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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I don't know why, but when you send them to me and I try and post them, they say "Document Contains No Data". Can you send these in jpg or gif? Why do you use bmp? I will try again later. The email was speedy!
  2. You lucky girl! Please put me in your pocket next time to go to a Broadway play!
  3. o man! ill try to do it again....last time i tried to copy the text and the spaces werent right....i will try again! argggg its not working! i will email it to horatio...its from an email somewhat similar to this sn but NOT the same! k bye I will keep an eye out!
  4. And you didn't ask me to come with you????????????????? i didnt think you were a girl scout...seeing as ur male...anyway, that was in the hunt room, where friday and saturday night deanna, kat and i had hot chocolate and played cards and got sugarhigh! it was really fun. and we met some new friends - lauren & theresa. it was SOOOOOOOOO much fun there! on sat. night we also went outside to the playground and it was late and dark and no one else was there and we slid and stuff and then we were just sitting and talking and it was so cool! and the horse riding was cool too...deanna takes riding lessons every mon. so she got to go on the advanced ride while kat & i stuck to beginner . so anyway i have to go now! buh-bye! We hamsters have hammie-scouts! Our camps do not sound as great as your camp. Of course, we do get to go on peanut hunts and can overdose on seeds!
  5. That isn't good news........... it is PHENOMENAL news! You were so smart not to ask to be moved to a certain spot. It worked out much better just asking for relocation and leaving the decision up to the teacher!
  6. That's probably because schools are brain-dead when it comes to computers, so you can't expect them to run very well whatever type they are. Schools probably can't even tell the difference between a macintosh and a windows machine Graphics designers, artists, photographers, etc. will only use macs. Of course, it is the ONLY computer used by the hamster population! Getting one of the Intel Apple Macs? That way you can have a system that actually works rather than crashes, with iPod stylings. If you like the iPod of course. I can't stand it. If I could fix my logic board, I wouldn't change it for the world! I love my mac laptop!!!!!!!
  7. Hey...... how did you get that? I always try to stay anonymous! Shouldn't it show you as a member? It only shows one member!
  8. I love the violet! Get those weed pics up here now!!!!!!! Violet? I thought it was a weed. Not a weed at all! Violets are wildflowers quite often found in the woods. Violets come in three colors that I know of, purple, yellow and white. They make wonderful cheery plants for a shade garden that is under oaks.
  9. i like caffine. everyone is missing the point. im a sarcastic, half-#####, giving up 1/2 the time, lazy POS... im not gonna stiick to anything. and im gonna do the wrong stuff, why not. i only have one life... im not spending it safe and perfect. i'd rather do the wrong thing and have fun.. It is a matter of not degrading yourself and finding something that you enjoy. For example, I enjoy jogging, so for me this is something I like to do. As far as only having one life, we are not talking about spending it being safe and perfect, just where you enjoy your life. There is happiness, not 100% all the time happiness, but a general feeling that your life is good. Good health just makes life easier. How did the session with the counselor go? Did you talk about what you were doing?
  10. That's probably because schools are brain-dead when it comes to computers, so you can't expect them to run very well whatever type they are. Schools probably can't even tell the difference between a macintosh and a windows machine Graphics designers, artists, photographers, etc. will only use macs. Of course, it is the ONLY computer used by the hamster population!
  11. Much better! Exactly what I was thinking!
  12. Actually you can still get good pictures, it is just not as easy! With your talent, I bet you can get us some wonderful pics.
  13. [i found MF last night.... I was gonna post some stuff but didnt have anything to post. it made me sad.] [incredibly slow progress on the werewolf stuff. And while my lycanthropal knowledge expands, I have more things to talk about in it. And more lunar reference and stuff, taking up lexxy-mans suggestion. So the finished version is a lot longer.] [... LEXXY MAN! ;_; *sobs unconrollablly*] [O_o;; Jeez. Calm down.] [but he left! ;_; *clings to Horatio* He leeeeeeeeeeft...] [i know. *gives - Kat - a hammie huggle* ]
  14. I love the violet! Get those weed pics up here now!!!!!!!
  15. Total Eclipse of the Heart... what a great song! I know! n_n Whenever me and my friend wanna sing it, neither of up wanna do the "Turn around Bright Eyes" part, so we always drag her older sister upstairs and make her do it. >.>;; I will have to borrow your friend's older sister for that same part.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The weird thing is, I don't. My hair is so thick that it comes out sorta short and fat. I hope to grow it long enough to have decent looking braid though. Your hair is so beautiful, that what you need to consider is the following. If you grow your hair really long, when you decide to cut it, braid it, put a hair tie at the top part, but NOT next to your head (a couple of inches below where you want to cut it) and another at the very end of the braid. When you cut this, you can donate your hair to the American Cancer Society and they will use it to make a wig for a young person. I've done that before. A lot of hair salons participate in the locks of love program that donates your hair to make wigs. Apparently real hair wigs are super-expensive. I am so impressed you have participated in that program. You are such a wonderful person! Aw, thanks! But seriously though, what was I going to do with it? Say "no it's mine, I want to put it in a zip lock back and keep it forever?" Your lock of hair would be a little large for your Bible. LOL I never would have thought of putting my hair in my Bible. I was always taught to place a lock of your hair inside the Bible at the time you were presented the Bible. Never heard of that one before. Ask both of your grandmothers. It was something one many, many years ago. Yeah, it does sound like something Grandma on my mom's side would do. Now that I think of it, I used to have a lock of hair from my first hair cut in my jewelry box when I was little. I woner what happened to it... Let me know if you find it.
  17. There had to be something wrong for them to crash. I have been a devoted Mac person and never had a problem. My laptop at 7 years old is faster, has more memory with three operating systems, than some of the brand new PCs.
  18. H o r a t i o only has 7 letters. lol, nice one, Horatio! The second letter is Y... I thought you would like that. Also the reason I did not comment on your siggie is because I didn't want to mess up your siggie!
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The weird thing is, I don't. My hair is so thick that it comes out sorta short and fat. I hope to grow it long enough to have decent looking braid though. Your hair is so beautiful, that what you need to consider is the following. If you grow your hair really long, when you decide to cut it, braid it, put a hair tie at the top part, but NOT next to your head (a couple of inches below where you want to cut it) and another at the very end of the braid. When you cut this, you can donate your hair to the American Cancer Society and they will use it to make a wig for a young person. I've done that before. A lot of hair salons participate in the locks of love program that donates your hair to make wigs. Apparently real hair wigs are super-expensive. I am so impressed you have participated in that program. You are such a wonderful person! Aw, thanks! But seriously though, what was I going to do with it? Say "no it's mine, I want to put it in a zip lock back and keep it forever?" Your lock of hair would be a little large for your Bible. LOL I never would have thought of putting my hair in my Bible. I was always taught to place a lock of your hair inside the Bible at the time you were presented the Bible. Never heard of that one before. Ask both of your grandmothers. It was something one many, many years ago.
  20. He is rare! I still do not know how to do the screen capture! I did it differently than they do it (my dad showed me how). I just opened up paint shop pro, hit shift and C at the same tme. Then I right clicked, and dragged a box around what I wanted, and clicked again. Yeah. I don't have Paint Shop Pro, , I have a different program and I do not have a right and left click. Only one click button. Yeah? Are you sure? You're mouse doesn't have two mouse buttons?!? Horatio, I think it's time to get a new mouse. I think my mouse is in Tennessee. The laptop has just one clicker. No left and no right. In fact it has been soooooooooo long since I used my mouse. Besides you PC people just wish you could be Macs! That's weird. My laptop had two clickers. So that is why you always post double posts! He is rare! I still do not know how to do the screen capture! I did it differently than they do it (my dad showed me how). I just opened up paint shop pro, hit shift and C at the same tme. Then I right clicked, and dragged a box around what I wanted, and clicked again. Yeah. I don't have Paint Shop Pro, , I have a different program and I do not have a right and left click. Only one click button. Yeah? Are you sure? You're mouse doesn't have two mouse buttons?!? Horatio, I think it's time to get a new mouse. I think my mouse is in Tennessee. The laptop has just one clicker. No left and no right. In fact it has been soooooooooo long since I used my mouse. Besides you PC people just wish you could be Macs! That's weird. My laptop had two clickers. So that is why you always post double posts! Seriously, my mouse is just a cute little mouse where you touch the mouse slightly downward and the entire mouse clicks. There is no finger movement, more of a hand movement. Ugh, no, I clicked the back button expecting it to take me to the main menu, but it took me to the "this post will be previewed by a moderator" page instead. You must have a laptop mouse. You can plug a normal mouse into your laptop, and it works the same. You are not alone! I have clicked the back button and received the same message and... I am the moderator! I have a normal mouse. You, a PC person, have an outdated mouse that belongs in the Smithsonian! *waves magic wand and sends out Apple's are the greatest spell*
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The weird thing is, I don't. My hair is so thick that it comes out sorta short and fat. I hope to grow it long enough to have decent looking braid though. Your hair is so beautiful, that what you need to consider is the following. If you grow your hair really long, when you decide to cut it, braid it, put a hair tie at the top part, but NOT next to your head (a couple of inches below where you want to cut it) and another at the very end of the braid. When you cut this, you can donate your hair to the American Cancer Society and they will use it to make a wig for a young person. I've done that before. A lot of hair salons participate in the locks of love program that donates your hair to make wigs. Apparently real hair wigs are super-expensive. I am so impressed you have participated in that program. You are such a wonderful person! Aw, thanks! But seriously though, what was I going to do with it? Say "no it's mine, I want to put it in a zip lock back and keep it forever?" Your lock of hair would be a little large for your Bible. LOL I never would have thought of putting my hair in my Bible. I was always taught to place a lock of your hair inside the Bible at the time you were presented the Bible.
  22. He is rare! I still do not know how to do the screen capture! I did it differently than they do it (my dad showed me how). I just opened up paint shop pro, hit shift and C at the same tme. Then I right clicked, and dragged a box around what I wanted, and clicked again. Yeah. I don't have Paint Shop Pro, , I have a different program and I do not have a right and left click. Only one click button. Yeah? Are you sure? You're mouse doesn't have two mouse buttons?!? Horatio, I think it's time to get a new mouse. I think my mouse is in Tennessee. The laptop has just one clicker. No left and no right. In fact it has been soooooooooo long since I used my mouse. Besides you PC people just wish you could be Macs! That's weird. My laptop had two clickers. So that is why you always post double posts! He is rare! I still do not know how to do the screen capture! I did it differently than they do it (my dad showed me how). I just opened up paint shop pro, hit shift and C at the same tme. Then I right clicked, and dragged a box around what I wanted, and clicked again. Yeah. I don't have Paint Shop Pro, , I have a different program and I do not have a right and left click. Only one click button. Yeah? Are you sure? You're mouse doesn't have two mouse buttons?!? Horatio, I think it's time to get a new mouse. I think my mouse is in Tennessee. The laptop has just one clicker. No left and no right. In fact it has been soooooooooo long since I used my mouse. Besides you PC people just wish you could be Macs! That's weird. My laptop had two clickers. So that is why you always post double posts! Seriously, my mouse is just a cute little mouse where you touch the mouse slightly downward and the entire mouse clicks. There is no finger movement, more of a hand movement.
  23. [i found MF last night.... I was gonna post some stuff but didnt have anything to post. it made me sad.] [incredibly slow progress on the werewolf stuff. And while my lycanthropal knowledge expands, I have more things to talk about in it. And more lunar reference and stuff, taking up lexxy-mans suggestion. So the finished version is a lot longer.] [... LEXXY MAN! ;_; *sobs unconrollablly*] [O_o;; Jeez. Calm down.] Hey... we are going to miss him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The weird thing is, I don't. My hair is so thick that it comes out sorta short and fat. I hope to grow it long enough to have decent looking braid though. Your hair is so beautiful, that what you need to consider is the following. If you grow your hair really long, when you decide to cut it, braid it, put a hair tie at the top part, but NOT next to your head (a couple of inches below where you want to cut it) and another at the very end of the braid. When you cut this, you can donate your hair to the American Cancer Society and they will use it to make a wig for a young person. I've done that before. A lot of hair salons participate in the locks of love program that donates your hair to make wigs. Apparently real hair wigs are super-expensive. I am so impressed you have participated in that program. You are such a wonderful person! Aw, thanks! But seriously though, what was I going to do with it? Say "no it's mine, I want to put it in a zip lock back and keep it forever?" Your lock of hair would be a little large for your Bible.
  25. He is rare! I still do not know how to do the screen capture! I did it differently than they do it (my dad showed me how). I just opened up paint shop pro, hit shift and C at the same tme. Then I right clicked, and dragged a box around what I wanted, and clicked again. Yeah. I don't have Paint Shop Pro, , I have a different program and I do not have a right and left click. Only one click button. Yeah? Are you sure? You're mouse doesn't have two mouse buttons?!? Horatio, I think it's time to get a new mouse. I think my mouse is in Tennessee. The laptop has just one clicker. No left and no right. In fact it has been soooooooooo long since I used my mouse. Besides you PC people just wish you could be Macs!
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