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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback. Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste. All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared. And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine. We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound. Is it in an area of oustanding natural beuaty where cats and dogs can be nice to each other, the world's problems are solved and there is no sign of a McDonalds, Burger King or other disgusting thing? This area is very beautiful, but that is not the issue. It is the boating group, both pleasure and commercial, who are complaining. It is always someone who will have to complain. The wind farm will eventually go through but not before everyone has put in their two cents worth.
  2. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is. Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment. *mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you! O O P S ! ! ! ! hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? 15... are you ready?
  3. *head implodes* *watches all the cheese bits fly all over the place* ewww, depending on the cheese that could smell really bad. Not too worry, the cheese of the week month has been provolone! And you think I don't pay attention!
  4. I think wind could be a bigger percentage. Think about the midwest where the winds are strong, along the coastlines, I wish I could afford a couple of wind generators, because I would have them installed for my cage in Florida. I though about that, but you don't want too much wind-power, because if you have a season with little wind, a big chunk of power would be gone. That is when you have a back-up source.
  5. On a related note, me and 3 other scouts in my patrol were the colorguard in the Relay for Life. I carried patrol colors, my friends zack and miller carried the state and country colors, respectively. The third friend, Iain, called out the orders and such. We marched around a quarter-mile track, much fun. ^.^ Afterwards, we got pit beef sandwiches. But they didn't have bbq sauce . And in case you didn't know, relay for life is an organization that raises money for cancer patients and stuff like that. it was great. I am glad you participated! Next year make sure you bring some BBQ sauce so you won't be disappointed! I am very familiar with Relay for Life as they train people to run in marathons. A couple of my friends raised money through Relay for Life. That's good, it is a good thing to do. They were talking about how there was one guy, i think he was a gym teacher, who walked for 24 hours. He raised a total of $27,000 dollars. It was CrAzY. $27,000 !!! How fantastic! I am so impressed!
  6. Good luck on your trial exams. I am sure you will do well. Thank you for the cake! Enjoy the celebration!!!
  7. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is. Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment. *mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you! O O P S ! ! ! !
  8. 78 ????? I'm going to live alone, so I might as well aim high. xD LOL I bet you get married and have 78 kids! I'm not a big fan of children. And I don't even like cats. 78 tarantulas! TARANTULAS ?!?!? You won't have to worry about me coming for a visit! Alright. One dog. One tarantula. 76 dust bunnies. I have started collecting the dust bunnies for you. There are a variety of sizes. I have everything from the baby dust bunnies to the overwhelming five foot tall tumbleweed dust rabbit! Nothing bunny-like about this humongous one! So, any preference on size? I have no preference on size, they just have to be dustfree. Since dust is on of the many things I'm allergic to. (: Dust-free dust bunnies? *head implodes* *watches all the cheese bits fly all over the place*
  9. I think wind could be a bigger percentage. Think about the midwest where the winds are strong, along the coastlines, I wish I could afford a couple of wind generators, because I would have them installed for my cage in Florida.
  10. On a related note, me and 3 other scouts in my patrol were the colorguard in the Relay for Life. I carried patrol colors, my friends zack and miller carried the state and country colors, respectively. The third friend, Iain, called out the orders and such. We marched around a quarter-mile track, much fun. ^.^ Afterwards, we got pit beef sandwiches. But they didn't have bbq sauce . And in case you didn't know, relay for life is an organization that raises money for cancer patients and stuff like that. it was great. I am glad you participated! Next year make sure you bring some BBQ sauce so you won't be disappointed! I am very familiar with Relay for Life as they train people to run in marathons. A couple of my friends raised money through Relay for Life.
  11. that reminds me of the planet thing. you know, for every day it is on earth, it's like 300 days on some other planet? That explains everything! HK is on another planet! Pluto perhaps? And time on Pluto goes very, very, VERY S L O W !
  12. Is that bad? You make me laugh and I appreciate it, so is it bad to let you know?
  13. I love it! Can you do it in jpg? This way it will be in the post without having to download it.
  14. Oh, when Vixen hears this, she will be stopping by. Vixen (Lee), is our Green Day Queen and her one year anniversary as queen was yesterday!
  15. When was your birthday???????? Did you put it in the calendar here? Would you like me to bake you a special birthday cake? Hamster baked birthday cakes are the best. I am glad you will be here with us for a while.
  16. are you bugging out or just 8? whats that supposed to mean? :glare: Ignore xMyOwnMindx. I am really happy you found this topic. Please go to the topic just above this, Hado, and look for the Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. HampsterDancer Poll and please vote. I know you really don't know everyone, but we have a tie and perhaps you will break the tie. Thank you.
  17. I do not know.. ME! YOU! what about me? You too!
  18. [i found MF last night.... I was gonna post some stuff but didnt have anything to post. it made me sad.] [incredibly slow progress on the werewolf stuff. And while my lycanthropal knowledge expands, I have more things to talk about in it. And more lunar reference and stuff, taking up lexxy-mans suggestion. So the finished version is a lot longer.] [... LEXXY MAN! ;_; *sobs unconrollablly*] [O_o;; Jeez. Calm down.] [but he left! ;_; *clings to Horatio* He leeeeeeeeeeft...] [i know. *gives - Kat - a hammie huggle* ] [;_; *hugs back*] *gets box of tissues* Hey... the lightbulb just came on... why don't we start a Lexxy topic for when he returns!?!?!?!?! [but wouldn't that best be done in late June so it's not dead when he gets here?] Great idea! I was thinking of an art/writing contest. What do you think? Then I can always pin it. [Oh, well yeah, if it's an art/writing contest, then we will need time to work on stuff! So I guess we could start it now! n_n] Or we could do something like this... make an announcement that the contest will open on the 15th of June and end on the 1st of July. List the rules so that people could start their entries to be submitted during the two week period. How does that sound?
  19. So that is the reason. I always wondered why they were so quick!
  20. I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback. Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste. All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared. And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine. We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound.
  21. Here's what I thought of it. lol. Anyways, I haven't watched another ep. yet, I've been too busy with other stuff. Darn, I thought you might have seen the brilliant two parter of The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Incidentally, Horatio, what did you think of Boom Town? Exploring the Doctor's character more than anything else in that episode. (plus, next week, Reality TV gets out of hand and an old enemy returns) Do you have Big Brother over there? I have to watch Dr. Who on Sunday. For some reason I thought yesterday was Thursday. You're going so fast that time no longer goes at quite the same speed for you, Horatio? Sometimes it feels that way
  22. I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback. Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste.
  23. Here's what I thought of it. lol. Anyways, I haven't watched another ep. yet, I've been too busy with other stuff. Darn, I thought you might have seen the brilliant two parter of The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Incidentally, Horatio, what did you think of Boom Town? Exploring the Doctor's character more than anything else in that episode. (plus, next week, Reality TV gets out of hand and an old enemy returns) Do you have Big Brother over there? I have to watch Dr. Who on Sunday. For some reason I thought yesterday was Thursday.
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