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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I also hope that there is no radiation floating around.
  2. I went to the beginning and thoroughly enjoyed the posts! They are even better the second time around!!!
  3. I am in Seattle and plan to head out to the Apple Store today. Wish me luck! On Thursday I am heading for Japan. The news last night talked about the nuclear power plant having a meltdown, and I am fairly certain that radiation leaked... nope there is nothing still floating around in the air by the time I get there.
  4. Okay... I am really, really MAD!!!!!!! Today I knew that I should have waited in line for the new iPad 2, but no, I had too many errands to run, so I got there around noon. Anyway, when I got up to the door, they were out of the AT&T versions. GRRRRRRRRR! How could they run out of the AT&T iPads???? How????? They had a zillion Verizon versions still remaining, but no one wanted those... so anyway, I did not get mine today. Tomorrow I will be in Seattle and hopefully I can get one on Sunday at the Seattle Apple Store. Where is that great horned owl when I need him or her? Those talons would come in handy when I needed to grab one of those iPads.
  5. In Florida, the insurance companies must have secret spies in the motor vehicle bureau, as they are calling you the day after the ticket to let you know how much money to send! If they had access to your mobile phone number, they would probably be calling the minute the police input your license into their database.
  6. Exactly! And when they fly, they are so very, very silent. It is scary just how quiet they are. True predators.
  7. Ouch! The insurance premium increases and then you have to have a great driving record for quite a long time before they decide to lower it. How much did it increase?
  8. People are too quick to judge without first putting on the shoes of that other person.
  9. Sometimes it is exactly that. I go out there and talk to the birds, so they know my voice. One day the plumber wanted to see the owls and walked out there with me, when we got close, the father moved to a tree very close to where we were standing, and just started staring down at us. The plumber felt really uncomfortable and went back to his truck. I talked to the owl and it looked at me, then flew back to his perch watching over his babies. These owls grow to about four feet six inches tall, with a six foot wing span.
  10. Sounds like a wonderful weekend, except for the speeding ticket. Sooooooo... how many speeding tickets do you have? How many miles over the speed limit were you going and how many did they ticket you for?
  11. It was a very big learning experience to see the other side. This is a part of the story that we never hear.
  12. The really eerie thing is that when you are out by the babies, you can feel the mother looking at you, but sometimes it is really hard to find her. Then you look at one of the other close trees and you will see the father.
  13. Dear Moosey368 and Mastermind, Today is a double birthday celebration and we hope that you both are having the best birthdays ever. May this special day bring you all your birthday wishes then some. We hope you stop in for the party and hear the traditional birthday song being sung. HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR MASTERMIND AND MOOSEY368, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TWO!!!! We have the party table set, make a wish, blow out your candles and let's get this party started!!! Horatio
  14. I was going to post the close-up of the Great Horned Owl, then realized that I already did that. Here was the picture that I should have posted...
  15. So, here I sit in Shanghai, waiting to fly home this evening. Today I wandered around the city. Taxicabs are very, very inexpensive. To go across town, the equivalent of Wall Street on Manhattan all the way up to almost Harlem, costs only about three dollars. So, this makes hoping into a taxi, so very, very easy. Yesterday I went wandering around the shopping district, ate dinner in a local place and had some "wild" dishes. One was listed on the menu as Guts. This was truly interesting and very delicious. Of course, I did not ask to whom or what the guts belonged. There was shrimp on a stick, a vegetable plate, ribs with a great herb rub on them and of course rice. Thoroughly enjoyable.
  16. *saying hello from Shanghai, China*
  17. You are one hundred percent correct. There needs to be a solution, but no one can get the politicians to come up with any solutions. Alternative strategies are out there, it will be a matter of people demanding a fix to these problems.
  18. You don't get away that easy... what did you do this weekend???
  19. Definitely NOT mediocre!!!!! Outstanding is more like it!!!! *hands Wildcat The Platinum Moon Award* I like this one, really terrific!!!
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