i could physically... but mentally i couldnt) white bread is gross. sugar free? thats hard, i get sugar-free engery drinks... ive completely failed myself on so many levels in the past 3 days. tomorrow im gonan try to get back on track if i dont go INSANE before that. im so stressed i could die. :closedeyes: I fail quite often. But the next day, the sun rises and I try to start all over again. your too possitive. :[ i feel like dying... You are having a bad day today... force yourself to get out. Force yourself to do some kind of work out. Life will get better. I promise you this. i cant force me to do anything. today was pretty good tho. my mom signed me out early and i got my braces off(FINALLY!) and then later i got tips. i gave me allowence to pay for 1/3 of it tho.. :[ tonite i dont plan on sleeping... i need to clean.. but im SO tired cuz ive bearly slept in 2 days. Did your dentist give you a retainer? You really need to wear this for as long as your dentist tells you or else your teeth will shift and the braces were a waste of money!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No sleep? Hamsters need to sleep or else we cannot function. How do the tips look? Great I imagine. yea, its the clear kind. they make me gums bleed and feel like im wearing detures i have to wear them 24/7 for a month. :[ hopefully i can get to sleep before 12 tonite. theyre dark purple and they have a cute design on the ring fingers' nails. Good luck with sleep... hope it comes fast! If I had any kind of nails, they would be gone once I started digging in the garden or playing with my chain saw. i doubt im getting any sleep tonite. im waiting till everyones asleep so i can do my thing then tomorrow i running to guidence first thing so i can confess my scars before my parents can find them. i know its kind of a stupid plan... you wouldnt understand. today was absolutely horrible... and i cant stop crying. This will help in many ways. When you are able to talk to someone else, they are now in a position to assist you out of depression and aid you in stopping behavior that hurts. You will have to be honest with this person. Their ultimate goal is to help you. And I do understand. You would be surprised just how much I am aware of and do understand.
  18. Kenny Boy'sReturn... I have sent HampsterKing an email to change your old password to Horatio (Upper case H and lower case oratio). When you get in, please change your password and update your email. This way, if you forget your new password, you can just have it sent to your email address.
  19. No problem man. Gosh time flies. A ton has changed in 3 years... I'm 15 now, I am driving, I still play guitar night and day, even stronger Catholic than before, about a foot taller, lol... What's the scoop? Sheena left? Did Jesusfreak leave? You wouldn't be able to get me my old password would you? Or is my account gone completely? Here is what I will do. I will ask HampsterKing to change your old password to Horatio (capitol H, lower case oratio), this way you can get into your old Kenny Boy and then change your password to a different one. Please then update your email address and if you forget it, you can click on the lost password function and it will be emailed to you.
  20. Kenny Boy... how great to see you! I do hope you will stop in every now and then. How has life been treating you? Glad to see you thought of everyone here. We have missed you!
  21. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is.
  22. A bunch of CDs... Moody Blues, Hampton and the Hampsters, Joe Satriani, Paganini, Dave Matthews, Lara Fabian...
  23. or perhaps, the parents just stop caring that their daughters want to go around looking like cheap I'll delete this for you H. LOL Great edit! You're hired! Your statement is probably closer to the truth. A reference to The Apprentic Horatio? My lips are sealed!
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