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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Ohhhhhh, I am sorry that you cannot keep the hammy. That was really nice of your friend and I am sorry your mother said no. mm yea. i was a little upset but i'm getting a piggy in september. so it's okay. I am glad you will be getting the piggy and are okay with your mother's decision. yea. i hate her though. Please don't hate her. You might ask her the basis of her decision so you understand why she said no.
  2. Please... homework first, then if there is time, HampsterDance afterwards. Yup, and apparently dinner too. Don't let the online icon fool you. I won't. See you later. Get your homework done and enjoy your dinner. I am off.
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Oh. You could always cut a little lock of your hair and place it in your bible. lol that's alright. The inside of my Bible is covered with references and page numbers to the verses I use most often. And the corners are held together with duct tape. Do you have a locket? probably, but I never wear it. This is another place to put a "lock" of hair. lol Yeah, so today they decided to combine our bus route with another route...I didn't get home until nearly 4 pm. Are they saving gas , did a bus break down or a driver not show up? Apparently they were short on drivers (or so they say). the thing that bugs me is that this happened several times earlier this year (with a different bus driver; we're on our 3rd this year), until the bus driver finally said she wasn't going to keep bringing them home. I was the last person dropped off, over an hour after I was picked up. And you are still calm. I would have been totally wacko!
  4. Please... homework first, then if there is time, HampsterDance afterwards.
  5. Ohhhhhh, I am sorry that you cannot keep the hammy. That was really nice of your friend and I am sorry your mother said no. mm yea. i was a little upset but i'm getting a piggy in september. so it's okay. I am glad you will be getting the piggy and are okay with your mother's decision.
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Oh. You could always cut a little lock of your hair and place it in your bible. lol that's alright. The inside of my Bible is covered with references and page numbers to the verses I use most often. And the corners are held together with duct tape. Do you have a locket? probably, but I never wear it. This is another place to put a "lock" of hair. lol Yeah, so today they decided to combine our bus route with another route...I didn't get home until nearly 4 pm. Are they saving gas , did a bus break down or a driver not show up?
  7. i'm not.i know a hundred kids who feel like i do. and i beg to think im not the worst. oh, why me again? this topic is bruied. You are not a screw-up.
  8. haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea. i'd love to go back. was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life? No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. I hope you get the opportunity to return. Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend?
  9. I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback. Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste. All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared. And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine. We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound. Is it in an area of oustanding natural beuaty where cats and dogs can be nice to each other, the world's problems are solved and there is no sign of a McDonalds, Burger King or other disgusting thing? This area is very beautiful, but that is not the issue. It is the boating group, both pleasure and commercial, who are complaining. It is always someone who will have to complain. The wind farm will eventually go through but not before everyone has put in their two cents worth. Well, I hope it goes through, and doesn't get cancelled like the one over here did in one of the best places for wind power in the country just because some locals whinged without providing any actual solid reason for why it shouldn't be there. All their relatives must be living in Massachusetts. Probably all members of the same yachting club. LOL You are probably correct!!!
  10. What big fly-in?????????? Is your father going to participate in this event? Yup. *suddenly remembers the 100 or so pictures she needs to take care of.* We've had some reall strange weather around here. Sun, rain, thunderstorms, wind, rainbows. Often two or more happening at the same time. Great time for pictures! Weather makes for some wonderful scenes. A thunderstorm, the sun and a rainbow this would be a magnificent picture. Yup! I edited the fly in pictures last night and sorted the best ones into their own folder so I could find them. Now i need to put the video together and put some pics online... As for the weather here, it's sunny and somewhat warm, no clouds at all! It is partly cloudy, in the 90's and generally a typical Florida day. I am trying to do something I should leave to the experts... cleaning the pool. The only problem is that I only swim in the pool when the water temperature is in the 80's. Except, I dropped three cement blocks into the pool and needed to get them out. Uck! FREEZING!!!!!!!!!! Hamsters do not like cold swimming pool water!
  11. TGHL... I didn't think I was going to make it until midnight to watch Dr. Who!!! I nodded off and woke up at 23H55. Five minutes to spare! What a spectacular episode! I wish I had seen it on Friday as I would have watched it both Friday and Sunday. If they get better than this, we are in for a phenomenal season!
  12. GASP! DA BOSS! WHERE IS DA BOSS?!?!? We have unknowledgable peoples on da territory! So, be a nice phoenix and explain what a mafia is. *waits for TGHL to answer kyokunisangry with an appropriate answer* I suppose I have to since Kat isn't here. A mafia is an organised crime syndicate. In case you have no idea what that is, it is basically a gang of organized thieves, although they do not limit their criminal activity to thieving, it also includes, but is not limited too; racketeering, protection fees, extortion, blackmail, bootlegging and mugging The original Mafia is that of the organized crime syndicate founded in Sardinia (or is it Corsica? I always confuse those two. Well which ever one is under Italian rule) and Italy it was behind much of the organized crime in Italy between its foundation and 2000, however, after a joint sting operation between EU and Italian police the Mafia has had to keep quiet in recent years. Particuarly after the recent arrest of a suspected crime boss. Since the early days of the Italian Mafia, two other countries have set up widely recognized Mafias. The Russian Mafia, who we all know and love for their ruthless ways and backing of the Oligarchs in Russia, and the Italian-American Mafia, this has gone through various incarnations and names, usually changing with each new "Don" (Don in the American Mafia is the highest rank) for example in the 1930's it was under Lucky Luciano and was called Murder Inc. However, since the rise of rap and people calling themselves Gangstas, the American Mafia has effectively ceased to exist on a large scale as American criminal activity has boiled down into rather petty drug cartels and gangs. Other countries also have organized crime syndicates. The three most notable amongst these are; The Yakuza, from Japan, The Triads, from China, and the Notingham based crime syndicate which is responsible for most organized crime in Britain, aside from in London, where the gangs are locked in a turf war and don't appreciate anyone new. Stellar response! I could not even have done half as great a job as you did! Here... have a specially baked cakie!
  13. I had waited to see if someone would reply. I thought you would have received some feedback. Personally, I think Nuclear Power to be a great source of power. We need to study the disposal of nuclear waste and the impact it has on our earth, but I do believe we can find secure ways to use nuclear power and safe ways to dispose of the nuclear waste. All is a bit quiet in here at the minute, probably because everyone else who usually posts in here has disappeared. And I agree with you, Nuclear Power is a great source, but until that glorious day when we can change the waste into flowers (probably Venus Man Traps) and make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces, I think it isn't worth the risk to use it fuel an entire country. However, and it is a big however, it is very good as an interim power source. So if we use about 50% Nuclear to fuel the country, while gas and renewables do the rest, and more and more renewables are used and put in place until we have a 50/50 split between renewable sources and Nuclear, then we can start pushing back the Nuclear supply and keep going until we require about 20% nuclear and 80% renewable. Retaining that 20% will be useful as wind doesn't blow all the time, nor does the sun always shine. We are having quite a bit of controversy over a wind power farm that is slated for the area of Massachusetts in the Long Island Sound. Is it in an area of oustanding natural beuaty where cats and dogs can be nice to each other, the world's problems are solved and there is no sign of a McDonalds, Burger King or other disgusting thing? This area is very beautiful, but that is not the issue. It is the boating group, both pleasure and commercial, who are complaining. It is always someone who will have to complain. The wind farm will eventually go through but not before everyone has put in their two cents worth. Well, I hope it goes through, and doesn't get cancelled like the one over here did in one of the best places for wind power in the country just because some locals whinged without providing any actual solid reason for why it shouldn't be there. All their relatives must be living in Massachusetts.
  14. GASP! DA BOSS! WHERE IS DA BOSS?!?!? We have unknowledgable peoples on da territory! So, be a nice phoenix and explain what a mafia is. *waits for TGHL to answer kyokunisangry with an appropriate answer*
  15. Ohhhhhh, I am sorry that you cannot keep the hammy. That was really nice of your friend and I am sorry your mother said no.
  16. *finishes eating a banana from the tree in the backyard* Would you like one to eat while you are listening to that song?
  17. OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY!!!! How did you take that picture?????? Your father is soooooooo cool! And gutsy! One of the other guys had a powered parachute (ppc) that had two seats, and took me for a flight. it was really neat! I should have a whole bunch of new (ground based) pictures up here in a little bit. Fantastic!!! *waits*
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Oh. You could always cut a little lock of your hair and place it in your bible. lol that's alright. The inside of my Bible is covered with references and page numbers to the verses I use most often. And the corners are held together with duct tape. Do you have a locket? probably, but I never wear it. This is another place to put a "lock" of hair.
  19. that reminds me of the planet thing. you know, for every day it is on earth, it's like 300 days on some other planet? That explains everything! HK is on another planet! Pluto perhaps? And time on Pluto goes very, very, VERY S L O W ! sllllllooooooowwwwwwww. Very, very true!
  20. What big fly-in?????????? Is your father going to participate in this event? Yup. *suddenly remembers the 100 or so pictures she needs to take care of.* We've had some reall strange weather around here. Sun, rain, thunderstorms, wind, rainbows. Often two or more happening at the same time. Great time for pictures! Weather makes for some wonderful scenes. A thunderstorm, the sun and a rainbow this would be a magnificent picture.
  21. You have just earned The Gold Star Award for your drawings! I especially love the monkey in the middle pic! Banana anyone?
  22. When was your birthday???????? Did you put it in the calendar here? Would you like me to bake you a special birthday cake? Hamster baked birthday cakes are the best. I am glad you will be here with us for a while. my b-day was on Feb 14. by the way that is my least fav holiday and i celebrate my b-day and nothing more! Please make sure you put in the calendar! I will begin making your birthday cake... please tell me your favorite!
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