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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. More rain here... leaving the Shanghai hotel in about one hour for the trip home to Memphis. This was an interesting day. The First Officer and I went to the 'fake' market yesterday and he was returning a toy helicopter that did not work... from one year ago!!!!! He only paid twenty dollars for it and decided that the guy had 'stolen' from him. Anyway, the police were called and I thought the First Officer was going to get arrested. Instead, the police were yelling at the shop keeper. Anyway, Mike, the shop keeper, told the police that if he returned today with the business card where he wrote a one year guarantee, that he would honour it. The First Officer did not want to carry around the broken helicopter anymore, so he left it in the hall near the shop. When he changed his mind, we went back and it was gone. I figured that Mike, the shop keeper, picked it up. Today we headed back to the market. When we walked into the market, there was the broken helicopter, on the shelf for sale. Mike decided that he was not going to honour the card that the First Officer had from a year ago, so the police were called again. Two of the police that were there the day before showed up again. The other two, who spoke English, were off. So, two other English speaking police arrived and more yelling occurred. I thought we were going to really get arrested today, but after about one and one-half hours, the First Officer left with thirteen dollars. He was happy. We left and by the time I got back to the hotel, I was worn out. It has rained all day.
  2. Rainy day in Shanghai. Went out with the First Officer for breakfast. Delicious!!! Especially the bottomless cup of coffee!!!
  3. I will be careful... I have no other choice. WARNING!!! - Kat - is soon to be on the road... everyone evacuate the midwest!!!
  4. Excellent excuse!!! Except for the fact that I woke up with three and possibly a fourth aftershock. One lasted pretty long. And we were about 150 miles away from Sendai. We are here in Shanghai. The weather is rainy, foggy and on the cool side. We leave in two days. Let's hope that the weather improves. It is no fun walking around the city in the rain.
  5. Leaving here, Narita, in about one hour. See you in Shanghai!
  6. Not before I have had some coffee... please!
  7. It does not seem too bad here, but I chose to stay in the hotel. I let the other guys go out at night. We had a blackout for four hours, so I took a nap. Then I decided to take another nap which continued into a long night's sleep. Now it is before the restaurant opens and I am hungry and want some coffee. Thirty minutes... I can wait. We leave here in the afternoon for Shanghai, China.
  8. Greetings from Narita, Japan!
  9. *cough, cough* I was just waiting for your return before I posted.
  10. Here I go... I am on my way to Narita, Japan. The situation seems to be getting worse, but we will see when I get there. Will give you an update.
  11. What's this each night stuff? We are going to have you working a few shifts day and night, seven days a week. No fun, no time off, just balloons. I do have some questions. Are you responsible for your own taxes? Or do they pay you after taking your taxes out? It is in your best interest to claim zero deductions for purposes of withholding taxes. A little bit more in taxes is withheld, but then you will probably not have to pay anything at the end of the year. If you claim one deduction for the taxes being withheld, then sometimes you are hit with a bill and the IRS gives you only a short time to send them the money before penalties and interest start accruing. Your parents would know all about this, so I highly recommend you talk to them about it.
  12. Thank you. What I find so incredible are the different personalities of each of these wonderful little creatures. Some people think hamsters are just rodents, and cannot see past their perceptions. I see some really incredible little friends who can add so much to your life. For example, rats are extremely intelligent. You can train them to come when you call their name, do little tricks and really show their wonderful personalities. Yet, the majority of people really don't like rats or give them any credit. Ohhh... I am rambling.
  13. I appreciate your understanding. By the way Lexxy... I just returned from Seattle. Wandered around downtown, bought some fish, lavendar and bread from Pike's Place market, overall had a great couple days as I ducked into Tully's for a cup of coffee and missed the downpour and then had a phenomenal dinner at a place called Tulio's. This superb Italian restaurant is only two blocks from our hotel. King County has one of the most incredible library systems in the United States and the best used bookstores. In retrospect, a great two days and hope I can return soon!
  14. So, I guess we are going to have to advertise for you. The newspaper, crazy cable adverts, sides of busses, laser lights on buildings... how is that for a start? Do you think we can book you for about twenty hours a day? You only need a couple hours sleep, right?
  15. Over four years old. He was the greatest little friend. He loved the ball more than any other hamster I have ever had. He would chart a course of circles around the sofa, almost always the same direction and if we let him, he would stay in the ball until it was time to go to sleep. We would take him out and put him in his cage for a drink of water, then he would do the 'Horst Dance" asking to be put back in the ball. Sometimes he would do figure eights around both sofas. Horst pulled through surgery and was doing even better than before. It was amazing how much better he was moving. But a few months in human life is eons in a hamster's life and he started slowing down. Last night we fed Horst his Super Mealworms, Mimolette and Cheddar cheese pieces, a little piece of lettuce and some organic nuts. He passed away in his sleep. Ohhh... my heart hurts so much. My apologies for side-tracking on what should have been a three word answer.
  16. Oh my !!!!!!!!!!!! *falls over in shock* That will mean you will be making a lot of balloons to pay that bill!!!
  17. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    The Ides of March... Happy Birthday Jesse!!!!!!!
  18. This post is for Horst. May you Rest In Peace little buddy. *cries*
  19. Fingers and paws. Germany shut down six or seven of their nuclear power plants, but I have no idea why. It was something my first officer told me. I didn't hear the news.
  20. I guess you just have to pay whatever they charge you. Ouch... that will hurt.
  21. It is really interesting to read things that we have written when we were young. Our views on all sorts of topics show us how we thought then as compared to now. Hilarious reading at times!!!
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