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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    What you need to consider is how much energy it takes to remove the oil and the cost of doing so. Sometimes the energy expended and cost involved is not worth removing the oil. Of course when the cost of a barrel of oil reaches 70 to 100 or more, now you can rethink removing the oil from the earth. My thinking is to spend this money on finding alternative energy sources.
  2. What happened this week-end??????? NO DR. WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Oh no? whatever shall we do? I am devastated!!!!!!!
  3. Wow... this is a very tough one. You have told J many different times and many different ways, and he still does not get it. The only thing I can suggest is that when people try and say something about J, you need to respond stating you will not discuss him and then change the subject. This will be very, very difficult and frustrating but perhaps when they start talking about J, you can start talking about M. If they refuse to stop talking about J, and will not talk about something else, then you will have to excuse yourself and leave. They will get the message. How frustrating this must be for you. Good luck with M, I hope this works out and J leaves you alone.
  4. What happened this week-end??????? NO DR. WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
  5. Have you ever considered taking singing lessons? nah, im a train wreak. i did juet get a message about modeling though. weiiiird. i dont kno how legit it is. Don't believe it. I get those all the time. Horatio is right, just reat it like junk mail and toss it. Unless it's by that Bonzaba or someting place. Then you have a slim chance of making it. Cheetaspot, I know what you mean! If you are really interested in modeling, then you should look into it through some of the known agencies. Please do not contact the person who contacted you. Ted Bundy killed a number of models by posing as a photographer. I think you would be great at modeling.
  6. Welcome to HampsterDance. I am really sorry to hear about your hamster passing away. It is really hard when you lose one of your best friends.
  7. Have you ever considered taking singing lessons? nah, im a train wreak. i did juet get a message about modeling though. weiiiird. i dont kno how legit it is. Don't believe it.
  8. And which one do you prefer????????? They both have their perks. I use Photoshop mostly, though. Opencanvas may be a bit easier to use but Paint Shop Pro has more features. ♥ Lee I have never been known to go for easy. My paint program is Corel Painter and I still have not figured out how to use it.
  9. haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea. i'd love to go back. was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life? No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. I hope you get the opportunity to return. Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend? haha i'd be to scared. i doubt i'll go back. i went for fun.. did you think i went with group or somthing? the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :] It seemed like you went with a small group of friends. not exactly. i like a few of them tho. some i can stand but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head) that was a JOKE. muder isnt on my list of things to do. but i really do not like some of those girls. No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning. mm everything is so complicated. Okay. No need for further discussion. are you silenceing me? O.o Never. I was just letting you know you did not have to elaborate if you didn't care to. Of course, I always want to hear what you have to say. hah. actually i got nothing. but i hate when topics die. Somehow when one topic dies, another one springs up in it's place.
  10. Hello! n_n I see you've ventured out onto the rest of the boards! Yaaay! Perhaps I should put out a plate of cookies here for all who wander in. Would you care for a little nip tac sprinkled on top or yours - Kat - ? Heck yes I would. *prepares a basket of nip tac cookies for - Kat - * Here you go! *stores basket in a vault* I hope that vault is secure.
  11. Have you ever considered taking singing lessons?
  12. haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea. i'd love to go back. was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life? No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. I hope you get the opportunity to return. Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend? haha i'd be to scared. i doubt i'll go back. i went for fun.. did you think i went with group or somthing? the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :] It seemed like you went with a small group of friends. not exactly. i like a few of them tho. some i can stand but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head) that was a JOKE. muder isnt on my list of things to do. but i really do not like some of those girls. No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning. mm everything is so complicated. Okay. No need for further discussion. are you silenceing me? O.o Never. I was just letting you know you did not have to elaborate if you didn't care to. Of course, I always want to hear what you have to say.
  13. I know a man who was in the Vietnam War. He got hooked on heroin. It is MUCH, MUCH worse than everyone says. I am able to see what the long term effects of heroin are. What you need to consider are the ramifications of doing the drug. Consider what happens when you need to buy your drugs, have no money, decide to steal, get caught and are now sitting in jail for theft? If you think when you get out of jail, you can return to your old life, this is not going to happen. Trust me on this one... heroin is much worse than you hear. no like, ive heard heroin is WORSE than that. but the girl i know that tried it did it once, plans on never doing it again, doesnt even think much of it. i guess she just doesnt have an addictice personality or wutever. idk. anyway, dont worry heroin is WAYYYYY too hxc for me. so dont even go there. I just wish you wouldn't do any stuff. oh relax. i dont do anything. i do wut "god" gave us. even the bible supports it. alot. Actually I am quite relaxed. The bottom line is... it is still illegal.
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The oil companies will not do anything about alternative fuels until they have destroyed the Alaskan Artic Refuge by scarring the land, destroying migration patterns and ruining every beautiful park. Perhaps they might want to destroy Yellowstone or The Grand Canyon. I am heart-broken at the politians and oil companies ruining Alaska. We should have found alternative fuels ages ago. lol they won't stop using fossil fuels until they stop getting money from it. But yeah, there's a LOT we could be doing to help. Use solar panels for commercial and government buildings, put windmills over lanfills, build more nuclear power plants, use hydroelectricity in sewer lines...the ideas are endless. If you ever want to go to one of the most magnificent places in the world, you need to go to Alaska before it is totally destroyed. Chicago is planning on installing four wind generators on top one of their buildings. Hopefully this will be successful. *crosses paws* I would LOVE to go to Alaska! It looks so cool! I think my great grandmother lived there. How outstanding! You ought to try and find out where she lived in Alaska. There are some magnificent places to visit. One thing I do recommend... go in the summer! lol, or maybe fall. I don't generally mind the cold. I love skiing. Unless she happened to live in Barrow, then I believe it can pretty nippy. I know Fairbanks is known for winter temperatures in the minus seventy to minus eighty range. Barrow is further north! Good thing you love skiing... you probably would be doing quite a bit of it... and not the downhill kind. LOL Yup, that's why a lot of people there drive snowmobiles to work. A lot of the roads aren't even paved, because they're covered in snow most of the year. It would be so cool to see the northern lights! The northern lights will take your breath away!! Always different, always magnificent! I will have to search for a couple pictures for you. I do not believe I have any pictures that are digital.
  15. I know a man who was in the Vietnam War. He got hooked on heroin. It is MUCH, MUCH worse than everyone says. I am able to see what the long term effects of heroin are. What you need to consider are the ramifications of doing the drug. Consider what happens when you need to buy your drugs, have no money, decide to steal, get caught and are now sitting in jail for theft? If you think when you get out of jail, you can return to your old life, this is not going to happen. Trust me on this one... heroin is much worse than you hear. no like, ive heard heroin is WORSE than that. but the girl i know that tried it did it once, plans on never doing it again, doesnt even think much of it. i guess she just doesnt have an addictice personality or wutever. idk. anyway, dont worry heroin is WAYYYYY too hxc for me. so dont even go there. I just wish you wouldn't do any stuff.
  16. haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea. i'd love to go back. was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life? No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. I hope you get the opportunity to return. Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend? haha i'd be to scared. i doubt i'll go back. i went for fun.. did you think i went with group or somthing? the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :] It seemed like you went with a small group of friends. not exactly. i like a few of them tho. some i can stand but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head) that was a JOKE. muder isnt on my list of things to do. but i really do not like some of those girls. No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning. mm everything is so complicated. Okay. No need for further discussion.
  17. I don't believe so. Who was in it? Was this with Melanie Griffith? Maggie Gyllenhaal, actually. Then I will search for it. I am not a big fan of Melanie Griffith and tend not to watch any movie she is in. Melanie Griffith reminds me of meg griffin. For me, it is her voice that I really can't stand listening to. melanie or meg's? i like the episode when they have the band cuz meg gets hot. she should stay hot. Melanie's voice. It has the same effect as nails on chalkboard. Meg is terrific. haha i dont know if ive ever heard melanie's meg is a geek. gotta love her. I am trying to think of some of the movies that Melanie was in, but I cannot remember any. I only remember one where she was some kind of a secretary or something in an office. I saw only a couple of minutes of it, realized it was her, then changed the channel. i know a place that lists everyone shes been in. :] Thanks, but I have no desire to know. When her next movie appears, I will see her in the trailer and say "I am not going to that movie." If I happen to turn on the tele and she is on, I will change the channel. haha gosh you really hate her. haha No, I don't hate her. I don't even know her. I am one step worse... complete indifference. My attitude is, actors are simply doing a job. The public has overpaid, overrated and idolized people in the acting and sports fields. So, complete indifference is much worse. ya know, i had that EXACT thought the other day in the car. it is just a job, well... a job, an art, a talent. which is really awesome if you can do it, and play multiple rolls and keep your head on straight but honestly, why do we have to know when some actress walks her dog. like SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. theres like at least one page in every teenage magazine thats like "STARS ARE JUST LIKE YOU" and its like a picture of lindsey lohan driving... like "OOOOOOOOO she drives! no way!" NO ONE CARES. its so idiotic. BUT BUT BUT, i am guilty of watching at of E! when i get bored. mostly just to laugh though. anyway, its kinda the same about music... but thats totally different in a way, music is wicked talent plus like every other artist (guy or girl or band or solo wutever) is hot as ####. so theres a good reason to obsess. i obsess over anyone thats hot anyway, so people cant be like "oh you just think theyre hot cuz their in a band" like UM! im obsessed with like the kid down the street. cuz he's hot. lol. anyway, plus music is life. id give up my limbs, my computer my posessions friends hair diarys phone camera and my life for music. when people say its EVERYTHING, they arnt exagerating. kay, so most of them are, but its my soul, my core, and i mean wut i say when i say it. like hortin the elephante. haha im babaling The thoughts you had in the car are exactly what I am talking about. I have never watched E! and don't believe I ever will. I do not care who is getting married, getting divorced or if they have the ability to drive a car. Nowadays, you don't even need to learn how to back in park for your driving test. Check the Sears Catalogue, they just might be selling mail order driver's licenses. LOL For all those people who feel the need to honor a guy who drives a race car, you can now go down to the hardware store and buy all the numbers in a packet. This way if 16 happens to be your favorite this week you can just pull off the three and replace it. Okay... now I am rambling. So, indifference is much worse. I won't be putting any money in her pocket. As for music... I love music. Musicians who are talented enrich your life with wonderful sounds. If you are not as talented where you can make a living at it, then play for yourself. Playing for yourself is a really wonderful way to spend some time.
  18. haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea. i'd love to go back. was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life? No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. I hope you get the opportunity to return. Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend? haha i'd be to scared. i doubt i'll go back. i went for fun.. did you think i went with group or somthing? the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :] It seemed like you went with a small group of friends. not exactly. i like a few of them tho. some i can stand but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head) that was a JOKE. muder isnt on my list of things to do. but i really do not like some of those girls. No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning.
  19. I know a man who was in the Vietnam War. He got hooked on heroin. It is MUCH, MUCH worse than everyone says. I am able to see what the long term effects of heroin are. What you need to consider are the ramifications of doing the drug. Consider what happens when you need to buy your drugs, have no money, decide to steal, get caught and are now sitting in jail for theft? If you think when you get out of jail, you can return to your old life, this is not going to happen. Trust me on this one... heroin is much worse than you hear.
  20. I don't believe so. Who was in it? Was this with Melanie Griffith? Maggie Gyllenhaal, actually. Then I will search for it. I am not a big fan of Melanie Griffith and tend not to watch any movie she is in. Melanie Griffith reminds me of meg griffin. For me, it is her voice that I really can't stand listening to. melanie or meg's? i like the episode when they have the band cuz meg gets hot. she should stay hot. Melanie's voice. It has the same effect as nails on chalkboard. Meg is terrific. haha i dont know if ive ever heard melanie's meg is a geek. gotta love her. I am trying to think of some of the movies that Melanie was in, but I cannot remember any. I only remember one where she was some kind of a secretary or something in an office. I saw only a couple of minutes of it, realized it was her, then changed the channel. i know a place that lists everyone shes been in. :] Thanks, but I have no desire to know. When her next movie appears, I will see her in the trailer and say "I am not going to that movie." If I happen to turn on the tele and she is on, I will change the channel. haha gosh you really hate her. haha No, I don't hate her. I don't even know her. I am one step worse... complete indifference. My attitude is, actors are simply doing a job. The public has overpaid, overrated and idolized people in the acting and sports fields. So, complete indifference is much worse.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The oil companies will not do anything about alternative fuels until they have destroyed the Alaskan Artic Refuge by scarring the land, destroying migration patterns and ruining every beautiful park. Perhaps they might want to destroy Yellowstone or The Grand Canyon. I am heart-broken at the politians and oil companies ruining Alaska. We should have found alternative fuels ages ago. lol they won't stop using fossil fuels until they stop getting money from it. But yeah, there's a LOT we could be doing to help. Use solar panels for commercial and government buildings, put windmills over lanfills, build more nuclear power plants, use hydroelectricity in sewer lines...the ideas are endless. If you ever want to go to one of the most magnificent places in the world, you need to go to Alaska before it is totally destroyed. Chicago is planning on installing four wind generators on top one of their buildings. Hopefully this will be successful. *crosses paws* I would LOVE to go to Alaska! It looks so cool! I think my great grandmother lived there. How outstanding! You ought to try and find out where she lived in Alaska. There are some magnificent places to visit. One thing I do recommend... go in the summer! lol, or maybe fall. I don't generally mind the cold. I love skiing. Unless she happened to live in Barrow, then I believe it can pretty nippy. I know Fairbanks is known for winter temperatures in the minus seventy to minus eighty range. Barrow is further north! Good thing you love skiing... you probably would be doing quite a bit of it... and not the downhill kind. LOL
  22. I don't believe so. Who was in it? Was this with Melanie Griffith? Maggie Gyllenhaal, actually. Then I will search for it. I am not a big fan of Melanie Griffith and tend not to watch any movie she is in. Melanie Griffith reminds me of meg griffin. For me, it is her voice that I really can't stand listening to. melanie or meg's? i like the episode when they have the band cuz meg gets hot. she should stay hot. Melanie's voice. It has the same effect as nails on chalkboard. Meg is terrific. haha i dont know if ive ever heard melanie's meg is a geek. gotta love her. I am trying to think of some of the movies that Melanie was in, but I cannot remember any. I only remember one where she was some kind of a secretary or something in an office. I saw only a couple of minutes of it, realized it was her, then changed the channel. i know a place that lists everyone shes been in. :] Thanks, but I have no desire to know. When her next movie appears, I will see her in the trailer and say "I am not going to that movie." If I happen to turn on the tele and she is on, I will change the channel.
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