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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    LOL Ohhhhhhh, I don't mean to laugh, but that is exactly what would happen to me. lol yeah, it wasn't really either of our faults. The bus driver didn't realize that our school's clocks are slow, some teachers let their kids out early, and that mine doesn't. He showed up at real-world 2:30, saw kids come out, didn't see me, and left. you would think the bus company (that thinks we get out at 2:20) would know better and tell their drivers that. Your solution is too sensible. Why would the bus company want to accomodate the students (customers)? *laughs*
  2. Seriously, I can wait. But unseriously... it is my job to give you a hard time! *cracks the whip* lol Yeah, but it's gonna keep bugging me until I get it done. I've got pictures from other stuff I need to take care of too...not to mention the videos I need to put together... Do your parents loan you out? Perhaps you will work for food! I have about four boxes of pictures and two boxes of negatives to go through. *gets shredder ready*
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    LOL Ohhhhhhh, I don't mean to laugh, but that is exactly what would happen to me.
  4. You lucky girl! Please put me in your pocket next time to go to a Broadway play! next time is our class field trip! we're going to see tarzan and its going to be so much fun...we're going to madame tuseuds however u spell it and espn zone and we're not getting homw till 1am since we're going to the evening performance...its not tomorrow (wed.) but the next wed. SO EXCITED! Are you going to take me????????? of course! u just have to fly on up to where i live! im guessing ur on rite now as i just posted that a few miutes ago...where's gina's post? I am heading to my jet as we speak. I should be up there in a couple of hours. Patience.... Gina's post did not appear until yours did. What do you think this is... the internet???
  5. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is. Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment. *mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you! O O P S ! ! ! ! hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? 15... are you ready? *is fifteen* >.>;; Are to ready to join Cheesemaster as a mod? If you are interested, I will tell HampsterKing. Seriously? Erm...hmmm... Of course I am serious!!!
  6. [Moving? Again? Didn't you just move at some not-very-long-ago time?] [ I am glad you asked that question. Arkcher just moved not too long ago, was what I thought, but then I thought I just might be crazy, so I figured I would see if someone else asked. Thank you for asking! ]
  7. Looks like you are having fun with your siggie! You are doing a great job!!! I like it!
  8. Seriously, I can wait. But unseriously... it is my job to give you a hard time! *cracks the whip*
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    With my luck, it would have left early and I would have missed it!
  10. I love your reaction. I thought that dropoff would tease you. I'll continue in a sec I gotta finish something first... I think Social Outcast has a great way with words. As for the drop-off... *is on floor, with paws in the air, waiting*
  11. Great minds think alike... I am listening to Nights in White Satin!
  12. Your gravestones are wonderful! It is the thought that counts. What matters most is what is in your heart, the fact that you remember. Emma and Billy can feel the love in your heart all the way in heaven. They miss you too! heaven is fake. first of all. not to be a XXXXX. (cant wait for those #'s) and yea... they have everything i want actually, im quite jealous at the moment. very much so.. i was a horrible mother anyway. Did you like the XXX's? I aim to please! And no... you were NOT a horrible mother. yea, theyre wonderful. can i put pix on here? i think i figured that out.. I love those pics! Emma is a blonde like me! No wonder I like her! Billy was a most beautiful hamster. I love his coloring!!! WOW!!! billy was a girl. cuz i wanted it to be that way. ( theyre my little angels. Oh good! Both your angels are magnificent!!!!!! i think theyre one of the few things i still have any feelings about. of course my babyangel kittens are too. i honestly in my heart think id cut so bad if one of my cats died. they are my everythings. theyve saved me from so much. just by being there cuz i wouldnt dare bleed or leave here while my cats were there... I am glad to hear this. It is wonderful when you have pets like you do. Bananas... I never thought to give my friends bananas! Thanks.
  13. What a great picture!!! I love the face!!!!!
  14. Hi Gina! aww i'm loved... Of course you are loved! *gives Gina a giant welcome hammie bear huggle*
  15. Time for me to run... I will see you all later.
  16. i just make 'em in paint and send 'em ...i dont choose bmp or jpg or whatever...i will try to figure something out.. I tried taking a photograph of my computer screen and that was a disaster. I tried moving it to my photo and paint programs and it kept saying no data. *throws paws up into the air*
  17. You lucky girl! Please put me in your pocket next time to go to a Broadway play! next time is our class field trip! we're going to see tarzan and its going to be so much fun...we're going to madame tuseuds however u spell it and espn zone and we're not getting homw till 1am since we're going to the evening performance...its not tomorrow (wed.) but the next wed. SO EXCITED! Are you going to take me?????????
  18. Ohhhhhh, I am sorry that you cannot keep the hammy. That was really nice of your friend and I am sorry your mother said no. mm yea. i was a little upset but i'm getting a piggy in september. so it's okay. I am glad you will be getting the piggy and are okay with your mother's decision. yea. i hate her though. Please don't hate her. You might ask her the basis of her decision so you understand why she said no. its not about the hampster. she's twofaced. but whatever. i have bigger problems then her. You know where to find me if you want to talk.
  19. What exactly are you doing? you said "How did the session with the counselor go? Did you talk about what you were doing?" did i talk about what...? Your cutting. oh. that. nope. havnt been bothered about that in a while "i havnt been one on one with janet or brendell in a while. i'd like to keep it that way. i thought i'd be back in their face but my idiot parents are blind. which im actually quite thankful for. brendell is quite blind aswell. but now im healed and free for the time being." I hope you stay that way.
  20. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is. Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment. *mod in training* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? But Arkcher, that is horrible what they have done to you. But i am glad you have a chance to reboot yourself ina new area. I hope the future holds many great promises for you! O O P S ! ! ! ! hehe! *restates question* so how old does one have to be to be a mod? 15... are you ready? *is fifteen* >.>;; Are to ready to join Cheesemaster as a mod? If you are interested, I will tell HampsterKing.
  21. When was your birthday???????? Did you put it in the calendar here? Would you like me to bake you a special birthday cake? Hamster baked birthday cakes are the best. I am glad you will be here with us for a while. my b-day was on Feb 14. by the way that is my least fav holiday and i celebrate my b-day and nothing more! Please make sure you put in the calendar! I will begin making your birthday cake... please tell me your favorite! mmm i hate cake. srry. harhar too baaaaaaaaaad How about an ice cream cake?
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Oh. You could always cut a little lock of your hair and place it in your bible. lol that's alright. The inside of my Bible is covered with references and page numbers to the verses I use most often. And the corners are held together with duct tape. Do you have a locket? probably, but I never wear it. This is another place to put a "lock" of hair. lol Yeah, so today they decided to combine our bus route with another route...I didn't get home until nearly 4 pm. Are they saving gas , did a bus break down or a driver not show up? Apparently they were short on drivers (or so they say). the thing that bugs me is that this happened several times earlier this year (with a different bus driver; we're on our 3rd this year), until the bus driver finally said she wasn't going to keep bringing them home. I was the last person dropped off, over an hour after I was picked up. And you are still calm. I would have been totally wacko! I wasn't exactly thrilled, but there wasn't much I could do about it. And this sort of stuff has happened so many times. It was a couple of weeks ago when the bus didn't even show up until 3:30 that I got upset. Plus our bus driver doesn't really speak English. Waiting for the bus to show up would have made me more upset than being on the bus riding around.
  23. What exactly are you doing? you said "How did the session with the counselor go? Did you talk about what you were doing?" did i talk about what...? Your cutting.
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